sword array

Chapter 80 roommate

The "poor boy" who completely relied on the mysterious spirit to ring the bronze bell 100 meters away is definitely an exception. After him, no one has tried such a domineering way, and most of them still follow the previous method of dragonflies.

Time passed slowly, and more than 200 people finished it. In the end, only 30 people passed. Among them, everyone except the "poor boy" was completed according to the first method. Hundreds of girls had no choice but to take off their coats in public and finally stage ice in the ice and snow. Snow beauty out of the bath. Even so, only a dozen girls passed the exam in the end.

The test has reached the final stage. Yan Song didn't want to be the last one, so he stepped forward. He looked at the distance again and knew that he had never had the ability to hit the out-of-body mysterious air 100 meters away, so he had to use spiritual power. He walked to the lake, gently under his feet, and his body floated forward. During this period, it was just a rise and fall. After the water under his feet, he rose again and rushed to the bronze clock. Then his palms came out together. With a buzzing sound, he took advantage of the situation to bounce back, like a wild goose in the air and fell to the shore in the surprised eyes of everyone.

Immediately, several girls who had passed the test came to praise. Before that, they did not look at any teenager beside them at all. Some teenagers who passed the test also came to congratulate, especially the guy who pioneered diving and hitting the bell was the most excited and good at patting horses.

At this time, Yan Song didn't have time to care about this kind of laziness. He just smiled reluctantly at the people around him and peeked at the elders on the high platform not far away. Of course, the most important thing was that he had to judge whether the ruffian dean recognized him. Fortunately, the old man didn't open his eyes at all, let alone look this way! Although several elders next to him seem to be excited to describe the situation here.

Yan Song was relieved. Although he knew that he would face the ruffian elders sooner or later, he was still a little scared and still thought that it could be later - this is a common problem for many people.

"Ah! Another wizard!" Just as Yan Song was secretly celebrating, the people next to him suddenly praised him. He looked forward and couldn't help but stay. A girl in yellow, who can also control her spirit, was as light as Feihong. She lit a touch of water on the calm lake, and finally came to the bronze clock and flipped in the air. Lian walked hurriedly on the clock, stepped out several hums, and finally flew to the shore.

Suddenly, there was another burst of applause and appreciation. At the same time, some people in the crowd compared Yan Song's figure with the figure of the girl in yellow, and the girl turned a deaf ear to all these, and her noble forehead did not shake and walked aside.

In the end, only 35 out of 300 people passed the exam. These people were taken back to the high platform in the martial arts arena by the middle-aged man. After the middle-aged man announced the test results to the ruffian dean, the old man still looked like he had just crossed his legs, his eyes did not open, and raised his hand impatiently.

The middle-aged people will be considerated and turn around and say to these people: "Next, test your defense ability. After a while, you will enter a beast hole. As long as you can stick to a column of incense in it, you will pass the test. If anyone can't hold on, open your mouth immediately, and we will send someone to save them. All right, are you ready?

"Ready!" More than 30 people answered in unison, but the next moment, the marble floor under them suddenly cracked a big crack from the middle, and large pieces of marble hung down on both sides, revealing a large square trap about seven feet long. The group of people panicked and fell in with a "ah" sound.

The depth of the pit is also seven feet. Before these people landed, they heard a group of "chirping" voices. Looking down, they couldn't help but feel creepy. There were countless red eyes staring at them below. Under the gaze, those are hundreds of fire civets! Although the combat effectiveness of these second-order fierce beasts is comparable to theirs, compared with the number, fire beavers can fight more than a dozen!

Yan Song shouted that it was not good, and now he said to the person below, "I'm sorry, brother!" With that, he was about to get up on the head when he was about to get up. Suddenly, the top of his head was kicked. His head was briefly blindfolded, and he couldn't help cursing, and his whole body fell straight down. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, stepped into the air under his feet, rubbed sparks with the air, and then took advantage of his body to turn to the cliff, and finally stepped on the cliff and went up.

He suddenly turned around with his memory and found that the man who kicked him was the girl who could control his spiritual power just now. At this moment, the girl, like him, is constantly changing positions between the cliffs to prevent her body from falling. Although they look more talkative like this, they are hundreds of times more comfortable than the people below who get along with fire beavers!

Soon, someone shouted, "Help! Help me!"

At this time, an elder in black robe jumped from above, jumped down like lightning, and took a man out in a blink of an eye. He threw the man on the ground and heard someone shouting below, so he jumped in again.

In this way, in less than a column of incense, there were more than 20 screams below. The black robe and the old man were very busy. Sometimes they could pick up two people at a time, and sometimes they didn't move and threw them up directly from the bottom...

A column of incense time passed very slowly in the deadly battle. Those who were covered with blood and their cotton-padded clothes were torn and burned by fire beavers saw the two people coming and going freely above their heads. In addition to envy, there was an impulse to kill them in their eyes.

It was not long before the time came. The girl in yellow gently floated to the top like a yellow crane. Seeing the remaining seven or eight people below being rescued by the elders in black, Yan Song also took the opportunity to jump out and stood with them.

The middle-aged man looked at them one by one, and then focused on Yan Song and the girl in yellow. He nodded and said, "You have already stepped into the Panlong Sword Academy. Next, we will conduct the most basic and most important test, swordsmanship and martial soul. This test seems a little redundant, but Panlong Sword Academy has had such a rule since the founding of the institute. Everything is based on swordsmanship and martial soul. There are no two, even if the level is against the sky--"

"Cough--" The middle-aged man's words were interrupted by the cough of the ruffian dean behind him. He didn't know what he thought that the ruffian dean was not feeling well. After he finished coughing, he continued to say, "Even if he is at a high level, he still--"

"Cough, cough--" The ruffian dean's cough became louder this time, and it was full of emotion. The middle-aged man was stunned, looked back at the old guy who still closed his eyes and crossed his legs, so he had to give up and said directly, "Next, each shows a set of swordsmanship. Let me know that you use swords instead of knives and spears!"

Soon, more than a dozen young girls played a set of swordsmanship respectively, and the middle-aged people nodded after watching it: "Remember, this step seems superfluous, but in fact, from then on, you have embarked on the mysterious road of nourishing your heart with swords and sacrificing swords with your heart. Next, the martial soul!"

More than a dozen teenagers were excited by the words "cultivating their hearts with swords and sacrificing swords with their hearts" by middle-aged people, and they showed their martial souls one after another. Only Yan Song stood still. Middle-aged people have already read the information of these people, so they asked Yan Song, "Are you Yan Song?"

Seeing that Yan Song nodded, the middle-aged man sighed and shook his head, "It's a pity that you are talented and can control your spiritual power, but you have nothing to do with the martial soul!" He looked at several other people and said, "You guys, come and take over the logo of the Dragon Sword Academy, and then from tomorrow, according to your own attributes, go to the elders of the West District to learn from the relevant attributes of the primary martial arts arena! Your dormitory has been arranged, and now you can move the salute to the dormitory!"

After these people left, the middle-aged man looked at Yan Song and then turned to look at the ruffian dean on the stage. The ruffian dean was still crossing his legs and closing his eyes. At this time, a skinny finger was still beating rhythmically on his knees. He seemed to feel the atmosphere of the people around him with his eyes closed. After a while, he finally said, "This Yan Song is in good condition in all aspects except for the soul disability. Why don't you give him a half a review period, and after half a year, he can't cultivate the martial soul and let him get out again?"

When the elders around him heard the words, they looked at each other and knew that if the boy got out now, they would also get out. They had nothing to do with the dean, so they had to nod and agree.

"Okay, give him the treatment of normal students. After finishing the work, let him and another energetic girl come to the dean's room to find me!" The ruffian dean said, his body suddenly turned around and did not say hello to anyone, so he jumped off the high platform and walked far away with a crutch.

"You're not going to beat me, are you? I don't think so. He can't even beat that girl... He doesn't seem to have looked at me all the time?" Yan Song nodded to the middle-aged man in a trance, then took over the dragon sword mark and walked in the direction of the students just now.

After finishing the relevant manuals, Yan Song went to the West District dormitory first. What he didn't expect was that he and the "poor boy" who rang the bronze bell with the previous mysterious spirit came out in a dormitory. The two exchanged names, and then Yan Song knew that the man's name was Lin Feng, the same age as himself.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't like to talk much, Yan Song didn't mean to say more. After a while, another seat in the dormitory came. Yan Song was stunned. It turned out to be the guy who started diving and ringing bells! This boy is not tall and eccentric. He is also the same age as Yan Song and his name is Sun Kai. As soon as he entered the door, he held Yan Song's arms and shouted, saying that they would cover each other in the future and enjoy the same blessings and difficulties. Yan Song nodded and pointed behind him, indicating that there was another one on the other side. He would like to see what it would be like to say with a person who didn't say.

However, Sun Kai was not ambiguous at all. He walked straight forward with his fist and said endlessly, such as "Sun Kai, dare to ask my brother's name. The three of us have the same interests and abilities are quite the same. Today, we have the opportunity to meet here. Why not form Jinlan and worship each other" and so on, such as the Yellow River The levee is out of control. Lin Feng only reported his name, put his hands on his head, fell to **, and stopped talking like a corpse.

When Yan Song saw this, he smiled and thought that he had something important to do. He was so scared that he said to them, "You two, can I be your roommate? That's it. I'm leaving!" With that, the two people who left doubts walked to the dean's room.

PS: Book friends, I don't want to urge you to update? At present, my brother can only update 10,000 words a day. I'm a novice. I need to ensure the quality. If it's too fast, I'm afraid of running away. I've been a little busy recently, and the updates are irregular, but I'm guaranteed to update ten thousand words a day. Please forgive me.