sword array

Chapter 17 Jianzhai

Leaving Ye Nancheng, Yan Song walked west and went straight into the valley of love. From afar, he saw Yan Jia, who pretended to be a man, walking back and forth on the edge of the bamboo forest. He shouted happily. Yan Jia seemed to have not seen Yan Song for a long time. She hurried up and just asked with concern, "Isn't it hurt?" After getting an affirmative answer, the two walked into the bamboo forest together.

At dusk, the bamboo house is full of tea fragrance.

Yan Song couldn't wait to open the storage space and have a room-sized ring, poured all the things inside on the table, and poured the spiritual grass Xuanbing he got and the yellow crystal cards of 5,000 gold coins on the table together, and then said to Yan Feng, "uncle, the Yan family gave me Jianzhai, which was empty. The room is very large. You can do business on the first floor, eat and sleep on the second floor, and make swords in the basement. So, I think..."

"Let's be honest." Yan Feng heard the mysterious voice from Yan Song's tone.

Yan Song took a sip of tea, paused, and solemnly said, "Jianzhai is a good place. Because the Yan family can't hire a swordsmith and can't do Xuanbing business, they have to put it aside. I plan to rely on that land to make a big deal. Seeing that uncle did not say anything, Yan Song continued: "Can't uncle cast Xuanbing? We will do ordinary sword farm business there first. When we have money, buy beast elixir, buy metal, cast Xuanbing, and then do Xuanbing business. In this way, you can make a lot of money. With financial resources, you will have power. Uncle, do you understand what I want to say?

Yan Feng took a sip of tea, frowned slightly, and looked at Yan Jia. Because he lost his wife because of some things, he didn't want to lose his only flesh and blood. His eyes were full of fatherly silence.

Seeing uncle's thoughts, Yan Song said again, " uncle, sometimes, avoiding can't really solve the problem. This bamboo forest seems quiet, but haven't you lived a life of fear these years? It is best to solve the problem fundamentally so that those people dare not hurt you again. And the sword in front of us is an excellent opportunity!"

The teacup in Yan Feng's hand stagnated, and his eyes looking at the tea moved to the void.

Yan Jia saw this and said to Yan Feng, "Father, Yan Song is right. Although I feel very safe by your side, I don't want you to be afraid all the time. Besides, the Yan family owes us too much. It's to be so submissive. It's unbearable. It's unbearable!"

Hearing this, Yan Feng suddenly slammed the teacup on the table and looked angry: "Yes, it's unbearable, but it's unbearable!" Yan Song and Yan Yan looked at each other and dared not say anything again. But immediately, they realized the meaning of Yan Feng's words, and Yan Song was very excited: "Big uncle, have you finally changed your mind?"

"Uncle hasn't changed his mind, just hasn't waited for the opportunity. You two, come with me." Yan Feng said, stood up and walked into his room. Yan Jia and Yan Song looked at each other and followed curiously.

Approaching the room, Yan Feng took down a long sword on the wall, then measured it on the ground with his sword body, found a position, pulled out the scabbard, and stabbed it into the ground. He turned the sword and heard a buzzing sound. The sword was like a key and opened a door on the ground - a sloping staircase leading to the basement.

led the two into the basement. Yan Feng blew the fire fold and lit the candles inside. The dark basement suddenly became colorful and colorful.

Faced with the scene in front of them, Yan Jia and Yan Song were stunned. In a large space around them, there were various mysterious soldiers, large and small, blue and red, knives and swords, up and down, left and right, more than 300!

"My God! Father, I don't know that there are so many mysterious soldiers... You still let me take a few rotten irons to the city to sell... Let me be bullied. What's your heart..." Yan Jia opened her mouth wide and her beautiful eyes did not blink.

"A man is innocent and guilty. If the time doesn't come, I won't tell you." Yan Feng told them that there are 50 real martial arts red-level Xuan soldiers, 100 orange-level Xuan soldiers, 100 yellow-level Xuan soldiers, and 30 green-level Xuan soldiers. Due to financial resources and strength restrictions, there are only 10 blue-level and blue-level soldiers respectively. His painstaking efforts over the years have been here.

Yan Song was also stunned: "How much does this... cost! It's time to open a Xuanbing Pavilion!"

Seeing that the two little guys were still stunned, Yan Feng urged them not to be stunned, quickly open the warning and put their efforts into it. Because the time is ripe, they can come in handy.

Yan Song giggled and hurriedly opened the warning. The three of them were busy for a while before loading all the Xuan soldiers into it. After packing up everything and coming to the outside of the bamboo house, Yan Jia suddenly asked, "Yes, my father and I live in Yan's house?" Isn't that too dangerous?"

Yan Song patted his forehead, and he only cared about happiness. He really didn't pay attention to it.

But Yan Feng was not afraid at all. He looked like a bamboo in his chest: "No one in the Yan family recognizes Jia'er. At that time, Jia'er will only pretend to be a slave and be responsible for running Xuanbing. I will dress up as an iron man. Except for eating and sleeping, I will be in the basement. Songer, you can continue to practice. Remember that your strength is very important to us.

Yan Song hesitated and squeaked, "I understand, but uncle, you are always in the basement, body--"

"Big uncle is fine. He has suffered for ten years. Can't stand this? At that time, remember to recruit some people, pretend to sell Xuan soldiers from the imperial capital to here, and hide people's eyes and ears. As long as we have financial resources and the recognition of your strength in the family, the next thing will come. Who?" In the middle of Yan Feng's words, he suddenly gave a shout, and his body had already burst out. In the night sky, Yan Song and Yanjia only heard a sword, and the white shadow was 50 meters away.

At a glance, the two knew that the danger was coming, and their faces changed. They quickly caught up with each other. In the depths of the bamboo forest, Yan Feng was dressed in white and held a sword with one arm, stopping more than a dozen people in black.

Yan Song could see that several people in black were adults with weapons in their hands. One of them turned around and saw Yan Song and said angrily, "We have heard what you just said. You are so bold that you dare to collude with family traitors to usurp the throne and capture them without restrain your hands!" With that, he rushed to Yan Song.

Unexpectedly, before Yan Song moved, a bamboo pole not far away suddenly broke. He only heard a swish, and he didn't know where a hidden weapon flew from. With a flash of light, he had killed the man to the ground. At this time, Yan Feng calmly raised the long sword in his hand and coldly said to the other nine people: "I have already laid down the sword array in this bamboo forest. You can get in and don't want to go out! Say, who sent you here?

"You family traitors have been hiding here plotting to usurp the throne over the years. Thanks to letting us hear your ambitions, let's go together. You don't have to worry about killing him in your life!" After one person finished speaking, five or six people beside him had already looked at the dead man. Under the reward, they raised their swords and rushed to Yan Feng one after another.

Yan Feng's body was motionless, and then pointed to the long sword of Qingtian. However, he moved slightly at his wrist, and the mysterious gas in his body was injected into the sword. A sound of sword suddenly sounded like heaven, making the nearby bamboos move. The next moment, the whole bamboo forest around was windless, and then there was the sound of bamboo pole breaking, the sound of hidden weapons, and the starlight flashing. All six people died, and they didn't even have time to make the sound of pain.

No talking, Yan Feng calmly held the long sword and pointed to the last three people one by one. One of them had already scared his legs sore and hurriedly said, "I surrender, don't kill me. I said, we are--ah!" Before he finished speaking, a man next to him wiped his neck with a sword.

Seeing this, Yan Feng's sword flew directly out, and a sword pierced the murderer's throat. The sword flew out from behind the dead's neck, and Yan Feng had already moved behind him like the wind and caught the flying sword. Turning around and put his hand on the last person's shoulder, he still said calmly, "You have no choice."

In a blink of an eye, all the companions were killed. Seeing that the white blade was about to end himself, the last person was so scared that he knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed to Yan Feng and said, "Forgive us, forgive us, we are just ordinary people, pointed out and instructed!"

Yan Feng is quite calm. In the calm, there is a chilling murderous atmosphere: "Who sent you here?"

"Yes, it's the patriarch's wife!" The man's voice trembled and stammered.

Yan Feng was furious and put the long sword on his neck, signaling him not to stop. He went on. The man had already been scared and said tremblingly, "I'm just an ordinary killer raised by the eldest wife of the Yan family. This time I followed Yan Song and inadvertently--"

Before the man finished speaking, Yan Feng wiped the other party's throat with a sword and walked on the blade for many years. He was also quite experienced. The killer only killed people, and it was not easy to ask the mastermind. From the other party's words, he could hear that it was useless. Wiping away the blood stains on the long sword, he turned around and said to Yan Song, "Go to Jianzhai, it's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Now, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

The three rushed to Jianzhai overnight and were sleepless, so they cleaned up the second floor and the basement on the first floor. At dawn, everything was ready and almost put on Xuanbing and opened the list. Yan Jia originally wanted to put Xuanbing on the table, but was stopped by Dao Yanfeng, because this was likely to cause suspicion from outsiders, especially the Yan family.

The three finally discussed and only put about ten low-level Xuan soldiers on the shop, and the rest relied on changing weapons to support the facade, so that the Yan family and outsiders knew that they only sold ordinary weapons and did ordinary business. As for the sales of Xuanbing, they plan to trade underground goods with some sects, forces and families. Six months later, when Songer officially took over the family industry through the coming-of-age ceremony, she threw it as a card.