Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 3 The Grace of Dripping Water

It's already night, and Qianqiu's day has been spent on restoring cultivation. If there is anything in the world that makes Qianqiu interested, it is undoubtedly practice.

Now Qianqiu has figured it out that there is such a sentence in the sequel of "Hunyuan Sword Tips" in his mind: the Eastern Emperor Sword will automatically recognize the Lord and will help his master shape a body suitable for sword cultivation, but his original face and personality will not change. The only thing that is unclear about why he died and resurrected.

Suddenly, a sound came, and Qianqiu immediately looked at the door of the broken temple. This is a habit and vigilance that has always been developed, and it is an instinct that both warriors and monks have.

Looking at the small figure that appeared at the door, Qianqiu's tense body relaxed. The girl hasn't appeared all afternoon and I don't know where she went.

"Big brother..., big brother, are you still there?" The girl is a little nervous. She has always been alone and will be afraid at night when she lives in this broken temple. Now it is not easy to find someone. Although she was rescued from the mountain, she doesn't look like a bad person and will never be lonely in the future. The girl's mind is very simple and naive.

There was no lamp, and the temple was dark. The girl called twice but didn't hear anyone respond, so she stood still for a while and cried. Whoo... Whoo... Whoo..." Crying is very depressing, as if afraid that his crying has caused something frightening.

"What's wrong?" Qianqiu's cold voice came over, and she still had a little pity and good impression on Qianqiu, a little girl who seemed to be a beggar.

The girl was still crying. Listening to Qianqiu's voice, the girl subconsciously replied, "Big brother... Let's go. I want to... Alone... Whoo.... What?

It was a very strange transformation. The girl did not cry anymore. She was afraid of her own hallucinations. She tried her best not to make a sound, so that the sound could come to her ears again and let herself have a companion on this dark night.

Half a sound, just when the girl was disappointed, a figure came out and walked to the girl. Qianqiu was really puzzled. First, he cried inexplicably, and then stood straight in front of the door and didn't come in. What did he want to do? So Qianqiu came out to see the situation.

The girl looked surprised, but it could not be seen in the dark night. The girl smiled and wiped away her tears. She stepped forward and asked, "Big brother, are you hungry?"

When the girl said this, Qianqiu really felt a little hungry, so she said, "What's wrong?"

The girl quickly stretched out a hand with a large bowl on it, and a faint fragrance floated out. Eat it, big brother." The girl said.

Qianqiu looked at the food in the bowl and suddenly heard a 'gurd' sound. He was clear in her heart that the girl was afraid that she had not eaten it. It was clear how this bowl of rice came from, but Qianqiu still didn't mind that sentence, because he had lived like this for three years.

"Let's eat together." Qianqiu said to the girl that he was indifferent by nature, and it was not easy to speak like this.

There was a trace of desire in the girl's eyes, but she still shook her head and said, "I'm not hungry. Big brother, you can eat it."

"I don't want to say it again." Qianqiu said.

The girl pouted and felt wronged. You are still angry when they treat you well. But feeling the hunger in her belly, the girl nodded.

The two went in and sat down. Qianqiu separated a bowl of rice, most of which was given to the girl. The girl looked at the rice in the bowl and whispered, "Thank you."

Qianqiu was stunned. In the past, when others gave him food, he never said thank you, but today he ate other people's food and asked others to say thank you to himself.

Looking at the rice in his hand, Qianqiu suddenly remembered the story that Master had told himself before. I will never forget the kindness of a meal.

After dinner, Qianqiu and the girl sat on the weed-filled steps at the door and looked at the moon that had just risen. The moon was very round and bright, and Qianqiu could even see the girl's face clearly.

The girl's face is full of happiness and satisfaction, and she will at least not fall asleep alone tonight.

Suddenly, Qianqiu found scars on the girl's face. And there are many, and these scars are not available during the day.

"What's wrong with the injury on your face?" Qianqiu asked.

The girl was stunned, and then a trace of panic and fear flashed in her eyes, but she still shook her head and said, "This... This is in... I fell on the road." After saying that, he lowered his head and rubbed the corners of his clothes with his hands.

Qianqiu stared at the girl's face, and the atmosphere was condensed for a moment.

"What's your name?" To the girl's surprise, Qianqiu didn't ask any more questions, and she was a little disappointed and relieved.

"Dog." The girl replied.

Qianqiu was stunned, and there was a name? Who got it for you? Qianqiu asked.

"Myself..." The dog lowered his head and said.

"Why?" Qianqiu asked.

"People all have names... I didn't, so I took one. The dog's tone is a little sad.

"Don't call it that name." Qian Qiuxue said.

"Then what's my name?" The dog raised its head and asked.

"Call me Qianli." Qianqiu was ready to 'report Yongquan' and directly let others and his surname.

"Qianli? Xiaoli..." The dog muttered to himself, with a different look in his eyes.

"Then my name is Qianli..." Dog... No, Qian Li said happily.

Qianqiu didn't say anything. He stood up directly and said, "It's getting late. Take a rest."

Qianli was stunned, his excited expression stiffened on his face, and his mouth plumped again. Then he stood up and followed Qianqiu in.

Lying on the dead grass, Qianqiu soon closed his eyes and fell asleep, while Qianli on one side opened his eyes and could not sleep for a long time.

In the middle of the day, the sun shone into the broken temple. Qianqiu opened his eyes. The dazzling sunlight made him unable to sleep anymore. The broken temple was so broken that it was almost no different from the open air. Qianqiu looked at the roof that would collapse at any time and couldn't help feeling a little danger.

Looking around, I didn't find Qianli's figure. Qianqiu walked out of the temple gate and happened to see Qianli's figure disappearing into the trees in front of him.

Qianqiu followed. Although he did not delve into the scars on Qianli's face yesterday, he had to figure it out for Qianqiu, who was ready to report it.

Entangled, Qianqiu struggled to walk out of this small forest, and a small village suddenly appeared in front of him, with more than a dozen families in the small village.

Qianqiu entered the village and saw Qianli's figure. At this time, she was holding a bowl and asking the villagers for food. As a farmer, although she was not very rich, she was very kind-hearted. Every family took out a little food and poured it into Qianli's bowl. Qianli thanked him one by one. Soon, Qianli's bowl Full, Qianli walked out of the village happily. Qianqiu immediately hid behind a haystration. He would not go out now. He came to see what happened to Qianli's injury.

There is a stream in front of the village. The water of the stream is very clear. Qianli is walking towards the stream. At the same time, he looks left and right, looking very carefully.

Suddenly, several boys about the same size as Qianqiu appeared in front of Qianli and looked at Qianli with a bad smile.

Qianli looked at the few people in front of him and suddenly stood still, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.