jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 19 People's Skin Inn

When I entered the well, I found a turbid blood lamp, but the moment the deep well opened, the strange "turbid blood lamp" mutated and the flame soared

In the meantime, the fourth uncle was like being in a hell cave, and all kinds of hardships surged into his heart. There was no reason, but he felt a lot of loss, and the mixed feelings of people were crazy.

The fire is red, but it is like being in an ice cellar. I feel hopeless and have an impulse to understand myself. The fourth uncle also didn't understand why he was so depressed and sad. When he saw the wall, he had the idea of hitting him to death, but after all, the fourth uncle had learned Taoism with Jiang Banxian for several years. Although he did not understand any profound realm, he reconciled the spirit of yin and yang just right.

At the moment when the fourth uncle was about to collapse, a flatulse surged up from his lower abdomen and did not spit it out. His face turned red, his head buzzed, and most of them woke up. The fourth uncle reacted. With this "turbid blood lamp", he got up from the ground and cursed secretly: "What a sinister magic!"

He turned around and spit on the red flame of the "turbid blood lamp" and only heard the sound of "hicing" from the wick, like the desperate whining of an injured beast.

Look at the flames that have gradually withered. It returned to the size of beans, and the flames were swaying up and down and shaky.

The fourth uncle looked at this evil "turbid blood lamp" and secretly thought that the old man Du might have strayed into this place and said this "turbid blood lamp". If he hadn't woken himself up with an old Yang's breath just now, I'm afraid he would be the same as the old Du. The more the fourth uncle thinks about it, the more shocked he is. It seems that there are indeed some "unclean" things hidden in this warehouse, which will make this "turbid blood lamp" charming. It's better to be careful.

The fourth uncle picked up the "turbid blood lamp" and shone down the well. The smell of rotten smell was not as strong as before, but the light source was limited and could not see how deep the well was. There was a two-finger thick hemp rope hanging on the wall of the well.

There seemed to be a layer of black fog as far as he could see. The fourth uncle picked up a piece of gravel and threw it down, trying to explore the depth. The sound of the stone hitting the well wall was endless, but the depth could not be confirmed.

The fourth uncle took a breath of breath, lost his temper, and went down to see what kind of cattle, ghosts and snakes were there. All the gods greeted him. Who let him praise other girls?

Looking that the turbid air in the well was almost dispersed, the fourth uncle held a lamp in one hand and a rope in the other, slowly sliding down. The fourth uncle slid down and looked at the wall of the blue stone well. Although it was winter, the shady well wall did not see dead moss. It seemed that this place was by no means a pure and kind place. After more than 20 minutes, the fourth uncle was already sweating when he went down to the bottom of the well.

The bottom of the well is not as cold as above, but there is a dampness. The fourth uncle walked around the well and found that there was indeed a hole in the bottom of the well. There was an empty wooden door on the bare wall of the well, which was engraved with rough runes. It's not like a Taoist rune or a Buddhist Sanskrit.

The strange shapes are all some totem-like symbols. The fourth uncle can't understand them. He doesn't care so much. Anyway, it's definitely not a good thing.

The fourth uncle pushed the door and entered. He didn't wait to see anything clearly, but he smelled a bloody smell. The choking was disgusting. The fourth uncle shook his head and lit the torch hanging on the wall, but the scene in front of him made the fourth uncle's scalp tingle.

I saw a row of naked living people hanging on the wall with iron hooks, including men, women and children, covered with blood, wearing collarbone by iron hooks and hanging on the wall.

One by one, their eyes are full of sadness, and their lips are blue and white, thin and weak. Bamboo tubes are inserted into the chest. A drop of blood is constantly dripping into the utensils on the ground, like a slaughterhouse. The fourth uncle couldn't close his mouth for a long time. After he came to his senses, he was secretly shocked. The "turbid blood lamp" in his hand also seemed to be irritated by something, suddenly bright and dark, and the flames swayed left and right. If it hadn't been for the fourth uncle's saliva injected with the spirit of Laoyang, it might have been suppressed.

The fourth uncle came in and took a closer look. These people were dying, and some of them had exhausted their qi and blood. When he died for a long time, his dark and dirty eyes were full of sadness and hatred.

When the fourth uncle saw this, he could no longer suppress his anger and scolded angrily, "His grandmother's, which bastard is so immoral." With that, tears were already rolling in his eyes. Those who were still alive didn't seem to hear the shouting and scolding of the fourth uncle. Their eyes were dull and recognized that the blood in their bodies was dry little by little.

The turbid blood lamp in the fourth uncle's hand was hissing, and in the shaking of Yin Hong's fire, it went out with a "poof". The fourth uncle also felt a gloomy atmosphere, and the pavement came violently in the wind, and the torch on the wall shook itself without wind. The fourth uncle wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his cuffs. The tiger's eyes stared angrily and knew that something was coming to him. If there was no big yin, how could the "turbid blood lamp" be extinguished for no reason?

But when I came here, I just wanted to check it. I didn't expect that there would be such a tragic scene at the bottom of the well and I didn't prepare magic tools. But when the fourth uncle loses his temper, whether you are the Elder or the Elder, you have to leave your arms.

Although the fourth uncle's eyes are still full of blood, his mind has calmed down and lit the remaining two torches on the wall. At this time, the inside was already clearly illuminated, and there was no other noise around except the sound of blood dripping into the vessel.

Looking forward, at the end of the rectangular secret room, there are piles of naked bodies, layer by layer. However, the belly of every body on its back is exposed as if someone had taken a handful from its belly. The temperature in the well is high, some corpses have begun to rot, and some fat maggots are roaming in the sea of corpses.

Although the fourth uncle is a rough man, he almost didn't spit out the overnight meal when he saw this scene. Then he thought that the old Du head must have been entangled by the resentment of these dead souls with the "turbid blood lamp".

As long as you burn here, everything will be fine. But these tragic people in front of him made the fourth uncle unable to calm down his anger for a long time. Although I don't know who did it, it must have nothing to do with Zhao Debiao. Eight achievements were done by his father Zhao Dahu. Thinking that Wang Dahu was a shaman before, he had made a conclusion in his heart.

The fourth uncle turned around and didn't look at the rotten bodies. But it was smoked by the rotten smell of the body. He reached into his arms and took a clove of garlic. After breaking it, he put it under his nose and smelled it. His spicy energy immediately woke up. The weather in the north is already cold, and taking the garlic with him can drive away the cold and wake up his brain. Since he was a child, the fourth uncle has the habit of carrying garlic with him in winter and summer.

The fourth uncle wanted to save those undead people. Even if they can't live, don't suffer this crime. But before they came into contact with the people hanging on the wall, the expressions on their faces began to distort, as if they were particularly painful.

The fourth uncle thought that these people woke up in pain, but found that there seemed to be something in the skin of these people who wanted to break their skin. The skin of the Songta Tower was high, and the things inside kept swimming in the human body, as if they were looking for the best place to appear.