jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 8 Thousand-Handed Buddha

What is buried in the loess will be forgotten, and the darkness before dawn is also wandering. Wake up, dawn.

The autumn color is thick, but Yulongpo is wrapped in silver, with white snow and frost hitting his heart. I don't know if tomorrow's cold sun will visit Xuanqing's face.

Looking at the pine and blue shadows from afar, the sky is as usual, and the clouds are light and the wind is light.

The car came early on May 1st. I only slept for half a night. After getting up, I felt sore all over. I packed up my supplies and was about to leave. The little girl last night ran over, smiled sweetly at me, and said to Che Wu, "Uncle Five, take me with you!" I haven't seen what the ginseng of Qipinye looks like.

With her smile, I had a fever on my face and dared not look at her again. Che Wuyi curled his lips and said helplessly, "Go to the ice monkey, deep mountains and old forests, maybe there is something, this is not good!"

She pouted, pulled out a pistol from her waist, and made a aiming posture. I was stunned. The girl was too wild. She took the pistol as a toy and said to herself. Hurry up and smoke the ice monkey.

"Uncle, if you really meet a tiger, what else can you do?" After saying that, she smiled proudly.

Che Wu was told by him, and his face turned red and muttered, "Give me that play, and you won't be afraid to meet a tiger or something."

She laughed and said to Che Wu, "Zhuangnei will use a pistol. Except for that 'little flower Rong Li Guang', I really haven't seen anyone play with it."

After listening to it, I was depressed. Can I pat the big hand of the walking corpse, but I can't fight against the tiger? But it turns out that not everyone has Wu Song's two subordinates.

Che Wu had no choice but to take her and told her to get the permission of Qipinye. Along the way, the three of them walked and chatted. Only then did they know that the girl gave her the name Guo Manshuang because she grew up in Yulongpo and was like winter all year round. It's the first time I've heard such an elegant name. The girl in the mist river is not called this beautiful, but the flower. Such a name is really rare.

Through a thick foggy pass, a large area of primitive forest is in front of you, further spring flowers bloom, and take a step back and snow. This is really the first time to see the scene of ice and fire. It is worthy of being called Changbai Mountain.

Walking in the forest, there was only a palm-sized sky. As I walked, I turned around with my head covered, but the car five was not slow in front of me, looking left and right all the way.

Digging ginseng is also called 'landing the mountain'. He pays a lot of attention to it. He wants to worship the mountain god and drink Xionghuang, but the five skills of the car are bold, and there are not so many taboos. He firmly believes that the mountain god can't do anything to him.

The three walked and stopped. Che Wu said that he grew up in Changbai Mountain. His father was the leader of the mountain. Once he went hunting with his father, which provoked a litter of wild boars and rampaged through the bushes. Like an old hairy tank, three hounds died under the two-foot-long fangs of wild boar. He knocked down one with a gun, and a group rushed over again. His father was trampled to death by wild boar hoofs.

He climbed to the tree and narrowly escaped. Later, he was saved by the seven-pin leaves that dug ginseng up the mountain and stayed in Wanlong Shouzhuang. He is both in awe and resentful of the mountains.

While chatting, he talked about Wanlong Shouzhuang. He lamented and said that the four modernizations are now being built, all of which are cremated. The thousand-year-old business of Wanlong Shouzhuang is also not as good as day. Yesterday, the helmsmen of the rudders from all over the village gathered in Yulongpo, but the helmsmen of Guangdong said that he abandoned the old business and followed the trend of the national reform system and wanted to go to the sea. Business.

But how can the business handed down by the ancestors be lost? The helmsmen of the rudder in various places were anxious and pulled his 'dragon tendon'.

This cramp is a punishment of Wanlong Shouzhuang. The dead's business can't be seen. If you step in, you have to do this business all your life. If you want to change your way halfway, you have to go through these major punishments such as cramps, stripping dragon skins, pulling dragon teeth, cutting dragon bones, and so on.

The cramps are needles in the fingers, and the ten fingers are connected to the heart. If there is no backbone, it will soften at that time. The dragon skin is rowed on the body with an iron whip. Few of them can pass this. If the iron whip is pulled down, there will only be half a life left.

Plucking dragon teeth, as the name implies, is to break off two front teeth, which is equivalent to branding iron marks and long memory.

As for cutting the keel, few people can reach that level and mutter back and forth with a rolling pin, which really hurts the bone marrow. After this set, people will almost be out of breath. Yesterday, the helmsman in Guangdong called his father and mother as soon as he inserted two needles.

I stared at him after listening to it, and there were so many rules. Sitting on a towering ancient and pine floor, this is an immortal symbol of the forest, like veins, unable to see the beating, but endless.

I grinned and asked Che Wu, "When can I get to Tiefenglin?"

"Quickly, we can arrive before dark!" Che Wu filled his mouth with dry food and said to me.

At this time, it was already afternoon, and the light in the forest was darker. I suddenly turned around and didn't see the little girl Man Shuang. Maybe she had gone somewhere.

Looking around, she saw that she was peeping inside by a narrow cave. At the entrance of the cave, there was a simple mountain temple made of mountain stones and the size of her own shrine. There was a small clay figurine with three heads and six arms, but her facial features could not be seen clearly. There was no tribute, only a few scattered animal skeletons.

The car took a sip of water and got up to vent at a big tree. The heat rose, shivered, and hummed comfortably.

As soon as he lifted his trousers and turned around, he saw Man Shuang standing at the mouth of the cave, with a face on his face and shouted, "My little ancestor, come back quickly..." Before the words fell, a strange hand like a vine suddenly stretched out of the hole and pulled Man Shuang in.

After a scream, I calmed down again. The moment the strange hand pulled her in, I rushed forward, but only caught a leg of my trousers.

I looked at the low Shandong in horror. It was extremely dark and my scalp was numb. What kind of monster could drag such a big living person in?

unconsciously took a step back, saw that Che Wu had pulled out his sharp sword, patted his forehead with his big hand, and sighed dejected.

Looking at his appearance, as if he knew what the monster was, he hurriedly asked, "What is that rattan?"

"What the hell's rattan, that's the hand of the mountain god!" The car approached like a hole and said to me.

I looked at the strange clay sculpture. I didn't know what the evil god was. Looking at the big mouth, it was not a good master. The car lay on the mouth of the hole and wanted to drill in, but it was stuck in the mouth of the hole, so I had no choice but to pull half of my body back.

The fifth car stood on the ground and pounded his chest and stamped his feet. I looked anxiously and hurriedly asked, "What kind of mountain god is that? Why are you still arresting living people?"

"That's a hunter who hunts in the mountains all year round. He often encounters a kind of evil beast called 'Thousand-Handed Buddha' in the mountains, who often plunders living people. This is not autumn. That fucking play and save winter food!" The car stamped his feet and said.

When I heard about 'winter grain', it seemed that Manshuang was not in danger for the time being, but I knew whether the Buddha would kill and dry it or throw the man to starve to death.

Even if you don't starve to death, you will suffocate in the hole. My heart crossed and asked the car five for a flashlight. I couldn't save it, so I had to leave a whole body for the girl.

Che Wu was not ambiguous. He handed me his electric telegram, took out a hunting knife, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "Sure enough, the hero is a teenager. I'm too big to get in. I rely on you." After listening to it, I was depressed for a while. They all said that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. I really think I am a master! If you have a big physique, you won't suffer losses, and the small one has to thunder first.

I took the hunting knife and flashlight, turned into the low cave, and crawled forward. The smell in the hole made me unable to breathe. I don't know what was in front of me. The huge psychological pressure and bad environment made me lose my judgment of direction.

I don't know how long it has been. I just want to get out of the frost quickly. I don't know when the cuffs have been worn out, and I have to grind the bones again. While thinking about it, suddenly a crackling sound came from the wall of the cave, and my heart was cold. It must have been the Buddha who knew that I was coming!

When I took a flashlight, I saw a mouse crawling towards me all the way. I was so scared that I couldn't help retreating, not because I was afraid of mice, but I met mice on a narrow road in this cave, and I didn't know who would die.

The mouse ran all the way and was about to hit my door. A vine was like a tentacle accompanied by a crackling sound. It took the mouse in mid-air, entangled it, and made a knot. The mouse had a big mouth and half of its intestines came out of its mouth.

The vine dragged the dead mouse and slowly retreated. I was so scared that I was in a cold sweat. What the hell is this? What a damn evil door!

I wiped the sweat on my forehead and carefully crawled forward. I didn't see the dead animals along the way, and the bones at the mouth of the cave also thought they were wild boars. Should this play eat small objects without spitting bones?