come to the movie world

Chapter 469 Disappearing Mountains

There are mountains in the western part of the world, and the mountains are endless, known as the barren mountains in the west. It's an inaccessible place!

The overlord in the Western Wilderness Mountains has never been a human, but a shelter for some wild species and mountain monsters. It is the holy place in the hearts of demon cultivation and ghost cultivation in the world. The ghost here refers to the ghost, which is the ghost that people become after death

"Wow!" There is a thousand-meter-long lake in the endless western barren mountains, and at this time, a human poked his head out of the water and took a deep breath.

"How could this happen! Obviously, I remember it's here! What about the mountain? I can't fly by myself!"

The man in the water was about 30 years old, with a doubtful face and plunged into the water again.

This man's name is Li Deshun, who was born 300 years ago. Originally, the hunter on the mountain accidentally fell into the cave of a tall man and got a small inheritance.

What will happen when mortals get the power to make people intoxicated? Li Deshun has his own answer.

After getting the inheritance of the master in the ground, Li Deshun was overjoyed. He never took a step out of the cave after painstaking cultivation, and did not return home until his skills were slightly successful.

"You are... Are you Brother Shunzi?

After Li Deshun returned home, an old man sat on the wooden stake in front of the entrance of the village. The old man pointed to Li Deshun tremblingly with ambiguous words in his mouth.

"Who are you? I have lived here for 30 years. Why don't I know you? Seeing that the old man knew that his name was Li Deshun, Li Deshun couldn't help looking at the old man in surprise. You should know that this is not a prosperous area, and there will be no outsiders visiting at all, so there should be no people in the village who you don't know.

"I'm the little winter melon opposite your door! Brother Shunzi, your wife has remarried! Why did you come back?"

The old man called himself a little winter melon. After seeing Li Deshun admit it, he immediately burst into tears and stood up trembling.

"Little winter melon! Impossible! The little winter melon is only thirteen or fourteen years old. How can she be like this when she has just arrived at my chest!"

Li Deshun looked at the old man strangely, made a gesture in his chest, and then waved his hand carelessly, thinking that it was the villagers who were joking with him.

When the old man heard Li Deshun's words, he burst into tears and said, "Brother Shunzi, it's been eighty years since you left! My sister-in-law remarried three times, and now your grandson has been dead for more than eight years!" Open, just kidding!" Li Deshun looked at the eight characters in the old man's hand and was suddenly shocked. I couldn't help thinking of my weathered coat and the prey that had turned into skeleton.

There are no years of cultivation, thousands of years in a blink of an eye. Li Deshun hurried home after saying goodbye to the old man, but as soon as he returned home, Li Deshun only felt a thunderbolt. Because the grass house just built before going up the mountain has long been dilapidated, the whole village is full of new faces that Li Deshun doesn't know, and he is still looking at himself with an eye on outsiders.

Eighty years have passed. Not only has Li Deshun's wife's bones gone, but also those sons have been grounded. Now Li Deshun looked back and found that he was uneared.

Li Deshun spent three days muddle-headed in the village. After understanding the meaning of the vicissitudes of life, he laughed three times and flew away crying and laughing, leaving a legend of a Taoist who soaring day.

In this way, Li Deshun left the mountain village where he raised himself and entered a larger city.

Calling for wind and rain is a small skill, and scattering beans into a soldier is unbearable.

Li Deshun relied on his magic in the city. It was going to be windy and rainy. In a blink of an eye, he forgot his dead yellow-faced woman and began a fairy-like 30-year life.

Fate often likes to play a joke with us. Thirty years passed in a blink of an eye. One day, suddenly a man who claimed to be a dead bone came to attract * and said that he would take him as a subordinate and take him to open his eyes.

* At that time, I refused without hesitation. The rich and noble life of the past 30 years has made * deeply intoxicated. How can I go to the dead bone door and meet the dog demon king named You?

The life of superiors for many years has made * become arrogant, * refused ruthlessly, and then beat him out without mercy.

Li Deshun stabbed the hornet's nest this time. Li Deshun can still run rampant in small villages and self-proportion as a great master. But when the man led the brothers of the dead bone door to revenge, Li Deshun knew that the world was not as simple as he thought.

The dead bone gate is the school of the Youquan Demon King. Although with the increasing strength of the Youquan Demon King, he doesn't manage the things in the Dead Bone Gate much. However, this withered bone door, under the banner of the Youquan Demon King, has already recruited masters from all sides and become the most famous demon faction.

Li Deshun has been doing well for 30 years, and the inheritance he got from a cave has long spread with his family, and he can't hide it from people. What's more, even the master of inheritance calls himself a yin and yang old man, which is known to passers-by.

Who is the old man of Yin and Yang? There is really a record in this dead bone door.

10,000 years ago, the Youquan Demon King just made his debut, and the Yin and Yang old man was a powerful man of 10,000. Moreover, although this yin and yang old man was not as high as the sky, the prestige of black and white at that time was not lower than that of Master Arc Moon on Kunlun Mountain. Zen Master Xiaoyue on Wutai Mountain was generally a master who could rank in the top ten in the world of Shushan.

That's enough! The Dead Bone Gate knows that the Youquan Demon King has the intention to unify the two schools of good and evil. Although the inheritance of the yin and Yang old man is likely to be useless to the Youquan Demon King, it is a greedy fat meat for the people below!

Slowly, the attacks of the Dead Bone Gate are getting stronger and stronger one after another. In addition to Li Desheng's previous few magic weapons, the subsequent wars were defeated, and even the treasures left by the yin and yang old man were almost taken away.

Although Li Deshun has no vision, he still knows the current situation. Li Desheng was scared after thinking about it, so he ran away overnight, gave up his glory and wealth, and plunged into the vast mountains.

Li Desheng ran away, and he would not give up easily. Therefore, the encirclement and suppressation of Li Desheng became more and more intense. Gradually, in addition to the distribution of the Dead Bone Gate in various places, even the headquarters of the Dead Bone Gate sent three elders with dozens of elite disciples to search and fight with Li Desheng in the mountains.

Li Desheng saw that he was worried about his future after seeing the enemy's power, so after getting rid of the pursuers, he divided his inheritance and yin and yang old man's skills into two parts, and even hid some useless magic weapons on a mountain.

At that time, Li Desheng was still proud of his actions, thinking that even if he was caught by the withered bone door, he had room for manoeuvre.

After all this, Li Desheng began to live a savage life, avoiding any wind and grass, and would leave after staying in every place for more than a month. In recent decades, Li Desheng has found that the tail that has been following him is actually decreasing, and in the past decade, the dead bone door seems to have disappeared, and he has never appeared in the West Desert Mountain to search for the trace of Li Desheng.

No one likes to be a mouse, not to mention that Li Desheng still misses his previous rich and noble life! After thinking for a few months, Li Desheng boldly walked out of the mountain. After wandering outside for half a year, he was finally sure that the dead bone door, which was like a maggot of the metatarus, really left, so Li Desheng had the intention to take back the second half of the inheritance.

Unfortunately, the sky did not fulfill people's wishes. Li Desheng had the intention to take back the lower half of the inheritance, but in the end, he found that the mountain where he hid his skills had disappeared and was replaced by a lake several miles away! This made Li Desheng secretly angry. Li Desheng thought, 'I'm not afraid of the dead bone door, you dare to swallow my inheritance in this broken mountain!'

Li Desheng was sleepless. Starting from the end of the lake, he dived into the water every day to search for traces of the mountains. But after turning the bottom of the lake for three months in a row, Li Desheng just had no sign of that mountain and couldn't help but make people feel confused.

"It's really weird! Sixty years ago, I clearly remembered that this was a big mountain, and things were placed on the mountain here! But these three months have passed. What about the water or the fucking water and the mountains?

Li De held an air mask on his body. When he thought that this broken mountain had eaten his inheritance, he couldn't help cursing; "Come out, come out, I'm going to smash you with one palm! Keep your word, just a palm! Do you believe it or not? If you don't believe it, come out and let me have a try! Come out!"

"Boom..." With Li Deshun's words, the lake rolled over, and then the mountains shook like the end of the world. And a dull roar also came from the decreasing lake.

"Damn it! What the hee is coming out!" Li Deshun stared at the boss, because at this time, a peak was rushing out of the water, and Li Deshun was still very familiar with it!