sword array

Chapter 26 Pearl

Seeing that the fight on the mountain finally subsided, Yan Song was so excited that he hurriedly woke up Yan Jia. The two carefully looked for a path, headed for the right mountain, and slowly climbed.

Although the mountain was steep, the two of them could walk in and found that there was a path one or two meters wide behind the forest. Many dead trees were flattened on it, and the dead grass was pulled out from the roots, revealing only yellow-brown earth rocks, bending and straight to the top of the mountain. The two guessed that this road must be a shortcut for the python to go back and forth down the mountain, so they were careful to climb along this road to the top of the hill.

In a quarter of an hour, they finally reached the top of the mountain, where the breeze was blowing. Standing here, you can see the distance and the rising sun just climbed out of the farthest mountain. Of course, Yan Song and Yan Jia were not in the mood to appreciate the environment. They prostrated on the edge of the mountain for a long time. Yan Song used their spirit and felt that there was indeed no movement within 15 meters, so they quietly poked out their heads and climbed to the top of the mountain.

In view, there is an empty flat land with a radius of 70 to 80 feet. There are no trees around the flat ground, only rugged rocks. Opposite it is a small hill five or six feet above the flat ground, on which there is a two-high cave. In front of the cave, there is a white silver python lying seven or eight feet long. At this moment, the silver python is motionless, as if it is dead, but its sharp eyes are still wide open.

On the ground around it, there was a pool of blood stains and scales, and some blue feathers scattered on the ground, but the blue eagle was not seen. The morning wind blew, and a fishy smell came to his face, which was disgusting.

Yan Song's spiritual power can only be controlled within 15 meters. At this moment, the silver python is still about 100 meters away from him. With vision alone, he can't judge whether the beast is dead or alive, so he slowly walks forward. Yan Jia followed him and moved forward heartily.

80 meters, 70 meters, 50 meters... The two were getting closer and closer to the silver python. Yan Song spread his spiritual power without sensing any danger, so he continued to move forward.

40 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters... Seeing that it was about to touch the body of the silver python, the two bowls of silver eyes suddenly turned, and their eyes were fierce and frighten, staring at Yan Song and Yan Jia's hair.

The two were suddenly deterred by the action of the python. In a hurry, they turned around and fled. At this time, the python suddenly spit out a blood-red tongue letter, which was more than two meters long. Then its body suddenly turned and moved towards the two people. Its speed was so fast that it was simply lightning, which did not match its huge size.

Seeing that the huge body came behind him in a blink of an eye, the blood-red tongue letter hissed in his ear. Yan Song was shocked and brushed the warning away, pulled Yan Jia and sent it into it. He suddenly stepped on the ground. When he got the bullet, the virtual step method unfolded at the same time. Although the speed was a little slower, his body was like a wild goose, and he suddenly fell away from the ground and came to the top of the head and neck of the python.

The opportunity can't be missed. The loose sleeves rising in the air gently brushed, and the nine purple dragons must be as fast as lightning. They shot at the python's head and disappeared into it in a blink of an eye. The python was in pain and suddenly burst. After two silver eyes looked at Yan Song, before it could fall, a giant tail pulled over fiercely.

Yan Song unfolded his spiritual power and moved in the air to dodge the blow. However, due to his poor cultivation of the virtual walking method and the extremely fast speed of the giant python, the dodge was only half. The python tail, which was like iron wood, pulled fiercely on his left shoulder and was about to fly out. Go, I almost fell down the mountain.

He rolled on the ground several times and finally settled down. He was injured. There was a fever in his throat, and a blood arrow spewed out. He almost didn't even have time to check the injury, and the python attacked him again.

There was no way around, and behind him was the cliff. Yan Song fell into the absolute. Seeing that the python was about to rush up, he brushed his right hand again. In an instant, several purple lights burst out of the python's head. At the same time, several blood arrows also shot out at the same time. The python was in pain again, and his body turned over involuntarily. A pair of silver bowls were full of evil eyes and ferocious, and once again rushed to Yan Song.

The purple dragon must have flown far away and has no time to save himself. Yan Song gritted his teeth and planned to jump off the cliff behind him. There are many trees on the cliff. In this way, he may be able to save his life and will not be the meal in the belly of the python.

At the moment of death, his life was on the eve, and there was no room for Yan Song to think too much. When he was about to jump off the cliff, an eagle suddenly came from behind the python, which resounded through the sky, which restrained the silver python and couldn't help but turn back to the enemy.

Yan Song was shocked and his eyes tightened. Behind the hill with a cave, a big blue eagle was lifting up and rushed to the python. His wings vibrated, and thousands of blue arrow feathers swept the python.

Yan Song quickly ran out along the edge of the cliff. He was already behind the python. If he stood there and didn't move, he would be looking for death. He ran and scolded, "Damn, he's fucking alive!"

Avoiding the arrow feathers of the blue eagle, Yan Song ran carefully and rushed straight up the mountain. Now the two strong are fighting, and his left shoulder has been hit hard again, fully understanding of what kind of disadvantage he is. However, as soon as he took a few steps, he was attracted by the fight not far away.

The arrow feathers of the blue eagle shot the python all over, and the python with feathers rushed up with pain. Although it could not fly, it bounced its head high with its flexible body. The body was five or six feet away from the ground, and only a small part of the tail supported on the ground.

It was so angry that the blue eagle was not prepared at all. Its body, which was slightly bigger than the opponent's head, was suddenly entangled by the opponent and rolled to the ground in a blink of an eye. Another eagle sounded, but this time it was particularly sad.

The situation is beneficial to the silver python. At this moment, its body is rapidly wrapped around the blue eagle. At the beginning, the blue eagle still has a sharp beak and keeps pecking through the body of the python, but slowly, its whole body is entangled by the python, and Yan Song can't even see how it struggles.

I don't know why the teenager did not escape at this moment. Even if the appearance of the blue eagle just happened to inadvertently save himself, he was somewhat uncomfortable to see the other party waiting to die at this moment. At present, he didn't care about the injury on his body. Without saying anything, he rushed to the 15 meters next to the python and gently brushed his right hand. Nine purple dragons were sacrificed out again. They broke into the body of the python like electric light, and then flew out from the other end. Immediately, he bent and pierced into its body again, and then flew out and entered again...

This side has to worry about the blue eagle. The python can't come out to resist for a moment. In a blink of an eye, its body has been connected by blood holes pierced by the purple dragon. Seeing a long hiss, the giant suddenly turned to Yan Song, and his big eyes in the silver bowl shot out evil eyes. It opened its huge mouth, and the blood-red tongue stirred, which immediately produced a suction and sucked the Yan Song two feet away.

When the danger came again, Yan Song cursed that he was really nosy. Seeing that he was about to be swallowed into the python's mouth, he tried his best to calm himself down and then fought to the death. While rushing to the python, he raised his hand to control the purple dragon beard again and hit the evil silver eyes of the python.

With a chirp, a purple dragon beard shot into it. Suddenly, there was a little more red star on the silver-white eyeball of the python's left eye. It suddenly closed its eyes because of pain, but at this moment, with the chirling sound, the second and third purple dragon whiskers also entered its injured eyes one after another. When it opened its eyes again, it was already three or four red dots, and the blood flowed at will soon redn its whole eye.

At this moment, the other five purple dragons must shoot at its other eye. A pair of silver eyes turned into a pair of blood lanterns. The python was in pain and completely crazy for a while. His body suddenly tossed around. The blue eagle took the opportunity to escape from its entanglement, and Yan Song also felt that the suction disappeared and quickly fled for his life.

Suddenly, there was another roar, followed by a giant python hiss. Yan Song, who ran a hundred steps away, couldn't help looking back and saw the blue eagle being entangled again. However, this time, its head was exposed, and the pair of sharp eagle beaks, thinking that it was the seven-inch acupuncture point of the python that had just been fighting for strength, and directly took out the huge heart!

Both were injured and quietly watched the two giants fall to the ground. It was not until the python motionless that Yan Song bumped into his courage and walked over. Then waved another nine purple dragon whiskers, wearing the python's head straight into a honeycomb. Then he took out the black iron sword in the ring, discarding a lot of strength to throw away the python's head and take out a round thing from it.

He was very surprised that the thing was not a beast elixir, the beast elixir was a polyhedral shape, and the thing was round and golden. Looking at that appearance, he suddenly realized that something familiar quickly appeared in his mind - Dragon Ball!

But this one is not like the dragon ball it saw in the virtual realm of Jade Bodhi. He has no doubt that there are no high-order fierce beasts in places like Ye Nancheng or the Rosefinch Empire, let alone the legendary mythical beasts.

After thinking about it, he had to deal with the blue eagle next to him, but when he paid attention to the huge thing in front of him again, he suddenly disappeared the figure of the python. Next to him, there was only the dying blue eagle lying on the ground. The teenager was frighted. He quickly turned his head and looked around without finding the figure of the python. When he inadvertently lowered his head, he found a white snake about three feet under his feet. The snake was bruised all over, his head had blossomed, and his heart had been taken out...

Yan Song suddenly woke up, but he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. He almost dullly pulled Yan Jia out of the ring and pointed to the little snake on the ground and couldn't speak for a long time.

"How could such a big honeysuckle python become a little white snake? How is this possible?" Yan Jia was surprised. While looking at the surrounding situation, she asked Yan Song if there was anything suspicious. Yan Song raised his hand, spread it out, and took out what looked like Dragon Ball.

"Yizhu!" Yan Jia suddenly said.

Yan Song was puzzled and was about to ask questions. Suddenly, the pearl in his hand flashed and turned into a layer of fog-like halo and disappeared into his body. He didn't feel anything at all. He couldn't help but wonder, "Yizhu? What is it? What's going on?"

When Yan Jia saw this, she was very happy and talked about it endlessly. It turned out that this pearl was a bead condensed by her spiritual power after the death of a high-level swordsmith. Yan Jia's father was a swordsmith. Naturally, she understood how much this pearl helped people who learned to cast swords. He could improve the spirit of beginners out of thin air. You can even let the swordsmith domesticate the fierce beast with his spirit and take it as its use.

As the saying goes, people and beasts are similar. The biggest difference between man and beast is spiritual. In addition to good and evil, rationality and sensibility, there is also high IQ and EQ. The pearl of the human swordsmith has great benefits for fierce beasts. It can provide things that fierce beasts have never had, so that they can be intelligent and their cultivation will explode at the moment of contact, and even some fierce beasts may have the opportunity to evolve into mythical beasts.

"The spiritual strength of the swordsmith after death? How could it appear in a giant python, and the giant python - is it possible that the little snake in front of him stole the pearl and turned into such a huge silver python? Speaking of this, Yan Song turned around and looked at the cave at the top of the hill. Since Yizhu was condensed after the death of the swordsmith and was stolen by the little snake, then...

For a moment, there were too many doubts in Yan Song's heart. He stood up and walked towards the python hole. Yan Jia saw this and followed closely. Walking to the cave, he took out the white tiger's elixir, lit up the surroundings, and then walked in along the winding and spacious cave wall. Circling all the way down, Yan Song felt that they had been falling in the belly of the mountain and were almost about to go down to the foot of the mountain. At this time, he noticed that under the cave, it was not the residence of ordinary fierce beasts. It was a trace of manual grinding, and there were traces of sword fighting, but it seemed that it had been rubbed by something. Those marks The trace is not too clear.

Curious, with the bright beast elixir of the white tiger, the two can clearly see everything in front of them. At the end of the stone cave at the bottom, the space became larger, as if it had been hit hard by gravity, and there were many large and small rubble lying on the ground. At the root of the main wall of the cave, there is a skeleton. The clothes on the body have been rotten in several places, with white bones all over the body, except for some hay-like hair on the top of the head. His ribs had been broken, and Yan Jia inferred that the little snake must have sneaked into his chest and stole Yizhu. Then his strength increased and broke the man's bones. After escaping, his body became bigger. Finally, he stirred up the cave that was not suitable for his body and ran out crazily.

"There seems to be something under the skeleton?" Yan Jia said, holding a bow and arrow, intending to remove the skeleton.

Yan Song hurriedly stopped her: " Wait! Let me do it."

He said, pulling Yan Jia back together. When he retreated to the mouth of the cave, he used his energy to slowly remove the skeleton, and then removed the hay under it. A scarlet board was exposed to the ground.