Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 14 Sword

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you damage my house for no reason? Although Zhang Cai is afraid of the monks in the later stage of Xuanzhe, he also has monks in the later stage of Xuanzhe and a monk in the middle stage of Xuanzhe. Naturally, he has great courage to say.

Qianqiu held a green sword and looked at Zhang Cai coldly. Although he was surrounded by dozens of people with knives, he still only looked at Zhang Cai and Li Bo beside him.

"Dad." At this time. Zhang Fu and Zhang Tu came over.

"Fu'er." Mrs. Zhang saw Zhang Fu and shouted with a smile.

"Dad and mother, what's the matter with the child?" Zhang Fu asked.

"Do you know this person?" Zhang Cai pointed to Qianqiu and asked.

"I don't know." Zhang Fu shook his head. Indeed, no one here knows Qianqiu except the jade boss.

"Friend, since everyone has no hatred and no complaints, why is it necessary to do so? Why don't we sit down and have a drink together? Zhang Cai said to Qianqiu.

Qianqiu looked at Zhang Fu and suddenly asked, "Are you Zhang Fu?"

Zhang Fu was stunned and then smiled, "Yes, I am. Do you know me?" He guessed that the teenager in front of him was the master, so his tone was quite polite.

Qianqiu's eyes narrowed, and the air around him cooled down in an instant.

"What a murderous spirit, sir, this person is not good." Li Bo said in Zhang Cai's ear.

"I don't know you." Qianqiu said and took a step forward. But the Lord of Hell knew you and said, where is the person?" Qianqiu said.

"What did the little bastard say?" Mrs. Zhang listened to Qianqiu's words and cursed, directly ignoring the words behind Qianqiu.

'yin!' The sound of the sword sounded, and the green sword in Qianqiu's hand flashed with a white light, and blood splashed. The three family members in front of Qianqiu flew up at the same time and finally fell to the ground, bleeding on their necks.

"Presumptuous." Zhang Cai said angrily, and then said to those families, "Kill him."

The family members who heard the order rushed up. Although they had just been suppressed by Qianqiu's action, it obviously did not scare these family members who used to be mountain thieves.

Looking at the rushing family, Qianqiu's sharp eyes turned over and kept stabbing out the Qingfeng sword in his hand.

'xiu''pu ci...'

'xiu''pu ci...'

With each sword, a family member will fall into a pool of blood. With the last sword stab, more than 30 familymen have all fallen, and the maple leaves on the ground have all been dyed red, adding a little more beauty.

Qianqiu collected the sword, and there were only five people left at the scene. Zhang Cai, Mrs. Zhang, Zhang Fu, Li Bo and Zhang Tu. Zhang Cai, Li Bo and Zhang Tu have nothing, only Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Fu's faces are pale, and they are no longer arrogant.

Qianqiu walked forward, staring at Zhang Fu closely.


Two steps

Three steps

Zhang Tu pulled the knife out of the sheath and cut it towards Qianqiu.

' The swords intersect, a wisp of fire blooms, and the swords are separated. Qianqiu's sword pointed to the ground, tilted upward, and met the knife of Zhang Tu.

'Bum!' With a loud noise, Zhang Tu only felt a strong force coming from his hand. He was instantly shot out and landed on his feet. He stepped back a few steps in a row before he stabilized.

A sword light appeared in front of Zhang Tu. Zhang Tu had no time to stop it. Qianqiu's sword had arrived in front of him.

'ci...' The Qingfeng sword pierced Zhang Tu's neck. Zhang Tu stared and blood gushed out of his mouth.

Qianqiu drew his sword.

'Boom', Zhang Tu's body fell to the ground, and his eyes were still open.

Zhang Cai's face changed greatly. In the middle of the mysterious period, he was killed so easily.

"Sir, go quickly. This man's sword is extremely profound and the sword is extremely fast. I just didn't have time to stop him. I'll block him. Go quickly." Li Bo said with a solemn face.

In the face of death, it is often easy for people to make choices. OK, Uncle Li, be careful." Zhang Cai said and ran to the backyard with Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Fu, who had been afraid for a long time.

"Hmm!" Looking at Zhang Fu, who wanted to run, Qianqiu chased after him with a sword.

"Friend, and me." Li Bo stood in front of Qianqiu and said.

"Looking for death." Qianqiu stabbed out with a sword, and Li Bo did not dare to neglect him, and an iron ruler suddenly appeared in his hand.

The 'Ding' Qingfeng sword was blocked by an iron ruler. Li Bo twisted his body and kicked his right foot towards Qianqiu.

'Bang' Qianqiu kicked out his right foot quickly and collided with Li Bo's foot.

The Qingfeng sword scratched the iron ruler and cut it into Li Bo's hand.

Li Bo turned his hands over, the iron ruler fell, the green sword fell empty, and the iron ruler fell on Li Bo's left hand.



The iron ruler hit Qianqiu's lower abdomen, and Qianqiu suddenly stepped back a few steps.

Qianqiu looked at Li Bo and slowly raised the sword in his hand.

"Ah!!!" At this time, a scream with pain came from the backyard, and Qianqiu suddenly looked up. This is Qianli's voice.

'Hu' Qianqiu dodged, jumped up the high wall, then jumped on the roof and swept towards the backyard.

"Hight!" Li Bo shouted and jumped to the roof and chased after him.

"Hahaha, little bitch, it's comfortable, it's very comfortable, thank you, sister." Boss Yu held a whip in his hand and looked at Qianli tied to the pillar and said, and then another whip hit Qianli's body.

"Ah... Whoo... Whoo..." Qianli's mouth was full of blood and he could not speak. There were two conspicuous scars on his body, and his face was swollen.

"Let your little begroom arrogant." Boss Yu raised his hand with the whip again, but before he waved it, he felt a cold wrist, and then a sharp pain came. At first sight, he suddenly screamed.


'Ah!!!' Old Yu's right palm fell to the ground, and Boss Yu immediately fell to the ground, covering his bloody wrist and screaming.

"Brother... Brother..." Qianli shouted weakly with a smile on his face. Qianqiu waved the sword in his hand again, and the rope tied to Qianli was cut off. Qianli was already scarred and was about to fall down, but he was held in Qianqiu's arms.

"Brother.. Brother..." Qianli shouted again and fainted in Qianqiu's arms.

Boss Yu looked at Qianqiu, and her bloodless face appeared in pain because her wrist was cut off. Qianqiu did not let her despair. The sword in her hand gently stroke, and a long opening appeared on Boss Yu's neck. The bright red blood suddenly gushed out, and Boss Yu died.

Qianqiu walked outside the house with Qianli in his arms. What reassured Qianqiu was that Qianli's clothes were intact except for the sleeves being torn off.

"Do you want to leave if you kill someone?" At this time, Li Bo had already stood outside the door, and Zhang Cai and the three of them were also standing there. They just saw Qianqiu running to the backyard with light kung fu, thinking that they could not beat Li Bo. The three people who were preparing to escape followed Li Bo to the backyard.

When they saw Qianqiu holding Qianli, everyone understood. Zhang Cai took a fierce look at Zhang Fu, and then shouted to Li Bo, "Li Bo, kill him, or the Zhang family will be over." Yes, if you don't kill Qianqiu, the Zhang family will never have a good life in the future, especially if the other party is still so young and has unlimited potential.

"Young man, you shouldn't have come. It's a pity." Li Bo looked at Qianqiu and said, at this time, he was very confident, because Qianqiu was weak when he first started the show, and now there is still a girl to take care of, so he can't fully use it. But he didn't know that Qianqiu was completely thinking about looking for Qianli when he just had a deal with him. Now, it's different.

"Goodbye, young man, don't be so impulsive in your next life." Li Bo said, waved the long ruler in his hand, carrying a strong momentum, "The foot is broken!" Li Bo shouted in his mouth, jumped forward and cut down a long foot towards Qianqiu.

Long feet close to his body, Qianqiu's eyes condensed, and the Qingfeng sword in his hand quickly lifted it. His left hand clamped Qianli under his armpit. The Qingfeng sword slowly stabbed out towards the ruler cut down. No reply!" Qianqiu said softly in his mouth.

'Ding...' A broken ruler fell to the ground, and then a few drops of blood dripped on the broken ruler.

Qianqiu's face was still indifferent, while Zhang Cai and the three looked unbelievable. Li Bo's face twitched and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but a mouthful of blood spewed out. The Qingfeng sword on his chest slowly withdrew. Li Bo fell to the ground, and his life was over.

"Ah..." The fear of death could no longer be suppressed, and Zhang Cai and the other two ran away.

"Ah!" Mrs. Zhang slipped on the soles of her feet and fell to the ground. As soon as she raised her head, the blade of the green sword scratched her neck, and she could no longer get up.




After two bloods, Zhang Cai and Zhang Fu also fell to the ground.

The sun was as red as blood. Qianqiu hugged Qianli, stepped on the blood-stained maple leaves, and slowly walked out of Zhangfu. Go to the hospital he saw when he came yesterday.