jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 31 Lack of great virtue, great punishment

After I was pushed to the big stone by Manshuang, I put on her coat and leaned against the big stone, but I felt uncomfortable. If I can go out, what about Manshuang? If we both go out, what about Nirvana?

"I can find you. I got up in the middle of the night and saw that you were not **..."

After listening to the hum of my head, could it be that they both slept in a **? I hated it so much that my teeth were itchy, but I was peaked by a loss.

"I can't sleep. I come here to see the stars!" Man Shuang whispered to him.

"Look at you, you don't wear clothes in the middle of the night. Hey! Why do you smell strange?" Sun Wujing asked Man Shuang.

I didn't see Sun's razor in Yulongpo that day, and I don't know what superhuman ability he has, but this Sun Wujing really has two skills. The long dog looks like a dog, but it has a dog's nose.

"Why can't I smell it!" Man Shuang said to her softly.


"You smell a egg. I'm so kind to you for nothing. Are you going to see that boy again?" Sun Wujing angrily questioned Man Shuang.

Although I didn't see it, I knew that the boy must have hit Man Shuang. At this time, the hunger instantly turned into anger.

He stood up and watched Man Shuang fall to the ground, but his eyes were still stubborn. Sun Wujing was stunned when she saw me and turned around and wanted to run.

I rushed out in a few steps and grabbed his back, but I didn't eat for a few days and had no strength in my hands. Sun Wujing broke forward and broke free from the shackles. But this time he was so strong that he dumped me and fell to the ground.

Sun Wujing looked back and saw me fall to the ground, slowly turned around, rubbed under his nose with his index finger, and walked towards me with a dark smile. I staggered to get up, but I didn't have the strength. Sun Wujing lowered his body and picked up a sharp stone, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said contemptuously to me, "Your boy is really smelly. Man Shuang makes you stink!"

After saying that, I raised the stone and shouted and ran towards me. I looked at the tearful Man Shuang, and then fixed my eyes on the crazy Sun Wujing, and my heart was fierce.

The moment he held the big stone and was about to hit it, I raised my foot and kicked him in his crotch: "I want your life!"

But this foot did not have much effect, but made Sun Wujing step back two steps, gritted his teeth and rubbed his crotch, and laughed again.

I can't help but be stunned. If an ordinary person eats this kick, he can also carry his back with half of his strength. Isn't this boy really practiced some iron cloth shirt, iron gear skills and so on!

"He didn't..." Man Shuang whispered to me.

Only then did I realize that this boy's ancestors did not necessarily lack much virtue, and some of the objects should not grow. I also understood what Guo Laosha said. Thinking of this, the resentment in my heart suddenly disappeared a lot.

But Sun Wujing's face changed after hearing this: "What nonsense? Are you my daughter-in-law? You will be mine all your life!"

Now Sun Wujing was completely anxious and threw the stone in his hand at me. He moved so fast that I didn't have time to react. He was just hit on the forehead by the stone. He only felt a coolness flowing from his forehead to his mouth. His eyes were a little blurred, but he saw Sun Wujing kicking Man Shuang on the ground fiercely.

I wiped my face with my hand and saw that my hands were full of blood. I touched a stone beside me, but did not throw it out. Man Shuang did not shout, but looked at me with tears.

Sun Wujing saw this scene, was furious, dragged Man Shuang towards me, and shouted angrily, "Don't you care about him!" I care about you!" He sped my mouth as he spoke.

At this time, I can't feel any pain, but my cheeks are hot, and an unprecedented humiliation surged into my heart. When I was a child, I was often punched and kicked by the second child, but I never stopped struggling. However, at this moment, I looked soberly at slapping my mouth one by one, but I was unable to fight back.

At this moment, Man Shuang struggled to get up and grabbed Sun Wujing's hands. Sun Wujing gritted her teeth, turned around and gave Man Shuang a back pump, and roared and ran to Man Shuang.

I crawled on the stone and touched the loyal soul on my chest. At this moment, there was no hesitation in my heart. I threw away the rags. Through the bleak moonlight, the loyal soul was extremely cold.

Sun Wujing also felt the murderous atmosphere behind him. He turned around in panic and was about to shout, but he was stunned on the spot, touched his nose, looked at the blood in his hand, and lay on the ground and rolled.

My hand holding the sword trembled uncontrollably. I cut off his nose, but it could not offset my anger. I have seen many dead people, but I have never killed anyone. I know that it is not easy for me to live, and I know that it is not easy for others to live.

I wiped the blood on my face with my cuffs and held up Manshuang. I saw that the road ahead was long and the stars were covered with stars above my head. God was playing chess leisurely. It was popular and falling. The eaten pawn was unwillingly and retreated from the chessboard. He played chess and laughed at the dust game.

Man Shuang wiped the blood stains on my face for me. Relatively speechless, life and death are unknown. I don't know where to go. Looking at the hundreds of houses in Tulongling, the green trees can't hide their greed, and the warm wind can't blow away the ugly.

I stood numbly. Suddenly, I heard a rapid footsteps in front of me, rubbed my eyes, and looked at a group of men in strong clothes holding torches in front of me and hurriedly running this way.

The person in front of me came to me and stopped. Looking at the man's slender figure, his eyebrows were narrow, and the two horizontal lines were deep. At a glance, he knew that he was a sharp and mean person.

The man looked at Sun Wujing behind him, and his muscles jumped twice. He stared at me angrily. He walked to Sun Wujing, picked up Sun Wujing, and shouted in a shrill voice, "Baby, who is this harming the earth, turtle!"

"Bed them up!" He ordered his men angrily.

At this time, a person jumped out of the crowd, stood on his chest with a pistol, rattled, pulled the bolt, and shouted to the man, "I don't care how Master Sun avenges his son, but if anyone dares to touch Man Shuang's finger, I will make his head blossom!"

'He said and fired a shot at the sky. It's Xiao Huarong - Li Guang.

Everyone retreated when they heard the gunfire. Sun's razor stared at Li Guang and said to him in a muffled voice, "Don't be so arrogant. When I raised silver scorpion, you were still pooping and playing with mud."

After listening to the three words silver scorpion, I suddenly thought that Du Juan had been planted by Li Yiheng to become like that. Is it possible that this silver scorpion is also a thing from Wanlong Houzhuang? Is Li Yiheng really a man in the village?

"Don't sell old people here, even if it's the corpse ancestor, my mother dares to collapse!" Li Guang shouted loudly.

Sun razor took out a small bottle from his arms, opened the cork, sprinkled the powder inside on Sun Wujing's wound, sneered, and said to Li Guang, "Take her away!"

Li Guang glanced at Sun's razor, put the gun in his waist, and led Man Shuang to leave. I nodded to Man Shuang and shook my body. I didn't remember what happened.

A basin of cold water splashed on my head. I opened a gap in my eyes and saw that the person in front of me was sharpening a sharp knife. The sound of beating iron came to my ears, and the heat wave hit my face.

The person in front of him was Sun's razor. He put down the water ladle in his hand. The person behind him put the knife in the water to clean it, wiped the knife with a cloth and handed it to Sun's razor.

Sun's razor turned out to have a delicate knife with a smile on the corners of his mouth. He tried the blade with his thumb. He nodded with satisfaction, patted my face with his hand, and said to me in a shrill voice, "Kid, I personally operated the eight methods of Fuhu in Wanlong Shouzhuang. This knife has been useless for a few days, and the torture tools over there are also for you. "

"Don't be afraid. The first few died after being divided. You can still live a few more hours." After saying that, he walked to the furnace, took out a handful of burning red iron pliers and handed them to the iron man.

First brush the beard, and then destroy the tiger's power, that is, first use the big iron clamp to light all the hairs that can be pulled out on my body, and then gouge out the bitter courage. Seeking tiger skin and chopping tiger wings is to pull off the skin of the whole body with a knife and chop off two arms. Eat tiger meat, pickle tiger bones, jump over walls, and return to the mountains. I dare not think about it any more. I just hope that the hair pulling ring can vomit blood to death on the spot.

Sun's razor swayed in front of me and found a piece of cloth and stuffed it into my mouth. Maybe he was afraid that I would bite my tongue and committed suicide. But I don't have the strength to open my mouth now, and I don't have the strength to bite my tongue.

The iron man gave a hello and put the iron pliers in the water, and the sound of rubbing made my scalp numb.

Sun's razor smiled and ordered the man to start brushing his beard. I couldn't imagine what would happen later and closed my eyes tightly. In my mind, I remembered countless faces, some crying, laughing, happy and angry, but they separated their bones and flesh and splashed blood on the ground.

I only heard the man laugh twice, twisted the big pliers, and pulled out a wisp of my hair. My eyes are cracking with pain. But I can't shout out.

"Haha, my son has no nose. I won't let you keep anything. Continue to pull it out!" Sun's razor shouted sharply.

I opened my eyes and saw a man flying upside down and hitting the refining furnace.

Sun's razor was stunned, but a bench flew from nowhere and hit him.

"The leftover!" Suddenly, a man rushed in and shouted at me.


* Soy sauce! Protest!