sword array

Chapter 54 Xuanqi Liquid

PS: Last night, I looked up at the celestial phenomena and was cloudy. In recent days, there will be a good Chinese son and daughter who will come with the sword to enjoy the face of Sword Array. Thank you very much for your advice.

Time passed in a hurry, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye. At this moment, Yan Song was still sitting on the stone bench in the backyard of Jianzhai, closing his eyes. During this period, he has been practicing Tianxuan seven-style painstakingly. Slowly, the sword-style flying sword and the heart and the cloud sword-style chaotic cloud flying are understood by him and matured.

What he is doing now is the Xuanqi liquid that he wants to practice at the Xuanshi level. The previous nine-fold quenching aims to open up the major meridians and major acupuncture points of the human body, so that it can not only make Xuanqi flow smoothly in the body, but also spit out new things through the important acupuncture points throughout the body.

For Yan Song at the Xuanshi level, at this time, he not only absorbs Xuanqi from his mouth, but also exchanges gas with the outside world in an all-round way through the acupuncture points that have been opened all over his body. Such a large amount of Xuanqi is absorbed to form Qixuan in the body, and then the Xuanqi liquid is stored in the body in a more pure form.

Although every time you spit out something new, you can form a cyclone in the abdomen and compress it into **. However, for Yan Song, who has just entered Xuanshi, there is very little Xuanqi after the liquid in his body. Under the inner vision, it is like a thick fog, and formal liquid beads have not yet been formed. Because of the solid edge of the mysterious property, the layer of mysterious fog in his body is also metallic golden.

The morning sun slowly increased, and finally became dazzling. The rising sun unconsciously rose to the sky. The teenager sat motionless under the stone bench, and his whole body slowly became restless. First, his eyelids kept blinking, and then his hands on his knees twitched from time to time, and a few fingers kept gently. Slowly, his eyebrows began to frown, sweating all over his cheeks, and his expression became very painful.

aside, the back door of Jianzhai was gently opened. The maidservant Xiaowei secretly looked at Yan Song sitting there through the crack of the door, and her little face was very anxious. At this moment, she had prepared the meal and learned from what Yan Song taught her. She called the latter to eat in the tone of her friends. She repeated it in a low voice and was about to have the courage to practice it, but suddenly found that the owner was crazy. For a moment, she was in a mess again and wanted to wake up her master, but she was afraid that she would hurt her master. If she didn't scream, in case something really happened, how could she be a small domestic slave?

When Xiaowei was at a loss, her bright eyes suddenly tightened and saw Yan Song suddenly open her eyes, and then a mouthful of blood gushed out of her mouth, dyeing the white clothes on her chest red. The girl covered her little mouth with a "ah" sound, then pushed the door open, rushed to Yan Song, helped him up, and couldn't help saying, "Young master, what's wrong with you, young master?"

Yan Song looked at Xiaowei, who was scared white, and reluctantly smiled. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with his sleeves: "It's okay. I'm not sure. This second-order Xuanshi can't rush over. Go to the house and bring me a coat to change.

Xiao Wei nodded suspiciously, then turned around and ran into Jianzhai. Soon, she ran to Yan Song with a neatly folded white gown. At this time, Yan Song had already taken off his coat. He put the blood-stained dirty clothes next to him, took the clothes in Xiaowei's hand, and then sighed and sat back to the same place.

Xiao Wei hurriedly took away the changed clothes. After a while, he came out of Jianzhai, holding a tray with three cups on it, and brought them to Yan Song.

"Young master, rinse your mouth first." She put the tray next to the stone bench and picked up one of the water glasses and handed it to Yan Song.

Yan Song took two mouthfuls of water and then spit it in another cup. Xiaowei put it away, then picked up the third cup and handed it to Yan Song: "Young master, this is the ginseng soup I cooked." Yan Song nodded and took the ginseng soup. As soon as she took two sips, Xiaowei raised her eyes and saw blood on Yan Song's neck. She was surprised and said, "Young master, why did you hurt your neck!"

Yan Song was stunned: "Where is it?"

Xiaowei took a closer look and found that it was just a blood stain, which relieved her voice: "Oh, maybe it was accidentally glued by the blood stain on her clothes when she changed her clothes just now."

Yan Song drank the soup and nodded: "Well, I can't see it. Help me wipe it down."

Xiaowei nodded, hurriedly squeezed her sleeves and wiped away the blood stains on Yan Song's neck. At this time, the two suddenly heard someone outside the hospital say, "Yo! This little life is quite emotional!"

The master and servant looked sideways. It was Yan Jia in a green shirt. Seeing this, Yan Song quickly raised his spirits and said hello to her: "Sister Jia! I haven't seen you for a long time. Didn't uncle arrange for you to go to the courtyard of the Sima family? Why do you have time to come to me?"

Yan Jia had a deep smile on her face, stared at Yan Song for several seconds, then turned to Xiaowei beside her, and then relaxed her expression: "No, I'm full of food." Seeing Xiaowei say hello to her, and then walk into Jianzhai with the tray, she pouted and stared at Yan Song and said, "You two masters and servants, just now?"

"There was a little blood on my neck just now. I can't see it. Xiaowei wiped it for me." Yan Song said, scooped up the ginseng soup in the cup, blew it back and forth twice, and drank it into his mouth.

When Yan Jia saw this, a trace of disdain appeared on her face, and her mouth was not cold and said, "What blood? Hurt?" Seeing that Yan Song nod her head slightly and just said the word "It's okay", she suddenly interrupted her words, slowed her tone, and asked deeply, "Aren't you never touching the medicine? Why did you drink ginseng soup again?"

Yan Song smiled, raised the cup, drank the last bit of soup, and then wiped the oil stains on his mouth with the back of his hand: "This ginseng is used to nourish the body, not medicine. Besides, in the past, I couldn't afford to eat even if I wanted to."

"Well," Yan Jia nodded and turned around. She was seeing Xiaowei taking the newly washed clothes, walk out of Jianzhai and hanging them on a horizontal pole. She recognized it as Yan Song's clothes at a glance. Her originally smiling expression suddenly calmed down, and there was a strange light flashing in her eyes: "I was going to move back. It seems that it is not welcome to move back!"

"What? If you want to move back, that's great, sister. I'm worried that no one is talking!" Yan Song suddenly smiled on his calm face, but immediately, he was a little confused. J "Oh, by the way, you are now the patriarch's daughter, Jinzhi Yuye, come to Jianzhai, will uncle agree?"

Yan Jia's little face was horizontal, her little mouth was pouted, and she said annoidly, "Father agrees. What's the use if the owner of this Jianzhai disagrees!"

"I welcome it very much!" Yan Song suddenly stood up and was overjoyed. He pretended to bend down and saluted Yan Jia: "Waiting for the jade driver at any time and move into Jianzhai!"

"The rice is hot. Come and eat!" Jianzhai's door was pushed open by Xiaowei, and her tone was a little difficult. Obviously, the tone between friends taught by Yan Song was extremely unaccustomed to her.

Yan Jia heard the sound and looked at Jianzhai. She saw Xiaowei blushing and turning her head. She didn't know what she was busy with. She couldn't help asking Yan Song, "You slave? What's going on? Are you quite stingy? Why, doesn't she like me?"

Yan Song wanted to tell Yan Jia that it was made according to her words and behavior, but when the words came to her mouth, her face turned red and she was a little embarrassed. She had to stand up and pull Yan Jia to walk to Jianzhai: "Come and eat together, Sister Jia. Under my guidance, Xiaowei's cooking skills have improved rapidly recently!" He wanted to say that the taste of Xiaowei's cooking was becoming more and more similar to that of Yan Jia, but he was embarrassed to say it.

Yan Song's behavior, like Yan Song's words, listened to Yan Jia's ears and was particularly harsh. She couldn't help but want to leave, but finally stood up rationally, stood up and said to Yan Song very solemnly, "I can come to Jianzhai, but there is a condition--"

"Oh, not to mention that there is a condition, but there are ten conditions, and I will also obey it!" As Yan Song walked, he pushed the reluctant Yan Jia, "Let's go to dinner first. What are the conditions? Let's talk about it at the dinner table."

In this way, Yan Jia was half pushed by Yan Song and half and came to the second floor of Jianzhai. At this time, Xiaowei was feeding the letter eagle at a low table by the window. Yan Jia found that the letter eagle was much bigger than half a month ago and more than a meter tall. When the blue eagle saw Yan Jia, he thought it was also very familiar, and his mouth sounded twice, a pair The wings flapped out, two meters wide!

Yan Jia was happy to see it and temporarily forgot the unhappiness in her heart. She hurried forward and put her arms around Xin Tianying's neck. The voice of intimacy kept in her mouth. Yan Song, who was envious, kept swinging at the blue eagle. Suddenly, Yan Jia's little face calmed down and pouted, "What's the matter? Why didn't you let my little eagle go to the dinner table to eat? Did you let it succumb so quickly?"

Because Xiaowei was feeding the blue eagle around her, Yan Jia naturally said it unnaturally to Xiaowei when she asked. When Xiaowei heard the words, her little face turned red and she hurriedly lowered her head. She had always been timid and afraid of the Lord, which made Yan Jia suddenly so scared that she was incoherent and speechless. Seeing this, Yan Song hurried forward and said, "This guy is so big, with one wing. It's troublesome to have a meal. It's good there. Besides, I haven't treated him badly at all these days!"

Yan Jia then turned around, walked to the dining table and sat down beside Yan Song. She was about to pick up her chopsticks to eat, but suddenly saw three pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the table. In addition to her and Yan Song, there was also a pair next to her. She subconsciously looked at Xiaowei, who was feeding the eagle. Sure enough, Xiaowei put the fried pork chops into the bowl, then washed her hands and carefully walked to the other side of Yan Song. Her little face turned red and she sat down.

Seeing Xiaowei embarrassed, Yan Jia had to force a smile: "Eat it quickly, you're welcome. Your master is so good that he never takes his servant down. Follow him. He is convinced.

Xiaowei didn't dare to look at the two people. She just lowered her head, held the rice in one hand, put a piece of celery in her mouth with chopsticks in the other, and bit it gently, but did not move. Her little face was still crimson, and her eyes couldn't help trembling. She ate with the patriarch's daughter and the genius of the family. How could she ever think of such a scene?

Seeing this, Yan Song smiled and patted Xiaowei on the shoulder with his hand. Seeing that the other party was shocked, he hurriedly retreated and said, "Xiaowei, didn't I tell you that we have no master or servant. Don't need to be nervous. In the future, we will grow up when we eat together. We have to adapt."

When Yan Jia heard the words, the vegetables that were about to be put into her mouth suddenly fell on her clothes. She hurriedly took the handkerchief next to her to wipe it. Seeing that Yan Song asked her with concern, she was okay. She just smiled and didn't say anything. Then, she sat up straight and asked Xiaowei, "Xiaowei, I want to eat sour. Can you go downstairs to help me get some vinegar?"

Xiao Wei quickly got up and nodded, and then hurried downstairs. Yan Song smiled and asked Yan Jia, "Why, sister, are you still willing to be jealous?" The taste is unusual!"

Yan Jia's expression was calm, and she didn't look into Yan Song's eyes and said directly, "I just told you that the conditions for me to live here are: I come to Jianzhai, cooking and laundry and so on. I don't think there is any need for slaves. If my father is willing to come, the three of us will live here, if he doesn't like it. Well, I hope we can live alone."