jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 4 Flying Stick

I grinned at the monster that was not a ghost or a corpse. I turned around and wanted to run, but the moment I turned around, I bumped into a big tree behind me. After a burst of pain, the Venus flashed in front of me.

Rubbed his forehead and looked at the pond. The monster disappeared, and the corpse that had been removed disappeared! If it hadn't been for some minced meat and internal organs on the ground, I would have thought I had an illusion.

The forest behind him was covered with a hazy veil, covering the supposed anger. I don't know what kind of birds are grunting and muttering, calling the loneliness of the forest.

I stroked my hair, took a long breath, and ran all the way along the winding path in the forest. I couldn't see the road ahead, and sometimes my face would be hit by the branches.

But this path seems to be unable to walk at the end, running breathlessly, but it is still the path under its feet. Except for the fog, it is a tree in front of it. The moonlight sprinkled and the shadow was isolated by the fog, but I couldn't resist the fear in my heart.

I don't know how I walked into this forest like a ghost. The woman who eats human internal organs has never heard anyone mention it. Maybe it was her crying that made me say.

"Ga, Ga, Ga..." A ferocious smile came from the top of my head. I stood still and looked up quickly, but I saw the treetops shaking, and the laughter sounded behind me again.

From time to time, the leaves collided with the sound of breaking the wind when the branches bounced. I stood still, kept looking back, and turned around, but only saw a dark shadow flashing over the treetops in mid-air and reaching the opposite treetops.

I was shocked. I couldn't imagine a horse monkey jumping up and down in this forest. The only possibility was the woman who could take out the bore.

Suddenly, the treetops stopped shaking. I could see clearly that the dark shadow was falling on an old tree in front of me. There was no movement for a long time. I couldn't take my eyes off the tree and slowly moved back.

I observed for a while and saw that there was nothing for the time being. I turned around and was about to run, but before I completely turned around, I suddenly saw a dark shadow rushing at me.

I shook my body, shouted, and hurriedly dodged the object that fell from the air. I only heard a loud 'expanded' sound. The object fell heavily on the ground and drove the fog around me aside. I calmed down and fixed my eyes. I saw that it was the body that had been hollowed out, which had been smashed to the ground.

However, the monster on the treetops did not give me much time to think about it. With a sharp smile, the wind jumped down the treetops and rushed at me.

I looked at its deformed limbs and pale eyes. My brain was blank, and my back was numb. I couldn't take care of it much. I turned around and ran to hide behind the tree to avoid being caught by him.

But before touching the big tree, his feet were suddenly tripped to the ground by the remnants of the tree's branches. A dog grabbed shit and heard the sound of the monster when it landed in his ears. The sound was not loud, but it was chilling.

I turned my head in a hurry and saw that the woman was lying on the ground, with her mouth wide open and her head shaking mechanically. But there was no intention to move forward. Only then did I understand that the monster may have to rely on sound to identify the direction. Thinking of this, I quickly held my breath. Afraid of making another noise to alarm it.

I carefully got up from the ground, dared not shake off the dead leaves attached to my body, held my breath, and slowly retreated.

leaned against the big tree behind him and secretly glad that it did not find me, but saw it turn around, like a leopard, with its limbs on the trunk, and climbed up the treetops a few times. Shaking his head from side to side, as if listening to something.

I can't feel the anger on it, but I can't tell what it is. I have never seen such a walking corpse, and I have never heard of eating ghosts. Seeing it fall on the treetops, I feel a little relieved and ready to escape.

But before I finished breathing, I suddenly saw the monster suddenly turn its head to me. Through the moonlight, its pale face became extremely ferocious.

Without waiting for me to react, I only heard it laugh and jump up in the air, crying at me strangely. My hair spread out in the air, and a pair of pale yellow horns appeared on its scalp. I wonder if it's a string of people and dragons?

The mist covered the ground. I vaguely saw the branch that had just tripped over me. I didn't think about it. The moment I lowered myself and picked it up, the monster also rushed to me with an evil wind. My heart fluttered, swayed up the thick branch, shouted, and hit the monster in mid-air.

'Inflated', I just took it and hit it in the head. I was hit far away by this stick. I didn't hold back and took two steps back. Seeing the monster roll fiercely on the ground, before it got up, I jumped in front of it and smashed it with a stick.

I didn't keep my hand, and I did my best with every stick. If I didn't take advantage of this time to subdue it, my end would not be much better than that corpse.

As soon as the monster was about to get up, he ate a stick and cried and rolled on the ground, but its sound was extremely harsh, like a baby's cry, and like a splashing shrew, which made people angry and irritable.

I don't know how many times I hit it, but the branch in my hand broke in response. I gasped and saw that the monster no longer struggled. My thin body was hugged into a ball and sobbed and sobbed.

I threw away the half of the wooden stick in my hand and quickly covered my ears. I was afraid that I would hear it again, but the sound seemed to penetrate my body. Although I covered my ears, the sound did not diminish at all.

I didn't dare to delay. I kicked it on its chin and tossed it to the ground. Sure enough, there was no movement after it landed. I picked up a branch and stabbed it. Seeing that it did not respond, I secretly guessed that it might have been killed by me.

I couldn't help but wonder. I wanted to come forward to see what kind of monster it was. It was so fierce. I stared at it and saw its chest up and down, as if it was gasping hard.

The forehead was also beaten naked by me. The exposed skin and flesh are blue and purple, but the pale eyes are still round. Seeing the pair of bone horns on his head, he can't believe that she is a person and still alive.

I have never heard of any magic that can make people look like this, even silver scorpion can't make people suddenly change, eat meat and drink blood.

A breeze blew, and the fog gradually dissipated. I vaguely felt bad. This may be another cruel move of life and death. Otherwise, it would have been such a coincidence that all the bad things came to me.

I got up and looked around. There was no fog, and my eyes suddenly widened a lot. Only then did I understand the benefits of opening that day's eyes. At the beginning, I could see the fog clearly, not to mention the mist.

Looking at her again, she has stopped breathing, and her eyes are still pale.

I looked at the winding path ahead. If it is correct, I will definitely return to the town in less than two hours. But mistakes always happen at critical times, silently and turn around.

"Where are you going!"

I just took a few steps, but I saw a man on the fir tree not far away. He jumped down and looked at me jokingly.

——————Please collect——