sword array

Chapter 30 Love Sword

In the back mountain of the Yan family, the young man in white sat on a huge stone, closed his eyes and leaned less. He suddenly opened his eyes, and his body rotated and soared into the air like a roc spreading its wings. In a blink of an eye, he floated to the top of an ancient pine. In the position where he used to sit, seven arrows were shot into the boulder several times.

The young man in white is Yan Song. At this time, relying on his spiritual power, he stood on the treetops and said calmly, "Come again."

As soon as the words fell, behind several trees ten meters away, a girl in blue suddenly flashed, holding a jade-colored black bow, brushed his hand and took out seven arrow feathers from the arrow barrel, put them on the string, and shot at Yan Song with a whiss.

Yan Song shouted "flowing cloud chopping!", with a little treetops under his feet, his whole body soared up again and cut several times in the air. At the same time, his right hand accurately catched a flying arrow in the posture of a swordsman, and then took the opportunity to violently split it, and cut the remaining six arrow feathers below into two pieces with one arrow.

Her body landed smoothly, and Yan Jia over there shot an arrow again. Although it was an arrow this time, it gathered her purest power. The tip of the arrow flashed slightly and was unstoppable. As soon as Yan Song brushed his hand, nine purple dragons flew out of their sleeves like lightning and shot at the arrow feathers. The purple dragon must come sideways. Although the arrow body was pierced, the arrow still remained unabated. Yan Song kicked at his feet and rushed up to the arrow feather. At the same time, he shouted, "Breaking Xuanzhi, Qixuan!"

At the end of the words, the tip of the tip flashed, and the feather of the arrow was slightly shining. The fingers and arrows instantly made a sound of swords together, and then there was a bang. The whole arrow feather was hit to the ground, and the tip of the arrow had been transformed.

When Yan Jia saw this, she pouted, reluctantly put the jade bow behind her, stepped forward, and pretended to be angry and said, "It's easy for me to bully people. It's easy for me to kill you!"

Yan Song just smiled and did not apologize. He pulled Yan Jia to sit down. He was about to speak, but suddenly his eyes tightened, and then he stood up. His spirit gushed out quickly. "Come out, I haven't seen enough of it yet!"

Yan Jia was stunned and looked around in surprise. Her professional hunter had been hiding behind the tree and had not found any figure. Yan Song didn't even look at it and directly called the man out. The gap in mental strength directly made her speechless.

Sure enough, two figures flashed from the trees in the distance for a moment. They were not someone else, but Yan Li and Yan Yan Yan. The two smiled and looked at Yan Song, but when they saw that the other party didn't look at themselves at all, they looked at each other and walked forward. When they came to Yan Song and Yan Jia, they smiled and said, "We originally wanted to ask you for questions about Xuanxiu. When we saw that you were not in Jianzhai, we guessed that you must have come here to practice again, so we also came here. Seeing that you are practicing, it's not easy to disturb, so..."

"It's okay. Sit down and talk about it. What's your question?" Yan Song waved his hand and motioned them to sit down. He put his head on his hands and simply lay on the ground.

When the two heard the words, their reserved expressions suddenly relaxed, and the smile on their faces was much more calm. They sat down and looked at each other. Yan Li first said, "Brother, I have practiced six times for more than half a year. When I rushed to the Yangmingjing, it was relatively smooth at the beginning, but in the end, the more troublesome it became, and the sharpness at the end I have been rushing for more than a month, and Xuanqi suddenly can't hold it at the most critical time and disappears all of a sudden. What do you think is going on?

Hearing this, Yan Song turned his head and looked at Yan Li's face. After thinking about it, he said, "The Zuyang Mingjing belongs to the stomach meridian. When rushing this meridians, it is most taboo to be assisted by elixir, because they will stimulate the structure of the stomach, which is counterproductive. You should not have been able to fight for the family before. Take the elixir to improve your cultivation, right?

"Oh, hehe..." Yan Li blushed a little by Yan Song, but he didn't have the previous expression. At this moment, his eyes were full of admiration and enlightenment, "Shame, so it is so. The more I can't get through, the more I take the elixir, and the more I can't get. It turns out to be the problem here..."

Yan Song suddenly straightened up, took out the light attribute beast elixir obtained from the ring in his hand, and then threw it to Yan Li: "Not all the elixir works. Take this light attribute beast elixir. It should be able to purify your stomach structure in a short time. Before Ye Nan Xuanwu List, it should be able to help You step into the seven-fold harden body.

Yan Li held the silver-lighted beast elixir in his hand, and his eyes were full of surprise. When he heard that this beast elixir could help him break through, his expression was excited. He suddenly became a little embarrassed and handed the beast elixir to Yan Song: "Brother, this... This is not good. Not only did I do that to you before, but also helped me take revenge. Out of the soft sword secret, now give me a rare light attribute healing beast elixir, I..."

"What am I? Don't be dawd. Who said that I don't hold grudges? If it weren't for the face of the family, I would have wanted Di Ba to beat you that day. You can't take care of your life! Take it!" Yan Song said and pushed the beast elixir back.

When Yan Li heard the words, he nodded silently, and his eyes were full of respect. At this moment, he happily took down the beast elixir, and then bowed to Yan Song: "I won't say anything. There will be a place for brothers in the future, say a word!"

Yan Song scratched a rare smile from the corners of his mouth. He pulled out a grass from the ground, held it in his mouth, and muttered, "There is still one month before Ye Nan's Xuanwu List. If you work hard, you can say it out if there are any difficulties in cultivation, and let's conquer it together. Our Yan family has been under the influence of Ye Nancheng over the years. This time, we must show them our new forces!"

"Brother Yan Song!" Yan Yan's expression beside her was a little excited and said, "It's great that Brother Yan Song can think so. I came to see you today, and I have something to tell you. These days, Yan Ke rarely practiced, but often went out. We asked him, and he was just a few words perfunctory. The patriarch's wife handed over the power of the sword casting workshop a few days ago because of your master and servant, and recently inexplicably took over. Strangely, my grandfather doesn't know about this matter. He is the elder in charge of finance, and he should be notified of the family's financial matters, but this matter seems to be a direct order from the patriarch.

Yan Song was stunned: "Didn't your grandfather go to negotiate with the patriarch?"

Yan Yan spread out her hands: "The patriarch has been closed these days and handed over all the power to the seven elders, but the token of the family is in the hands of the patriarch's wife."

Yan Song nodded, and there was an ominous omen in his heart. He thought for a moment and said to Yan Li and Yan Yan, "How many people do you send to observe Yan Ke and see where he is going and what he is doing? I feel that there is something wrong here. Let me know as soon as there is any situation.

Yan Yan and Yan Li nodded, and several people chatted a few more words before they dispersed.

Returning to Jianzhai, the two went straight to the second floor. At this time, they saw Yan Feng, who had been casting a sword in the basement for a long time, sitting by the window and drinking tea. Seeing the two coming back, Yan Feng smiled and handed over a handful of things wrapped in green cloth on the table to Yan Song. While making tea, he said proudly, "It took a whole month to be the top Xuanbing I have cast in my life. How about trying it?"

Hearing this, Yan Song's eyes were exposed. He quickly took the green cloth stick and carefully opened it. In his eyes, it was an emerald-colored three-foot sword. Pull out the sword out of the sheath, and the sword sounds around the beam. The blade is moderate in length, moderate in width, moderate in weight, and transparent streamer in the emerald color. A layman in kendo can also see that it is the top of Xuanbing.

Holding it in his hand, the thorns and dancing, Yan Song's first feeling was that he was comfortable. Although he did not know the master, he had a feeling of restlessness. He couldn't help asking Yan Feng, "Big uncle, what's the name of this sword?"

"This sword was stained with your blood at the beginning of casting. It belongs to the innate knowledge master. If you can't do it well, there is also a sword soul attached to it. Of course, the name is your own." Seeing that Yan Song was puzzled, Yan Feng smiled and continued, "When I cast the sword, I took out some blood from the bowl where you raised eagle eggs with blood, so there may be an eagle soul in it."

Only then did Yan Song suddenly realize that when he looked at the sword in his hand again, his intimacy increased and he was overjoyed: "My uncle still has a heart. Since this sword was cast for me by my uncle, family affection is discernable. Why don't we call it love in the name of the place where we share in troubles together!?"

"Love Sword? That's a good name!" Yan Feng nodded and praised, and Yan Jia also clapped her hands.

Yan Songxin held the love sword, not to mention how excited he was. Suddenly, he came up with another idea: "That eagle egg has been soaked in my blood for 30 or 40 days. It seems that the shell is about to come out these days. How about I also give him a name, Xintianying?"

When the father and daughter heard the words, they couldn't help admiring it.

After just a short chat, Yan Feng went down to the basement again and began the hard work of casting Xuan Bing. Yan Feng held the love sword in his hand, which felt like the unity of a human sword, and began to practice Liu Yunzhan.

Time flies, and half a month has passed. On this day, Yan Song was still sitting in the woods behind the family. At this time, Yan Li and Yan Yan hurried over, as if there was something urgent, shouting Yan Song's name.

Yan Jia hurriedly gestured to them not to quarrel, and then carefully pointed to Yan Song on the ground. At this moment, the young man in white was covered with sweat, and sweat soaked his shirt directly. Outside his body, a layer of hot air steamed, like a steamed bun that had just came out of the pot.

Yan Li and Yan Yan looked at Yan Song with a very difficult expression, turned their heads and asked Yan Jia, "Is he going to break through?"

Yan Jia hurriedly put her jade-like hand between her mouth, booed gently, then nodded gently and looked at Yan Song with great concern. Her behavior was cold and sour in Yan's eyes.

Slowly, Yan Song's body began to twitch a little. Then, the blue veins on his forehead burst, as if to break through, and the sweat on his body couldn't help but become more. On his body surface, it could be faintly seen that in his waist and abdomen, two Xuanqi emitted a still bright golden light, starting from a point behind him, towards A little closer in the abdomen. The two strands of Xuanqi suddenly appeared, bright and dark, but never disappeared. Finally, they gathered together, wrapped around their waists for a week, and the light flashed and hidden in their waist and abdomen.

Yan Song opened his eyes tiredly, but when his eyes were full, he was particularly full of spirit.

Yan Yan and Yan Li opened their mouths wide and said in shock, "You... have you opened your pulse?"

The teenager nodded and then asked, "Is there anything wrong with Yan Ke?"

"We have just quenched sevenfold, and he has broken through the ninefold quenched?" The two didn't seem to hear Yan Song's words, and sighed at each other again. They looked at Yan Song, who was tired but glowing, with envy and admiration in their eyes. Seeing Yan Song's appearance of answering, he suddenly realized, remembered the business and replied, "I found out that Yan Ke often haunts the Sima family these days."