Sword Breaks the Fairy

Chapter 287: How could you be so embarrassed today!

Ye Xuan's floating white shadow sword and bamboo sword are placed in both hands respectively. The moment he suddenly turned around, with the wave of Honglian's left arm, starting from the first sword--

The second sword, the third sword, the tenth sword, the hundred sword. The almost blurred sword could not be seen clearly, the wind roared, and the wind around the sword made the electric snake unable to even approach.

A dazzling sword spirit came out.

The sword spirit is everywhere, and the sword spirit wanders in all directions.

The magnificent real gas is released in a series.

Concluding conclusion——

is fast.

Thousands of swords and shadows, after the beginning of the first sword, it is destined not to stop until the end.

This is the battle between the strongest swordsmanship and the field of swordsmanship.

In the field, the endless electric snake came to my face, but there was no way to get close to Ye Xuan! The number of electric snakes is large and fast, and Ye Xuan's sword is faster!

"This is--

Gu Wang's eyes widened: "What the hell is this! So fast!!"

This is his unprecedented trick.

He caught that Ye Xuan's sword swing came from his left arm, but he couldn't see the speed of his left arm.

He wanted to escape because he had been keenly aware of the horror of this move, but when this idea came into being, he found that it was impossible to escape!

The sword that follows is too fast and fast, which makes people feel that it is difficult to resist at all.

In the face of a thousand swords, the ancient king could not dodge.

A thousand swords in one breath is probably an impossible task for others.

But for Ye Xuan, it is not necessarily impossible.


The ancient king screamed.

He was more than one sword.

Although the time is very short, it seems that you have passed a good period of time.

"Thousands of swords and shadows are completed." Ye Xuan slowly withdrew the bamboo sword.

"Completion time, three breaths!"

is three breaths.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, and the shadow bamboo sword with floating white shadows has disappeared in his left hand because of the consumption of too much true qi. The first time he used thousands of swords, he still didn't do it. It took him three breaths to complete the thousand swords.

But even if there is only three breaths.

The ancient king still lost.

Gu Wang's eyes widened and his body fell fiercely from the air, and the old king, which was intact, had already been bleeding and seriously injured, even if he still had some clear consciousness, did not have the ability to resist.

If he was hit by the best area of a thousand swords, how could he have another chance to backhand?

Even Ye Xuan didn't know how many swords he had hit the ancient king. This is also Ye Xuan's mercy. This thousand swords and shadows are a killing trick, but it is not appropriate to be a mercy move.

Once launched, it is difficult to defeat but not kill.

After all, it's better not to kill people in the cloud hall.

Thousands of swords and shadows were completed, and the ancient king was defeated.

Ye Xuan intends to chase him. After all, the underworld cards on the ancient king are definitely not a small number. But when he wanted to chase, his legs were soft and his knees were bent, and the moment he slowed down. When he calmed down and planned to chase--


A huge body suddenly rushed towards this side. It ignored the demon dragon chasing behind it, caught the ancient king with both hands, and then turned around and fled regardless of its body. This huge body is naturally the ancient king's spirit demon blood oath monster King Kong bear.

The King Kong Bear sensed the situation on the ancient king's side and did not hesitate to save the ancient king.


The King Kong bear stepped on the ground at an amazing speed. When it ran, even the ground trembled.


Long Mei roared angrily.

Then, it fell next to Ye Xuan.

"Chasing!" Ye Xuan frowned and said.

Long Mei carried Ye Xuan and chased him in the direction where the King Kong bear fled.

A bear and a dragon are running extremely fast.

It is obvious that Longmei is faster than King Kong Bear.

The King Kong bear seemed to notice the rapid pursuit of Longmei, climbed directly to a high mountain in front of him, then jumped and fell to the other side of the mountain. Immediately, he patted his chest, and a light blue flame burned all over his body, which seemed to burn out all the fur he loved.

This is the trick of King Kong Bear.

King Kong Bear used this trick and felt that his eyes were a little tired. Obviously, this was a very overdrawn move.

And when the King Kong Bear used this trick, its speed turned out to be an improvement, a little faster than the Dragon Sister, and galloped towards the distance.

"This stupid bear used the forbidden spell!" The dragon girl said angrily, and randomly, she also had to use some tricks of the demon dragon family to overdraw her life to chase the King Kong bear.

"Forget it!" Ye Xuan shook his head when he saw that Longmei was going to use the forbidden spell.

"Why didn't you chase it!" Longmei turned into a young girl and pouted.

"It's not worth it!" Ye Xuan shook his head.

"What's not worth it!"

"You also use the forbidden spell, it's not worth it!" Ye Xuan's face gradually turned pale, and he fed him a mouthful of the elixir prepared for him in advance.

What if he and Longmei catch up? Being able to get the ancient king's underworld card is also in the case of both defeats. Although the ancient king lost to him, there is also the King Kong bear. King Kong Bear is a very tricky master. Of course, he and Longmei can solve the King Kong bear, but they will also win a tragic situation.

At that time, any other genius could easily solve him.

Going further is the eastern region. In this case, he doesn't want to disturb Mo Qingyu and others.

The most important thing is that it is not worth consuming part of Longmei's life for these and doing these thankless things.

"Let's go!"

Ye Xuan regained some true spirit and said.

"Go?" Longmei looked puzzled and said, "Where are you going!"

"Go to the Eastern Region--"

"----" Before Long Mei had time to say, Ye Xuan had already pointed him the direction.

"That direction!"

For such a long time, Ye Xuan will not forget the fact that Longmei, a first-class girl who is good at flying and escaping, is a road blind.

"Let's go!"

After leaving for so long, it's time for him to go back.

Before leaving, he glanced at the bamboo sword in his hand and muttered, "It's not enough!"

is the practice of thousands of swords and shadows, which is not enough.

In the hand of the battle with Mo Jian, he had a trace of feeling and finally understood it, so as to successfully understand the last thousand swords of green and Yin swordsmanship, which is enough to hit a thousand swords in one breath.

This task is impossible to complete, and he has completed some!

Three breaths, cut out a thousand swords.

However, it is still much worse.

The distance is not enough compared with the real power of thousands of swords and shadows.

Only Ye Xuan knows that thousands of swords and shadows are really successful in cultivation. The strongest thing is that a thousand swords are part of them, and the swords that cause a strong wind after that a thousand swords have been cut out are also a powerful move.

Thousands of swords and shadows, the most important thing is a thousand swords and swords.

He can make three thousand swords, but he can't condense the sword when he waved the last sword.

is still poor.


Ye Xuan took a deep breath and sat on Longmei's body. He had to admit that the thousands of swords were terrible. If it hadn't been for Honglian's left arm, even if he could wave a thousand swords in one breath, his arm would have been abolished.


The ancient king sat on the King Kong bear and fled in confusion. He chased in the direction of the eastern region. Seeing that Ye Xuan and Longmei did not catch up, he turned around again.

With his current injury, he went to the eastern region and met Mo Qingyu, the king of the eastern region, and his end was naturally obvious. You can only find a place where there is no one to recover from the injury first.

Gu Wangzhen locked the wound and gasped. Blood flowed on the wound, and the blood sprinkled on the hair of the King Kong bear.

"Brother Bu, thank you very much!" The ancient king closed his eyes, took a deep breath and sighed.

From his voice, it is not difficult to analyze that the current ancient king is very weak.

He lay on the King Kong bear and thought about a lot of things in his heart.

Among them, most of them close their eyes and recall Ye Xuan's trick.

He had no idea what had happened.

"It's too fast."

The dazzling sword and sword spirit are full of shadow, full of shadow sword spirit and sword that cannot be captured.

People don't know how to resist at all. In front of that trick, even if he had prepared a card for a long time, it was disintegrated layer by layer.


Gu Wang gritted his teeth.

He has a bad temper, and it is naturally normal to be angry.

But he had to admit that he had lost.

The next moment, a sound came from his ear, which made his pupils contract fiercely.

"It's hard to believe that you are so embarrassed today!"