jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 4 Yellow Skin

Grandma's eyes were full of tears, but then she stopped crying. At this time, Jiang Banxian also came over, and there was a burst of ** in the crowd and avoided one after another. Jiang Banxian's expression did not change, but said calmly to the village head and several people, "You all let go first."

When the village head saw that Jiang Banxian came and had the main bone, he immediately let go of his grandfather who was half lying on the ground and struggling and roaring. He retreated into the crowd. The unbound grandfather, with a ferocious smile like a devil, rushed to Jiang Banxian with red eyes. Unexpectedly, Jiang Banxian did not hide or retreat, and everyone pinched it in their hearts. Khan, the village head and other people were about to come forward to stop it, but when the crazy grandfather rushed to Jiang Banxian, Jiang Banxian's hand had an extra silver needle. Before everyone could see it clearly, Grandpa had twitched and lay on the ground, and a silver needle on the back of his neck Tianzhu hole had disappeared in half.

Without waiting for everyone to react, Jiang Banxian shouted to everyone again: "Find the yellow skin within 20 feet of this yard." At this time, the villagers muttered in their hearts. Originally, the yellow skin was an evil play, and the villagers were afraid of it. In addition, the weasel had already run away as soon as they saw people. Where can they find it? Jiang Banxian saw everyone's doubts and said, "That yellow skin can't move now. If you don't catch it now, you will run away, and everyone will suffer."

Listen to it, how can this work? He picked up the hoe and stick and gathered around his grandmother's house to look for the yellow skin mentioned by Jiang Banxian. Within a moment, someone shouted, "Oh, my God, I've found it."

I don't know when a big eagle came from the village and hovered over the distance. Jiang Banxian took a look and thought about it. When everyone came to the weasel, they found that the yellow skin was bright and had a pinch of beard on his forehead, looking like an old man, but his movements were lying flat on the ground like his grandfather in the yard, constantly twitching, which was extremely painful. Jiang Banxian strode closer and looked at the weasel lying on the ground and cursed angrily: "This beast!"

Then he asked for a piece of red cloth, wrapped the yellow leather, and said, "Well, if you don't practice well, come out to harm people and break this hundred years of practice!

Then he put the yellow skin under the big tree outside the yard and looked at the giant eagle in the distance.

Grandma has been guarding Grandpa's side and dared not do more. It was not until Jiang Banxian pulled out the silver needle on the back of Grandpa's neck that he carried Grandpa into the house with everyone.

At this time, grandma's heart was relieved. Jiang Banxian looked at his grandfather's pupil again and said to his grandmother in a low voice, "Although the yellow skin has been pulled out, it seems that there is something dirty on his body, and it is much more powerful than this yellow skin." Jiang Banxian has reached a rare age. Although he is a little stronger than ordinary old people, he has just run all the way, and it has taken a lot of energy to reduce yellow skin. Now his forehead is full of sweat.

Grandma poured a cup of hot water for Jiang Banxian and asked anxiously, "Sir, how can I cure my Jieshan disease?" Jiang Banxian took a sip of hot water and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand and said, "He may have accidentally met a ghost in the fog. This ghost is a drowned ghost in this river for many years. After death, ordinary people's spirit returned to the sky, their flesh to the ground, and blood returned to water, but these people who drowned in the river, After death, the body flows with the river, and the tides and sunset drift and can't be reborn. Therefore, they are very resentful. They wander around in the drowning place. In the foggy days, when the yin is extremely heavy, they land and set up illusions. Once passers-by pass by, they will be confused by illusions and will be regarded as ghosts.

Grandma seemed to understand and asked, "Sir, since you are a drowning ghost, why are you rushed by yellow skin again?" Jiang Banxian said slowly, "This beast, which has been cultivated in the mountains for nearly a hundred years, would not harm people, but your husband has just escaped a disaster and his yang is extremely weak. This beast took the opportunity to be confused and went to the village to suck poultry blood."

When grandma heard that this was really a disaster, she hurriedly asked, "What should you do now?" Jiang Banxian thought for a while and said helplessly, "Take the pen and paper. I'll write you a list. If you buy it according to the above, you can't leave it. As for whether you can save it or not, it depends on his creation. I don't know what virtues have accumulated in their ancestors. They can still live to this day when they meet ghosts.

Grandma didn't dare to waste time. She took the order and went out. She took a boat to the downstream town to purchase the items written on the list. Grandma looked at the list carefully and frowned, because Grandma had never touched the things written on it. She didn't dare to buy it randomly. Then she looked at the signature under the list. There was an address, and Jiang Banxian's signature - Jiang Huhai.

The town is not big. Grandma asked as she walked, and soon found the address written on the paper. But this house is extremely remote. If you don't ask the town, you really don't know when you will find it.

The house is surrounded by people robbed by bandits a few years ago. The bullet holes on the wall are faintly visible, but what surprises grandma is that it is sultry in summer, and before it is dark, the windows and doors of the house are closed, and the color of the house is gloomy, which makes the whole house look ghostly.

Grandma came forward and gently knocked on the door twice. No one agreed, but she heard the footsteps of an old man, as if every step was extremely difficult, and the soles of the shoes rubbed against the ground.

After a while, an old woman walked out of the door with difficulty. The old man hunched his back and his face was covered with gully wrinkles, like dried dates that had been dehydrated, with a shabby Hanfu on her upper body and a patched three-inch golden lotus on her feet. It was very difficult to walk, as if she had just climbed out of the coffin board. He asked feebly, "Girl, what's the matter? How did you find my old lady?"

Grandma was stunned and said, "Da, aunt, my man bumped into evil. I was introduced by Mr. Jiang and asked me to buy something from you." Then Jiang Banxian's list was handed to the old lady.

The old lady took the list tremblingly, sighed and said, "Girl, come in with me." Grandma followed the old lady into the room and saw that the room was full of fragrant candles and yellow paper, as well as some strange objects that grandma had never seen.

The old lady sat down and lit an oil lamp. With the faint light, the old lady sighed, "This Jiang Huhai really has a bad temper and has fought with such an evil thing again!" With that, two drops of turbid tears flowed in his dim eyes. It seemed that something sad happened. Grandma saw it in her eyes and sighed in her heart. I really don't know what else can make an old man cry like this.

Grandma followed the old lady's instructions and finally prepared all the required items for a while. There were not many items, including fragrant candle yellow paper and glutinous rice cinnabar.

are all commonly used things, but I don't know why Jiang Banxian insisted on here. Grandma has to pay for good things. Seeing this, the old lady said, "Let's go, girl, you don't have to pay. My old lady will enter the longevity materials in a few days, and these things will be rotten. With that, he entered the ear chamber. Grandma was grateful, but she didn't know how much these things cost, so she added a little more at the market price, put them on the table in the room, and quickly walked out of the room.

Grandma didn't go far away and heard the old lady's weak shout: "Girl, stay." Grandma looked back. The old lady held a piece of green jade in her hand and said, "Take this back and give it to Jiang Huhai. He can use it himself. I hope it will be useful for your man." Grandma took over the jade and felt that the jade felt delicate and cool. There was a strange beast carved in the cage of the beast god on it. Grandma looked at it and thanked it repeatedly.