Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 187 Magic

"Is that you?" Qianqiu frowned, and naturally remembered Leng Su Xin, but it had been several years. I have to say that the memory of immortals is very good. Although Qianqiu was not a immortals at that time, he had already stepped into immortals with the same foot.

Leng Su Xin was waiting to speak when suddenly, Li Mo's voice came.

"Qianqiu." Li Mo shouted.

Qianqiu's face changed, and he no longer cares about Leng Su Xin, and directly turned around and flew to Li Mo.

"What's wrong?" Qianqiu asked.

"Look." Li Mo pointed to the black fog below and said.

Qianqiu looked at the black fog and saw that Zhang Yan had reappeared on the top of the mountain at this time, and the black fog around him was rushing towards his body.

Zhang Yan looked up to the sky and roared, and a black gas spewed out of his mouth.

"Hahaha." Zhang Yan, who was enchanted, laughed wildly at this time, "You all have to die." Zhang Yan grinned at Qianqiu and Li Mo and said.

"Go to hell." Zhang Yan waved her right hand and saw a black magic gas flying towards them.

Qianqiu's Qingfeng sword drew out with a sword, and a sword spirit went straight down. The sword spirit quickly hit the magic gas, but was sucked in by the magic gas.

"What!" Qianqiu's face changed greatly, but he didn't have time to think, and the magic spirit had arrived in front of him.

"Flash." Li Mo pulled Qianqiu and flew to the side.

The 'bang' magic burst out, and wisps of black silk-like air fell on the flowers and plants on the top of the mountain.

The magic air sprinkled on these flowers and plants, and in an instant, these flowers and plants began to wither and finally turned into a pool of black foam.

Qianqiu and Li Mo couldn't help being shocked by the power of this magic spirit, but Qianqiu was at least better. They had seen the magic spirit on the magic tablet in Xiaoyinfeng, and they would not be too shocked by the magic spirit of this Yan.

"You can hide very fast." Zhang Yan smiled ferociously.

"Four-way demon gathering." Zhang Yan's arms were open, and Zhou's body was full of magic, and these magic spirits were still gathering.

"It's not good." Qianqiu looked at Zhang Yan's movements and knew that Zhang Yan was going to launch a big move.

"Hey..." Li Mo shouted again, and Qianqiu still rushed down without hesitation as last time.

Li Mo looked at Qianqiu flying down, quickly took out a charm from the storage ring, and then flew down.

"No reply." Qianqiu drank lightly, and Qingfeng sword chopped towards Zhang Yan with a heavy sword spirit.

Zhang Yan smiled ferociously and then raised her right arm to stand in front of her.

The 'Ying' Qingfeng sword fell quickly, and the 'bang' sword was shining, but that's all. Qianqiu's Qingfeng sword was carried down by Zhang Yan's right arm, but Zhang Yan was not hurt at all.

The faces of Qianqiu and Li Mo changed together. The most shocking thing is Qianqiu. How can they not know the power of their unrepenal spirit?

"Do you want to kill people with a sword like this? Go to hell." Zhang Yan laughed wildly, "The magic flame is so strong."

"It's not good." Qianqiu and Li Mo said secretly at the same time, and then Qianqiu quickly used the gossip palm.

A black flame ignited around the "boom", trapping Qianqiu and Li Mo in it.

And Qianqiu was resisting the attack of the magic flame with the gossip map at this time, and Li Mo also pasted himself with a diamond body charm again.

Leng Su Xin has been standing in the sky and watching all this, and his heart is also extremely shocked. He often hears the master talking about demons, but he didn't expect that he finally met demons today.

"I won't let you die." Leng Su Xin looked at Qianqiu trapped in the magic flame and said lightly.

"Floating." At this moment, the pleasant female voice sounded, and Leng Su Xin stabbed Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan looked at Leng Su Xin stabbing her from the sky, and a trace of evil flashed in her eyes.

"What a good little girl." Zhang Yan said to Leng Su Xin while controlling the magic flame.

"How are you?" Qianqiu asked Li Modao.

"My spiritual power is losing rapidly." Li Mo said.

"Me too. I won't hold on for long." Qianqiu said, and then, he saw a wisp of magic flame stained the corners of his clothes, and he suddenly felt a chill all over.

"No, don't let this magic flame touch the clothes." Qianqiu said, and then, Qianqiu only felt a tingling pain in his head, and a black gas appeared in his palm.

"Daw." Qianqiu said with an ugly face, and it was obvious that it had been magically entered the body.

"This magic can be transmitted along the clothes." Qianqiu said with severe pain.

"How are you?" Li Mo looked at Qianqiu and asked worriedly.

"I can still hold on." Qianqiu gritted his teeth and said.

The sword spirit of Leng Su Xin fell on Zhang Yan's body and had no effect.

The cold sword fell on Zhang Yan's body like rain. Instead, Zhang Yan looked happy, "It's lucky to be treated like this by a beautiful woman." Zhang Yan said intoxicated.

Leng Su Xin resisted the feeling of vomiting and thought about how to save the two people inside. She didn't want Qianqiu to die, because she hadn't defeated Qianqiu yet. And there is another reason, that is, this person is a demon.

Master once told himself countless times that demons are the biggest nemesis of immortals. If there are demons, they must be eliminated.

"Qianqiu, Qianqiu." Li Mo looked at Qianqiu with a pale face and cold sweat, and shouted anxiously.

Qianqiu turned a deaf ear. At this time, he could no longer hear the sound outside, and his consciousness was blurred.

Li Mo is extremely anxious, but unfortunately his King Kong amulet can only be used for himself, but not for others.

Li Mo, who was in turmoil, was suddenly stunned, and then his face was happy. He thought of something.

"I'm so stupid. Why didn't I remember this at the beginning?" Li Mo said and took out a charm from the storage ring, activated it with the remaining spiritual power, and then grabbed Qianqiu.

A white light flashed, and Qianqiu and Li Mo had appeared in mid-air 100 meters away.

"Qianqiu." Li Mo shouted, and there was a magic flame. Qianqiu was a little better, but his face was still pale, and there was already a black gas circling around his eyebrows.

"I'm fine." Qianqiu said weakly that the magic gas into the body is definitely not comparable to the damage Qianqiu received before.

"What!" Zhang Yan didn't seem to believe that the two escaped from his magic flame.

"You are really troublesome." Zhang Yan looked at Li Mo coldly and said.

Li Mo looked at Zhang Yan and said, "You are not the first to say that I'm in trouble, but no one has solved my trouble."

"Arrogance comes at a price." After Zhang Yan finished speaking, she withdrew her palms, and the magic flame disappeared. She turned around and looked at Leng Su Xin, who was still raising her sword and said, "Beauty, take me to play with you. Now you go aside first." After saying that, Zhang Yan waved her right hand and hit Leng Su Xin's sword. Leng Su Xin was all over her body for a while, and she was beaten back in an instant.

Leng Su Xin stopped and flew to Qianqiu quickly.

Zhang Yan rose to mid-air. Yes, it rose to mid-air. He looked at Qianqiu and Li Mo coldly. Aren't you awesome just now?"

"Now, we are different. I'm better than you, so I'll kill you." Zhang Yan said.

"Let's see if you have this ability." Li Mo said with Qianqiu.

"You can't do it with just one magic flame?" Zhang Yan looked at Qianqiu and said, "Come on, come and kill me."

"How's it going?" Leng Su Xin came and looked at Qianqiu and asked.

"You help me block him. I'm going to get rid of the magic in my body." Qianqiu said to Leng Su Xin and Li Mo.

"No problem." Li Mo answered, and Leng Su Xin did not say anything, but stood directly in front of Qianqiu with his sword.

"Little beauty, I advise you to take it aside." Zhang Yan looked at Leng Su Xin and said.

"Although you are ugly, this is not a reason for you to be disgusting." Leng Su Xin said coldly.

Zhang Yan was stunned. Although she had become a demon, she was at least a little humane and naturally understood Leng Su Xin's words.

"B bitch, what are you talking about?" Zhang Yan instantly felt that a man's self-esteem had been hurt, although he was a demon.

"Shut up." Leng Su Xin shouted, and the long sword in his hand pointed straight at Zhang Yan.

Qianqiu was already sitting on the cloud plate at this time, his eyes were closed, his eyebrows were also wrinkled, and cold sweat kept flowing out of his forehead, obviously still suffering.

"Okay, today, let's die together." Zhang Yan roared, and the magic gushed out in an instant.