sword array

Chapter 78 Qin Shou

After the two finished eating, Qin Shou led Yan Song out of the room, lay on the railing and looked into the hall below. Qin Shou said, "At this time, just after the end of the year, the college has not officially opened, and most of the students have not come yet. At present, only the following are not going home. Let me look for it..."

"shou shou!"

Yan Song was nodding his suspicion, but suddenly saw a girl sitting alone below stand up in surprise, and then stepped on the broken steps and floated upstairs like a spring breeze. Yan Song saw that the girl was the same age as herself, dressed in a snow coat, and her fat little face looked quite cute and handsome. She stepped forward and stretched out. A small fist hit Qin Shou on the chest: "Shou Shou, when did you come in? They have been looking for you all day! Can't you go this time?"

The voice was so coy that Yan Song almost didn't stop. He turned his head and looked at Qin Shou. His legs were soft and he almost didn't stop. He only saw Qin Shou's resolute expression. His obscene eyes had long disappeared and replaced by a helpless affection. Qin Shou looked at the girl almost infatuatedly, and then frowned slightly, with a little helplessness in his eyes. He sighed and bowed his head sideways. During the whole process, he pinched the image of a deep and infatuated young man very well. Yan Song opened his mouth next to him and was stunned directly.

The girl has long been fascinated by Qin Shou's deep appearance. Seeing the helpless expression of the beautiful man, she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong, Shoushou? Does your family still disagree with us? Don't worry, you won't be discouraged. You will definitely persevere to the end for our happy future!"

Qin Shou slowly raised his head and looked at the girl affectionately: "Dumb, it's really embarrassing for you." When he said this, the corners of his eyes suddenly tightened and hurriedly whispered, "No, the person my family introduced to me is here. Help me act. Don't let her know about us, or my parents will be angry. You know, I love them as much as you."

Seeing a dazed nod, Qin Shou hurried forward. At this time, Yan Song, who had already turned around, also saw that a young girl in red was walking up the stairs angrily. Looking at her clothes, it seemed that she was not as good as dull, but her enchanting beauty was far from dull. Her smile and every move were all amorous.

"How can it be Liu He? Where is she as beautiful as me!" He stamped his feet and pouted his mouth, and looked extremely cute.

"Of course, I'm not as beautiful as you, otherwise how could I risk coming out to see you?" Yan Song was surprised to find that the corners of Qin Shou's mouth did not move and could actually speak in his belly language. At that moment, he was impressed. Qin Shou smiled and had a gentle attitude. He said to the slightly angry beauty coming towards him, "Sister He, today's hairstyle is more beautiful than yesterday!"

"Real?" When Liu He heard the words, the green-like jade hand quickly stroked his temples, but his expression was still slightly a little anko, "You and Song Dai are..."

Yan Song is speechless, and the chubby cute girl's name is Song Daidai!

"Oh," Qin Shou smiled and his attitude was very calm. "Well, Sister He, I have an important thing now that I want to ask my original student friends for help. It's just right for you to come. Let's go into the room and discuss it together."

His expression was calm and his depth faded. In a blink of an eye, he became a modest gentleman with a peaceful attitude. The jealousy on Liu He's face faded a lot, but he still couldn't help asking, "I just sat down. You just talked to her, as if you didn't mean to call me at all?" With that, Song was stunned.

At the moment when she was dazed to Song, Qin Shou's calm eyes instantly emitted a deep light, and he glanced at Song Dai with some helplessness. Song Dai trembled all, as if he didn't care about Liu He's white eyes at all and said, "I want to pursue Brother Shou, but he Again and again, I only have you in my eyes. I don't want a man with someone else in my heart!"

When Song Dai said, Liu He's eyes looked at Qin Shou, who looked at her calmly. Finally, the jealousy on his face faded and smiled: "It's your fault! What's the matter? Let's go to the house and talk!"

Watching the two girls happily enter the house with Qin Shou, Yan Song shook his head: "This is fine..."

When he came to the room, Qin Shou also maintained his image of a modest gentleman, behaved decently, and said calmly to Liu He: "Because of some reasons that cannot be disclosed for the time being, I want Sister He to help inquire about the special hobbies or weaknesses of the dean of your hospital. First of all, I don't have any evil intentions. I just want to sincerely help my friend.

"I understand that if you are honest and evil, the little brother next to you can be a pervert!" This made Yan Song speechless, but what surprised Yan Song more was that when Liu He said this sentence, he kept looking at Qin Shou like just now and didn't dump him.

Qin Shou smiled slightly, his face was a little embarrassed, and there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes: "Sister He, try to help me find out. If it really doesn't work, you can ask those who have been in love with you!" He said this, sighed, and then continued, "Of course, I want you to understand it more, so you don't have to bother those people."

These words made Liu He feel like a fairy. The woman in red quickly stood up and said, "Don't worry, even if I look for them, it's for you!" My sister likes to see you look like this! All right, I'll find out for you!" With that, he turned around and walked out.

"Ah, I finally took her away!" Seeing Liu He leave, Song Dai clapped her hands happily and jumped up. At that time, she came to Qin Shou's side and pouted and pretended to be cute, "Although I know that you are trying to lie to her, it's really boring to see that you look like real just now!"

Yan Song almost said, "Dumb, that's fucking true!"

At this time, Qin Shou's expression had already turned back to deep. He turned his head and looked at Song Daidai, and his eyes were full of melancholy: "Dumb, I think this is very unfair to you, I--" His mouth was blocked by Song Daidai's small hand, and he took advantage of the opportunity to kiss the other party's hand, and then continued to say, "Dumb, although the words in front are all I said it against my will, but what I asked her in the end was true. I wanted to bother you, but how can I bear to think that you have to suffer so much pain every day--

Song Dumb blocked his mouth again, but this time it was not with her hands, but with her little mouth to make Yan Song want to jump out of the window in front of Yan Song. After kissing Qin Shou, Song Dai's eyes were blurred and whispered, "If you can help but don't help you, it will be more painful. You know, even if it's a difficult task, you don't bother other girls, and you will be jealous!"

Yan Song covered his stomach and was at a loss: "I'm a mother..."

Qin Shou sighed sadly, and then looked at him affectionately: "In order not to make you sad, I can only bother you." Her dull expression was already intoxicated. She slowly stood up and walked out of the door backwards, as if she were separated from life and death.

There were only two of him left in the room. Qin Shou raised his legs, opened the paper fan in his hand with a click, and fanned it up: "I'm so tired. How's it, brother? Is the performance just now okay? These are only two. My most record is to perform in front of seven different girls. You don't know that this ability is an extremely waste of brain cells. You have to remember your relationship with each girl, remember your relationship with another girl in the eyes of other girls, and firmly remember the vows you have said to each girl... To be honest, sometimes I don't know what is true and what is false, as if everything said in my mind has really happened.

Yan Song lost his voice and said, "It's really a beast..."

Qin Shou didn't care about this, but laughed twice and asked Yan Song, "Brother, tell me what kind of girl brother will get it for you?" When he said this, he was undoubtedly obscene from head to toe.

Not to mention, Qin Shou's move was really effective. He entrusted this eridi to two girls who were determined to him, and in order to please Qin Shou, the two girls used their best to almost secretly call on all the male students who stayed in the Sword Academy to explore together, and finally got a lot.

Three days later, in the morning, Qin Shou came to Yan Song's room on time, with a red face and the appearance of General Changsheng. As soon as he entered the door, he boasted to Yan Song about how efficient he was and how strong his means were. Yan Song thanked him and invited him to the room, eagerly wanted to know the weakness of the ruffian dean. And preferences.

"I got these from both of them, and I didn't have time to see them, so I came here," Qin Shou said, took out a pile of paper from his arms, laid the paper on the table, and then calmly said to Yan Song, "Let's take a look at them one by one. Let's look at the first one, day! Lustful!" Several black lines appeared on his forehead for noexplicable, "Really? Is this old fox better than me hiding?

Yan Song scratched his head: "I guess he is willing but not strong enough. Let's look at the next one."

"HIA, HIA, HIA..." Hearing this, Qin Shou smiled meaningfully at Yan Song, and then opened the next one and saw that it said "I'm afraid of my wife."

Yan Song saw this good: "As the saying goes, ask what the world is, and teach one thing to drop one thing! Let's start from here!!"

Qin Shou looked up at Yan Song and shook his head helplessly. Yan Song was puzzled and asked the reason. Qin Shou sighed: "His wife has been dead for five or six years!" Which idiot wrote this! Look at the next one!"

"A few short beards as life!" Yan Song shook his head and said, "Pull your teeth out of the tiger's mouth. This won't work. Keep looking at the next one!"

"I especially like to drink Wang Ba soup!" Qin Shou immediately kneaded the paper into a ball and threw it into the corner of the room.

The two looked at * Zhang in a row. The more they talked about it, the more boring it became. The more shocking it became. Some wrote that the ruffian dean was most afraid of the imperial edict, some wrote that the ruffian dean's soft ribs were in the lower body, yin, and some even wrote that the softest ribs of the ruffian dean was the penultimate one on the left chest...

"Obviously, these are all men who are in love to please the woman in his mind." Qin Shou couldn't wait to eat the paper on the table. He opened the last two with some impatience. The one he opened first was written by Song Daidai: "I really like the wooden attribute Xuan practitioners. First, he himself is a wooden attribute, and second, there are very few wooden attribute Xuan practitioners. He is eager to pass on his lifelong understanding of wood attributes to his descendants. I'm speechless. This is even more stupid. Don't tell me that you are a wooden attribute. If it's such a coincidence, I will eat this paper!"

"I am a wooden attribute!" Yan Song was surprised and said excitedly, "I'm a wooden attribute Xuanshi." With that, with a movement of mysterious power, the mysterious spirit on the fingertips came out of the body, with a cold green light.

"Well, I didn't say it just now." Qin Shou was shocked and said, "In this case, I promise that he won't kill you again, but it's hard to say whether he can accept you or not. We can try it, but then it's life or death, and we can only be up to fate." As he spoke, he looked at the last one casually, "This one is more likely to pull. Ruffian old man is rare for spiritual metaphysics, grass, I also like it!" Don't tell me that you can control your mental strength, or I will eat all the paper!"

"I also practice mental strength!" Yan Song said excitedly again. As he spoke, he easily floated up the paper on the table. Now Qin Shou was completely dumbfounded, "Brother's eyes are clumsy. I didn't expect you to hide!"