Sword rises to the cloud

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Since I was very young, I have been thinking about a question - why are we called "Han people"? Some people say that the formation of any national name was born at the beginning of its ethnic formation, so why don't we call them Xia people, merchants (their people communicate with each other with ox carts, so that they are named Merchants), Zhou people, Qin people (Western China is said to be Qin people. Transliteration) instead of "Han people"? This problem was solved after I read the general history of the Western Han Dynasty.

Almost at the same time as the king of Qin swept the Liuhe, the outstanding leader of the Xiongnu, Mao Dun Shanyu led the tribe to defeat the powerful Donghu and Yue, making the weak Xiongnu the king of the desert. From then on, the word Xiongnu became the nightmare of the Central Plains agricultural empire.

In 200 BC, Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, held the remnants of the victory and led 320,000 infantry to harass the Xiongnu on the front line of the Great Wall. At this time, the Xiongnu had just risen, and the Central Plains army did not know its strength. It dared to lure the enemy with hundreds of old and weak soldiers every day. Liu Bang believed that it was true, "It is appropriate to chase Yu Yong to chase the poor bandits" and kill them all the way. As a result, when it came to Baishan, 400,000 elite cavalry of the Xiongnu surrounded the Han Legion overnight. Lao Liu Tianliang looked at the wolf-like Xiongnu cavalry around him and did not even have the courage to fight, so he had to send Chen Ping to sneak to the wife of Maoton's main room to go through the back door, give a heavy gift, and used another "anti-beauty trick", which was changed. You have to open the net.

In the battle of Bai Deng, the Xiongnu's prestige spread far and wide, while the Central Plains was greatly damaged after years of war at the end of the Qin Dynasty. Even Liu Bang couldn't find four horse-drawn carriages of the same hair in the dynasty. What can he take to fight against the Xiongnu? Therefore, the Han Dynasty had to adopt the affinity policy in exchange for an opportunity to rest and recuperate.

However, this affinity policy was not formed under equal conditions and could not be compared with the affinity of the Tang Dynasty, so the Huns did not stop harassing the northern border of the Han Dynasty. This situation has been maintained for 70 years. During this period, the Xiongnu was a small criminal, and sometimes there were major criminals. For example, in the 14th year of Emperor Wen, 140,000 cavalrymen of the Xiongnu entered the invaders, killed the captain of Beidi County (equivalent to the current commander of the military region), burned the palace of the Han Dynasty, and the capital was shaken, and Emperor Wen urgently recruited Zhou She and others to lead 100,000 cavalry arch Chang'an. Based on the disparity in strength, the Han Dynasty has been unbearable and secretly made military preparations. The most important thing is to raise horses for the whole Han army from step to horseback.

At the end of Wenjing, the vitality of the Han Dynasty increased greatly, and the money in the treasury was piled up like mountains. Because it was not used for a long time, the ropes of a series of money were rotten. In many places, especially in the north, every family had horses and everyone was good at riding. In this way, the time when the Han Dynasty had been waiting for 70 years finally came.

In the second year of Yuanshuo (127 BC), the Xiongnu entered the upper valley and Yuyang line. The Han bicycle general Wei Qing led tens of Han riders out of the clouds, killed thousands of Xiongnu, recovered the Hetao area, set up Shuofang and other counties, and lifted the direct threat of the Xiongnu to Chang'an. This was the first conquest of the Xiongnu in the Han Dynasty. It was a tentative nature. The Xiongnu did not suffer a major blow. Soon, they rode into the county with tens of thousands and killed the imperial guard.

In the fifth and six years of Yuan Shuo, Wei Qinglian led a large army out of the fortress and made a lot of gains. The Xiongnu gradually realized that today's Han was no longer the weak man of the past.

In the second year of Yuanhun (121 BC), the 19-year-old Han cavalry general Huo Qubing led Wanqi out of Longxi and encountered the main force of the Xiongnu thousands of miles across Yanzhi Mountain. The iron horses rushed with each other and the white blades met each other. The Xiongnu were defeated, and the Han Dynasty killed 18,000. In the summer of the same year, Huo led tens of thousands of iron horses to attack Qilian, killed countless, captured 30,000, and got the Xiongnu king to sacrifice to the golden people.

After these two battles, the Huns began to really suffer from the Han army. So for the first time, the Xiongnu King Xiu Tu and the Hun Evil King led 40,000 subordinates to surrender. Because this kind of thing has never happened in the history of Han-Hung relations, the Han court officials have discussed that it might be a fraudulent surrender and could not be done. Huo went to fight against public discussion and led Wanqi to be surrendered. When the two armies met, King Xiu Tu saw that the Han army was strong and was afraid of being killed after surrendering. He began to repent. The evil king refused. The two kings competed with each other, and there was a riot in the Xiongnu array. Huo's disease saw it. Although the situation was unknown, he made a hasty decision and led more than a thousand elites to the Xiongnu array. On the spot, he killed Xiu Tuwang and thousands of people with two hearts, and the rest fell.

After this war, Han set up four counties in the newly harvested land: Wuwei, Jiuquan, Zhangye and Dunhuang, "Jincheng, Hexi and Nanshan (Qilianshan) to Yanze (Luobo), and there are no Xiongnu."

In the fourth year of Yuan hunting (119 BC), Han launched a decisive blow to the Xiongnu!

The great man had 100,000 iron riders, hundreds of thousands of infantry and hundreds of thousands of troops. The soldiers were divided into two ways, led by Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, and crossed the desert. Wei Qing traveled thousands of miles through the desert and met the main force directly under the Xiongnu Dadanyu in the north-central part of Outer Mongolia. The Han army formed a battle with cars and went out of the elite horse to confront the main force of the Xiongnu. When the battle was in full force, the wind was strong and the sand flew away. Wei Qing took the opportunity to send more than 10,000 elite horses to surround the Xiongnu in the wind and surround the Xiongnu in one fell swoop. The iron horse of the Han army was originally very tough. In addition, it came by the wind when the sand was flying and the rocks were in the dark. For a moment, it was like a heavenly soldier coming down to the earth, and the Xiongnu were all afraid to see it. At this time, the victory or defeat had been decided. The Xiongnu was beheaded at the level of 19,000, and the big order only led 100 horses to escape far away, and even Dayin and his wife did not take care of it.

Huo Qubing is even more prominent all the way. His army entered the territory of the Xiongnu for more than 2,000 miles, fought with the Xiongnu Zuo Xianwang, beheaded more than 70,000, and then took advantage of the victory to chase and kill them all the way to Xu Mountain (now the northern end of Outer Mongolia) in the far north of the desert. There was no trace of the Xiongnu for a few days. Before returning to China, Huo, the heroic young commander, climbed the Wolf Juxu Mountain, to the south of the Central Plains, set up an altar to worship, and set up a monument to commemorate the victory on the mountain. Since then, there has been an additional "Fenglang Juxu" in the Chinese idiom.

After this battle, the Xiongnu were frightened. A few years later, Zhao Ponu led a large army out of the fortress and there was a strange thing that disappeared for thousands of miles.

At this point, the power of the Han Dynasty has spread all over the world. In the first year of Yuanfeng, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty personally led 180,000 iron horses out of the fortress and stationed in Shanyutai. During the day, the flag was thousands of miles, and at night, the bonfire was like a star. The army was majestic, and the Xiongnu did not dare to fight. Emperor Wu of Han simply sent an envoy to send a war letter to Da Danyu, so that if he could fight, he would fight. If he could not fight, he would surrender. Don't fight or surrender, and suffer in the far north. Shan Yu was furious, but when he was angry, he still didn't dare to fight. Finally, he had to move to Lake Baikal and "suffied".

Han Wu's single landing in Taiwan marked the heyday of Han's Tianwei. Since hundreds of years since then, there has been no more strength around China that can compete with China. Overall peace, and finally came to the land of China under the guarantee of strong armament and attack.

The battle against the Xiongnu was the longest, largest and most important war in the Han Dynasty. At the same time, there were also a series of wars such as Han Zheng Dawan and Han Zheng South Vietnam. The result of the war was a lasting peace and the opening of the Silk Road. And the people of the Han Dynasty can also proudly declare to the lawless foreigners, "I am a big man, I am a Han man!" ( Subtext, see if you dare to touch me, don't forget that I, Duwei Chen, said, "Those who commit a strong man will be killed even if they are far away")

2000 years ago, our ancestors used iron and blood to tell the power that we are Han people, and the Han people should not be humiliated! Today, what will we use to tell another power that we are Chinese, and Chinese people are not humiliated! We will wait and see.

I hope that in another two thousand years, another line will appear in the history books printed in Chinese characters: those who violate the prestige of China will be killed no matter how far away they are!

"I heard that the righteousness of the world should be mixed into one. There used to be Tang Yu, and now there are strong men. The Xiongnu called Han Xie Shanyu, who had been called the northern vassal, but Zhi Shanyu was rebellious and did not accept it. In the west of the summer, I thought that strong men could not submit. Zhizhi Shan is cruel to the people and evil to the sky. Minister Yanshou and Chen Tang, the righteous soldiers, and the heavenly death. His Majesty's gods, the combination of yin and yang, the weather is shrewd to defeat the enemy, beheads the head of the Zhi and the famous king, and the barbarian streets and mansions at the head of Yi County to show thousands of miles. Those who violate the strong Han will be killed even if they are far away!" - Han Gan Yanshou, Chen Tang

The following things are more interesting:

After the Huns were driven to the West by the Han people, they first met the Goths. After being defeated by the Huns, the Goths fled to the west. The first people they met were the West Goths west of the Dnest River. At that time, there was no such news media as now, so the West Goths thought that the Ostrogoths were coming to invade, so they wanted to block the East Goths. The Ostrogotes were determined to escape for their lives, and no one could stop them. As soon as they tried their best, they beat the West Goths. After winning, they looked at the land in the west of the river and wanted to live there. But before they settled down, the Huns also crossed the river. As soon as the East Gothic people saw the "devil" came, they continued to run. The West Gothic looked at it. Even the Ostrogoths are so afraid of the Huns, so what else can there be said? Run together, so the winners and losers run in pairs, and there is a chain reaction in the process of going west. As a result, almost all the barbarian tribes such as the Vandals, Suweihui, Burgundy, Franks, Saxons are in He fled to the west aimlessly in panic. Now Western historians have plated their faces and say that it is the "national migration". In fact, the real fact is the "national escape". At that time, the situation could only be described as the complete "collapse" of the barbarians. A contemporary historian wrote, "Run away, the barbarians running all over the mountains have only one idea to escape from them and those who are more barbaric than them."

The West Goths later thought that the Danube might stop the Huns' cavalry, so they crossed the Danube into Thrace in the Roman Empire. The Roman emperor Valens took them in. The original intention was to have more slaves and mercenaries. Unexpectedly, the Roman officials responsible for receiving them were too corrupt. They took advantage of it. The West Goths were short of food (the West Goths were sent for it and did not prepare any food at all). They brought grain and livestock from the mainland and sold them to the West Goths at a high price. The West Goths were honest at first, but later when the Romans could exchange a dog for a leader's child, the West Goths were provoked. Angry, they attacked the local Roman garrison and set off a riot. Valens, no matter who was right or wrong, personally led an army of more than 50,000 to suppress it. As a result, he was completely defeated by these Huns in Adriaburg near Constantinople, and Varens himself was killed in battle. Later, Theodosius, a famous Roman general, reluctantly "suppressed" the Westgoths. The West Goths promised not to rebel again, and the Romans agreed that the West Goths would live in the Balkans as allies. Theodosius eventually became the last unified Roman emperor. Before his death, he divided Rome into two parts and his two sons, which was the origin of the Eastern and Western Roman Empire. The Huns wandered in the empty Eastern European Plains for a long time, enjoying the tribute of the two Roman Empires and slowly becoming a settled nation. Later, Attila succeeded to the throne. He was not satisfied with the status quo and launched a series of attacks on the Roman Empire, and each time he made great gains. But when he led an unprecedented army of 500,000 troops into Gaul, his huge pressure finally forced the barbarians and the Romans to unite closely. In Charon on the Marne, a decisive war broke out in European history. The decisive battle led by the European coalition led by the "last Roman" Aechus and Attila took only one day. The casualties on both sides were 150,000 to 300,000. The king of the West Gothians was killed and Attila was almost killed. The fierce battle on this day Moreover, both sides had lingering fear. That night, the West Gothic king secretly ran into the Huns's tent and signed an alliance with Attila. The Huns withdrew overnight, and Aechus did not chase them. Everyone avoided a more tragic battle. Atilla learned a lesson and converted to attack Italy the next year. This time, Aechus could not find a barbarian allies. Attila was in no man's land in northern Italy, and the front of the army pointed straight at the city of Rome. The Roman emperor advocated abandoning the city (in fact, he himself had already lived in Lavenna), but the Pope did not do it. Outside Rome, the Pope led a large number of priests, nuns and childhood virgins, all dressed in white sacred clothes and stood in front of Attila's horse. The Pope was affectionate and moved by Attila. Thousands of followers whispered hymns and made * music behind. As a result, Attila withdrew from the horizon of Rome!

The Han Empire (Western Han and Eastern Han) was the most powerful military dynasty in China's 5,000-year history (except the Mongolian Empire), and in some aspects even surpassed the prosperous Tang Dynasty. It is said that the Wuqiang of the Han Dynasty and the Wudi of the Tang Dynasty were the most outstanding emperors of the two Han empires. The military power of the Han Dynasty was unrivaled in the generation ruled by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The national strength of the Han Dynasty reached its peak after 75 years of Wenjing. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered Wei Qing and Huo to cross the Gobi Desert, which dealt a heavy blow to the Xiongnu. According to historical records, the cavalry of the Han Dynasty had strong combat effectiveness (no less than the later Mongolian iron cavalry). Wei Qinghuo had a total of 50,000 cavalry, crossed the Gobi Desert and the Mongolian grasslands, fought to the Outer Xing'an Mountains and Siberia, and annihilated more than 200,000 Xiongnu cavalry. This kind of battle with fewer wins more is also extremely rare in history, not to mention that the opponents are extremely strong and fierce nomads. There are two reasons why the cavalry of the Han Dynasty was strong. First of all, it was extremely advanced military technology. The Han army used professional cavalry, iron swords, strong nurs, and all of them were equipped with armor. At that time, the Roman Empire of the same era still used bronze infantry. It is worth mentioning that Qiangnu looks like a gun and bow and arrow, which is easy to carry and much more accurate than bows and arrows. With strong penetration, it can control the enemy to death within 100 meters. It spread to the West centuries later. Secondly, military command ability and combat experience. Due to the desperate expedition, it is far away from the supply base and requires excellent command ability. Mobility is required. Destroy the enemy in the movement. The Xiongnu thought that the Han army did not dare to make an expedition, but was caught off guard by the Han army and almost destroyed. At that time, the Roman Empire was still in the era of position warfare.

After the Xiongnu was defeated by the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty carried out several large-scale military expansions in order to expand its territory. First, they occupied Xinjiang, established the Protectorate of the Western Regions, and then expeditioned Central Asia to today's Tajikistan, annexing the small countries in the Western Regions into the Anxi Protectorate. The Han army's farthest expedition to Central Asia reached the west coast of the Baltic Sea, making Persia a dependent state. Later, due to internal contradictions in the court, Emperor Guangwu had to give up the vast land west of Lake Bargosh. The only significant significance of this expedition opened up China's trade route to Europe - the Silk Road.

About 20,000 Roman imperial expeditionaries and 5,000 Western border cavalry of the Han Dynasty fought on the shore of Lake Bargosh. The Han army first surrounded the Roman legion with elite cavalry. It's not so much a battle as a massacre. This battle almost destroyed the whole Roman legion. The Han army suffered no more than 100 casualties and more than 10,000 in Rome. After besieging the Roman legion, the Han army kept a certain distance and used Qiannu to shoot the Roman soldiers. The Roman legion was in chaos. After failing to break through, they surrendered to the Han army, thinking that they would be sold as slaves, but as a result, the Han Dynasty preferentially treated the Roman soldiers and unconditionally released them and built cities for them to live in. It has been passed down since then.

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