come to the movie world

Chapter 514 Expensive?--Ghost!

The night was quiet, and bursts of frogs resounded in a small village. In fact, it is inappropriate to say that it is a small mountain village, because there is only one family here now, and the other residents have already gone to the building empty.


Outside the only house, there was a constant knock on the door. There was no entertainment life in the mountain village, so the moon in the sky had just appeared, but the short man who came out to open the door could not open his eyes.

"This... Taoist priest, we have nothing to eat for you!"

The short man looked out through the moonlight. It turned out that the person who knocked on the door was actually a Taoist.

The Taoist man looks 27 or 18 years old, wearing a rusty Taoist robe with seven stars. Although the silk thread on it shines in the night, the short man is still afraid that the Taoist is coming to have a leisure meal. After all, the life of this mountain family is not good, and there is no surplus to help outsiders.

"The infinite Tianzun, poor and unintentional real person, just want to stay here for a night recently and leave early tomorrow morning!"

This mountain Taoist was chased by Qin Hui from the surface of science and technology. In fact, Qin Hui has been looking for it again for a few days. He has always felt that Niunu has been transmitted to this world, but there has been no progress for several days in a row. The original secret has become more and more elusable with the war between the two worlds. If it hadn't been for Niunyu and herself Qin Hui, a person who doesn't know how to calculate, really can't do anything about it.

"Taoist priest, this is really inappropriate!"

The short man leaned against the door and didn't even want to give way with a bitter smile to Qin Hui. After all, Qin Hui's origin is unknown, and it is inevitably worrying to look like a Taoist priest.

Qin Hui frowned when he saw this scene and couldn't figure out why he was just staying overnight. Why was this person so disgusted?

"It's fate to meet each other. I think you came here to stay at home alone. How can you neglect it under such fate!"

After listening to the man's refusal, Qin Hui didn't say much. He pushed away the short man's arm and went to the inner room.

"Taoist priest, Taoist priest..."

A huge force came from the short man's intuitive arm and sat on the ground. Looking at Qin Hui, who strode into the room, opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak.

"Where did this wild Taoist priest come from? What a great strength!"

The short man looked at Qin Hui, who walked into the room, shook his arm and looked at the short stick next to the gate. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

Let the wild Taoist stay overnight. The short man is very unwilling. But when beating this man out, the short man felt the numbness on his arm and found that he really couldn't beat him.

"I don't need anyone to stand guard outside. It's fate for you and me to meet today. You can go into the room and drink two drinks with me!"

Qin Hui's words came from the room. The short man hesitated again and then stamped his feet fiercely and closed the door of the courtyard again. He walked into the door to see what the wild Taoist priest was going to do.

A short man walked through several doors with a black face. Qin Hui was sitting on the only table in the room, and there was an unopened wine jar beside the table.

"Where did you get this!"

The short man was surprised. He knew that Qin Hui was empty-handed when he entered, and where did this big belly wine jar come from?

"Why do you ask so many questions, sit down and drink with me!"

Qin Hui directly opened the mud seal of the mouth of the wine jar, and then a burst of wine fragrance came to her face. She was shaken three times by the fragrance of the wine, and she couldn't help taking two steps back to wake up.

"It's a good drink!"

The short man usually drinks his own grain wine. He has never smelled such a strong smell of wine. However, looking at Qin Hui's plan to buy him a drink, the short man also forgot some previous unhappiness and turned around to be busy.

"What are you doing!" Qin Hui looked at the short man busy in front of the stove and couldn't help asking strangely.

"It's the first time I've met such a good wine. It's a pity if such a good wine doesn't match a few dishes!"

The short man was busy for a while, and finally took out two black baked sweet potatoes from under the stove and put them on the table with a baby face.

Two black sweet potatoes looked unattractive. When the short man broke them apart, a fragrance spread out with the exposed sweet potato meat.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Qin Hui looked at the sweet potato and laughed, and then didn't need a short man to let it go. Qin Hui directly picked up a piece and ate it.

The short man looked at Qin Hui, who was eating and drinking, and didn't make a move for a moment. After Qin Hui ate two and a half pieces of sweet potatoes in a row, he said hesitantly, "The Taoist priest is so free and easy, but I look like I'm here to stay overnight!"

The short man then did not look stupidly. He picked up the half of the sweet potato and nibbled it up. He began to exchange cups with Qin Hui.

A jar of wine was quickly drunk. Qin Hui's face did not change color, but the short man had already staggered under the table. I don't know which cup he couldn't do.

At night, Qin Huique occupied the black nest and crossed his knees on the chair, and lay on the ground the drunk and unconscious short man.


A strange wind blew in the lobby. Qin Hui, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the short man lying under the table.

The short man stood up confusedly on the ground. At this time, his body looked erratic. At a glance, he could see the walls and wooden doors behind the short man.

"Drink a drink can kill people! You are really useless!"

Qin Hui shook his head repeatedly. With Qin Hui's strength, he could not see that the short man was a soul at this time, and what appeared at this moment was his soul.

The soul of the short man floated out of the room directly and came to the courtyard through the door.

"Hey hey, hey!"

The short man smiled stupidly, and then went to the toilet without saying a word. He picked up a corn stalk for wiping his buttocks and ate it with a big mouthful of shit, with a satisfied face.

"Hmm! It's your fortune to meet me!"

Looking at the short man with a happy face, Qin Hui snorted coldly and waved his hand, and a gust of wind brought the soul of the short man back and stuffed it into his original body.

After returning to his body, the short man snored loudly again, with an indiable color of satisfaction, and licked the corners of his mouth from time to time, as if he were recalling something.


In a blink of an eye, the bright sky began again with the sound of chickens.

"Morning, Taoist priest!"

The short man on the ground hummed and staggered up from the ground, resisting the drowsy feeling in his head, shaking his head at Qin Hui.


Qin Hui glanced at the man who was constantly shaking his head, and then closed his eyes again.

"Taoist priest, I had a very strange dream yesterday!"

After a while, the short man who came to his senses began to clean up the tables and chairs. Just after everything was cleaned up, he couldn't help coming up and whispering, "Taoist priest, I dreamed last night that I was eating green onion dipping sauce. It was delicious! Do you think this is a good omen?"

"Hmm! What a green onion dipping sauce? Your soul was washed out of your body after drinking my fairy wine yesterday. If I hadn't called you back, you would have gone to report it now!"

Qin Hui snorted coldly as soon as he heard it, but the short man looked unhappy and obviously didn't believe Qin Hui's words.

"You don't believe it?"

Qin Hui looked at the man in front of her with a smile and said again in the short man's curling mouth; "It was quite comfortable to live here last night. Why don't we make a bet!" If what I said is true, I will live with you before I find the person I am looking for. If what I said is false, then I will give you a great transformation!"

The short man was puzzled when he heard it and couldn't help hesitating: "Taoist priest, I don't have much knowledge. What is your great creation!"

"Haha, you will know when you win. Now go outside the door first!"

Qin Hui didn't want to explain, so he stretched out his finger to the door. Hearing Qin Hui's words, the man also scratched his head and walked out full of doubt.

"Ah! Who has harmed my toilet!"

The short man opened the door and exclaimed. His eyes were the open toilet lid, and the feces in the lid were thrown everywhere at this moment.

"You have a look!"

With a wave in Qin Hui's hand, there was a mirror in front of the man. In the mirror, there was a person who looked like him eating feces in the water mirror.

This man's face was full of joy, with a constant smile on his face, holding a shit stick, licking and biting a few bites and eating it into his mouth. It's not himself or who he is.


The short man sat on the ground in fear, and the things he did when his soul came out of his mind appeared one after another, as if he had shown a movie in his mind.

In this way, Qin Hui lived in the home of a short man and began to live for nothing, and learned that the short man's name was Wang Jie, a bachelor. And the reason why this place was empty was also because of a plague two years ago, when the people in the village fled.

Qin Hui lived in Wang Jie's house for three years. In the past three years, Qin Hui has always felt that Ni Ni Ni Niu should be in this place, but no matter how Qin Hui looked for it, she could not find it. In the end, Qin Hui caught all the earthworms buried in the ground and could not find out what Ni Niu had reincarnated.

Qin Hui's heart was strange. The feeling in the dark told him that the girl he was looking for was here, but the real situation was that there was no such person.

"Trip, tick!"

After Qin Hui stayed here for five years, the villagers who had fled came back one after another. With the villagers' return, Wang Jie, who had been farming here over the years, became the person with the most land, and even his wife began to open up for him.

In the plague, people from ten miles and eight villages fled, and Wang Jie, who did not leave, occupied a large amount of land. When others came back, Wang Jie became the richest person among the villagers. Today, Wang Jie's family has rice and firewood, and the original bachelor has also married his wife and ushered in the spring of hanging silk.

"En, ah!"

Wang Jie, who got his wife, began a hard-working campaign to create people. Every day after dark, he only heard the shouts one after another.

"Dong Dong!"

Qin Hui, who lived in the room next to Wang Jie, knocked on the door hard and shocked Wang Jie, who was trying to sow seeds.

"What kind of person!"

"Make a low voice and don't let people sleep!"

Outside the door, Qin Hui opened his mouth and asked. Wang Jie, who asked, was blushing and thick neck, and he was stunned on the spot for a moment.

"The 28th good human body seems to be crisp, and he kills a fool with a sword at his waist. I don't see a head falling in the light, and I secretly call you withered!"

Qin Hui saw that Wang Jie did not squeak. After saying this, his body drove away and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Taoist priest, Taoist priest!"

Listening to the laughter outside, Wang Jie quickly chased him out, but there was no shadow of Qin Hui at this time.

"Taochang, where are you going!"

"Five-five miles away from Hongguan Mountain, our fate is over. Take care of yourself!"

There was a ethereal voice in the world, and after Qin Hui left, Wang Jie also began to exercise day after day. Wang Jie is still a bachelor in his thirties. Now he can't stop under the taste of eating marrow.

Ten years later, Wang Jie had two sons. His eldest son was named Wang Chongwen, and his second son was named Wang Chongwu. Then at the age of 52, he kicked his legs and went to the West to accompany Buddha.

Wang Jie's life is a glorious life and a life of struggle. He did not give in to the plague, nor would he stop in the night's conquest. So he died, but Wang Jie took the hands of the two brothers before he died and told his two sons that there was a Taoist master who had a lot to do with our Wang family on the distant Hongguan Mountain. As for the origin of this, what kind of master is he? Wang Jie died without having time to explain.

Wang Jie is dead, but this day will continue. The old king Chongwen was admitted as a scholar in the 14th year, which is worthy of the word Chongwen. The second one is one year older, and the thirteen-year-old Wang Chongwu has a big waist and a round face, which also lives up to the word Chongwu.

The three heroes of the Wang family, and the two sons left by Mr. Wang have their own prestige, which not only did not make the Wang family decline, but became more and more rich.

There are more and more fields at home, and the number of servants in the house is also increasing day by day. But although the development of the royal palace is smooth, the boss of the Wang family is unhappy.

This year, the boss of the Wang family was 21 years old, but after becoming a scholar at the age of 14, Wang Chongwen did not take half a step. Now he is still only a scholar's reputation. He can't pass the exam every year. The original word Chongwen has become a burden for the boss of the Wang family.

"The little student came to worship Master Chenghuang today and asked Master Chenghuang to show the way for the young student. Now my Wang family is also a big family. When will my scientific examination road be smooth!"

A year of township examination is approaching again, but after so many years of continuous failure, Wang Chongwen was frightened when he heard the word scientific examination, and he had already lost the spirit of the day. So today he came to the City God Temple in the town without telling his family and began to worship God and seek scriptures.

"Kad, now that the world's demons are rampant, people are panicked. I think your mind is not right. I'm afraid you're going out to meet nobles recently!"

Mr. Gua, who set up a stall in the City God Temple, was a blind man. He shook his head repeatedly with the divination sign in his hand, and stared at Wang Chongwen with blind eyes.

"What are you talking about, fortune teller! It's not good to meet a nobleman!"

Wang Chongwen listened to the blind man's words and shook his head repeatedly, bowed several times in the City God Temple again, and then did not look at the nonsense fortune-teller, and directly returned the same way.

"Noble people, that's not a noble word! It's obviously a ghost!"

The blind man looked at the direction Wang Chongwen left and sighed repeatedly. He tried to open his mouth and shout Wang Chongwen several times, but in the end he was stopped by himself.

Wang Chongwen, who left the City God Temple, rushed all the way home, but just after leaving the county, a thunderbolt suddenly fell in the sky, followed by the pouring rain.

"What a heavy rain! Why didn't you see it in the morning!"

Wang Chongwen watched the rain getting worse and bigger, quickly looked around and found that there was a dilapided courtyard in his sight, and the three characters Kuixing Pavilion were written in the crooked plaque on the gate.

"This is saved, saved!"

Wang Chongwen was overjoyed when he saw it and led the horse to Kuixing Pavilion. He didn't think about why he had never seen this place called Kuixing Pavilion when he came.

"Is there anyone? Excuse me!"

Wang Chongwen patted the door, but just as he was about to climb over the wall and go in to hide from the rain, the dark red door opened by himself.

There are mountains and water, flowers and rocks, and a pavilion in the courtyard. Wang Chongwen looked inside through the rain, and a woman in white was looking out through the window.

The two looked at each other. Wang Chongwen couldn't help swallowing at the woman's face, and the woman in white closed the window as if she was very angry.

"Miss, Miss!"

Wang Chongwen saw that the woman in white closed the window and immediately covered the rain on her head and ran to the living room in the courtyard.

"Miss, my name is Wang Chongwen. The rain is too heavy. Please make it convenient for you to let Chongwen stay here for one night!"

Wang Chongwen shouted repeatedly, but the woman in white never appeared until Wang Chongwen turned to the pavilion in the courtyard, when the door suddenly opened.

"My father is not here. If you don't mind, come in!"

There was a side face of the woman in white in the half-open door. Wang Chongwen raised his eyes and felt his throat itchy. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva again, and then raised his foot and followed in.

"Miss, this place is also 30 miles away from the county. How can you live here without a store in front of the village and back!"

After Wang Chongwen entered the living room, he started to have sex with the woman in white. Although his clothes had already been wet by the rain, the scene of this talented beauty meeting in the rain was the dream of Wang Chongwen, a scholar.

"My father is the chief examiner in this prefecture. For the township examination after March, my father specially sent me here to make people feel his selflessness!"

The woman in white looked like a lady. Not only did her talk and behave just right, but the hidden story between the words also made Wang Chongwen suddenly stunned.

"Go out to meet a nobleman, the examiner's daughter!"

When Wang Chongwen heard this, he was secretly happy. This achievement of fame has become a heart disease for Wang Chongwen. Now that he is the daughter of the examiner, how can he not make Wang Chongwen happy?