jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 19 Huangquan Lamp

I don't know why I want to say this to me. Maybe I've been pressed in my heart for many years and won't spit it out. Maybe he wants to clarify something to me.

But God's will makes people, I never thought that such a heinous person would have so many hardships when he was a child. After saying that, Bo also shook his head and sighed, as if he was sorry for Li Yiheng and felt uneasy for himself.

After the snow, the cold heart was cold, and I couldn't help trembling. After watching the life and death, I took off the robe and put it on me, looked at the map and nodded.

The wolves are still spying on us in the distance, and the cold wind can't stop their desire for survival. Along the way, I heard many strange stories about life and death, and I didn't feel too tired, but I only hated my short legs.

"Have you come to the end?" I looked ahead and couldn't see the deep valley and asked about life and death.

Life and Death Bo shook his head: "According to the instructions on the map, there should be a chain here, but..."

After listening to it, I looked around. Except for a white snow, there were only a few old trees with immortality. There were no chains. I can't see what is opposite the deep valley, but it seems that there are always dark shadows crossing through it, darker than the night.

I was beating in my heart and saw that life and death were rubbing the snow on the ground with their feet nearby. I also leaned over to help the thin snow of life and death. A large area of snow was cleared and exposed the frozen ice surface.

Although the foot of the mountain has just entered winter, the Changbai Mountain is frozen all year round. It is not unusual to see the ice, but the next scene stunned me and saw a little dim light through the thick ice.

I looked at the sky, and the remnant moon was covered by black clouds. Obviously, the light could not be reflected by the moonlight. I clung to the thin skirt of life and death and looked at his solemn expression, as if I did not care about the bright light in the ice.

I looked at the starlight under the ice and suddenly remembered a record in the Book of Heaven: if there is a firelight in the three feet of ice, it is a 'yellow spring lamp'. Under the ice, most of them are children holding bright lanterns, and most of them are buried in the mausoleums. There are also some extremely cold areas. In order to prevent strangers from getting lost, they buried this lamp, but most of them are cattle and horses with lanterns. I don't know what is the way to use a boy to hold the lamp. Is there a mausoleum under his feet?

I swallowed my saliva. Although I knew that there was life and death that nothing could go wrong here, opposite the deep valley was the 'ghost' of evil beasts in his mouth. It seemed that this place could not be clean.

"Is this the yellow spring lamp? Who buried this mountain and what should he do? I asked about life and death doubtfully.

After hearing this, Bo shook his head and said to me, "The ghost in front is the maze laid by Pu Wanlong to prevent idle people from entering. This place is also the place where Pu Wanlong's mausoleum is located. Although this tomb is not as good as the emperor general, it is also a majestic tomb."

After listening to it, I was secretly shocked. Pu Wanlong's tomb is larger than the air-raid shelter in Mopan Town. I really don't know why he built such a big mausoleum.

"Why did Pu Wanlong release so many unjust ghosts and beasts on his roof, and he is not afraid that he will not stop below?" I once heard the old man say that it is not a good thing to have weeds on the grave, but I don't know what Pu Wanlong thinks.

Life and Death Bo shook his head and said to me, "At the beginning, what he laid was only a ecstasy. As for those ghosts, they were strayed into it and trapped in it. This place is close to the border of China and North Korea, and there are countless people who have fled here. The Wanlong Shouyin specializes in defeating ghosts, but most of them will also be grumpy because of the yang qi.

Only then did I understand that this trap made by Pu Wanlong himself trapped me. Originally, this was the foundation of Wanlong Shouzhuang. If this tomb is stable, Wanlong Shouzhuang will not decline, but the more people trapped in it, the more the yin qi will be, making the auspicious cave become a fierce tomb. Those who pass through this place must also be You have to wear the longevity seal of Wanlong Shouzhuang to pass, but the extremely yang longevity seal has great side effects. According to this, the Wanlong longevity seal is really useless. No wonder those helmsmen are impatient and beat their heads without saying two words. They are not like the master of the rudder.

At this time, Bo Zheng half knelt on the ground, cleaned the snow on the ice with his hand, and found a palm-sized groove. He looked down at the strange light and said to me, "You stay away. You can't open this mechanism without the Wanlong longevity seal. You have to fight to open the ice."

After listening to it, I retreated and watched life and death step on the ice. I saw that the pace was actually the legendary 'Tian Gang cloth fight', which is also a strange skill recorded in the Qimen Dunjia. I had to be the Big Dipper seven stars in the middle of the night, three feet away from the middle, and walked according to the star position. I heard that you can move mountains to get stones, cut wood and break gold, but tonight, I don't know if it's useful to walk away from this cloth bucket.

It has passed four or five minutes, but the life and death have not taken a few steps. They just kept looking at the things around them with the remaining light, but suddenly taking a step seemed to have the power to shake the snow on the ground to the air.

I quickly stabilized and looked at him doubtfully. Even if I couldn't see that the stars were still so powerful, I really couldn't guess how capable he was.

'Swelling', another loud noise, life and death took another step forward, which was exactly the seventh and the last step.

When the ice surface broke, the loud sound made my ears numb. Then I saw a huge icicle slowly rising from the cracks of the ice that was shaken by the thin bucket cloth. Two thick chains were fixed on both sides of the icicles, constantly rolling and stirring, making a harsh sound of 'canglang'.

The icicle also kept rising with the stirring of the chain. I was stunned. I don't know what can stir up such a thick chain.

With a loud noise, the icicle stopped climbing. I slowly walked to the icicle and saw that the chain on its side was thicker than my waist.

Bo just walked from Tiangang bucket cloth and looked very weak. He frowned and walked to the back of the icicle. I crossed the ice cracks under my feet and followed him and looked up. I almost didn't scare me to pee my pants. I saw that the huge icicle was actually set with a child in red, and his upper body protruded from the ice surface and looked at it with a smile. We, the child, held a strange 'oil lamp' in his hand. The cold wind made his cheeks hurt, but the flame of the oil lamp still stood straight there.

Without my reaction, life and death suddenly blew into the flame, and the strange flame flashed twice and went out.

I was about to ask what happened to Life and Death, but there was a loud noise from the bottom of the valley. I hurried to the edge of the valley and saw a cable bridge rising from the bottom of the valley, but the icicle slowly descended with the rise of the bridge.

I looked at the rising cable bridge and was secretly shocked. There are so many ropeway organs, not to mention that they are smuggled, even if the Daluo immortals don't know how to do it, let alone in the midst of the many obstacles of ghosts, it is estimated that those stolen Korean sticks will return to the sky if they can't see the canyon.

Life and Death Thin took my hand and walked on the iron bridge linked by the lock. Looking at the bottomless canyon, my liver and gallbladder were cold, and there was even a feeling of dizziness, but the thinness of life and death kept looking ahead, like walking on the ground, and occasionally patting my head, signaling me not to be nervous.

Uncle once told me that if you practice light skills, you will develop a good courage and not be deterred by the sky. If you don't stand on the treetops in martial arts films, you can bounce up the old man's ability, but jumping down from the treetops will never fracture.

I took a breath and wanted to strengthen my courage, but as soon as I stepped on the trembling chain, my heart became weak. Life and Death Bo smiled at me. His big hand suddenly grabbed my back, resisted his shoulder, and rushed to the other side of the canyon with a few vigorous steps.

I sat by the valley and patted my chest to relieve my violent heartbeat, but I saw the ropeway slowly slide down and gradually sink into the dark bottom of the valley.

I breathed a sigh of relief and asked life and death, "What kind of mechanism is that? Why did you blow out the flame ropeway?"

Life and Death Bo looked at the dark body and replied slowly, "As you said, that lamp is a yellow spring lamp. The wind blows, the rain can't stop, and it can burn spontaneously without fire. It is not a mortal thing, but as long as there is a strong yang qi to intervene, it will be extinguished. There are two 'pig-headed pythons' under the canyon, which can sense the yin of the yellow spring lamp. The pig-headed python is also a vicious beast with extremely yin. As soon as the yellow spring lamp goes out, it will be irritable. It moves and drives the chain attached to the body, making the ropeway rise.

I have seen the pig-headed python in the Book of Heaven, but I don't remember it too clearly. I only know that kind of evil beast pig-headed snake body, which is extremely huge. It is said that it is an evil beast that escapes from the underworld to the mortal world. I was secretly shocked. I don't know how many things in this Tulongling do not belong to the Yangshi.