Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 299 Anger

The next day, Qianqiu walked out of the cave under the eager eyes of Chen Bo and others.

He is going to Maple Leaf Town now. Presumably, Luo Jiao's people will come to Maple Leaf Town that day, so that he can catch them all.

There are also those corrupt officials who are entangled with foreign bandits and harm Yunei. It is not a pity for such people to die.

Qianqiu Yifu's hand flew to Maple Leaf Town. Ten miles away, with the strength of the Qianqiu feathering period, was just a moment away.

But when I was close to Maple Leaf Town, I felt a bad feeling.

"That's..." Qianqiu looked at the blood in Maple Leaf Town, and his face changed greatly. Qianqiu's body suddenly flew into Maple Leaf Town like a pop.

"This..." Qianqiu looked at the scene in Maple Leaf Town in a daze, and his face was full of confusion.

At this time, Maple Leaf Town was empty, or the originally prosperous Maple Leaf Town, became extremely quiet at this moment.

The 'pa' fell for thousands of years, and a pungent smell of blood enveloped in an instant.

Qianqiu pushed open a door, and everything in front of him suddenly frowned.

There are three bodies in the room. The man's throat was cut off by a knife. The woman's whole body**, and her lower body was blurred. Obviously, she was brutalized to death after being raped.

There is also a child with round eyes and a strangulation mark on his neck.

Qianqiu's face was calm, but his fists became tighter and tighter. Qianqiu dodged and entered another family.

It's exactly the same, but in this dead family, there is also a little girl almost the same size as Liancheng, who is made of pink and jade, but at this moment, she is also mutilated by means that she can't afford.

Qianqiu held hope to check it in all the people in Maple Leaf Town, but there was no one alive.

Suddenly, Qianqiu got up and flew to Xiaotian's house.

Qianqiu stood in the yard and looked at the door of Xiaotian's house. It was quiet and peaceful, and the warm scene of their family seemed to appear in his mind.

Qianqiu did not dare to open this door, because he was afraid. He was afraid for the first time. This was a fear from the bottom of his heart, an inexplicable fear.

But Qianqiu still came forward and opened the door.

The door gradually opened, Qianqiu's whole body was shocked, and an expression appeared in his eyes that he had never appeared.

The first thing Qianqiu saw was Xiaotian. At this moment, he was hung on the beam with a rope, and below was Xiaotian's father. His body was covered with knife wounds, lying on his back on the table, staring at Xiaotian with his eyes on it.

Qianqiu already understood that these people hung Xiaotian up and then let Xiaotian's father watch Xiaotian die with his own eyes, but there was nothing he could do.

But what about Xiaotian's mother? Qianqiu turned around and rushed into the master bedroom.

**, Xiaotian's mother lay in messy clothes**, but there was no trace of invasion. Qianqiu looked at her mouth, full of black blood.

It should be Xiaotian's mother bit her tongue in order not to be stained.

But her head is facing the direction, but it is outside.

Qianqiu understood what she meant, gently picked up Xiaotian's mother's body, and then put it in the yard.

After solving Xiaotian, the bodies of a family of three were put together. The spring wind was supposed to be warm, but it was cold and piercing when it blew on Qianqiu's body.

One hand of Xiaotian's mother slipped from her lower abdomen to the ground, with torn clothes in her lower abdomen.

When Qianqiu was about to help Xiaotian's mother pick up her hand and cover her lower abdomen, she suddenly found that there was a word under the torn clothes.

Qianqiu was stunned, and then muttered, "I'm sorry."

Qianqiu uncovered a torn place, and there were two big words written in blood on his snow-white lower abdomen: "Tianluo."

The two words are crooked. Obviously, Xiaotian's mother wrote it when she suffered great pain when she was dying.

Qianqiu's face turned pale in an instant, "Sure enough, sure enough, I knew it." Qianqiu muttered to himself.

Then he stood up and knelt in front of the three people, and a drop of crystal appeared in his eyes for the first time.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." Qianqiu kowtowed his head. It was all his fault. He should not ask Xiaotian something on the street. He should not let go of any villain. He looked too highly of his strength, and he underestimated the power of Tianluo religion too much.

"What I should have thought of is me, and all this is to blame me." Qianqiu kowtowed and said to himself.

"The whole town died because of me, and I hurt them." Qianqiu's fists became tighter and tighter.

"Tianluo Religion." Qianqiu's eyes suddenly turned red, like blood.

At sunset, the evening wind brushed the earth, and the fields were green. As usual, the quiet and peaceful Maple Leaf Town was already full of smoke.

But today, only a thick smoke rises from the south of Maple Leaf Town.

Qianqiu moved all the dead here. Despite the strength of his feathering period, it still took him a whole day to do these things.

When he sorted out the remains of the last deceased, he stood up, and behind and around him lay the bodies of men and women, a total of 549 people.

Because of Qianqiu's idea, so many people died.

"You died because of me." Qianqiu's eyes are no longer so cold.

"I will prepare the best burial coffin for you." After saying that, Qianqiu resolutely began his task.

When night falls, Maple Leaf Town is dead. Only in the south, a white light shines from time to time, which looks particularly strange and gloomy.

The next day, when the sun rose, Qianqiu stood up from the same place. In front of him, there were more than 200 crystal-like coffins, which were refined by Qianqiu with his only remaining spiritual jade in one night.

And those bodies have been put into the spiritual jade coffin by Qianqiu at this time. The spiritual jade coffin is large enough to accommodate four people, so each family is a spiritual jade coffin.

"These spiritual jade coffins can keep your body from decaying and the whole family will enjoy the family forever." Qianqiu said to the Bailing jade coffin in front of him.

Then, Qianqiu stamped his right foot and his arms shook.

The whole earth began to tremble, and then, under those spiritual jade coffins, the land began to slowly collapse and sink.

"Drink!" Qianqiu shouted softly, and in an instant, a very neat deep pit of the same size as the spiritual jade coffin began to collapse under all the spiritual jade coffins.

Although this kind of thing seems easy, it is necessary to control every trace of soil. The huge consciousness needed is not even at the peak of the feathering period.

However, Qianqiu has the "Hunyuan Sword Secret", and the mind of the local state can use the ground to control the land, but only a small part can be controlled, and the consumption of spiritual power is also very large.

"Although I don't know your names, you are not destined to be anonymous." Qianqiu took out the household registration document he found at the mayor's house, went to the huge stone tablet made in advance, and began to carve it according to the name on the household registration with a treasure dagger that had just been refined.

At this moment, it was another whole day, and by dusk, everything was ready.

Qianqiu waved his arms and immediately surged thick soil like waves in all directions, burying all the spiritual jade coffins under the land.

The 'Boom' stone tablet was erected, with the names of the 569 people on it, and finally there were several big characters on the stone tablet.

'Tianlun Tomb.' Now, you can really live a plain and quiet life. Qianqiu seems to be saying it to someone, and it seems to be saying it to all the residents of Maple Leaf Town.

"I will bring back all the heads of Tianluo's teachings to pay tribute to you." Qianqiu never thought that he was a ruthless immortal practitioner. He had feelings. It was because of this that he was angry and he avenged the dead Maple Leaf Town people. They all died because of themselves.

No one in the world can be truly ruthless, as long as he still has a heart, as long as he is a person.

"Sure enough, one is missing." Suddenly, a rough voice came from behind Qianqiu.

"If you take him back, the guardian will definitely reward me for waiting." Another voice said.

Qianqiu suddenly turned around and saw five people holding ring knives exactly the same as the two people that day, looking at themselves in surprise.

"Yo, it turned out to be a little white face. By the way, it was really cool that day. There are so many beautiful women in Maple Leaf Town. It would be great if there were more such things in the future." One of them looked at Qianqiu with an evil face.

"You won't have this opportunity." Qianqiu said.

"Yo, boy, you are still very calm." The man's anger Qianqiu's plan to torture him was empty, and he was immediately dissatisfied.

Qianqiu's body flashed, and then everyone's eyes were full of flowers, and Qianqiu was still standing there, holding a head in his hand.

One of the several people fell to the ground without a head, and blood kept spewing from his neck, which was very oozing.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately calmed down and turned pale with fear.