Sword rises to the cloud

Chapter 305 Broken Rock Mountain 1

Qianqiu said goodbye to the old monk. Although his fate is terrible, this is fate. Everyone who enters the realm of immortal cultivation is burdened with a fate that must be borne.

The old monk may have seen through his fate, or maybe he has just accepted all this. Since he can't resist, he can only bear it.

What he has to do now is to return the cause and effect of the people in Maple Leaf Town and help those in Xiaohe Village remove the threat of Tianluo.

It is not that there is no cause and effect in the immortal world, but the reason why immortals are not with mortals is that there are many causes and effects of mortals. A little thought or an action of immortals will directly affect mortals and owe cause and effect.

"It seems that after dealing with the matter of the people of Xiaohe Village, you must really enter the world of immortal cultivation." Qianqiu looked at the golden sky in the distance and thought of it in his heart.

Duanyan Mountain is located in the center of the Kingdom of the Western Regions. The Western Regions were originally occupied by various countries, with dragons and snakes. Large countries and small countries each have their own territory. Large national territory is as large as a county as a Middle-earth country, and a small country as big as a small town. Originally, these countries were mixed with each other, but they were at peace.

But since now, things have been different in this country except for a Tianluo religion. This Tianluo religion spreads believers and spread teachings everywhere. Ordinary people believe in God. Moreover, the culture of the Western Regions is different from the Middle-earth, and Middle-earth Taoism is unwilling to come here to receive disciples, so Although the reputation of the Turkish country is far away in the Western Regions, faith and culture have not been introduced into the Western Regions at all.

This also leads to the fact that even if there is a Tianluo religion in the Western Regions, we don't know how deep the water is and how many people can be.

Even if Luo Qi has been in Middle-earth for decades, he will not know much if he only has contact with some scattered practices. Scatter is like a special existence. Although they travel around to practice, it is not what they want.

They travel around just to find opportunities and practice. Instead, they don't pay attention to other things, so they only know the three sects, but they don't know the power of the three sects.

And how can Luo Qi see those who really know about Sanxiu at that time?

Therefore, in Luo Qi's heart, the three sects of Middle-earth were very vague. When Sanxiu talked about the three sects, they were intermittent and stammered, which was regarded by Luo Qi as a situation that he no longer wanted to talk about.

Growing up in the Western Regions, how could he have a deep understanding of Middle-earth language and culture?

Returning to the topic, Luo Qi's Tianluo religion covered the whole Western Regions, so that the kings and nobles of the whole Western Regions were controlled by his Tianluo religion. Finally, he successfully persuaded the kings of his country and successfully unified the countries of the Western Regions with the help of Tianluoism. So far, the Western Regions ended thousands of divisions and once again completed unification. As a result, Tianluo has become the holy religion of the Western Regions.

Although Luo Qi is addicted to power, it is not a secular right. What he wants is to use the power of the whole Western Regions to complete his dream of entering the Middle-earth immortal world.

For this reason, he has prepared for more than 200 years, trained a large number of monks for teaching, and even recruited a lot of Middle-earth monks who fled to the Western Regions.

It is only a small part of the strength of Tianluoism.

If this is known by the people of the Three Middle-earth Sect, they will definitely laugh. More than 200 years of preparation is just a sentence from Tianxuan Sect. Tianxuanzi's one sentence, Tianxuan Sect can take out exactly the same things that Luo Qi has prepared for 20 years within an hour, and Tianxuan Sect can grow up. Such a sect can only achieve such an achievement with at least more than 3,000 years of precipitation and the efforts of each generation, which is absolutely not comparable to Luo Qi's two hundred years.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Qianqiu's heart moved, seemed to feel something, and his eyes looked to the left.

"It's a very familiar atmosphere, but... Who is it?" Qianqiu seemed to sense a familiar breath and was flying towards Duanyan Mountain, but the speed was extremely slow.

In the underworld sea 100,000 miles away, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered by thick dark clouds, lightning passed by, and the strong wind suddenly rose, making the blue and calm sea dark and violent.

The huge waves were mixed with powerful momentum, and a flash of lightning fell from the sky from time to time, and the space within a hundred miles became dull, violent and dark.

A dark shadow gradually floated to the surface from the bottom of the sea, like a monster, wanting to come back into the world.

The shadow is getting bigger and bigger, the lightning in the whole sky is getting denser and denser, and the waves are getting stronger and stronger.

A flash of lightning lit up the dark sky, and the dark shadow rushed out of the water at the same time.

After a huge black shadow stayed in the air for a few breaths, it suddenly flew towards Dongzhou.

The wind raged all the way, and the huge waves were surging, mixed with destructive power and earth swept to Dongzhou with the dark shadow.

The most remote coastal city in Dongzhou, although it is a small city, is also inhabited by at least tens of thousands of people. This city does not belong to any country, because no country is willing to spend a lot of energy to manage such a narrow, sparsely populated and remote town in this area.

Unlike Middle-earth, there are no officials or city owners in this small city. The whole city is built by two types, one is a clan and the other is a household.

The clan has a large population, great power, and prestige.

is a household with no more than 20 people and relatively low strength.

The family is subordinate to the clan and manages the family. There is no dispute, no war, no enmity, early and late return, hard farming, and fishing for a living can be regarded as a paradise.

As usual, all the young men came to the seaside with fishing nets repaired by their wives or relatives to start the day's work.

And their wives and relatives wash and cook for them at home.

At noon, the cooking smoke had risen from all households, but the sky became dark and thunderstorms from time to time.

This situation happens from time to time at the seaside. The weather at the seaside is the most strange and changeable, so people here are used to it.

Women from all families came out, holding two umbrellas in their hands, one for themselves and the other for their husband.

It has become a custom for a husband to fish and his wife to send umbrellas when it rains. Under the heavy rain, the husband holds his wife's hand with the results of a day's work on his back. The two snuggled together and return home.

However, today's situation is completely different from usual.

The man fishing looked at his wife's figure and smiled. Although their clothes were soaked when they went into the water, they would still smile when they saw the umbrella in their wife's hand.

The men fished and walked towards their wives.

A thunderstorm sounded between heaven and earth, as if the sky collapsed. The pouring rain fell down in an instant, and lightning and thundered in the sky.

The sea also began to suddenly rise, and this is not an ordinary high tide.

"The situation is not right." The experienced men saw at a glance that today's tide seemed abnormal, so they took their wife's hand and walked quickly to the city.

The rumble of the earth began to shake slightly, which shocked everyone, and even the inspectors on the wall quickly walked to the front and looked at the sea.

Looking at the dark sky, a huge wave higher than the wall on the sea level in the distance, and everyone's faces immediately turned pale.

"No, it's a tsunami." Such a peaceful city should not have a strong and tall wall, but there is, because at the seaside, what is most afraid of is the tsunami. The tall and strong wall can withstand the powerful tsunami and minimize losses. Although it requires huge manpower and material resources to repair it after each tsunami, as long as it can keep the peace. Ann, this is nothing.

However, the tsunami in front of him has never been seen in anyone's life. No, even in the memory of their ancestors, there will be no such a powerful tsunami. The wall of more than ten meters high, compared with the tsunami, looks very small enough to understand how powerful this tsunami is.