sword array

Chapter 33 Be Hard

PS: Ten thousand words a day, brothers, don't worry about collecting it.

The owner of Ye Nancheng is tall and powerful, and his face is upright, giving people a heroic image of helping others. He walked to the front of the stage, waved down, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then said loudly, "Ye Nanxuanwu list has officially begun. Now, I will announce the participants. First of all, the Di family, the largest family in Ye Nancheng, participated in the comparison with Ye Nan's first genius Di Ba, as well as Di Juan, Di Kuan and Di Linger..."

He only reported a few names, and the crowd below couldn't help shouting: "Di Ba! Di Ba! Famous all over the world! Di Ba! Di Ba! Famous all over the world!"

Di Ba's reputation resounded in Ye Nancheng. While he offended many people, he also got the admiration of many Xuanxiu's descendants. Some hot-blooded teenagers regarded him as their own idol and chasing targets, and their worship of his strength has reached the point of obsession.

Ye Nancheng read Di Ren's name, but his name had long been annihilated by the shouts of people outside the venue. He didn't care much about this, but a calm smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, like a smile after winning.

"You are quiet. The Di family is not only a talent of Di Ba, but also a Di Ren who has devoted himself to cultivation in the Wuya Sword School. He is young, but he has been promoted to the Xuanshi level. This Xuanwu list is very promising to win the top of the list!"

The people outside the venue were stunned and followed the gesture of the owner of Ye Nancheng to look at Di Ren in the crowd of the Di family. At this time, Di Ren did not expect such an appearance. He looked at the owner of Ye Nancheng doubtfully and saw the owner of Ye Nancheng smiling and looking at the patriarch Di Lu. He looked at Dilu again and saw that Dilu was looking at himself with a laugh and applauding himself.

For a moment, he suddenly realized that he had already been favored by the patriarch of the family. At present, he nod his head to Dilu and naturally listened to the warm appreciation that broke out by the people around him in a blink of an eye. These applause seemed to have surpassed what was given to Di Ba just now, but for him, who was firmly in the first place, he did not How excited he is.

Then, Ye Nancheng continued to introduce: "The players of the Sima family are also strong, including Sima Xing, Sima Yun, Sima Zhao... and Sima Yan from the Wuya Sword School. Six years ago, she narrowly defeated Di Ren, but she was the first disciple of the Wuya Sword School!"

The first reaction to this sentence was Di Ren. Other people's praise was regarded as ordinary, but he openly listed a woman who was better than himself. His calm face instantly became impatient. He stared at the back of Ye Nancheng's head and glanced at Sima Yan. Seeing that the other party's expression was calm, he forced himself to calm down. Come down.

At this time, thunderous applause and cheers broke out again, and many boys even shouted Sima Yan's name directly. Di Ren is already a mysterious scholar, and this beautiful girl in blue is better than Di Yun, which shows that she is even stronger!

"So, Miss Sima is sure to take the first place in this year's Xuanwu list!"

"That may not be er, didn't you hear what the city owner just said was a narrow victory? I think Di Ren will definitely turn defeat into victory after half a year of hard work. The top of Xuanwu must be Di Ren!"

"Farm, the first one is Di Ba! Di Ba, Di Ba, famous all over the world!"

Yan Song looked at the crazy comments and shouts outside the stage, and looked at Di Ren and Sima Yan, who were all smiling and calm and not moved by the praise from outside the venue, smiled speechlessly.

After Ye Nanchengzhu introduced the Sima family, he began to introduce the Yan family again. Compared with the previous two families, in the mouth of Ye Nanchengzhu, the young generation of the Yan family was not much outstanding. He just mentioned Yan Ke and Yan Song, who changed from waste to genius. Although the two also received some praise and applause, compared with the previous two families, Jane It is negligible.

When the young people of the Yan family saw this, they all showed an indignant expression on their faces. Only Yan Song still wore the previous rare smile, looking at the crowd aimlessly and listening to Ye Nanchengzhu continue to introduce other participating families.

The people behind are not as famous as the previous ones. They are mostly small families, and some are children of small families, which are not known at all. Only when he introduced Ling Han, who is also an endless sword school, the people around him put aside their status and applaud the young man in blue.

After all the introduction, Ye Nancheng continued: "There are a total of 78 young heroes under the age of 18. The competition method is still the same. Please draw lots in turn, No. 1 and No. 2 ratio, No. 3 and No. 4, and so on. The comparison between the two sides is related to human life, remember to the end..."

Ye Nan drew No. 37. After drawing lots with a group of teenagers, he returned to his seat again, waiting for the next comparison.

Ye Nan Xuanwu List officially began. At this time, Ye Nanchengzhu only made a formal announcement, and the next comparison was handed over to a middle-aged man to judge. The middle-aged man walked to the stage and said loudly, "The game officially began. In the first game, No. 1 and No. 2 will play."

"Di Tao."


The two teenagers who participated in the competition reported each other's names and quickly fought together. Soon, Di Tao of the Di family was more skilled, and a whip leg knocked Lin Shan to the ground. In the cheers of the audience, the middle-aged man announced that Di Tao had won. In this way, round after round, during this time, Di Kuan of the Di family, Yan Yan and Yan Li of the Yan family successfully passed the first round of comparison.

When it was Di Ba's turn to play, his opponent was Yan Yu of the Yan family. Yan You's strength was not weak. A few months ago, the Yan family was good at martial arts. This son had a chance to advance to the top four, but unfortunately, Yan Song abolished Yan Mang before. He was afraid of Yan Song's strength and lost himself without fighting. Now, he has just broken through the seven weights of the quenching body, but compared with Yan Ba, he is still much worse.

Di Ba seemed to hate the Yan family very much. Every move was fierce. After four or five moves, Yan You received a heavy punch in his chest and was knocked to the ground by his opponent. Then he was kicked by Di Ba and directly kicked him to the ground. The people of the Yan family saw it, but they were helpless. They gritted their teeth one by one. In the fierce applause around them, Yan Ba stretched out a middle finger to the whole Yan family and walked away arrogantly.

Di Ba was recalling that when he had just defeated his opponent neatly, after several rounds of comparison, Di Ren went on the stage. He was confronted by Sima Yu, a descendant of the Sima family. Di Ren first showed weakness, seemed to reluctantly dodge Simayu's three moves, and then kicked the rising Simayu out of the field. Poor Simayu's face was still full of excitement and was kicked out.

"Three moves to defeat the enemy! I said that Di Ren is awesome, and he deserves to be a Xuanshi cultivation! Come on, Di Ren!" There was a burst of cheers outside the court, and the momentum had already overwhelmed Di Ba, and bursts of praise raised the seemingly calm Di Ren to the sky. He looked at the gloomy Sima family with a smile and walked out in a very comfortable mood.

After several rounds of comparison, Gao Chao came again. This time, it was Ling Han, who was praised by Ye Nancheng and Sima Yan. Everyone looked forward to it, but Ling Han did not seem to show much strength. It was not until ten moves that he defeated an opponent surnamed Zhou and helped him up very kindly.

I didn't see the powerful magic skills and skills, but just showed the outdated martial arts. The people around him didn't seem to buy him. Some scolded him as a soft persimmon, some said it was nominal, and some people said that he didn't look like a man. Compared with martial arts, he looked like an early ejaculation. Ling Han didn't care about this, but still maintained his previous calm expression and walked off the stage.

"25th and 26th."

At the end of the middle-aged people's voice, the Di Linger of the Di family and Yan Zhan of the Yan family appeared on the stage, and Yan Zhan was one of the teenagers of the Yan family when they fought with the Di family in the Longmen store that day. After the two sides reported their names, they fought together. After a few moves, Di Linger saw Yan Zhan's cultivation. Her big eyes stared at each other very fiercely and shouted, "A dog who doesn't have long eyes, see if your aunt doesn't break your leg!"

After saying that, the short knife in her hand danced a road of silver flowers, and then turned sharply, looking for a seam and entered, and violently swinging to Yan Zhan. Yan Zhan flashed the blade, but then Di Linger's leg came diagonally. He couldn't dodge and was knocked to the ground. He covered his legs with his hands and shouted. Looking at his tearful expression, he seemed to want to continue to stand up and compete with Delinger.

When Di Linger saw this arrow, she stepped on Yan Zhan's face, and then ran it twice. A pair of big eyes couldn't wait to stare out, her little mouth was also high, and her voice said fiercely, "Remember, this is the end of provoking my Di family!"

"Di Linger wins!" As the middle-aged man said, he walked forward and pulled Di Linger away, and the crazy girl walked out of the field crazily.

The arrogance of the Di family not only annoyed the Yan family, but also annoyed the Sima family. For those who watch the scene off-site, such a scene suits their taste. They like to watch dogs bite dogs, prefer to watch people bite people, or bite dogs... With the comparison of fighting with each other, the mood outside the venue continues to rise.

"The next game, the 33rd and 34th."

This time, Yan Ke and Di Dong of the Di family played. The expressions of these two are very fierce. Compared with Yan Ke, Di Dong seems to be more arrogant, which is related to the comparison that has been more and more beneficial to the Di family just now.

After reporting their names, the two went straight in and out and fought together. Didong seems arrogant and has some strength, but it seems to be much worse than Yan Ke in the middle of the seven-fold. Yan Ke took a look at the right time and knocked down the other party with one punch. Di Dong was not convinced. He stood up and wanted to attack again. Yan Ke flew up directly and kicked the other party's chin with a whip leg.

"Yan Kesheng!"

A refreshing applause broke out outside the court. Those who watched the lively loved to watch this kind of sadistic fight. Yan Ke turned his head and stared at the Di family fiercely. His thumb turned down and slowly showed it to the Di family, which was almost about to explode.

"No. 35 and No. 36." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, the outside of the court suddenly calmed down. It turned out that everyone outside the court was attracted by the girl in blue of the Sima family, and ignored the girl in yellow of the Di family opposite the girl.

In the admiration of the crowd constantly shouting "Sima Yan", the two reported their names and the game began. It's a pity that the girl in yellow of the Di family didn't hear the name she reported. She was completely suppressed by Sima Yan, who sounded outside the venue. She was so angry that she raised her sword and stabbed the girl in blue.

The figure of the girl in blue suddenly greeted like the wind. Everyone was surprised. They didn't see what the way Sima Yan used to avoid the long sword of the girl in yellow. They only heard three "papa" and saw Sima Yanyu's hand raised gently. The girl in yellow had already swollen her cheeks and died on the ground.

"I'm too cruel, and it's still exciting for women to beat women!" After a burst of bragging outside the field, thunderous applause suddenly broke out, which made the Di family's faces gloomy and cracked.

"Sima Yansheng! Enter on the 37th and 38th.

Yan Song came on the stage and saw that the No. 38 coming from the opposite side was none other than anyone else, but the second generation of the young generation of the Di family, the girl in red, Di Juan. Di Juan was originally angry. Just now, because of Yan Ke and Sima Yan's behavior, she was even more angry, but when she saw that the other party was the person who slapped her not long ago, she was faintly afraid. She remembered very clearly that it was not that she didn't want to hide at that time, but that she didn't have time at all. Delinger was even slapped and fainted by this guy.

PS: There is a plot of imitation of fighting at the beginning of the previous chapter. Please forgive me. The back is my own style. Otherwise, this book will not be bought out. Everyone supports it and welcomes suggestions in the comment area.