Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 148 Jiuzhong Building 2

"What if she comes back in the future? Isn't it that you can't find us?" Qianqiu said to Zhuge Yu.

"I have left a mark, and she will definitely find us." Zhuge Yu said, as for her... Naturally, it is Li Qinglin.

Qianqiu nodded. Since Zhuge Yu had been prepared, there was nothing to say.

"This road... Is it the way out of Chu? Zhuge Yu said.

"Real?" I really don't know this Qianqiu. He just pressed the button to walk on his map.

"Isn't your friend from Chu?" Zhuge Yu asked.

"Maybe." Qianqiu said.

โ€œ...โ€ Zhuge Yu was silent for a while and said, "That's good. Out of the State of Chu, it's not the world of the Lu family."

"We will come back again. At that time, the Lu family will not be mentioned." Qianqiu said lightly.

Looking at Qianqiu beside him, Zhuge Yu seemed to see something, which was a spirit that would not disappear even if he died.

My heart is immortal, and my sword will last forever. This is Qianqiu's heart, the heart of the sword.

All the way out of the State of Chu, it is an endless plain, and occasionally there are small peaks.

"This should be Song, right?" Zhuge Yu said that he had been to the State of Song and was also very familiar with the beautiful scenery and pleasant climate of the State of Song.

"It's almost there." Qianqiu said.

"Song Guo?" Zhuge Yu frowned slightly, but then Zhan Yan said, "The State of Song has always been neutral, not favoring any country, and its strength is also the weakest, but the country is very rich. Although many powerful countries have been annexing the State of Song, other countries will also compete one after another. In view of the national strength and situation of the State of Song, many countries They all agreed to protect Song as a trading place for all countries in Xizhou, so this place is also very peaceful and healthy.

"It's here." Qianqiu looked at the abrupt mountain in front of him and said.

fell down and found that it was flat on the top of the mountain, and a courtyard larger than the disciple's residence was built on it.

"Unparalleled." There are three large gold characters on the gate.

"Here you are." Niu Wushuang came out of the door, followed by Qi Yin and Wan Yan.

"Sir, Qianqiu." Qiyin said hello to Fang Yu.

As usual, Qianqiu just nodded.

"Let's go in. There are many places to live. I'm usually the only one here." Niu Wushuang said.

"One person? So what do you want to do with such a big house?" Qiyin asked.

"I didn't build it myself. It was sent by the emperor of the State of Song." Buttons are unparalleled.

"This emperor is so generous." Wan Yan said.

"Emperor Song is the richest of all emperors. He is not generous, who is generous?" Zhuge Yu said.

Tianxuanzong, Xiaoyin Mountain, Qianli stood on the top of the waterfall and stared coldly in front of him.

Suddenly, Qianli jumped down, and when he was in mid-air, a waterfall in front of him was split out with a sword.

The sword spirit roared through the waterfall and hit the cliff behind, and the gravel scattered with the water.

"Xing Xuan." Qianli shouted softly, and the gravel and water that shot out in an instant suddenly burst again, and countless sword spirit cut off the huge waterfall in an instant.

"Okay." Lu Ji stood in the pavilion, stroked his palm and smiled.

"It's already the Danhua period." Lu Ji said. Three months later, it will be a big comparison of the sect. At that time, you can be promoted to the top ten with your swordsmanship.

Listening to the landing plane, Qianli was not happy.

"Are you still thinking about Qianqiu?" Lu Ji asked.

"Well, I always feel that my brother is not dead." Qianli said.

"I also think that Qianqiu can't die so easily." Lu Ji said, as if comforting.

"But where is he?" Qian Li looked at the remnant sun outside the mountain and said softly.

"Alas..." Lu Ji didn't say anything and quietly looked at the sunset glow in the sky.

In an unknown canyon, although it is a canyon, it is full of flowers and pleasant scenery.

A beautiful woman in purple stood by a stream, "I'll take you to the Jiuzhong Building tomorrow." The woman in purple said.

Behind the woman in purple stood a young woman in goose yellow. She covered her face with purple gauze and couldn't see her expression, but there was a coldness in her eyes.

"Yan'er listens to the master's arrangement." A young woman named Yaner said.

"Well, you don't have a chance at this Yingtian Conference for the time being. Wait for next time. By the way, didn't you say that you have a father-killing enemy?" The woman in purple asked.

The woman named Yan'er was shocked, and there was a trace of panic in her eyes, but then she was covered up. "Master, don't worry, I will kill this enemy myself." There is really a trace of murder in the tone.

"Hmm." The woman in purple nodded and stopped talking.

"I'll take you somewhere tomorrow." Niu Wushuang said to Qianqiu.

"Where?" Qianqiu asked.

"Nine-fold building." Niu Wushuang said with a smile.

"Nine-fold building?" Qianqiu asked doubtfully.

"Yes, Jiuzhong Building is a nine-storey tower. It is a best soldier refined by a predecessor. Each floor has a level, a tower specially designed for monks to practice spiritual skills and combat ability. Every year, countless monks come to the Jiuzhong Building to experience, and the first one to break through the Jiuzhong Building. The guardians of Jiuzhong Building will have a certain The reward." Niu Wushuang said.

"Is it easy to break into the nine-fold building?" Qianqiu asked.

Niu Wushuang shook his head and said, "It's not simple. Every year, more than half of the monks will return. This includes the disciples of the three major sects. If you break through the nine-fold building, you can not only get the reward of breaking through the nine-fold building, but if you have broken through the nine-fold building for a short time, you will be on the list of heavy buildings in Xizhou and get a certain reputation and status. Many scattered cultivation rely on this to enter the big sect or the cultivation family.

"What needs to be challenged?" Qianqiu asked.

Niu Wushuang shook his head and said, "This is uncertain, but it is certain that the object of each layer of challenge is different, but the difficulty is the same. Rewards also vary from person to person, and many people come here for rewards and prestige.

"Has anyone broken through all the buildings?" Qianqiu asked.

"No." Niu Wushuang said decisively, "The nine-fold building is more difficult than the other, and it only allows challenges below the Danhua period, so it is difficult for anyone to break through to the end."

"What's wrong with that heavy building list?" Qianqiu asked.

When Niu Wushuang was about to explain, he suddenly saw a red light in the night sky and pointed to it and said with a smile, "You will know."

Qianqiu looked up and saw a dazzling red light in the night sky. After the red light, it was a red list.

"The jade feud of the blue-dressed hall lasted seven days to break into the fifth floor of the Jiuzhong Building and was rewarded with a top-grade elixir Tongtian pills, and was promoted to the 20th place in the heavy building list." A deep voice came from the red list in the sky, clear and long.

Qianqiu continued to look at the list in the sky and suddenly found a very familiar name: "Tian Xuanzong, Mu Qingshan, the sixth floor of the nine-storey building, ranking fifth."

"I didn't expect that he had come to Xizhou." Qianqiu muttered.

"This is the list of heavy buildings of Jiuzhong Building. Every time someone breaks into the building, their achievements will be announced. Some people have a great reputation, and some people lose face because of this." Niu Wushuang said.

"This list should be announced throughout the state." Qianqiu said.

"Yes, no matter what your grades are, the whole Western state will know. Without nine floors and nine, I dare not come to the heavy building. Niu Wushuang said with a smile.

The next day, in a burst of noise, Qianqiu opened the door, and suddenly a dark shadow flew in front of him. Qianqiu reached out and grabbed it and put it in front of him to find that it was a chicken.

"Qianqiu, you caught it." The fat man walked to Qianqiu with a shovel and said.

"What's wrong?" Qianqiu asked.

Wan Yan came over and said breathlessly, "Kill the chicken this morning. Wei Qing hasn't cut the knife yet. Sister Yin'er said she would try it. Just try it. Wei Qing gave the chicken and knife to Sister Yin'er. Before the knife was cut, the chicken fluttered, and Sister Yin'er let go of her hand.

Wei Qing and Li Yuan sounded the scene just now and laughed.

"No laughing." Qi Yin blushed and stamped his feet.

"Who is afraid? It's just that they are not sure." Qi Yin argued.

"Are you really not afraid?" Wei Qing asked.

"Don't be afraid." Qi Yin said.

Without saying anything, Wei Qing took the chicken in Qianqiu's hand and cut the chicken's neck with the knife in his hand. Blood gushed out in an instant, and even a drop fell on Qiyin's face.

He looked at the scene in front of him in a daze, and then his mouth grinned and cried out loud. Yuer..." Qi Yin cried and ran to Fang Yu in the distance.

"You're finished." Wan Yan looked at Wei Qing and said.

"You are really finished." Li Yuan also said.