Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 205 Rest

The scream sounded, and the whole wind city was full of chaotic beasts from outside the city to the inside of the city. The mortals didn't even have time to run, so they were swept into the spirit beasts, and then... The blood flowers bloomed and were torn to pieces by countless spirit beasts.

No matter old or young, whether male or female, as long as they are caught up by a spirit beast like the tide, there will be nothing left except a few drops of blood.

Spirit beasts have entered the city and slaughtered wantonly. Even some low-level monks are not spared. Wherever they pass, there is a remnant.

The wall of the wind city was collapsed by a huge white ape, followed by a surging spirit beast.

The 'rumbling' house collapsed, the blood was sprinkled, and the spirit beasts crushed all the way and destroyed the whole west city of the Wind City.

"What's going on?" A monk in the refining period came out of the place of cultivation and frowned.

If you are usual, you must be your own child, but...' Several deafening roars sounded, and the monk looked up and his face suddenly turned pale.

A black giant bird fell from the sky, and its sharp and long claws shone with a cold light in the sunlight.

The monk was shocked and hurriedly sacrificed the magic weapon to block him. The 'ding' giant bird grabbed the magic weapon with one claw. The monk only felt a strong force in his arms and was about to be pulled to the sky by the giant bird.

The monk hurriedly released the magic weapon, and before he stabilized his body, another identical giant bird flew down.

The hiss claws scratched the monk's neck, and the monk's eyes were wide open and he fell to the ground unwillingly. Then, in a roar, the monk was submerged in the tide of beasts.

"It's not good, it's not good." The awkward call broke the silence of the Lu family, and Lu Wei and Mingyue came out of the inner hall side by side.

"What's the matter?" Lu Wei looked at the soldiers in front of him and asked.

"To the elder, many wild animals suddenly appeared in the west of the city." Soldiers are mortals, so naturally they don't know the saying of spiritual beasts.

"It's just a few beasts. Just send hunters there. Why panic?" Lu Wei scolded.

"No, elder, those beasts are so powerful. When the small ones rush back, the west of the city has been half destroyed." There was fear in the soldier's eyes.

Lu Wei frowned and suddenly. At this time, there were several roars coming from the west of the city, and Lu Wei was stunned.

'Ang' roared again, and Lu Wei's face changed and said, "It's a spirit beast."

"And the level is not low." Mingyue also nodded.

Then there were the roar of several spirit beasts. Lu Wei was shocked that these spirit beasts were not yet one. They seemed to have many, and the level was not low.

"How many spirit beasts are there? How did you get here?" Lu Wei asked.

"Small... The little one didn't know. He only knew that when he came, the dust and smoke were everywhere, just like a storm, and the sky was like a big dark cloud. The soldier said

"And in the sky?" Lu Wei changed color again.

A strange sound sounded, and Lu Wei and others looked at the sky and saw a dark cloud in the west of the city approaching this way.

No, that's not a dark cloud, "Dark Raven!" Lu Wei shouted at lost his voice.

Dark crow, this kind of spirit beast is not terrible. The terrible thing is that they appear in groups and have no sound. Many people only found it when they approached it, but it was too late at that time.

"How come there are so many?" Lu Wei muttered.

"Esbyterian Lu, what should I do?" At this time, Mingyue asked.

Lu Wei is naturally not a hesitant person. He glanced at the approaching dark crow and said, "This is a good opportunity."

Mingyue understood what Lu Wei meant in an instant, because it was originally related to him.

"Then I'll prepare it." Mingyue said.

"Hurry up." Lu Wei said.

"Hmm." Mingyue nodded and walked to the backyard.

Above the head of the Lu family, a dark crow several times bigger than the other dark crows shouted, and then all the dark crows flew down to the Lu family, densely, like raindrops.

Maybe it was the aura of the Lu family that attracted them and made them extremely crazy.

Lu Wei sneered. If he really looked at the Lu family like this, it would be a big mistake.

Lu Wei's palms gathered together, his eyes were slightly closed, and his feet walked slowly on the ground, as if following a certain rule.

'Wipe' Lu Wei's foot stepped on somewhere on the ground, and a sound different from others sounded.

The place where Lu Wei's feet stepped on finally vibrated slightly.

In the end, four grids opened on the floor covered with white jade, revealing four grooves.

With a strange cry, several dark crows have flown in front of him. Lu Wei waved his left hand and aura came out, and the dark crows were smashed in an instant.

Seeing the countless dark crows surging down, Lu Wei did not hesitate and took out four pieces of seemingly top-quality spiritual jade from the storage ring.

Lu Wei slowly put four pieces of spiritual jade into the four grooves, and then the golden light was generous.

This is the array eye, but unlike other arrays, the difficulty of this array is not in its starting method, but in the opening method. Only Lu Ba and Lu Wei know the method of opening this array in the whole Lu family. As long as they use a unique method within the scope of the Lu family, they can call out the array anywhere. It's really convenient.

The Lu family is naturally not as simple as in the eyes of others. At least, there is a large array that protects the whole Lu family.

A hundred miles north of the Wind City, a white monk flew fast in the sky.

He was pale and seemed to be weak. Suddenly, the monk stopped and took out an elixir from the storage ring and took it, holding several spiritual jades in his hand.

"It has been out of the scope of Fengcheng." The voice of the Eastern Emperor sounded.

Qianqiu's eyes were tired, nodded, looked around, and saw a desolate canyon in the distance appear in his eyes.

Then, Qianqiu flew towards this canyon.

The rocks are mixed, the barren grass is everywhere, and only some stone caves built with rocks seem to add a little different color to this place.

Qianqiu stood among the weeds, hit his right palm forward, and then a gossip map appeared. Qianqiu pointed a little, and then a golden light flashed, and Yunxi appeared in place.

Yunxi looked around blankly. Isn't he dead yet?

When he saw Qianqiu, Yunxi asked, "Where is Lu Ba?"

Qianqiu just wanted to answer, but unexpectedly, he turned dark and fell to the ground with a 'bang'.

"What's wrong with you?" Yunxi ran up quickly.

Although ghosts are nihilistic, they are not. After practice, they gather spiritual power. As long as they are of the same kind or monk, they can be contacted by entities.

Although Yunxi is a woman, as a ghost, it is more than enough to hold Qianqiu's body alone.

Yunxi raised Qianqiu's body with his spiritual power and slowly entered the hole next to him.