Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 94 Mite Cliff

A lonely war horse stood alone in the place of the war not long ago, as if he was remembering something and sad about why.

An old man in brocade stood on the tower, and beside him stood Marshal Feng Qian. Speaking of which, the two were old friends.

"You have made great achievements again this time." The old man in brocade said.

"Ha ha, I'd rather not do this." Feng Qian looked at the scene below, and there was an indescribable sadness in his tone.

"It's not good if you are too good." The old man in brocade said.

"hehe." Feng Qian smiled and did not answer. After the old man in brocade came, they broke through the iron armor army in one fell swoop, and the officers and soldiers defending the city fell without fighting. However, one of them was missing, that is, a city tower, and it was the tower at the time of the war. How could there be no city guard?

"It is rumored that Qin Yue has a daughter, but she is well protected. Except for the people in Qin Mansion, no one knows what she looks like." Feng Qian said.

"But she must die. Your Majesty doesn't want to leave her behind." The old man in brocade said.

"Alas.... I know that I just hope that there is nothing wrong with those people in Qin Mansion. Feng Qian sighed.

"Except Qin Yue's daughter, everyone else is up to you." The old man in brocade said.

"Well, it is reported that when the city was broken, someone once saw a man dressed like a general and took ten soldiers to protect a girl to the west of the city." Feng Qian said.

"Good." The old man in brocade only said one word and sacrificed a flying sword and went to the west of the city.

Feng Qian sighed again and asked the people behind him, "Have you found General Qin's body?"

"I found it. The autopsy is cleaning up." The soldier replied.

"That's good. Remember, General Qin will be buried tomorrow." Feng Qian said.


The first thing the silver gun army did when it entered the city was to appease the people. Even the people in the Qin Dynasty did nothing. After all, they represented the imperial court.

In the west of the city, in Yunxiao Mountain, more than a dozen people with iron armor are running rapidly. The fastest one among them is carrying a girl on his back.

"What are you doing? Let me down, I want my master, I want my father, woo-woo..." Qin Yan cried loudly, but General Zhao was not moved at all. There was only one thought in their eyes now, that is, to escape.

"Master... Dad..." Qin Yan shouted loudly, and there was only one scene in her mind, which was the scene when she died in the north.

"Master is dead... Where's Dad... I want to come down and see my father... Whoo..." Now at dusk, Qin Yan's crying was particularly loud in this quiet Yunxiao Mountain, and countless birds were surprised.

"There." The old man in brocade drove the flying sword and flew to the place where the birds were shocked.

"Miss, don't cry." General Zhao pleaded with red eyes that they had been running and had not rested for a long time.

"I... I want my father, I want my master, and you let me down..." Qin Yan cried loudly.

"Miss, the fairy master is dead, maybe... Maybe the general also... Don't cry, we are still running for our lives. General Zhao said hurriedly.

"Dad won't die. He loves Yan'er so much. How can he die? You lie. Let me down." Qin Yan began to struggle on General Zhao's back.

General Zhao, who had been running for a long time and was almost out of power, naturally couldn't stand Qin Yan's struggle and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the group stopped, and Qin Yan struggled to get up. Where is this?" Qin Yan glanced blankly, "Where is my father?"

"Miss..." General Zhao sat on the ground with a decadent face. "The general may be dead."

"Impossible." Qin Yan shouted, and suddenly the situation of Qianqiu killing the north came to her mind. Suddenly, there was a tingling pain in her heart. She sat on the ground distracted and her eyes were unfocused.

"No, General, we're in the wrong place." A soldier shouted.

"How is that possible?" General Zhao pulled the map with an unbelieving face, took a look, and then recalled the way they came. Suddenly, his face turned pale. On the map, the end of that road... It is a red fork, and everyone knows that it is the most famous cliff and meteorite cliff in Dingyan City.

"Quickly, turn around." General Zhao hurriedly got up and said, "Miss, go quickly." General Zhao put Qin Yan on his back, but Qin Yan was still unconscious and just said, "Impossible."

She doesn't seem to believe that Qin Yue will die, nor does she believe that she will die in the north, let alone...

Run? You can't run away." An old voice came and everyone was shocked.

"Who." General Zhao shouted.

A gust of wind blew, and an old man appeared in front of everyone.

"Are you an immortal?" General Zhao asked.

"Yes, good eyesight." The old man stroked his beard and smiled.

"What do you want to do?" General Zhao asked warily.

The old man looked at General Zhao's back. There was a girl and said with a smile, "I'll kill her."

General Zhao was shocked and quickly retreated.

"General, go, let's stop him." Ten soldiers drew their knives and said.

General Zhao nodded. Now is not the time to be pretentious, so he turned around and ran away behind Qin Yan's back.

"Hmm, I don't know whether to live or die." The old man smiled contemptuously and flew his sword. In an instant, a sword light flashed, and ten soldiers fell down. They were dead.

General Zhao ran fast behind Qin Yan's back, but his heart was full of despair. Suddenly, he stopped and looked up to the sky and sighed: "General, Zhao Ji is ashamed of you and everyone." A tear fell silently, but I didn't hear the sound of tears falling to the ground, because Zhao Ji's feet were a cliff.

"Are you going to run?" The voice of the old man in brocade came.

Zhao Ji turned around and saw that the old man in brocade had come slowly.

Zhao Ji put down Qin Yan on his back, "Miss, take care."

Zhao Ji pulled out his waist knife and rushed to the old man in brocade.

The old man in brocade smiled and flicked his fingers. A sharp blade-like thing pierced Zhao Ji's forehead. When Zhao Ji fell down, he looked at Qin Yan's place and couldn't close his eyes.

The old man in brocade looked at Qin Yan, his fingers flicked gently again, and an aura blade shot at Qin Yan again.


With a soft sound, a sword light flashed and smashed the aura blade.

The old man in brocade was stunned, and then saw a young man in white appear in place, looking at himself coldly.

This person was Qianqiu. When he woke up and learned that the old man in Jinyi went to chase Qin Yan and others, he rushed over desperately. Fortunately, Qin Yan was not dead yet.

"Little friend's good swordsmanship must be the one who killed Qianqiu in the north." The old man in brocade said.

Qianqiu didn't say anything. He couldn't respond to this question, because he didn't rely on his own power to kill north. In terms of his own strength, Qianqiu knew that he was not as good as going north at all.

Seeing Qianqiu not talking, the old man in brocade smiled and said, "Are you here for her?"

Qianqiu nodded.

"But I want to kill her." The old man in brocade suddenly burst into a fierce momentum and went straight to Qianqiu.

Qianqiu's injury came in a hurry before he recovered. At this time, he was rushed by the momentum of the old man in brocade and immediately stepped back a few steps and spit out blood.

"Do you still save her now?" The old man in brocade said angrily.

Qianqiu worked hard to stand up straight, and the green blade pointed straight at the old man in brocade. Rescue."

"I don't want you to save me." Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded. Qianqiu and the old man in brocade looked at the same time and saw that Qin Yan had stood up at this time. She stared at Qianqiu, red and there were tears, but the look in her eyes was unclear and unclear.

"Did you kill my master?" Qin Yan suddenly grew up a lot, and she stared at Qianqiu with round eyes and asked.

Qianqiu did not deny it this time. He nodded.

Qin Yan was shocked and her eyes dimmed in an instant.

"Is my father also dead?" Qin Yan muttered.

"Yes." This time, it is still Qianqiu's answer.

Qin Yan did not cry. She looked at Qianqiu and smiled faintly. In her smile, there was desolation, sadness, and...

Qin Yan climbed up her long hair with her right hand, where there was a white belt, which was used to tie her hair. Qianqiu recognized that it was the cloth on her clothes.

"I'll give it back to you. I don't want to play now." Qin Yan handed the strip to Qianqiu, and Qianqiu gently took it. Suddenly, a shadow flashed. Qianqiu looked up, and Qin Yan had jumped off the cliff.

"through the cloud disk." Qianqiu shouted, and the cloud-piercing saucer hovering in the air immediately flew to Qianqiu's feet, and Qianqiu immediately rushed down the cliff.

Qin Yan closed her eyes and fell with a fallen leaf beside her, disappearing into the darkness of the deeper and deeper cliff.

Qin Yan, is it really dead? I hope Qin Yan will die. Just read this chapter and leave directly. I don't want to die... You can do it yourself.