jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 5 When the Corpse King Encounters Monster

In the swaying light, the copper coffin also reflected a strange halo. Looking at Xuanqing's face like dead ashes, he groped forward in the dark and stepped on the ground with his feet. The sound of broken bones was endless, and the ethereal echoes echoed in the empty cave.

I also followed Xuanqing and didn't dare to look left and right, afraid to see something horrible again. Suddenly, I stepped on a soft thing under my feet. With just a glance, the blood all over my body was half cold. It turned out to be the fur of the snow fox. The flesh and blood were sucked dry by something, leaving only a soft and collapsed skin.

I patted Xuanqing and pointed to the ground: "Is this the body of the snow fox?"

Xuanqing swallowed his saliva after looking at it: "It seems!"

I stood upright and urged Xuanqing to walk faster, but I didn't know whether the cave was round or square. I only knew that the surroundings were black.

We walked forward with difficulty, looking at the mummified corpse on the ground, and a mouthful of copper coffin tilted or overturned. But without exception, the bodies were scattered.

The more I walked, the more shocked I became. I asked Xuanqing, "Is this an ancient cemetery palace? Why is it so frightening?"

Xuanqing wiped the sweat on her forehead, looked around and said to me, "I don't look like anyone's ancient tomb with so many coffins. It's quite like a mass grave!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in my mind and said to Xuanqing, "I heard from the old man say that Wanlong Shouzhuang is specially for people who died. The Peking into the Book of Heaven says that the copper coffin can restrain the corpse. I think this place may be the warehouse of Wanlong Shouzhuang's morgue. I don't know what happened before the people turned upside down."

Xuanqing nodded and said, "It makes sense. If this is really the place where the morgue of Wanlong Shouzhuang is, it is not far from Yulongpo, but how dangerous this place is, whether you can go out or not."

The smell of corruption and mildew floats in the air, which makes people feel that this is a land that belongs to the dead. Is there a few wandering souls sighing in the dark? These two mortals should not break into this place.

Suddenly seeing the ghost fire flashing in front of him, Xuanqing was stunned. I didn't know why he did this, so I asked, "So many dead people didn't scare you. There was a ghost fire to scare you like this!"

Xuanqing did not answer and looked ahead with a stunned expression. I followed his eyes and saw a copper coffin with a red line in the place where the ghost fire was floating.

"What's going on?" I looked at the copper coffin in front of me and asked Xuanqing.

"His grandma, it's over, he met the corpse king!" Xuanqing stared at the copper coffin in front of him and said to me.

My heart beat two beats faster, and so many copper coffins were poured to the ground, but this one was not only undamaged, but also attached to the red rope. It's rare to use a copper coffin, and it's also wrapped with red rope. Maybe it's some evil. Even the monster who turned over the coffin dared not move!

However, the strange coffin is just lying there quietly, without any anger, but I don't know when I will lose my temper.

We stared intently at the coffin, as if facing a big enemy. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound behind us, which diverted my attention from the copper coffin.

After hearing this, Xuanqing kept waving the torch in his hand. As soon as he turned around, the sound disappeared again. There were murderous machines hidden everywhere in the dark, but we could only sit and wait for death.

When I thought of the tragic situation of the snow fox being sucked away, my scalp was numb. I picked up a torch on the ground and was about to light it, but it was dark around me. Xuanqing extinguished the torch and made a silent action in my mouth.

said in a low voice again, "Is that Neidan still there?"

The sudden darkness made me breathless. The sound of bone cracking tightened my nerves and quickly asked Xuanqing, "Why did you put out the torch? I don't think it's bad enough!"

Xuanqing whispered, "The torch is easy to attract disasters. Hurry up and find the inner elixir, and the play can also illuminate it."

I have a big head. Although the inner elixir can also shine, which is much brighter than the ghost fire beside me, it is no different from the light of stars in this huge cave. There is no benefit from the torch. But since he said so, he must have had his intention and hurriedly groped in his trouser pocket for a while.

I took out the yellow elixir and handed it to him, but Xuanqing also pulled my hand directly, put it in my mouth, and took a bite. I trembled with pain all over, but I didn't dare to shout. I hurriedly asked him in a low voice, "You're crazy. What are you doing by biting my hand?"

He didn't answer and dripped my bleeding middle finger on the inner elixir. I was confused, but I saw that the inner elixir was shining brightly than the hundred-watt light bulb.

I opened my mouth and looked at him and asked, "Why did two drops of blood light up?"

"This inner elixir has just been taken off, and the fox gas has not been removed. It drips with child blood to dispel the coquettishness. Although it is of little use, the lighting is enough." Xuanqing held the inner elixir high and explained.

I looked at the golden light and sucked the bleeding middle finger with my mouth. But at this time, the noise was getting louder and louder. Although the lighting range of this inner elixir was large, it could not illuminate the whole cave. My legs were numb, but I still didn't go to the end. I really don't know how big the cave is.

Xuanqing held the inner elixir and carefully bypassed the copper coffin possessed by the lipstick line, and suddenly heard a heartbreaking roar behind him. I looked back and found that it was a humanoid monster full of sarcomas, with two fangs exposed and drooling on its mouth. Black and red mucus flowed all over, and bursts of stench came, which made people feel sick.

But the strangest thing is that there is a long knife directly embedded in its abdomen, which may have been inserted when fighting with people. This monster looks at us with red eyes. But there is no intention to jump on it.

Xuanqing and I stared at it, but it tilted its bloated head down and stared straight at us. I slowly moved back and saw that Xuanqing still maintained the posture when Dong Cunrui blew up the bunker, holding the inner elixir and did not dare to move.

I looked at the strange expression of the monster and asked Xuanqing, "You know much. Have you seen this kind of monster?"

Xuanqing fought up and down and said to me, "I also want to ask you if you know. Who knows what kind of monster this is.

The monster's facial features have lost their shape and are occupied by disgusting sarcomas. With one mouth, a piece of skin and flesh fell off, revealing the still beating blood.

I unconsciously took a step back, and the monster also moved forward. I leaned against the copper coffin and slowly moved it. Now if there were still shotguns, I would not hesitate to storm my head first.

The monster sobbed as if he wanted to say something. I said tremblingly to Xuanqing behind me, "See, this monster is quite easy-going. I want to study with us how to eat it."

At this time, the monster suddenly lowered its body, which scared me to jump, but overturned the copper coffin behind me with a wooden frame to the ground. At this time, my brain was blank, and I didn't know where to put my hands and feet.

'Puffed, puffed,' I turned around and saw that the red lines on the copper coffin were breaking one by one, and the sound of 'stinging' in the copper coffin was endless, as if something was scratching the coffin lid. I hurriedly ran to Xuanqing's side and hugged his arm.

Xuanqing bit his lips tightly and slowly moved back. A wave has not been flat, and a wave has arised. The monster doesn't know what the game is, but the zombies in the copper coffin are going to come back to life.

I had mixed feelings and comforted myself silently, but my body couldn't help shaking.

But the copper coffin was sealed with copper juice, and the monster just stared straight at us. I don't know what it meant. Just as Xuanqing and I slowly moved back, the scratching sound in the copper coffin became older and bigger. It was like the sound of steel bars scratching iron, which made me numb all over.

swelling... The coffin lid was mixed with a wind-breaking momentum and flew into the air, and then a black gas gushed out. I subconsciously hugged my head and shouted. At this time, Xuanqing had collapsed on the ground.

Looking at the human figure looming in the black dust, he stood straight on the open space in the distance.

"White Mountain Corpse King!" Xuanqing looked at the hidden figure and said to himself.

I don't know what the White Mountain Corpse King is. All I know is that we are not far from death. The shadow gradually approached us, and I suddenly felt an invisible oppression in my chest. Looking at Xuanqing's face, his face was blue and his nostrils were bleeding. I only said that he was scared.

Finally, I saw the face of the 'corpse king' mentioned by Xuanqing, which was no different from the ordinary walking corpse, but the blue and purple skin kept growing white hair. With a roar, he rushed to us,

Xuanqing and I did not move. We calmly looked at the not elegant action of the 'corpse king' and quietly waited for the bite of death.

I have been standing in the distance and looking at us. My monster also roared, as if extremely angry, and jumped at the 'corpse king' in mid-air.

The sudden change shocked me and Xuanqing, but I saw the monster and the 'corpse king' biting on the ground and kept rolling.

The two-inch fingernails of the 'corpse king' have deeply fallen into the monster's chest, and the monster has not shown weakness. Looking at the strength of the corpse king, it seems that it is not much smaller than the 'corpse king'. Looking up suddenly, two sharp fangs had fallen into the brain of the 'corpse king'.

Xuanqing and I don't know why we should be prey, but why did these two monsters suddenly fight? The two monsters were fighting fiercely, and the roar was deafening.

I quickly covered my ears with one hand and pulled Xuanqing back uncontrollably. Seeing that the monster had pulled out its fangs and wanted to bite down again, it was hard and broke the big fangs.

The 'corpse king''s hands were deep in the chest of the humanoid monster, and the blood splashed everywhere. The humanoid monster wailed and retreated two steps. The 'corpse king' did not know him and rushed straight to us.

But the humanoid monster seemed to be anxious and rushed over, threw the 'corpse king' to the ground, grabbed the corpse king's head with both hands, and there was a crisp sound, and the surroundings returned to normal peace.

Xuanqing's hand trembled and dropped Neidan on the ground, although there was no shock when the 'scus' fought against the 'green dragon'. But after watching this battle between dragons and tigers, there was also a chill in my heart.

The monster staggered to stand up, covered his chest with one hand, and sobbed and rubbed against us, but at this time, Xuanqing was not so afraid. I saw that there must be any way to get out of him. He said to Xuanqing, "Hey, this monster is injured. Let's each cut a bone stick and waste it."

Xuanqing looked at me calmly and said, "This is not a monster. This is a living person. He was saving us just now."

I can't believe my ears. How can this be human!