jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 2 Ghost Gathering

Seeing that the momentum was not good, Grandpa thought to himself, "It's really a ghost!" He turned his head and was about to run. Unexpectedly, his feet were like a huge stone tied, and he couldn't take half a step. Although Grandpa was afraid, he suddenly thought of it. He heard from the old people that children's urine could ward off evil spirits. Just as I was about to take off my trousers, I thought that my daughter-in-law had just given birth to his second child a few days ago. I wanted to cry without tears, so I had to stand and wait to die. However, when I thought of my daughter-in-law who was still in confinement and two unwed sons, my grandfather was fierce, and the stubbornness of Shandong men rushed up.

I thought: Both horizontally and vertically are dead. I killed two cushions first. Seeing that a pair of skeleton shelves was about to catch myself, I flinched the hoe and smashed it. Then the hoe kept swinging left and right. The bone shelf did not hit a few times, but forced them back a few steps. When Grandpa suddenly wanted to continue to wave, he was caught by the evil spirit who broke his leg and fell to the ground because he didn't pay attention to his feet just now.

Grandpa lay on the ground, just grabbed the hoe, did not struggle, and closed his eyes and completely died. But when Grandpa desperately imagined the tragic situation of being eaten by these evil spirits, he suddenly found that the surroundings were quiet, surprisingly quiet, without the harsh roar of the evil spirits, and no noise when the bones rubbing against the ground.

Slowly open your eyes. Looking at it, it turned out that the sun was already hanging high, dispelling the fog. I looked around again. Where did the evil spirits come from? There was only a dead willow tree. There were many earthen bags of tombs or mounds nearby, and there were many large coffin boards and rotten wood washed away by the flood.

Grandpa was so scared that he stood up. Fortunately, the sun was warm on his body. When he was about to go back, he found that he was completely going in the opposite direction. He only knew that he was somewhere near the river in the back of the village. In this way, Grandpa followed the thatched path and returned to the village all morning.

It was almost noon when I returned to the village, and all the people in the village went to work. Grandma had just given birth to her second uncle and was still in confinement, so she had been waiting for Grandpa to come back for lunch.

Grandpa who came home was exhausted, and his nerves had been extremely tense. When he saw his house, he fainted in his yard. This scared Grandma. Looking at Grandpa's embarrassed appearance, it didn't seem that he had just come back from the ground, but it was like he had just climbed out of the grave.

What surprised grandma was that not far from her home, there was a big bird and eagle hovering in mid-air and refused to leave. Grandma has never seen such a big bird eagle. But grandma didn't care about big birds and small birds. She helped Grandpa into the house, placed him on the kang, took a wet handkerchief, and kept wiping Grandpa's forehead. Grandma cried and said, "What's wrong? Why did you leave in the morning? Why did you hang up as soon as you came back at noon?"

For a moment, Grandpa opened his eyes weakly and pointed to the kettle on the coffee table with difficulty, indicating that he wanted to drink water. Grandma understood and hurriedly got up and poured a glass of warm water for Grandpa.

Grandpa gulped and drank violently. Grandma said sadly with tears in her eyes, "Drink slowly." As he spoke, he gently patted Grandpa on the back.

Who knew that after drinking water, Grandpa not only did not relieve his weakness, but his symptoms became more and more serious. After drinking the water, Grandpa looked up and smiled, buried his head and vomited. What he spit out was not the yellow muddle of the rice cake he ate in the morning.

Instead, it emits a stinky green mucus, and then plunges its head on the ground and is unconscious. A series of changes made Grandma at a loss. She hurriedly helped Grandpa to the kang and wiped the corners of her green mouth. With one hand, he led his father to pick up his second uncle who was still in his baby and ran straight to the village head's house in the west of the village.

As soon as he arrived at the village head's house, the village head's daughter-in-law came out. The village head's daughter-in-law, surnamed Ma, is Ma Lian, a typical northeastern woman with a loud voice and warm-hearted. As soon as she saw the grandmother leading the two children and ran over with tears in her eyes, she quickly greeted her. She hugged her second uncle and said to her grandmother, "Is it your immoral play that you should be beaten? Such a good daughter-in-law is also willing to beat her. Let's go. The eldest sister is in charge for you and pick up this child!"

He grabbed grandma's sleeves with his big hand and was about to walk in the direction of his grandfather's house, muttering as he walked. Grandma had cried into tears and choked and said, "Sister, it's not him who hit me. Li Jieshan, I don't know what's wrong with it. I'm fine when I left in the morning. When I came back at noon, I couldn't do it, and I spit green water out."

Ma Lian frowned and said to her grandmother, "Let's go and I'll go to your house to have a look." The two quickly walked to grandma's house. As soon as she stepped into the door, she smelled a foul smell. Ma Lian frowned and slowly walked to her grandfather.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the second uncle in his arms cried loudly and couldn't coax him. Grandma took the second uncle from Ma Lian's hand and coaxed him while anxiously asking Ma Lian: "Sister, can you see what's going on with my Jieshan?" Ma Lian whispered to her grandmother, "Big sister, don't worry. Seeing that it's noon, my play is coming back soon. He studied with Tulang for two years when he was a child. When your eldest brother comes back to show him, you can watch him here first, and I'll go to him."

After saying that, he quickly walked out of the yard. Only then did grandma feel relieved. On the back of the second uncle, he threw the green mucus spit out by his grandfather in the room with the ashes of the stove to make the shovel out.

When she went out, Grandma looked into the distance again, and the big bird and eagle were gone. But when he turned around and saw him standing on the roof of his house, his grandmother was so scared that he was 'ah', and the big eagle flew away with huge wings.

A little bit, I saw Ma Lian come to grandma's house with the village head and several enthusiastic villagers. At that time, there were only 20 or 30 households in a village in rural Northeast China. The ancestors lived on farming and fishing. They were very simple and enthusiastic.

I heard that Shandong Li was very ill and came to help. The village head quickly walked to his grandfather, gasping for breath because he ran too fast just now. He carefully opened Grandpa's eyes.

The village head's eyebrows turned gloomy. Grandpa's eyes were completely bleeding, and he tried Grandpa's breath again. He quickly withdrew his hand, because his breath was too hot, and he touched his forehead. Then he turned around and roared at everyone, "Hurry up, who has a cool well water? Come here with two buckets!" Before the village head finished saying the following words, Wang Qingshan, who lived not far from his grandfather's house, turned around and picked up a bucket, flat pole, and trotted towards his well.

Seeing someone go to f for water, the village head asked again, "Big sister, the big brother is too burned too much. How did you get this disease? Grandma cried again and talked about the process of grandpa's illness.

At this time, Wang Qingshan gasped and put two barrels of freshly beaten water in the room. Grandma hurriedly took a towel when the cold water came, soaked it and applied it to Grandpa's forehead.

The village head frowned and whispered to his grandmother, "Big sister, I don't think the eldest brother is really sick. He went out in the foggy morning and said that it may be a problem on the outside road (evil disease) and was rushed (possessed) by something."

Grandma has not experienced such a thing, and hurriedly asked: Village head, what do you think this can do?" The village head looked at the grandmother's anxious look and said, "Don't be afraid, big sister. An old man who lives in the mountain in the back of our village can calculate and cure evil diseases. The villagers chose the cemetery and rushed to find him. The old man usually drinks well. Tomorrow, let your sister-in-law follow you to take a few catties of red sorghum and go up. Shan asked him to come down to see his eldest brother.