jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 24 Sanming Past

I tried to think about the ghost painting charm over and over again in my mind, but I never remembered the word ghost painting charm. I looked at the approaching figure in the distance and asked life and death doubtfully: "Ghost painting charm? Is it a ghost? Or is it a charm?

"No one, no ghost, no charm!" Life and death Bo looked at the lonely shadow in the distance and said slowly.

I muttered in my heart, not a human, not a ghost, is it a walking corpse?

The man got closer and closer, but my heart became tighter and tighter. Isn't this the ghost I saw in the ghost? It's still that shabby dress. It's almost dawn. How dare you be so ostentatious?

The sky was slightly bright, so I could see his face, but except for being taller, it was no different from ordinary people. The only way to recognize him in the crowd was the strange white hair on his head.

Life and Death Bo saw that he had come to his side and took a step forward. He also stopped and looked at each other, like old friends for many years and enemies of generations.

"If you have the ability, you can break into these seven ditches without the Long Shouyin!" The man stared angrily at life and death, and his tone was low.

"You don't wear a longevity seal and walk through the ghost stocks every day. I should have thought of you a long time ago. In today's world, you can use spells to this level. Except for ghost charms - Jin Yu, you really can't find a second person." After saying life and death, the two looked at each other and smiled.

I was confused when I heard it. How could anyone walk through the ghosts every day? How could the charm lead to such a fire?

The strange man named Jin Yu looked at the mummified shell that was about to burn out in front of him and said angrily, "This man has done many evils and earns ill-gotten gains. He has long wanted to deal with him for a long time, but he is also a man in the village. It's not easy to fall over. He bump into him today!"

Life and death thin nodded: " Decades have passed, and my temper has changed a lot, but why don't I grow old!"

After hearing this, the man waved his hand and asked about life and death: "What are you doing here? Except for the wicked, Tulongling is an evil beast, but there is no spiritual treasure you are looking for!"

"Did Guo Laoscar send a little girl the other day?" I saw that he was very familiar with the things in Wanlong Shouzhuang, so I asked.

The man frowned and said to me, "That's the granddaughter of Guo Gunling, the chief helmsman, who is recovering in Longling, but I heard that the helmsman of the discussion in Yulongpo was slaughtered by one person. I don't know who that person is. It's really hateful! This was a solemn secret and should not have been told by you, but now Wanlong Shouzhuang has no leader and is already a plate of scattered sand. If nothing big, go back early!" After he finished speaking, he shook his head, but couldn't hide the resentment in his eyes.

After saying that, the man touched the cloth bag at his waist, took out a charm, handed it to the life and death thin with both hands, and sighed in a low voice: "At the beginning, the kindness of saving my life was not repaid. This is Taiyi Ming road charm. When there is no way ahead, just urge it. I also have to pick up other people who have entered the mountain. I can't send them far away. Fare!" After saying that, he arched his hand to life and death and walked quickly to the road.

I looked at his bleak back and asked life and death: "That man's temper is really strange, but the means are quite smart! I walk through the ghosts all day, but I don't touch the leaves!"

Life and Death Bo narrowed his eyes, looked at the sun, and whispered to me, "Let's go!"

The wind and sand blow away the mark of the coming, the snow peak ahead is proud, the sun is rising, and new hope may also be a precursor to destruction.

I heard the ghost painting rune that Yulongpo was slaughtered by one person. Could it be me? It must be Guo Laoscar went to Tulongling and said that I killed him!

Although the ghost painting charm has a strange temper, his heart is not bad. I was curious and asked life and death: "Who is that ghost painting charm golden feather? Look at the white hair on his head, it's really worthy of his name."

"He was originally a full man of the flag. When the situation was turbulent, his family was defeated, but he painted a good painting. By chance, he saved his life. The old man saw that he was excellent painters and sent him to the 'three legs' to learn how to draw symbols."

Along the way, my face was full of dust. In order to make a boring journey, I kept asking this and that. Life and Death Bo shook his head and did not answer. When asked the fourth uncle, Bo just shook his head and said nothing. I knew that he must know about the fourth uncle. Maybe the fourth uncle was not dead and was hiding in the dark, protecting his only nephew.

The endless barren mountains of the seven ditches can't see the breath of life. Although it is not as vast as the desert and sea, if the weak-willed person walks among them, it is really full of thoughts and endless roots.

I saw that life and death Bo didn't say anything, and asked helplessly, "I think that ghost painting is amazing. How can I be saved by you?"

"It's all about the past, don't mention it!" After saying life and death, he still walked by himself.

I followed his buttocks and asked, "Then it's better to talk about the past than to do this. I'm panicked, and you don't feel good when you always stick to your teeth."

Life and death stopped, smiled, and touched my head: "Okay, let's talk about the past!"

Walking all the way, I heard Life and Death Bo talk about the sad past of the ghost painting charm at the beginning.

The ghost painting Fu Jinyu, originally called Yang Sanming, is a real Man. His ancestors followed Nurhachi to fight the world and ate the emperor's food for generations. But when his generation was catching up with the turbulent times, his family gradually fell. My parents let go, and my relatives should have run away. Damn it, they are almost dead. They guard a decadent old house every day in a daze.

He has no ability to draw flowers and plants. But in that era, it was true to be vigorous, and shredded paper could only be opened.

This day, he was secretly hesitating at home, eating sweet potatoes or stick noodles at the bottom of the jar for dinner. Just as he was about to go out, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

He walked a few steps to the door, thinking that he wanted the bill. At that time, in the northeast, even the villages were sparsely separated by a few households, and there were few people visiting. Not to mention his errand runner, he rubbed his hands and didn't dare to open the door.

Suddenly I heard an old man's voice: "Is San'er at home?"

After listening to it, he was puzzled and heard that his voice was like an old man from the village, but why did he come to his house at this point of eating?

He tentatively opened the door and poked his head out. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, but his eyes lit up and saw a watery big girl standing beside Lao Zhang's head. It was Lao Zhang's daughter, Zhang Xifeng.

Without waiting for Yang Sanming to speak, the old man opened the door and pushed him into the inner room. Yang Sanming was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth and asked in a trembling voice, "Uncle, you see, I don't have anything to eat here. I don't owe you..."

Old Zhang's head frowned after hearing this: "San'er, I think you are a good person. Although you don't have much ability, as long as you are good to my daughter, choose a date to get married!"

Yang Sanming couldn't believe his ears. How could he find the pie-like good thing on his head? He hurriedly asked Lao Zhang, "Your daughter is so beautiful. What kind of thing are you looking for? How much is it to find me, a poor man?" After Yang Sanming finished speaking, he took a look at Zhang Xifeng and swallowed his saliva.

The old man sighed and said to him, "Oh, I don't want to marry my daughter to you, but I can't support myself these days. What can I take to raise my daughter? All the young people in the village can run away. Your boy is still sound. Don't sell it cheaply!"

Yang Sanming was overjoyed after hearing this. He looked at the shy Zhang Xifeng and couldn't wait to jump on it immediately.

A few days, Yang Sanming didn't know where he got a donkey and came to Zhang Xifeng's house happily. The donkey picked up the bride and wandered all the way to his house. Yang Sanming specially stewed the pot, which was considered a marriage.

But the joy of marriage was overwhelmed by the embarrassment of life in a few days. Looking at his wife who was getting thinner day by day, Yang Sanming didn't feel uncomfortable, but the seven-foot man couldn't even support his daughter-in-law. He was so fierce that he had to go out and make more money to let his daughter-in-law live a good life.

He left half a cylinder of stick face for Zhang Xifeng. After explaining everything, he rode a donkey and went out of the village, but he had been away for two years and made a little money by selling paintings and writing outside.

However, he didn't know that his wife was looking forward to his return day by day, and the stick noodles in the jar were also rarer day by day. In order not to let outsiders laugh at Yang Sanming, he would rather be hungry than go back to his mother's house for a meal.

In a blink of an eye for more than three months, Lao Zhang had no news of his daughter. He thought that the young couple were doing well and forgot his home. But I was really happy, and I was going to see my daughter in the afternoon.

But as soon as Lao Zhang entered the room, his heart thumped and burst into tears. He saw that his daughter died of starvation on the kang. It's three volts. I don't know how many days I'm dead, and the room stinks.

The old man swept his daughter with a kang with a runny nose and tears. He had no money to buy a coffin or the strength to bury it. The mat was rolled up and threw it into the top of the kang.

Two years later, Yang Sanming was slippery and slippery. He still rode the donkey he rode when he was walking. He returned home, humming a little song and tied the donkey to the pear tree in front of his house.

Seeing that it was almost time to have dinner, there was no cooking smoke at home, and my heart was sad. It seemed that it was really hard for Xifeng to let Xifeng stay at home alone over the years. He must not open the pot again. Thinking of this, she took a step and walked into the house.

He was about to reach out to open the door, but he saw his wife come out. There was no light in the room. He couldn't see his wife's expression clearly. He just looked at his wife's cheeks sunken and cried in his arms.

His wife helped him into the house and asked him to sit on the kang for a while. She said that he had not come back in the past few years and must have suffered a lot outside, so he had to boil water for Yang Sanming to cook.

When Yang Sanming saw that his wife was so virtuous, he didn't know what it was like. Sitting on the kang, the kang was full of dust. Only when he touched it did he know that there was no mat on the kang.

Yang Sanming was about to take out the earrings he bought from the town for his wife, but he found that his wife had lost her head, and the flames under the stove were also miserable green.

Yang Sanming swallowed his saliva, thought he was dazzled, shook his head, and looked at the place where he had no head, but his wife bowed her head and burned the fire just now and didn't see it clearly.

But Yang Sanming always felt strange when sitting in the room. His back was windless and cold, and his hair stood up unconsciously. There was always an unsteady feeling in his heart. He took the pair of earrings and slowly walked to his wife, but he saw that his wife was dragging her head and combing her hair and drawing eyebrows.

This scared Yang Sanming very much and was stunned there. His wife put her head on her cavity again and smiled miserably at him: "Mingzi, the water is boiling, there is no rice, and the rice is not cooked!"

Yang Sanming threw away the pair of earrings in his hand, pooped, and ran out of the room. It was dark and almost hit the pear tree tied to the donkey.

Yang Sanming looked back. His wife was wearing a shabby dress with a blue face. She shouted and scolded all the way and chased after her all the way.

Yang Sanming untied the donkey and ran out of the village. His wife ran behind and scolded, "You have no conscience. If you don't come back for so many years, you will leave when you come back. We are both starving!"

Yang Sanming's head buzzed, and it was rare that his wife was pregnant with his child, but at this moment, he also knew that his wife had already starved to death. In addition, he fled all the way. Looking back, his wife was about to catch the donkey's tail.

But suddenly saw a small river in front of him, saying that the drought ghost could not cross the river. Yang Sanming slapped the donkey's buttocks fiercely, and the donkey ran across the river.

Sure enough, his wife didn't chase him again, but looked at him with sad eyes on the other side of the river.

He rolled down the donkey and climbed to Lao Zhang's house. Lao Zhang's head saw that he was almost unconscious, scolded him and gave him a big ear.

Yang Sanming knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Lao Zhang's head: "I'm sorry for Xiaofeng, I'm sorry for Xiaofeng!"

Lao Zhang also shed two lines of turbid tears and said to him in a trembling voice, "Get up, I can't blame you, I can only blame my daughter for her life."

Yang Sanming wiped his tears, took out all his savings, stuffed them into Lao Zhang's head, and told Lao Zhang's head what had just happened.

Old Zhang was also shocked after hearing this. Is it possible that his daughter has become a ghost?

The next day, Yang Sanming wandered in the streets of the town in a daze, looking at the hanging beam and the kitchen knife for his neck.

When he was in despair, he suddenly heard a shout behind him. Yang Sanming turned around lazily and saw a middle-aged man standing in front of him a few steps and shouted to him, "Look at your spirit and disjointed bones, are you alive?"

After hearing this, Yang Sanming knelt on the ground and cried and said to the man, "Yes, yes, my daughter-in-law..."

The man helped Yang Sanming up and said to him, "Don't talk too much. I know that you are like this today, and again..."

At night, Yang Sanming rode a donkey home as usual, and his wife also served attentively as usual and went to the kitchen to boil water and cook for him.

Yang Sanming was worried. He didn't know if the person who was hiding outside the house would catch ghosts. If he was a fool, he would die.

Thinking about it, his wife brought a bowl of noodles from the kitchen and handed them to Yang Sanming's hand. Yang Sanming laughed dryly and didn't dare to eat the noodles in his hand.

While urging him to eat quickly, his wife smiled at him. Yang Sanming saw that the noodles in the bowl would turn into caterpillars and turn into hot noodles. He saw sweat on his face, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said to his wife in a trembling voice, "I'm not hungry. I'll eat it later, hehe..." After that, he was going to put the noodles on the kang. Up.

"Eat it!" The wife opened her mouth and shouted loudly, making Yang Sanming's ears buzzing. With a shaking hand, the bowl fell to the ground and saw that the noodles had turned into caterpillars.

At this time, his wife took off her head and laughed crazily: "Yang Sanming, you immoral beast, leave our mother and go outside!"

Yang Sanming collapsed on the ground in fear, with his hands on the ground, and he couldn't help retreating. His wife held her head and was about to pounce on Yang Sanming. Yang Sanming shouted in horror, "Master, help!"

Yang Sanming just finished shouting, and a person jumped out of nowhere. He took two spiritual charms in his hand, kicked down the cavity with one foot, and fished Yang Sanming behind him.

The cavity rolled on the ground and stood up again. The head in his hand couldn't help shouting. The man saw the cavity stand up again, stuffed a spiritual charm into the cavity, grabbed the head in the body's hand, and stuffed another charm into the mouth of the head.

The corpse took two steps back and fell to the ground. The man hurried out of the door and put the head in the open space.

A woman's screams and calls sounded in Yang Sanming's ears. Yang Sanming looked at the completely paralyzed on the ground, like a donkey that had just gave birth to azai er. Looking at his former wife, the headless cavity in front of him, and tears flowed.

The next day, the man helped Yang Sanming bury his wife and left him some money. He turned around and was about to leave. Yang Sanming turned around and asked urgently, "I haven't asked your name yet?"

The man shook his head and replied calmly, "It's all called me life and death."

"Wait, let me be an apprentice. I won't do anything else, but painting is okay. I think that charm is very effective. Teach me!" Yang Sanming knelt on the ground after saying that and pleaded.

Life and Death Bo shook his head and said to him, "It's a little difficult to see that you are about my age and practice halfway, but I know a person who is nicknamed 'Three Legs' and has made a lot of achievements in charms. Since you can paint, if you have nothing to do, I will recommend you."

Three legs are named for their greed for women, but they are also good at women. They are not bad, that is, they lie in a pile of women all year round, with a thin physique.

Although Yang Sanming is not young, his painting work is solid. If he can't be wrong, he will be taken as an apprentice. From that day on, Yang Sanming somehow had a pinch of white hair on his head, and the spell he drew was also very effective, so he was called a ghost painting Fu Jin Yu.

"Later, I don't know how I voted for Wanlong Shouzhuang!" Life and death sighed and said to me.

I nodded after listening to it. I said why the man's temper is so strange. If he experiences so many things, his temperament will remain unchanged.

I looked up ahead, and the wind and sand blew, and a path appeared faintly. I asked, "Is that the road to Tulongling?"

Life and Death Bo shook his head: "The road to Tulongling is underground!"