jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 3 Midnight Spirit

We took a bus to a town near Taihu Lake, found a small hotel to stay and rested for a night. I don't know where Li Yiheng said was, but before we arrived at Taihu Lake, he released a fierce move. I have seen his methods, but I can't guess how he will deal with us.

"Passive!" The fourth uncle lay on ** and tossed over.

"He can't do anything to us for the time being. Although I haven't seen the person behind the scenes, I can guess Gui Ren's thoughts!" Xuanqing sat at the head of the bed and said to the fourth uncle.

"He understands that anyone who has delusions about the four spirits can't put together the four major pieces anyway. The white tiger is still on the left, but he is still so persistent to rob the white tiger. Why?" Xuanqing asked.

"I guess he was cursed by God, and he was stunned!" The fourth uncle gave Xuanqing a white look.

Xuanqing shook his head: "No, the Japanese want the four spirits, but the purpose is completely opposite to Li Yiheng. Li Yiheng wants to live, but they want to kill. However, they can't take it by themselves, because they have greed in their hearts!"

"Is it possible that there is no greed for life and death? He clearly said that he wanted to become an immortal!" I asked Xuanqing.

Xuanqing frowned, looked at the mottled ceiling, and said slowly, "That's why he helped the Japanese seize the four spirits!"

"What do you say?" The fourth uncle asked him.

"He has no delusions about the four spirits, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't want to live long. Li Yiheng said that life and death want 'evil face'."

I once heard Li Yiheng talk about that thing, but since I heard the word 'Prajna' first, I hurriedly asked Xuanqing, "What is that thing and what does it have to do with him?"

Xuanqing smiled and said, "The 'evil-faced Prajna' is originally called 'ci Renba', which means 'auspicious face' is a hidden god. When Songzan Gampo married Wen Cheng, it was given as a bride price to the king of Tang. But the king of Tang didn't care about the inconspicuous mask.

"Until the Dongying faction sent envoy to study the Central Plains culture in the Tang Dynasty. Before leaving, the King of Tang shook his hand as the 'evil face Prajna' as a scrap iron to the Dongying people, but the Dongying people regarded it as a treasure and joined the local evil art, which became today's murderous invisible evil thing. As soon as this thing came out, the gods and ghosts cried."

The fourth uncle nibbled his teeth and said to Xuanqing, "Don't fool people. The little devil really didn't find any other advantages except for people's frustration!" What does this have to do with life and death Bo's want to become an immortal?

Xuanqing curled his lips and replied, "The Japanese only understand one of them, but they have not been able to open the method of Prajna. For dozens of years, "Qimen Dunjia" has been practiced to the fire. If it is combined with the evil spirit of the evil face of Prajna, it is difficult to think of becoming a demon!"

I was secretly shocked. I didn't expect that life and death took 13 tricks, but it was not just to seize the four spirits, but the ultimate goal was obvious, that is - long life.

I couldn't sleep over and over. I took out the nirvana on my chest and unconsciously turned white! But I still remember what Li Yiheng said, as long as she is still alive, no matter what she becomes.

The world played tricks on people, like a grasshopper tied to the rope. He wanted to jump out of the circle, but the rope buckle was pulled and broke his thigh, only to find that he could not jump out of the mouth of the bottle.

I saw that Xuanqing and the fourth uncle were asleep, and I was also sleepy. I looked at the wall clock, so that I was about to close my eyes at midnight, but I heard a woman's call for help from the street. I rubbed my eyes and got up and looked out of the window.

Look at the street swinging, but the slight cry came to my ears from time to time. I pushed the fourth uncle and Xuanqing. They turned over and didn't mean to wake up at all.

I was so miserable when I heard that cry. I must have met a hooligan and robbed the road. I didn't want to make a branch, but at this moment, my brain was inexplicably congested and Lei Feng was possessed.

I took my coat, put on my shoes and walked out of the hotel and walked in the direction of the sound. I walked alone on the empty street without street lights. Looking at the gloomy houses on both sides of the street, I regretted coming out rashly just now.

But his legs seemed to be pulled by the sound, and his brain suddenly went blank. He couldn't figure out the direction of the sound, but he had never stopped moving forward and was possessed.

Unconsciously, I had walked out of the town. A cool breeze blew. I was smart and suddenly felt something was wrong. I hurriedly turned around, but I didn't know where I was.

I scolded my mother, and then found that I had walked into a misty fir forest. A full moon hung above my head and reflected in the oval pond in the forest. There was a long-haired woman in green by the pond, with her back to me, her head lying on a corpse, crying sadly.

When her body twitches, her long hair also swings. I don't know if he is a ghost, but by intuition, she will never be a ghost, but the possibility of being a human is extremely small.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel cold, swallowed, boldly, and shouted, "Who are you? What's wrong?"

Who knew that she still lay on the man as if she hadn't heard it, constantly sobbing. The moonlight shone on his long scattered hair and became so sad.

I don't know where I am now or how I got here. Looking at her back, I feel a little nervous. I want to follow the path hidden in the forest several times, but every time I turn around, my scalp will be inexplicably numb for fear that she will suddenly jump up.

I stared at her, and my heart was flat. It was better to let her drown in the pond than to scare her to death. While looking at her undulating back, he slowly moved forward.

Look at the ripples of the pond, like a flawless ancient mirror, tirelessly reflecting the cold moonlight.

I walked behind her and got the courage. I raised my hand and patted her on the shoulder. Unexpectedly, the moment I withdrew my hand, he suddenly stopped crying, and there was no gloomy atmosphere around, but a fear suddenly surged into my heart.

I don't know where a leaf floated and fell into the pond, with a strange ripple. I looked at the body in front of him as if it had just died. Although his face was blue, his joints were straight.

She lay on the man's abdomen without crying, but suddenly the silence made me restless. I stepped back two steps and stared straight at her back.

Sure enough, the woman suddenly straightened up, accompanied by a crackling sound of bones, and slowly turned her head at an incredible angle.

I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead. Although I was attached to the nirvana, I walked into the forest inexplicably at midnight and inexplicably saw an inexplicable woman. If it was a ghost, it would be fine. If it was really a walking corpse or monster, I would die.

The moment the woman turned her head, my heart was also cold. I only saw that her body did not move, but her front face turned to the back spine. The white eyes were about to bulge out of her eyes, with a bloody intestine in her mouth, and her upper and lower jaws kept opening. Chewing together.

I saw clearly that the abdomen of the body under him had been hollowed out, revealing the miserable ribs. I said how could it move so big when it sobbed just now.

I completely numb my claws this time, knowing that it will never be a walking corpse. Except for the ancestor of the corpse, I have never seen any walking corpse turn its head over like this. I have never heard of such a wrongdoer, but no matter what, I only know that it can easily take out my intestines.