jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 24 I'm a boiler

The fourth uncle and Zhao Debiao's injury became more serious in the fight, but Qipinye stunned himself for no reason. When he woke up, he found that most of the injuries had healed.

Lao Du told the fourth uncle about the coma yesterday. It turned out that after the "Qipiye" stunned himself, he began to cure himself. The purpose of knocking the fourth uncle was to slow down the blood flow and make the poison spread slower.

He took out an old ginseng in his arms and smashed it in a bowl and put it on his fourth uncle's wound. Lao Du also dug ginseng in the mountains when he was young, but he had never had such a rare mountain ginseng. He not only looks like a humanoid, but also has a smooth face. It is a superior grade. It doesn't look like it for hundreds of years and can't grow. . However, the "Qipin Ye" saw the broken sword in the fourth uncle's waist and seemed to be very familiar. After a sigh, he left another letter and left overnight. And Zhao Debiao and others were put in the coal shed in the backyard, saying that they would wait for the fourth uncle to wake up and deal with it.

The fourth uncle became more and more curious about the identity of this grandfather and grandson, so he opened the letter "Qipye" left to the fourth uncle. The fourth uncle was originally a rough person, but the handwriting in the letter was elegant, but it was calm but flexible, which was also extremely emotional. If there was no person with profound cultivation, how could he write such a good handwriting?

The letter wrote: "I came to visit my old friend Jiang Huhai for the second time. It can be seen that the loyal soul sword on your waist has been broken, and you will know that the man has gone. You are not only Jiang Huhai's beloved disciple, but also righteous. If necessary, you can go to Changbai Mountain and Yulongpo to find me." The name of the signature is Guo Gunling.

The fourth uncle was also secretly shocked after reading it. It turned out that the "Seven Pin Ye" and the master Jiang Banxian were actually best friends for many years. Instead, he heard the master talk about Guo Genling, but he never talked about it in detail. What a coincidence! The fourth uncle looked sideways at the "loyal soul" left by Jiang Banxian when he died, and his thoughts returned to the rainy night when Jiang Banxian fought with the evil beast in the river.

In the afternoon, after dinner, the fourth uncle got up and went to the coal shed in the backyard despite Du Juan's father and daughter's obstruction. He saw that Zhao Debiao and others were being tied back there, with a piece of cloth stuffed in their mouths. After seeing the fourth uncle, he hesitated and screamed, but obviously they were frozen overnight and trembled on the coal pile.

The fourth uncle walked to Zhao Debiao and saw Zhao Debiao arching on the coal pile. There was no vicious momentum at all. The fourth uncle took off the rotten cloth on Zhao Debiao's mouth. As soon as he took off Zhao Debiao, he shouted: "My father is the mayor. You are not eye-catching. If you don't let me go, I will let your family for three years. There is a harvest, you..."

After hearing this, the fourth uncle was itchy with hatred and stared at him fiercely. When Zhao Debiao saw the angry eyes of the fourth uncle, he immediately closed his mouth and knew that if he continued to say it, he might have to stay in this airy coal shed on all four sides for a few more nights.

The fourth uncle frowned and asked Zhao Debiao coldly, "Do you know the secret room under the dry well!"

Zhao Debiao was stunned for a moment, swallowed his saliva and replied, "What a secret room? Don't joke with me."

The fourth uncle looked at his pretending to be stupid and stunned, and kicked his lower abdomen with hatred. This kick was not light, which made Zhao Debiao scream and roll on the ground. The fourth uncle stared angrily and his eyes were red. Zhao Debiao saw the fourth uncle's appearance of eating people, and lay quietly on the coal pile, several on the side. The strong man who was tied back was also full of fear in his eyes, and he couldn't help moving back.

The fourth uncle aggravated his tone and asked, "This time it's your stomach. If you kick it again, I'll go down a little further." At this time, Zhao Debiao couldn't help threatening the fourth uncle with words and fists and feet, and said in a trembling voice, "Grandpa, I really don't know what secret room is in the well, but my father asked me to build a well shed in the dry well and didn't allow anyone to enter, saying that he could kill Lao Du's head and make his official bigger and bigger."

After listening to this, the fourth uncle understood all kinds of them. Sure enough, it was Zhao Dahu, an "old mouse", who was so vicious that he killed so many people for his career. If I don't ask him to settle a clear account, he won't be surnamed Li!

The fourth uncle was furious. Seeing that Zhao Debiao and others were becoming more and more unpleasant, he said, when I finish teaching the old man, I will come to clean up your small nest.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the night is thick. This impetuous night seems to be destined to do something unusual. I don't know who the owl stood behind the house again and grunted, "The owl enters the house and everything will come". It seems that there will be another funeral in the town!

The fourth uncle knocked Zhao Debiao and others unconscious and used a rope down the bottom of the dry well. Otherwise, such large living people were too conspicuous to be tied in the coal shed of Du Juan's house, and it was found that their father and daughter were involved. After the fourth uncle "placed" Zhao Debiao and others stepped on the snow and walked towards the deeper night in Du Juan's gaze...

The fourth uncle has been walking around this town since he was a child. The town is not big. In addition, Zhao Dahu, the eldest house of the town, is the most generous. He followed the main road of the town and soon arrived at Zhao Dahu's house. Since Zhao Dahu became the mayor, he changed his name, "Zhao Kuangyin", which is from Song Taizu. The name is the same, and I don't know how I came up with it.

The fourth uncle walked to the courtyard and looked at the house. He didn't pay attention to it before, but now it seems that Wang Dahu is really not simple. The main room is a two-story small building. There is a boiler room on the side of the building. The smoke tube is high and is emitting thick black smoke. This layout is exactly the "white tiger looking up" that ordinary people are very taboo. Deadly situation.

However, Zhao Dahu planted willow trees around the yard. The so-called "no willows are planted in the front and no poplars are planted in the back" because the willows are trees with extremely heavy yin, but planted around the layout of this white tiger's head up can turn the fierce tiger into auspicious tiger. Living in it is not only peace of mind, but also the auspicious tiger can absorb the ground and make the anger nearby. Move here. It is very bright and insidious. Several families living around this house must be unlucky every day.

At midnight, the door lamp of Zhao Dahu's house was still bright, and a vicious dog tied outside the door kept barking. The fourth uncle lit a gunfire and threw it in the wall. Ping pong... It exploded in the huge house. At this time, several men with a cross-faced ran out of the house and saw half of the gunfire on the snow cursing viciously. He said, "Whose unlucky child let me catch him to death?"

Several people wanted to return to the house as soon as they saw that they had nothing to do. At this time, the fourth uncle lit a cannonball at the door of the house and went around to the back of the yard. Just now, when several people heard the gunfire ringing at the gate, their teeth were itchy and ran over, but it was empty.

Only a line of large shoe prints of No. 45 extends far away.

These people squatted on the ground and stared at the shoe marks. They couldn't figure out who threw the cannonball into the yard so late. After the explosion, the thick smoke of the cannon had not dissipated, and there was no smell of gunpowder. They were wondering that they felt a gust of wind in their ears. They didn't wait to look back and see it clearly. After eating the sole of the shoe, he fell to the ground unconscious.

Several other people were looking back and saw a man with a big waist and a round waist, smiling at several people with a white mask. As soon as they remembered, they were dizzy and fainted on the snow reluctantly.

The fourth uncle took a look at the black dog in the yard and lay on the ground without any movement. Then he dragged the men who were fascinated by his own "falling soul smoke" to the corner of the wall and buried them in snow.

After a long time, a short and rickety old man slowly came out of the room. His white hair was unnecessary, his eyes were dripping around, and his nostrils kept moving, as if he had noticed something, but he stood still and did not move. Suddenly, he turned around, but the back was empty. Except for a dead black dog, there was no living thing. Then he shook his head and scolded, "These lost children didn't protect the hospital well, and they went to the field again!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and punched a counterattack, but was caught in the air by a man with a white mask and wanted to lift his legs to attack the man's next three ways. Unexpectedly, the man seemed to know what he was going to do. Seeing that his thighs thicker than his waist were tightly coiled on his thighs. It's hard to feel bad.

Looking at the fierce eyes of the man, he stopped struggling and begged for mercy, "Oh, which immortal are you? I'm a boiler burner, with no money or anything.

The fourth uncle looked funny. Sure enough, he was a father and son, pretending to be stupid and like a bear. He said to the old man, "My family is short of a kang burner, and I will catch you back today."