jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 40 Run, cheat the corpse

When you smile, you will no longer live in the eyes of the past. The evil thoughts are always, and the flowers bloom and fall, leaving only pieces of withering.

I stared at the rising autumn sun, but my fourth uncle fell out of the horizon like the moon. A sparrow snatching autumn was chattering on the tree. I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes and asked Xuanqing, "Is that the soul of the fourth uncle?"

"Your fourth uncle's soul flew away with the giant bird." Xuanqing looked at the distant mountains and sighed. I clearly remember that it was September 11th, the feast day of the fourth uncle, which was not the most difficult, but the most unforgettable.

The villagers of Lalagou evaporated overnight, which caused a sensation in the whole mill town. At that time, the city leaders considered the importance of the matter and were afraid of causing panic, so they suppressed it.

Now, there are no flat and strong grass houses in Lalagou. The spring breeze blows and the dandelions are scattered everywhere. Except for Li Gou, no one knows where she will fall.

The three of us returned to the Wuli River. Xueru did not send it to Mr. Feng's house according to the arrangement of the fourth uncle. His parents liked Xueru very much and stayed at my house for the time being. Although she is about the same age as me, she is taller than me and very sensible. I usually call her sister.

I stayed with Xuanqing at the fourth uncle's house for two days. Xuanqing was a little lonely. Sometimes when it comes to the fourth uncle, we two 'old men' will even cry together.

"There is a predetermined number. Originally, we were going to stain the river with blood, but Li Yiheng clicked a red sand on your 'Skong' (forehead) to make the luck turn several times and escape from death, but this 'mole' is the main hit uneven (up and downs), and the blessing and misfortunes come." Xuanqing sighed to me for a while.

I touched my forehead. Sure enough, the blood scab faded and the skin actually increased. Without looking closely, I really thought it was a mole (a mole that protruding the skin): "The pulse and eyes are not blocked, and my life is calm, and I am not reconciled."

"Children, the burden of maintaining world peace falls on your shoulders. Where should I play? Let's talk about it when your hair grows together." Xuanqing curled his lips with disdain after saying that.

I stared at him angrily: "Mao'er will have to grow together for two years, but that pulse can't wait. If you can't say anything, she will have an attack."

Xuanqing also hesitated: "Although the 'dragon' of Lalagou is inconspicuous, it implicates the whole northern qi vein. If this vein is completed, the purple gas will come from the east."

"What if it doesn't work"

"Fly and smoke!"

Xuanqing shook his head after saying that and said, "There is not much time left for us. If we can't find the 'Xuanwu rhinoceros' here, we should repeat the mistakes of those years. Even if they don't walk everywhere, it is still a plague."

After listening to it, I drew a big question mark in my head and touched the 'Nirvana' in front of my chest and asked Xuanqing, "We only have Nirvana now. If we only find 'Xuanwu Rhino', we can't save the mill town!"

As soon as I finished speaking, Xuanqing crept in his pocket, took out a piece of rag, opened it carefully, and saw that there was a feather and a large fish scale inside! I looked at it inexplicably and asked Xuanqing, "What is this! It proves that the Wuli River is rich in products. 'The stick beats the roe deer and scoops the fish, and the pheasant flies into the rice pot?' The whole chicken fish skin is also wrapped in a piece of cloth.

After hearing this, Xuanqing's face changed color and waved his hand: "Go, it's cool, stay there. This is what fell when the green dragon and the rosefinch were fighting. In order to pick up these two pieces, they almost drowned me. As the saying goes, the feathers of the phoenix and the horns of the unicorn are rare, but this rosefinch and the green The dragon is the four spiritual beasts of Zhentian, which is much more advanced than the unicorn and phoenix. I'm afraid you can't catch the green dragon and rosefinch without Li Yiheng.

After listening, I nodded: "Oh, I really thought I was going to catch the four spirits, wipe my neck to bleed, and then bury them in the la ditch."

As soon as I said 'pe your neck and let blood', I thought of my fourth uncle. In order to save us, he turned his blood into red water! But there is a question in my heart: "Why didn't the rosefinch come until the fourth uncle died? You have to see red to work hard."

Xuanqing put her hands on her forehead and looked sad: "Although the rosefinch is a spiritual beast, there must be someone to control it. Isn't the green dragon also riding by Li Yiheng? The so-called 'red water' is a dead person to control the rosefinch."

After listening to it, I sighed not only the precise hexagram of 'life and death', but also the doomed and changeable fate. Watch the vegetation and trees withered, and see the changes of the universe. Perhaps as Xuanqing said, if anyone knows everything and is omnipotent, there is no place to die.

The night was also lonely, and people were swaying in their dreams. Xuanqing and I chatted and fell asleep. I had a lot of dreams, but none of them had anything to do with reality.

I was woken up by Xuanqing's roar in the morning and got up with difficulty. I saw Xuanqing holding his thighs and complaining. Seeing that his eyebrows were locked and his face was sweaty, I rubbed my eyes and asked Xuanqing, "Is your leg cramped? Didn't you pull it out in the river two days ago?"

Xuanqing didn't say anything. Looking at the pain of his expression, he knew that it must not be a cramp. He hurriedly opened his hands covering his thighs and was shocked. It turned out that the skin splashed by Li Yiheng's blood had begun to rot, and the pus and blood also overflowed.

Xuanqing's body trembled at this moment, and his lips were blue and purple. He wanted to say something to me, but he was restrained by pain. I couldn't say it. I hurriedly stood up and wanted to get him some painkillers. Although it was not very effective, it was the only painkiller at that time.

Xuanqing obviously eased a lot after taking the painkiller. At least he could speak. I asked tremblingly, "What's going on?"

Xuanqing saw sweat on his face and said to me with difficulty, "That Li Yiheng's yin qi is too strong. He sucks corpses and gathers blood all year round. His body is full of five poisons, and his saliva can also seal his throat."

I touched the proliferative meat ball on my forehead and asked, "Then why am I all right?"

Xuanqing stared at the 'Nirvana' on my chest and said, "The Nirvana you carry is not vulgar. Although you will die by drinking pesticides, you can restrain the evil poison."

"Then hurry up and bring this 'Nirvana' to you and pull out the poison on your body." After I said that, I would take off the 'Nirvana' and give it to Xuanqing.

Xuanqing waved his hand, gritted his teeth in pain and said to him, "It's useless. This poison has been hit for many days, and it's useless to wear it!" Let it go."

I looked anxious, but suddenly remembered that the fourth uncle had said that in Changbai Mountain, there was an old man named 'Qipinye' in Yulongpo, who actually pulled out all the strange poisons of the fourth uncle's 'resentful son'. This poison can definitely be cured!

So I told Xuanqing what I thought, but Xuanqing grinned and said to me, "Look how can I go to Changbai Mountain now? Even if it doesn't rot, it will hurt to death!"

I think it's right. It's so painful that I can't even get out of the house. How can I get up the Changbai Mountain? I scratched my head. Xuanqing picked up the fourth uncle's cigarette box and tore off a rectangular piece of paper. Unexpectedly, he clumsily rolled up the dry smoke, rolled it on all sides, and his mouth was full of smoke foam. Spitting out a string of green smoke, it rose into the sky.

Seeing Xuanqing smoke a cigarette, he seemed to have relaxed a lot, wiped the sweat on his head, looked at the wall full of newspapers, and said to me, "In my life, I have been aggrieved, can't smoke or drink. I finally smoked a toad cigarette before I died. It smelled very fragrant, and that's that's what I smoked. What's the matter?"

I listened to Xuanqing's words like his last words, and my heart fluttered: "Don't be so depressed. This is not yet..."

Seeing Xuanqing smoking a cigarette, he suddenly remembered something, patted his forehead and came out of the door.

A hundred flowers are withering outside the door, and the landmark building of the Wuli River, the three-storey smoke building is slowly emitting black smoke. Smoke buildings are very common in rural areas in the north. In some large tobacco-producing villages, smoke buildings are higher than the office buildings of the town government.

The newly released tobacco leaves are green, and the water must be evaporated with high temperature. It is autumn. This year's drought and tobacco will have a bumper harvest. I pushed the door into the smoke building and saw that the second child and his father were busy. The smoke building was sultry and unbearable. I gasped and shouted, "Mr. Zhang, you are busy!"

The second child's father saw that it was me and quickly put down his work: "Oh, isn't this a dog leftover! Why haven't I seen your fourth uncle these two days? I'm thinking about asking him to give me two fish back.

When he said this, I remembered the scene where the fourth uncle's body turned into the front of Jiang Lang. I almost cried in front of him and suffoed back: "My fourth uncle didn't come back. Please do something!"

Lao Zhang smiled and said to me, "What are you asking for? As long as you can do it, you are absolutely unambiguous."

"Dad, don't let him move away from our TV!" When the second child heard that I asked his father to do something, he hurried to the front and trembled with fat. In that era when he will be full, a body like him is really rare.

"Get out of here." Lao Zhang scolded.

Lao Zhang is the only 10,000-yuan household in the village, but he is enthusiastic and straightforward. He always helps people whose food is cut off. Seeing that I have something to ask him, he didn't ask him anything, and he agreed.

"Sir, I want to ask you for two 'smoke gourds'." I scratched my head and said.

Lao Zhang was anxious when he heard this: "What, what should I do if you want to play that? Let me tell you, if you don't learn well, I'll give you two feet first." After saying that, he stared at me angrily.

At that time, the young people in the town were popular for smoking shots, and the last thin skin and bones were killed. However, anyone who grows smoke will plant two opium poppies in the field. If there are too many, they will not dare to grow or grow. Boil it into ointment, headache and brain fever, just a little. But there are also people who get rich from this.

I was thinking about getting back some for Xuanqing. I couldn't cure the disease and relieve the pain first. Unexpectedly, as soon as I said it, I was scolded by Lao Zhang. I walked out of the smoke tower and hid behind the firewood pile. A few minutes later, Lao Zhang walked out of the smoke tower angrily. I guess he went to my house to complain, and I didn't care so much.

Entering the smoke building, I saw the second child sitting on the ground. "Second" blown his nose, but it stuck to his hand and couldn't get rid of it. He had no choice but to rub it on the waist of his trousers. Seeing that I was coming, he quickly stood up and said to me, "You big smoker, why are you here again?" The second child was the same age as me. When I was a child, he always fought with me. He was fat and big, and he was always knocked down by him.

"I know you have a smoke gourd. I'll exchange sugar with you." I knew that the second child was greedy, so I said to him.

After hearing this, the second child scratched his head and said to me in a bad voice, "Don't fool me with Japanese beans and sugar balls..."

I'm done with this. I won't eat it, and I can't beat him if it's hard. He curled his lips and asked him.

"The little naughty is still in the middle." The second child gasped and said to me. When I saw that there was a door, I quickly took out a few pieces of candy and handed them to him: "Here's the sugar, where's the big smoke gourd?"

The second child took the sugar, filled a piece of sugar first, turned to the corner to take out a wooden box, and took out two large smoke gourds.

I took the big smoke gourd and ran back to the fourth uncle's house. I saw Xuanqing's nose and teeth were rattling. I quickly peeled the smoke gourd and gave him a piece. Xuanqing didn't know what it was, so I stuffed it into his mouth.

After eating, Xuanqing shouted excitedly: "The leftovers, it doesn't hurt anymore! Beier is energetic."

I think he was all right. He simply prepared and didn't dare to go home to say goodbye. On the same day, he stepped on the train to Changbai Mountain. It was evening all the way to Mohe. At that time, there were not so many tourists in Changbai Mountain. The town was similar to Mopan Town. When it was dark, there were few people on the street.

The two of us didn't want to waste time, but when we asked many people, we didn't know why Yulongpo was. Under the guidance of an old man, we walked to the mountain.

Xuanqing looked at his watch. It was past eight o'clock, and it was already dark, but he had not found the Yulongpo mentioned by the old man. Xuanqing's leg was injured and it was inconvenient to move. Just when we didn't know how to retreat, we found a village at the foot of the mountain. The village was not big, but it was bright and lively.

After reading it, I said to Xuanqing, "See, there is no way out. I'm going to catch up with the wedding. Let's eat and rest. Let's have a meal."

Xuanqing was stunned after listening to his expression: "How can this mother do a happy event? He is bragging about mourning and wearing filial piety. Didn't you see it?"

I scratched my head and said, "Then go for a meal, 'white rice', I'm so hungry!"

Xuanqing was helpless and touched her stomach and said to me, "Let's go and have a look."

But when I was about to go down the hill, I heard that the village was like a fried chicken coop: "Run! "The corpse has been cheated!"

"Frauding corpse!"