jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 1 South

I widened my eyes and asked him loudly, "What are you talking about? Manshuang is not dead?"

Li Yiheng opened his mouth, his dim eyes turned white, and gasped hard.

"Quick, take the heart-saving pills and don't let this old boy die!" The fourth uncle pressed his chest with one hand and shouted loudly.

I can't see it well. He can't get up. I don't know where Man Shuang is, and Xuanwu rhinoceros can't fall!

I didn't dare to delay. I looked for medicine in the fourth uncle's room, but the fourth uncle was the only one. He didn't catch a cold in winter and didn't catch the wind in summer. Except for a few painkillers, he really didn't find any heart-saving pills.

I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead and saw that the fourth uncle was pressing hard on Li Yiheng's chest with his big hand. Li Yiheng also began to 'spit'.

The catastrophe is the last breath before a person dies, and will keep hiccups. Before the elderly in the family breathe, both children and neighbors should avoid the catastrophe. I heard from the fourth uncle say that the breath is full of poisons, and the filth accumulated in a person's life will be discharged with that breath, and then they can be pure into the earth and reincarnated. People who die by side don't spit out, so that some of them can't be reincarnated and need to be excessive.

But the fourth uncle is now burning his eyebrows and can't care much. While pressing his chest fiercely, he shouted his soul: "I didn't understand the future, and he just wants to leave..."

My heart is broken. It seems that this old man is really on his birthday. His pulse can't be blocked, and he has to be buried with him.

Just when my fourth uncle and I were at a loss, we suddenly saw a man pushing the door and entering. At first glance, it was Xuanqing with a crying face.

These days, Xuanqing looked at the distance in a daze all day, smoking one after another. Sometimes the fourth uncle looked at him and scolded him, but he just walked away without hesitation. I understand that he doesn't want to see Li Yiheng. When he sees him, he will think of life and death.

But I don't know what it means when he suddenly came in. The fourth uncle also stopped his hand and looked straight at the half of the ginseng in his hand.

"King ofcan?" I exclaimed.

"Let him eat it, and it can extend his longevity for a few years." Xuanqing handed the ginseng to the fourth uncle, turned around and walked out.

The fourth uncle took over the ginseng king and didn't care about three seventy-one. He asked me to help tear off a piece of ginseng meat, filled it into Li Yiheng's mouth, and patted him in the heart. Li Yiheng twitched his body and swallowed the piece of ginseng meat.

Sure enough, Li Yiheng swallowed the piece of ginseng meat, had a loud hiccup, and his breathing returned to stability. The fourth uncle wiped the sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

My fourth uncle and I have been staying beside Li Yiheng, hoping that he can wake up and look at his sleeping expression. The corners of his mouth smiled, and sometimes a pool of saliva flowed out. How could we not connect him with the murderous demon - the ghoul.

Maybe, he was also homesick. He dreamed that he was chasing his playful playmates together when he was a child, with a cicada sound and framed under the oil lamp.

I don't know how many days later, Li Yiheng woke up leisurely and saw that the fourth uncle's eyes were dark and suddenly stood up. I ran over and saw Li Yiheng's sad face. He coughed twice and kept looking at his body.

"I didn't expect it, old..."

"Don't talk nonsense. If you can't breathe again, no one will save you. Hurry up and say where are those Japanese with Xuanwu rhinoceros?" The fourth uncle said one after another.

"Laren Rong, take a breath. What's the first day today?" Li Yiheng patted his chest with his disabled hand and asked his fourth uncle.

The fourth uncle raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him suspiciously: "The sixteenth of the first lunar month!"

After listening, Li Yiheng nodded, turned his eyes and said to the fourth uncle, "If it's true, it's five times. If you don't meet, the place you go will meet in the sky, Tianying will fall, and you will take the rest gate. If you leave the throne, there will be more like a white tiger.

The fourth uncle frowned and asked him, "What do you mean is that the Xuanwu rhinoceros is in the south?"

"Yes, and there is more bad luck and less luck. As the saying goes, 'sitting in the white tiger's house, disaster kills', but this little friend happens to be held by the white tiger, and the sun god is in power, and he will turn bad luck into good luck." Li Yiheng looked at me after saying that.

After listening to it, I felt uncomfortable all over. I said how to be with me, and I didn't go out. It was all ours. But now I really can't think too much about it. When I find the Xuanwu rhinoceros, I will remove the nirvana and block the pulse

eye, everything will be fine.

"It's just in the south, where is it?" I asked Li Yiheng.

He smiled and said to me, "South of the Yangtze River, Taihu Lake is also."

I swallowed my saliva and supported most of China. I hurriedly asked him, "What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say?"

"Don't blame me. I can't figure out Gui Renyang's accurate gossip, but I will naturally get something when I get there." Li Yiheng sighed after saying that.

The fourth uncle shook his head, gave the half of the ginseng king to Li Yiheng, and told him to eat according to a meal and live for a few years. Don't worry about immortality.

Tears surged in Li Yiheng's eyes and patted the fourth uncle on the shoulder with his disabled hand.

When the fourth uncle left, he told his father to take care of Li Yiheng. His father didn't know what Li Yiheng was. He only saw that he was covered with sores and his hands were disabled. He thought it was a lonely old man who was taken in by the fourth uncle and agreed.

As for the sudden loss of an arm of the fourth uncle, whenever his father asked, the fourth uncle just said that he was hanged off by the food machine, waved his hand and didn't care.

Xuanqing, several of us packed up and stopped. Looking at the thick fog in the village day by day, we dared not delay any longer. We picked up our bags and were about to go south.

"leftovers! Leftovers!" The second child chased after him from behind breathlessly.

I was slightly stunned when I saw him. Why did this boy suddenly think of me if he didn't smoke at home? Before I could answer, he already ran to me and said with a smile, "Hey, do you still want a big cigarette? It's best to get cash, and the sugar cubes are also in!"

After hearing this, the fourth uncle's face turned red and white, and kicked the second child's buttocks: "Go, go, go home!"

The second child quickly covered his buttocks and scolded from afar, "Li Sier, you can't marry a wife in your life!"

The fourth uncle laughed angrily and made a move to chase him away. The second son shouted and left.

I saw that the slogan of "a couple and one child" in the village committee had already been changed into the slogan of "have fewer children and more trees". Somehow, I felt a little sad.

The sound of the waves is still the same, but I don't know when the fish far away from Haikou will return.

Sitting on the hard board and bumping all the way, Xuanqing didn't say much. I looked at the white snow old forest outside the window, and thought of Man Shuang. I remembered the autumn rain without warning, which hit me and was cold in my heart.

"Li Sier, wake up!" Xuanqing looked left and right and shook the fourth uncle's body fiercely.

I was awakened by his cry, rubbed my eyes, and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Without waiting for Xuanqing to answer, I looked at the bustling carriage, swallowed my saliva, and quickly pushed the fourth uncle: "Fourth uncle, get up quickly!"