Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 151 Breakthrough 2

The huge axe fell with a fierce wind, and Qianqiu rolled on the ground. His hands climbed on the legs of the stone statue. The 'bang' huge axe hit the ground, and the energy stimulated by the aura dispersed.

Qianqiu dodged the huge axe, immediately flashed behind the stone statue, raised the green sword, and hit the stone statue with a sword.

The Qingfeng sword was shocked, but the stone statue was intact, and Qianqiu's pupils shrank sharply.

'No return' jumped up for thousands of years, and the sword spirit of no return shot out quickly, covering the whole stone statue in an instant.

'The sword spirit swept away and the dust flew. After a moment, the sword spirit dissipated.

"This..." Qianqiu looked at the stone statue in front of him with no trace of injury and retreated a few steps.

"There is not even a trace of being cut by the sword?" Qianqiu was shocked. According to his idea, these stone statues should be easily destroyed.

"Yes." Qianqiu suddenly clears that these stone statues must have been specially refined, so they are not afraid of attack. Their sword is a heavenly soldier, so this stone statue... Thinking of this, Qianqiu even doubted whether this nine-fold building is the best heavenly soldier. It's a joke that the best heavenly soldier can't do it to this extent.

The three stone statues began to come towards Qianqiu again.

Qianqiu's eyes condensed, his left hand stretched out, and a gossip map was formed on Qianqiu's left hand.

"Then try this." Qianqiu muttered, "Lonely clouds and cranes."

The white sword spirit is like a lonely crane in a cloud. Although it is lonely, it is very powerful.

The 'boom' sword spirit hit the stone statue on the sky, and the 'buzz' stone statue shook and fell heavily on the ground.

"It's done?" Qianqiu said to himself, but then... Qianqiu stopped.

The fallen heavenly stone statue actually got up quickly.

Qianqiu's face is solemn, and it seems..." Taiji sword spirit. Qianqiu shouted fiercely, and the whole space was full of sword spirit in an instant.

The sword spirit with sword spirit is many times stronger than before, and the air is also filled with sword spirit. Qianqiu's eyes are cold. Looking at the stone statue coming by, he gently took a step.

On the soles of Qianqiu's feet, the swords dispersed and kept falling on the three stone statues, sounding a sound of gold and iron colliding.

"Taiji" said slowly.

The Qingfeng sword slowly draws out. Although it is slowly drawn out, it contains an indescribable mystery.

A dragon-like sword sounded, and a black and white sword spirit suddenly shot out.

The sword spirit hit the three stone statues, and after a moment of silence, there was a continuous cracking sound.

The three stone statues exploded and turned into a pile of gravel foam.

Qianqiu took back the gossip picture in his hand, and Qing Fengjian also took it back. He looked at the scattered gravel in front of him and exhaled a heavy breath.

"Hmm?" Outside, Jiu Lao opened his eyes and a fine light flashed, "It's really not easy to break three arrays by brute force alone. However, the next level is still waiting for you.

A clattered sounded, Qianqiu was tense all over, and he fixedly looked at the pile of moving broken stones.

The scattered gravel slowly floated up, Qianqiu clenched the hilt of the sword and his eyes were sharp.

"Will it heal itself? This is troublesome." Qianqiu meditated and couldn't help saying it secretly.

'No return' Qianqiu sent out a no return sword spirit to the floating gravel.

Who knew that the sword spirit was stopped by a golden light when it touched the gravel.

The golden light flashed, and the three intact stone statues appeared in place again.

Qianqiu stepped back three steps in a row, and the Qingfeng sword has been raised.

The three stone statues came over, but they did not pay attention to Qianqiu, but stood back, and the red flashing eyes dimmed.

"You have 20 breaths to prepare." An old voice appeared and looked around for thousands of years, but did not find the speaker.

"Who are you?" Qianqiu asked, and he was sure that this voice was definitely not Jiu Lao.

There is no answer, it is quiet.

Qianqiu sat cross-legged and regained his spiritual power.

After 20 breaths, a golden staircase appeared in front of Qianqiu, and Qianqiu walked up without saying a word.

Qianqiu looked at the four stone statues that had stood together and no longer hesitated, "Taiji sword spirit." The Qingfeng sword was drawn in an instant, and the huge black and white sword spirit flew towards the stone statue.

The four stone statues stood quietly in place, just like real stone statues, allowing the Taiji sword spirit to fall on them.

The 'rumbling' gravel splashed, and Qianqiu looked stunned. How could it be so easy?

Before Qianqiu came to his senses, he saw that the stones on the stone statues began to slowly break apart.

A stone fell from the statue, revealing a little cyan inside.

After that, all the stones on the four stone statues fell off. After the stones of the first stone statue fell off, it turned out to be a turtle with a green body.

The second stone is like a green dragon, the third stone is like a white tiger, and the fourth stone is like a fiery red rosefinch.

"Four Elephant Array." Qianqiu said solemnly.

The white tiger looked up to the sky and roared, and Qianqiu immediately felt a tingling in his ears.

Qianqiu immediately carried up his spiritual power and closed his hearing.

'Ang' Qinglong also roared, and a stream of energy appeared from Qinglong's mouth and came towards Qianqiu Roll.

'Boom' Qianqiu was instantly swept away by this energy and hit the wall.

'Yoh' rosefinch hissed, and then the fire fell all over the sky, and the air instantly became hot.

Qianqiu quickly sat down cross-legged, carrying spiritual power to resist all kinds of attacks. A wisp of flame fell, and Qianqiu's clothes were burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Soon, the fire disappeared, and the four elephants still stood still.

Qianqiu slowly stood up and looked at the lifelike four elephants and mythical beasts. The alertness in his heart was put to the maximum. Compared with this, the first layer was already very simple.

'Ang' Qinglong roared again and then flew towards Qianqiu.

"It's not good." Qianqiu looked at the two-meter-long stone statue Qinglong flying, especially the cold shining claws, and said secretly.

'The sword has no return' Qianqiu's sword split towards the Qinglong, and the sword spirit flew away, and the Qinglong was immediately repelled by the sword spirit.

The Qinglong was repelled, and the white tiger jumped up again. Qianqiu leaned against the wall, and his open hearing was closed again.

Qianqiu shot out another sword spirit. At this time, the white tiger saw the sword spirit and paused slightly. A green light flashed in front of him, and the turtle had appeared in front of the white tiger.

The sword spirit of 'Pong Pong' hit the turtle. This is not the turtle, but Xuanwu, Xuanwu, unbreakable, defense is the main.

'Yoh' rosefinch spread its wings and flew, burning flames all over.

A huge wave of fire swept over, and Qianqiu immediately issued a gossip map.

The 'buzz' fire is very simple. The trigram of the gossip map flashed, and the flame of the bear was instantly absorbed by the trigram.

The blue light flashed, and Qinglong swept over and hit Qianqiu's body, and Qianqiu was immediately shot out.

___________________ is too tired from work. Jianmu shared a joke with everyone to relax. I wish you all the best and happy every day.

[Master, shall we send you to our temple for this Central Plains Debate Conference?] No, of course I sent you to empty uncle.] [ He? He is not as good as me, is he? But he has a loud voice. There are hundreds of monks at the conference. In the end, he can still shout out that he will win.]

[Master, can I follow you?] [ Want to see the world?】【 Uh-huh] [Forget it, several monks have to be injured at the annual debate meeting. This year, the temple will send you karate, ah, no, the air priest will accompany the protection. Well, if it hadn't been for Shaolin's shameless take the guy last time, our temple was the first last year. They were no match for the airway.]

[Have we ever won the first place in our temple?] [ In the first year of the establishment of the temple, the master of the abbot thought of a cruel move in order to break his reputation. On the day of the debate, he was deliberately late. When the monks were in a good place, he kicked the door and smashed it. He stood in the hall and shouted: Dayin Xisheng. Those monks are stupid. They look at the wood scum in the field and pretend to be stupid. The first one is ours.]

[This is good, use it again.] Don't mention it. Later, some people did imitate the same action and shouted and waited for the applause. The old monk of the judges scolded angrily and tremblingly. Is your performance art still over? It doesn't matter if you kick the bad door and don't compensate. You still pretend to be the Dharma with the words in the Tao Te Ching. Can we still meet Taoist priests in the future? Get out of here!】【 Hahaha, who is this unlucky guy?】【 Our great abbot.]

[Did the abbot have done this yet?] Who hasn't been young? When I came back, I felt pain in pain. I felt that my feet were not as painful as my throat. I had to work hard to argue, so I practice vocal music hard. Xiaobei sings well, doesn't he? He inherited from his father. Your empty uncle was the temple you entered at that time, and that's what you learned.]

[Did the grand abbot go to debate the scriptures later?] [ I've been there several times and never went there again. Since he had Xiaobei, he has become the current state of great enlightenment, and he also changed his legal name to Nanwu, which seems to mean conversion.]

[What was the name of the big abbot before?] [ Nanzi, his B master, said that he was domineering. Later, the abbot knew that he had read the Analects of Confucius, and the name was actually bad for the abbot's lack of domineeringness. [ Hahaha, I'm afraid that hooligans are educated.