come to the movie world

Chapter 518 Ten Thousand Years Before History

Qin Hui, who returned to the technology plane, became alone again. Qin Hui has experienced too many such things, and many of them have made Qin Hui accustomed to such a life.

Qin Hui has been in the painted world for decades, but due to the unimaginable contrast between the big world and the small world, it has only been less than an hour in this technology plane.

Qin Hui returned to the five-pointed star again. Today, the crowd in the five-pointed star is furious, and the slogan of war is getting stronger and stronger. However, these ordinary people do not know that since the space warship that covered the sun was destroyed in the starry sky, the war between the two worlds has actually come to an end.

However, all this has nothing to do with Qin Hui. Qin Hui is not the savior, and he will not save the world. Similarly, for him, there is no place worth missing in this world, because he is just a lost traveler and a passer-by of a world.

Qin Hui finally left here because he felt that the current five-pointed star was too noisy, and he couldn't stand the march and protest all day long. However, he left to come back. Qin Hui knew that he would come back. On the day of the destruction of the world, he would come back to witness the return of heaven and earth and the collision of the laws of the two worlds.

Qin Hui strode behind his back with his hands, one step down to a world, walking through thousands of worlds and freely.

He doesn't know where to go, and he doesn't need to know. If you insist on a place to go, Qin Hui hopes to go to a world where no one disturbs and let loneliness accompany him forever, because now he has learned to enjoy loneliness and loneliness.

Qin Hui finally chose a primitive world. The people here have not yet proliferated abroad. Some of them are only the most primitive tribes and the cruelest survival laws, but Qin Hui thinks he likes it.

Qin Hui broke the barrier of this world and began to come directly.

With thousands of miles of golden light in the sky, Qin Hui's arrival is devastating to this newly proliferated world. Because the power contained in Qin Hui is beyond the launch of the world, his arrival has triggered fierce resistance of this world.

Volcanic eruptions erupt everywhere, and the glaciers in the poles began to melt on a large scale. The creatures in the whole world were extremely frightened, but could only quietly wait for the judgment of nature.

"Boom, boom!"

Qin Hui stood proudly in the void and looked at the group of mammoths running underneath. Mammoth appeared in the late third season and rose and destroyed in the fourth season of the Ice Age.

In the world of mammoths, they have few natural enemies. Groups of mammoths are very aggressive. Even human beings in the tribal era dare not easily provoke these giants.

However, all this is about to come dumb, because with the arrival of Qin Hui, the whole world began to react violently, and this group of running mammoths is also to avoid the upcoming flood.


The melting flood of the glacier was as high as hundreds of kilometers per hour. In Qin Hui's eyes, the mammoths were mercilessly swallowed up by the surging flood, and not even a single spray was raised.

"10,000 years before history, interesting! Did it come that triggered the end of the fourth season, or did the fourth season end to welcome my arrival?

Qin Hui looked far away. Now that he has been in the world for dozens of days, many species have been destroyed by the melting of glaciers, and the mammoths in front of him are just one of the countless waves.

In this way, the Western world began the flood and annihilation recorded in the Bible, and the East also opened the myth of Dayu's water control.

However, all this has nothing to do with Qin Hui, because at this time, he was tired of all this in front of him, so he chose to sleep.

There are many gods in Olympus' myths and legends that like to sleep, and Qin Hui was still a little puzzled about this. Now Qin Hui understands that sleeping is only because time passes, because time is really terrible, especially lonely time.

This is a middle thousand world. Qin Hui doesn't know what kind of world it is, but he knows that one day in the big world is a year in the middle thousand world. And his sleep this time will also be until the war between the two worlds is completely over and the world of science and technology returns to chaos.

How long will it take for no one to answer, and Qin Hui also doesn't know. Maybe he will sleep for a thousand years, maybe ten thousand years.

Qin Hui deliberately put the sleeping place a few hundred meters below the bottom so that she could sleep well without being disturbed. Qin Hui made a space of more than ten square meters here, and then turned into a golden coffin with some underground ores.

"It's still comfortable to sleep in the coffin!"

Qin Hui lay in the luxurious golden coffin and looked at the small space she made. While closing her eyes, she pointed up with her hands. The thick golden coffin closed by herself, and he was the god sleeping in the coffin.

"Let's start work quickly, you idiots!"

In a busy and hot construction site, a fat foreman wearing a helmet shouted at the workers on the construction site, holding two bites of deep-fried dough sticks in his hand.

The foreman looked fat, and the workers did not dare to refute when they heard him scolding.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The noisy sound of the pile driver resounded in the construction site, symbolizing the beginning of the new day again, while the fat-eared foreman looked at the crowd disdainfully, like a proud big rooster.

"Head, I have something to discuss with you!"

Just when everyone was busy, a worker wearing a helmet missing a corner on his head seemed to come to the foreman's side with some fear and never dared to look into the foreman's eyes.

"It's you again! What do you want to do?" The foreman looked impatient. The man in front of him was also a popular figure in the construction site. A big man could not withstand the sixth floor with a bag of cement. In addition to ask for money all day long, he asked for money. If it hadn't been for the old deep-fried dough sticks that had been driven away by him long ago, he would have left him until now.

"Boss! My family is in urgent need of money. Can you give me some first?"

The speaker's face was haggard. Although he looked like he was only in his forties, the white bun on his head silently told that the man had also experienced several storms.

"Zhou Xingxing, I said you've had enough! As I said at the beginning of work, we are paid every three months, and this is only the first month! And you have asked me for money three times this month!"

The safety helmet on the worker's head is on Zhou Xingxing's head, and Zhou Xingxing's face is roaring with saliva.

"Boss, do me a favor! I want to buy a pair of sneakers for Xiaodi. We are all children. You can understand my pain!"

Zhou Xingxing lowered his head, bit his teeth tightly on his lips, and still insisted on his point of view.

"You will make it difficult for me to do this. If everyone is like you, I can't even eat poop!"

The foreman stared at Zhou Xingxing with wide eyes, and Zhou Xingxing stood there motionless, just like a stubborn old scalper.

"Let's go and eat poop!"

The foreman threw out the deep-fried dough sticks that had bitten his hand and hit Zhou Xingxing directly in the face.

"Boss, please, my son really needs a pair of sneakers. I don't want him to be looked down upon like me!"

Zhou Xingxing bowed his head and said, and the foreman left early.

"Zhou Xiaodi, why do you wear slippers to school again!"

In front of the primary school sign with the word Zhicheng, a dirty little boy was stopped by a teacher dressed as a man.

"HELLO, TEACHER!" The boy named Xiao Di looked scared after being stopped. He put his feet together and tried to hide the ragged slippers on his feet.

"Zhou Xiaodi, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. Do you know that your own appearance will lower other people's impression of our school? Your father is just a migrant worker. Why do you have to come to our school if you can't go to any school? This is an aristocratic school, which is not suitable for you!" The old man in a suit and leather looks more than 30 years old, wearing a pair of golden eyes, which is the grade director of this aristocratic school.

All kinds of high fees in aristocratic schools are amazing. Among a group of little swans, Zhou Xiaodi's appearance is definitely the existence of chickens and cranes. Therefore, on the first day Xiaodi entered the school this week, he was regarded as a thorn in the eyes by Mr. Cao, the grade director, because Mr. Cao is an authentic money worshiper. In his eyes, Zhou Xiaodi, who was poor, was a pile of cow shit next to the peony flowers, which was really stuck in his throat so that he could not spit out.

Listening to Mr. Cao's ridicul, Zhou Xiaodi lowered his head and did not dare to talk back, but Xiaodi's tears couldn't stop flowing down and fell to the ground drop by drop, looking so helpless and pitiful.

"Director Cao, what's wrong with this!"

Just as Director Cao chattered to Xiaodi to recognize the reality, accompanied by a bell-like pleasant female voice, a beautiful teacher in a cheongsam came up.

"It's okay! I'm telling jokes to children!"

Director Cao immediately became a model teacher, touched Xiaodi's head in his disgusted eyes, and then left without looking back.

"Xiao Di, tell Mr. Zhao, what did Director Cao say to you?"

The teacher in a cheongsam squatted on the ground and asked with a smile.

Xiao Di did not answer Mr. Zhao's words, but shook his head violently and ran away with tears on his face.


Xiaodi, who ran away, did not go to class for a day, but hid on the playground and cried for a day. He hates himself and his father. Because his family has no money, he is looked down upon in this money society.

"Why didn't you go to school today!"

Just as Xiaodi cried, a huge object two meters tall and one meter wide had been killed.

This huge thing looks like a brown bear in human skin, moving towards Xiao Di step by step, holding a rice cooker-sized lunch box in his hand. The most unacceptable thing is that there is a small yellow flower painted on the rice cooker-sized lunch box, and the brown bear-like existence is actually a little girl in the first grade.

"Don't worry about it!" Xiaodi looked at it with tears in his eyes, and then turned his head aside.

"Eat some, you must be hungry!" After listening to Xiaodi's words, the bear-like Lori was not angry, but was in a big hand like a fan and handed over the lunch box in her hand.

"I said no! Go!"

Xiao Di slapped out and landed the lunch box handed over by the brown bear Loli to the ground, so that the food inside was scattered everywhere.

"Xiao Di, I can't help coming to see you. Are you going to be so fierce to me!"

Brown bear Loli's face is full of grievance, but only the first-grade Xiaodi can't understand what pity is, especially the brown bear's face like a big cake, which makes Xiaodi forget her sadness and can't help swallowing secretly.

"Xiao Di, don't cry!" Brown Bear Loli saw that Xiaodi was no longer crying and immediately laughed happily. The scattered lunch on the ground was still not as charming as Xiaodi's happy smile in her young heart.

"I want to die!"

Xiao Di looked at the bloody mouth that opened after the brown bear Lori laughed and couldn't help moving aside.

"Look who is over there!"

Just as Xiaodi was planning to stay away from the brown bear, suddenly several classmates passed by and pointed out to them.

"It's monsters and garbage, hahahaha!"

A group of people pointed to Xiaodi and laughed, and one of the leading primary school students made a grimace and shouted at Brown Bear Lori: "Monster, how old are you? You are so old! You are sick. Go home and see a doctor! Otherwise, be careful that the policeman will take you to the street as a bear and be shot!"

"Monsters can only play with poor people. Go to hell!"

The students threw away all the snacks in their hands, thinking about Xiaodi and Brown Bear Loli. These things hit Xiaodi and seemed to hit their hearts.


Brown bear-like Lori cried and ran away, and the malice in the world made her young heart unacceptable. After the brown bear Loli left, the students were not even in the mood to bully Xiao Di, because Xiao Di looked poor, which made everyone feel that bullying him was a drop in price.

"Meijiao, where are you going! Wait for me!"

Brown bear Loli cried and ran away. After thinking about it for a long time, Xiao Di still decided to follow, because although she didn't want to say it, the Brown Bear Loli was his only friend.

Time passed slowly, and Lijiang City gradually fell into darkness. What most people don't know is that there is a place used as a garbage dump on the edge of Lijiang City, and there is still a family surnamed Zhou living here.

"Meijiao, it's late. You should go home! Thank you for coming to my house. You are the first person to dare to come to my house!"

Two children lay on the ground in the night, and the little boy turned around and said.

"I don't want to go back. I'm a monster. Even my parents are afraid of me at home!" Meijiao lay on the ground and shook her head repeatedly, and then asked Xiao Di, "Are you afraid of me?"

"Afraid!" Xiaodi nodded affirmatively, then rolled on the ground and whispered, "But I'm more afraid of not having friends!"

"Xiao Di, if you say we are dead, isn't it better for our family!"

Meijiao sat up from the ground and asked Xiaodi, but Xiaodi didn't know what he said. Although Xiaodi felt that his father loved him very much, he still felt that he might die, because in this way, his father's hard-earned money every day did not have to spend all on himself.

The two sat quietly under the night sky and looked at the stars above their heads. The stars flashed and looked good, which made Xiao Di feel unwilling to leave here.

This is an inaccessible garbage dump, and the pungent smell and quiet environment are creepy. But for Xiaodi, this is a happy place, because no one will laugh at him here, and he is like a king here.

"Meijiao, I have an adventure place. Would you like to go with me?" Xiao Di, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly stood up and whispered to the big Lori.

"Good! Let's go together!"

Hearing Xiaodi's words, Mei Jiao nodded happily and didn't even ask where she was going.

At night, the two kept walking through this garbage dump. They didn't know how long they had walked. When Meijiao felt so tired that Xiao Di stopped.

"Where is this!"

Meijiao is a little scared when she looks at the scene in front of her. There are already traces of weathering on the garbage here, which shows that no one has been here for a long time. And there is also a dark hole in the middle of this garbage dump, which can't see the end at a glance.

After hearing Meijiao's words, Xiao Di mysteriously pointed to the hole and whispered, "One night a few months ago, there was a sudden boom here, as if something had collapsed. In fact, this place was originally a coal mine decades ago, but I don't know why people ran away, so it was regarded as a garbage dump. I think it must lead to the bottom, but I'm a little afraid that I haven't dared to go down!"

"Don't be afraid, I'll be with you!" Listening to Xiaodi's words, Meijiao suddenly showed infinite power. Of course, she patted her chest to show that there was no problem with her.

"Really!" Xiaodi shouted happily, and then was even more overjoyed under the beautiful nod.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is always cruel.

The adventure of the two did not go smoothly this night, because although the dark cave stretched out as a slope, they did not even have a flashlight shining on the road in their hands, so they had to give up this plan in the end.

However, the two did not really give up, but postponed the expedition for a few days and stayed during the holiday.

Time always passes quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it comes to weekends again.

This time, the two still did not tell their families, but regarded the expedition as a small secret in their hearts.

A flashlight brought by Meijiao and a rope found by Xiao Di from the garbage heap, which is all the tools prepared by Xiao Di and others. Of course, in addition to these, there are also snacks and a large bottle of coke brought by Meijiao.

The hole was dark. After the stone was thrown in, the two did not feel where the end of the black hole was until the sound was inaudible.

However, Xiaodi and Di are not afraid, because they have a young heart and infinite curiosity about the unknown.