jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 16 Nether Fire

Although the book was destroyed and a little regrettable, fortunately, the content I read last night was vivid. I was so curious that I practiced according to the method in the book. First of all, you should calm down and have no distractions. Then look around and try to recall what you have seen. This is the first step in practicing the heavenly eye called meditation.

However, the book indicates that you can't be disturbed by the outside world when practicing, otherwise you will be deeply confused and even go crazy, but because I want to know if what is said in this book is really so magical, I sit on the ground and "meditate" regardless.

But the more I am anxious to calm down, the more chaotic I am. Just when I wanted to give up, I found that there were bursts of coolness in my chest, wandering between the meridians, and my irritable mood suddenly disappeared. Then I thought of the real role of "Nirvana". I couldn't help sighing that there are so many wonders in the world!

I try to look around with my eyes and try to remember everything I can see. When I closed my eyes, I kept trying to remember what I had just seen, but my brain was blank, and what I had just seen became blurred.

There is no picture in my mind.

I opened my eyes in frustration, but it scared me. Xuanqing got up at some point and looked at me in his crotch trousers.

Seeing me open my eyes, I said foolishly, "Oh, it's amazing. Where did you learn how to open your eyes?" I wondered how he knew that I was practicing heavenly eyes? Is it true that there is an eye-opening thing in the world!

I looked at him in surprise, and it seemed that this man's wide range of knowledge was really not covered. Xu Xu replied, "I saw it in a book."

He asked me in surprise, "Children, don't lie. In which book did you see it?" Where is the book?" I looked at his urgent expression and pointed to the ground.

He saw three or three pieces of paper and white dust scattered on the ground. The color of loss is beyond words. I asked curiously, "What kind of book is that?"

He patted his forehead and said to me, "That book was written by Chen Zhi, a learned man of the Northern Song Dynasty, and recorded what he had learned and created all his life. According to legend, those who know their fur can know people at all. Knowing that half of them can be invulnerable, and any strange gods and demons can be subdued just between their hands and feet. As for those who know the whole book... they can peep into the world! But those who know everything will not come to a good end.

I looked at him curiously. Could it be that the small notebook smeared with phosphor has such a great effect! But what puzzles me is why the book is coated with a layer of phosphor? Moreover, after so many years, how could the ancients make phosphor? It is unlikely that someone put it in later. If you open the jar, it only takes a quarter of an hour, the book will turn into powder.

I asked Xuanqing, "I accidentally broke a jar, and the book was hidden in the jar. But when I first took it out, there seemed to be a layer of glowing powder on the book. Was there fluorescent powder in ancient times?

Xuanqing said with a bitter face, "Hey, the books have been ruined. Why did you say so much?" Well, let me tell you, that kind of powder is not called fluorescent powder, but "Nether Fire" is a precious secret medicine. Because the workmanship is extremely complicated, it can only be used by the royal family to keep confidential archives for thousands of years.

To make this "glorious fire", you need to remove the dead people's hair and ashes. I think the main thing is to want phosphorus that can shine in it, but I don't quite understand why to use hair and ashes.

Then add the powder of night bright stone (before the night pearl was unprocessed) for complex processing. It is really magical to keep books from moths for thousands of years and keep them at a constant temperature! I think this "ghost fire" can't stand the changes of these years. It has expired.

After listening to it, I nodded repeatedly and suddenly found that Xuanqing didn't seem to be so simple, as if he was not just a half-hearted person who could stick with a rune. But this idea flashed in my mind.

After a few minutes, the fourth uncle came in with a smile with breakfast. The breakfast was not rich, but we ate extremely delicious food, because it was the only stable meal we had in a few days!

In the middle of eating, he suddenly heard the creaking sound of the closed door. The fourth uncle thought it was blown by the wind, so he didn't care, but looking at the fruit trees in the yard, it was not the wind. The fourth uncle put down his chopsticks and walked out quickly.

Through the crack of the door, I saw a woman walking back outside the door, but she did not dare to knock on the door. The fourth uncle opened the courtyard door and asked, "Big sister, what's the matter?" After the fourth uncle finished speaking, the woman turned around with a red face and embarrassed.

As soon as the fourth uncle saw the woman's face, his expression suddenly became gloomy and said, "What are you doing here?" The woman said, "I, I saw you back yesterday, so I came to see you."

I looked curiously and said to myself, "Such a watery girl came to the door, and the fourth uncle still pretended, as if he didn't know that he was a bachelor."

Xuanqing curled her lips and said, "I think that woman has had such a period of time with your fourth uncle. Looking at your bitter face, you can know that she must have stolen a man behind your fourth uncle. Now there is something to ask your fourth uncle." I nodded in agreement.

The woman bit her lips tightly, her eyes were full of tears, and whispered to her fourth uncle, "After you left, my father had a serious illness and was about to die, but he had no money to cure him. Later, Zhao Debiao came to our house and said that as long as I married him, I would take the money to see my father's doctor. I had no choice but..." After she finished speaking, the fourth uncle turned his back and shouted at her, "Well, what's the matter with me?"

The woman was frightened by the sudden roar of her fourth uncle, and then said calmly, "I'm not here today to ask you to forgive me. If you still miss your previous feelings, please save my brother." After saying that, he took out a pair of scissors and stabbed it into his chest.

When I saw this scene, I shouted anxiously, "Fourth uncle!" Xuanqing also stood up in shock. When the fourth uncle saw our behavior, he looked back and saw that the woman's chest was already red.

Unable to stand, he was about to fall down. The fourth uncle was also shocked when he saw this and hurriedly hugged the woman and said in pain, "You are so tiger! The scissors also dare to brighten themselves. Xuanqing and I were stunned by the sudden scene when they said that they hurriedly wrapped the woman into the house. I really don't know what kind of festival this woman has with her fourth uncle, and she can make such a decision.

We saw the fourth uncle quickly enter the room with the fourth uncle and the woman in his arms, and Xuanqing and I also quickly stepped forward to check. The fourth uncle put the woman on the kang. We hurriedly found some medicinal cloth to block the wound and wanted to stop the continuous blood, but the blood could not stop the flow. The woman's face was pale and she kept twitching all over. She touched the fourth uncle's green cheek, as if she had something to say, but it seemed that she had no strength. The fourth uncle grabbed the woman's bloody hand and said, " Juaner, why are you so stupid?" Then he turned his head and shouted to both of us, "Think of a way to stop the blood!"

I am completely numb. Although I have seen many dead people, I have never thought of a life that was alive just now, so that it flowed out of my body little by little with the surging red **.

But Xuanqing has long recovered from the shock and tried to search in the brain filled with knowledge. Then he said, "I have a way."

The fourth uncle saw that Xuanqing had a way to take a step back, but Xuanqing ran to the hall, as if looking for something. Soon Xuanqing ran over with a handful of dust and shouted, "Take off her clothes quickly." At this time, the fourth uncle couldn't care so much. He tore a big cut in the clothes on the woman's chest, and Xuanqing quickly sprinkled the 'earth' in his hand evenly on the wound.

The blood of the wound stopped miraculously, and the woman named Juaner also fainted. The fourth uncle stopped watching the blood and couldn't help asking Xuanqing curiously, "What is this mother? How did a handful of ashes stop the blood?

Xuanqing replied, "This is called "Nether Fire" is the royal secret medicine. There is only no way to cure the wound with it. Although this thing can quickly stop bleeding and heal the wound, resentment will also enter the body. Let's clean up the wound quickly!"

I suddenly remembered that the small handful of gray soil that Xuanqing held just now was the powder made from "Peeping the Book of Heaven" last night, and there may still be "Nether Fire" left on it, but such a little "Nether Fire" has played such a big role. It would be amazing if it were ten catties and eight catties.

I saw the configuration method of "Nether Fire" in the "Peeping the Heaven Sutra", but I didn't recognize some words and some I didn't understand, so I left them behind. Combined with Xuanqing told me something in the morning, I understood the truth.

If there are materials now, I can also prepare this magical "Netherworld Fire" in time! As for Xuanqing's resentment, it may be related to using the hair and bones of people who died.