sword array

Chapter 72 Inexplicable Breakthrough

"Brother Yan Song!" When Yan Song was at a loss, another girl's voice suddenly came behind him. It was Yan Yan. When Yan Song spoke beside Yan Li, Yan Yan saw him. When she was about to pass, she saw Yan Song leave Yan Li inexplicably. When she saw him walking next to Yan Jia, Yan Yan felt sad and took a step back.

But she immediately saw that Yan Jia went to the martial arts arena to accept the position assigned by the family, and she didn't come back to Yan Song again. Capturing the subtleties with the unique feelings of women, the girl Yan Yan then squeezed through the crowd and came to Yan Song. Seeing Yan Song turn around, she hurried forward and stood side by side with him. Seeing that Yan Song's face improved, she knew that his body had recovered, so she no longer greeted. Her face was like a peach blossom and her smile was: "Brother Yan Song: , you--

"Yan Yan!" At this moment, Yan Feng's voice suddenly came from the martial arts arena.

Yan Yan was stunned, looked at Yan Song, hurriedly said, and walked to the martial arts arena. Yan Song was speechless again: What a coincidence. I will call whoever I talk to, and whoever I talk to will call...

After meeting the patriarch and the elders, Yan Yan went to the test stone and put her little hand on it. Suddenly, the stone shined brightly: "In the late ninefold period!" As a result, the people on the field were amazed. Since the test, most people have been in the early stage of the seven-fold and eight-fold quenching. The strongest is Yan Li, reaching the middle of the nine-fold quenching, and this flower-like girl, who seems to be weak, has reached the late stage of nine-fold quenching, only one step away from breaking through Xuanshi!

Yan Feng looked extremely excited and immediately said, "Yan Yan, in the late period of the ninefold, in charge of all the affairs of the Yan family in the Di family!"

You should know that the affairs of the Yan family in the Di family are no smaller than the Sima family. It can be seen that Yan Feng cherishes his talent by entrusting these affairs to a girl. Yan Yan was overjoyed when she heard the words and hurriedly bowed her head to thank the patriarch. She turned around and bowed deeply to the public of the Yan family. Finally, in cheers, the girl happily walked to the martial arts arena.

She walked to the crowd just now, but did not see Yan Song's figure. Her smiling little face suddenly remained as still as time. She turned her delicate body and looked around. At a glance, she saw Yan Song walking to Yan Li and Yan Jia. Yan Yan's still smile completely faded at this moment. Her eyes turned red, and her little mouth lowered her voice and muttered, "No matter how brilliant I am, he won't look at me again. No matter how much I change, he is unchanged. Wrong is wrong. Anyway, I can't get back..."

Over there, Yan Song is talking to Yan Jia without words, and Yan Jia is still willing to talk to her. Whether it is to him or Yan Li, who is also attentive to her. In Yan Yan's eyes, she is not to mention how uncomfortable.

When Yan Song saw that Yan Jia didn't speak and was no longer talkative, he asked Yan Li, " By the way, when did Xiaowei leave last night?"

"Ai, the little girl didn't eat, and she was quite conscious. She knew that staying there would disturb everyone's interest, so she left early." Yan Li said and sighed, not knowing whether it was his maid or something else.

Yan Jia, who was not talking next to her, got emotional again when she heard this. She turned around and stared at Yan Li: "Yan Li!"

"Sister Jia!" Yan Li hurried up and only heard Yan Jia say, "Whose fault was it last night? Is it right for my father to hit me in front of everyone!"

"Of course it's Xiaowei's fault, of course it's not right - oh no, sister Jia, aren't you making things difficult for me?" Yan Li's mouth was faster than his brain, but the good thing was that his brain still kept up with his mouth in time. "What happened before was Xiaowei's, but later the patriarch also did it to teach the family a lesson--

"Don't say it!" Hearing this, Yan Li stared at her again and felt that Yan Song next to her had been looking at her. The grievance in her heart was even greater. At that moment, she said to Yan Li, "I don't want to see that girl Yan Li. Give her more money and let her go!" With that, Qiong's nose was sour and red, and he turned around with a throb.

Yan Li looked at Yan Jia's aggrieved back, looked at Yan Song next to him, and spread his hands, indicating that he had no choice but to obey. Yan Song still wanted to say something. At this time, Yan Feng's voice suddenly came from the court: "Yan Ke!"

Referring to Yan Ke again, the family's reaction is very different from before. On the one hand, they admire the patriarch's tolerance for him. On the other hand, they hate Yan Ke's previous collusion with the Sima family and almost destroyed the Yan family. Now they see Yan Ke working in the sword casting workshop all day long. After all, they used to be a family, and their hearts are hidden. There is a kind of pity. In a word, the feelings of the family are very complicated for him.

Yan Ke was no longer the teenager in gorgeous clothes. He walked to the arena in black cloth, arched his hand to Yan Feng and several elders, then walked to the test stone and put his little hand on it. Suddenly, the test stone was shining brightly, and the golden light was far stronger than anyone before. Sheng: Xuanshi, the first level!

Yan Yi in the crowd saw this and nodded. The corners of his mouth moved. As for what he said, it was completely annihilated in the surprise of the people around him. The exclamations rose one after another and could not be calmed down for a long time. The family only knew that Yan Song had broken through Xuanshi, but now there is another Xuanshi. Many people are both excited and worried.

"Yo, Yan Ke has reached the level of Xuanshi. I don't know how the patriarch arranges his position?" As soon as Yan Li finished speaking, Yan Jia punched him, which made him stop quickly.

At this time, Yan Feng stood up, did not hide his excitement at all, and shouted, "Yan Ke, the first-order Xuanshi, will lead the work of the family's sword casting workshop from today!"

The people outside the court were in an uproar when they heard the words. They seemed to believe their ears and said one after another: The sword casting workshop is too important. Why did the patriarch hand him over to Yan Ke so confidently?" Others are more excited than Yan Feng: "The patriarch is broad-minded and naturally knows how to choose a virtuous person. It is the great blessing of our Yan family to have such a patriarch!"

Yan Yi in the crowd also looked at Yan Feng with some surprise. He never thought that Yan Feng could make such a decision. In addition, when he heard the praise of Yan Feng by people around him, he suddenly remembered the scene when he was the patriarch himself. At present, he felt a little hot and ashamed.

Of course, the most surprising thing at this time is Yan Ke in the martial arts arena. He originally wanted to deter Yan Feng with his own cultivation, so that he could not decide and make unreasonable distribution in front of the public of the Yan family, so as to take the opportunity to humiliate his "so-called broad-mindedness", and he returned to the sword casting workshop again to be his own iron striker. Live and give them all a cold slap. Unexpectedly, Yan Feng gave him the most important sword casting workshop of the Yan family without thinking about it!

He originally wanted to be at a loss for Yan Feng, but now, he was at a loss and staggered for a long time. He finally turned around and arched his hand to Yan Feng: "Parch, please withdraw your decision. The family sword casting workshop is too important. This position should be held by Yan Song. His cultivation is inherently better than I'm tall, and he is the most popular choice.

After he finished speaking, although there were many echoes outside the venue, it was more silent. They never thought that Yan Ke would say such a thing, which... is not like his previous temper.

"I said you can do it, you can do it! Just like I said that you are the Yan family, and you are the Yan family!" Yan Feng walked over and patted Yan Ke on the shoulder very heavily. Yan Ke suddenly knelt on the ground, with a banging head on the ground, and his voice trembled a little. He said in a voice that only Yan Feng could hear, "Thank you, uncle."

This scene wet many people's eyes, and everyone cheered for Yan Ke, cheered for Yan Feng, and cheered for a better future for the family! For a moment, they forgot that the coming-of-age ceremony had not been completed, and many people had not attended!

So Yan Feng waved his hand, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then continued to call names and continue to assign positions. Finally, even the Wuya Jianpai's foreign surnames were assigned to very influential positions according to their ability. In the Wuya Sword School, there are many talented teenagers who have quenched nine-fold and even reached the level of Xuanshi, and these teenagers are also appreciated by Yan Feng. Although their position may not have access to the core interests of the family because of their identity, they are already very satisfied. After all, if it weren't for Yan Feng, they would have gone to hell long ago.

When everyone's test was completed and Yan Feng announced the end of the coming-of-age ceremony, the Yan family outside the court said puzzled, "Parch, why don't you let Brother Song test? Aren't you plan to divide his duties?"

Yan Feng was stunned. Seeing that everyone outside the court was very curious and wanted Yan Song to test it, he had to laugh: "Well, let Yan Song also come up to test. After all, this is a coming-of-age ceremony, only once in a lifetime! As for the position, no matter what his cultivation is, it will not be arranged for the time being, because he has more important things to do.

When the patriarch said this, the whole Yan family probably understood that after all, a genius like Yan Song should be specially cultivated by the family. At present, they no longer talk about the assignment of duties. They all calm down and look forward to seeing the current cultivation of the family genius.

"I'm powerless now. I don't know if I can make that test stone shine?" Yan Song complained to Yan Li beside him. Seeing Yan Li pushing him with a laughing face, he had to walk into the martial arts arena along the road given away by the crowd. Then, like the previous descendants, after worshipping the patriarch and elders, he walked to the test stone and put his hand on it.

For three seconds in a row, the test stone did not respond. The people outside the court took a breath of ready to shout for the genius, suffoed for three seconds, accidentally swallowed into the large intestine, and said one by one, "Will it become a loser from a genius again... God--"

Suddenly, when the outsider HOLD couldn't help, the test stone on the field suddenly burst into strong light, which made the people around him unable to open their eyes for a moment. As the golden light slowly faded away, everyone was surprised to see that the test stone was clearly reflected: "Xuanshi, third order!" Four words!

"Third-order Xuanshi? Didn't Songer break through the second-order Xuanshi a few days ago? Why did she suddenly leap forward? Yan Feng was stunned, but immediately, his eyes were full of excitement.

"God...that's it!" The outside world suddenly shouted, "This boy's second-order Xuanshi didn't break through more than half a month ago. He fainted for more than 20 days and unexpectedly leaped the level? This...is there any reason for this!" His words attracted a lot of laughter and admiration, and everyone looked at Yan Song in surprise. Even Yan Jia, who had been sulking, looked at the young man in white in the field without blinking.

The expression of Yan Yi in the crowd was more ashamed than before. He couldn't help saying to himself, "This child was originally a genius, but I took him as a waste wood. I'm sorry for his mother and son. I have no eyes..."

At this time, the most surprised thing was Yan Song on the court. He couldn't help giggling and said that this thing could break through after sleeping? Or is it because of the dragon palm, or because of the dragon blood in the body...