sword array

Chapter 95 See Ling Han again

Han Tianli rode away. Liu Yun wanted to chase him, but when she saw that Yan Song spit blood and collected the last person's martial soul, and then fell feebly, she had to give up chasing Han Tianli, but rushed to Yan Song and quickly helped him up. Liu Yun declined the help and kind invitation of the villagers around him, but asked them to hand over the mayor of the only snow gun club that Yan Song had not killed, and it was necessary for him to tell Han Tianli's hiding place.

Liu Yun helped Yan Song back to the inn and took out some elixir from the ring to help him treat his injury, but Yan Song refused: "I don't use the elixir. It doesn't matter. I'm just a little weak." Yan Song said, wiped the blood stains on his mouth, and then told Liu Yun not to disturb him and let him stay. He sat on ** and entered the virtual state of Bodhi.

When he came to the silver world, Yan Song first looked at the blue scroll above his head and saw that it was still there. Then he was relieved and walked to the side of the Nihun Tripod and prepared to remove the martial soul he had hunted from it in the way the way the woman in white told him.

He killed a lot of people on this day. At this time, he was injured and his brain was not very awake. He couldn't remember what attributes the martial soul he hunted were. So in addition to the opening of the wooden attribute, he opened the opening of the other eight attributes on the Nihun tripod in turn. Before long, more than 20 beads of different sizes and colors rolled out from the openings.

These beads are colorful and should represent the corresponding mysterious attributes. Some of them are as big as fists, while others are much smaller, which should be related to the strength of the martial soul, because Yan Song saw that there is a shadow in each bead, which is exactly the martial souls he hunted. He saw that in the largest purple bead was a tiger, which was Han Tianli's martial soul. Among the other purple beads next to this bead is a turtle, which is the martial soul of Qian He.

Yan Song excitedly put these beads into his sleeves, then gritted his teeth, and his body flew towards the blue scroll above, and his figure flashed and disappeared into it.

Once again in the endless starry sky, he saw the woman in white sitting cross-legged with her back to him not far away. He was surprised that the other party did not stop him from coming in this time. Even so, he still dared not speak for fear that the other party would brush him out without asking the reason. After all, he is seriously injured now. Of.

Yan Song guessed that the woman in white must be healing her wounds, and it was not appropriate to disturb her at this time, so he carefully took out more than 20 martial soul babies in her sleeves and put them in the void, believing that she would see them when she finished her work. Thinking about this, he slowly turned around and jumped out of the blue scroll. After he left, the white man slowly stood up, then turned around and looked at more than 20 martial soul babies in front of him without saying a word.

Out of the virtual state of Yu Bodhi, Yan Song opened his eyes and saw Liu Yun sitting opposite him and looking at himself without blinking. However, before he asked, the other party's body suddenly trembled, as if he didn't expect him to suddenly open his eyes. After a few simple concerns, Liu Yun left and went to his room when he saw Yan Song insisting that he was fine.

Yan Song was the only one in the room. He did not get out of bed, but still sat and began to recall the Aoki fingerprints in his mind. It was the martial soul of the ruffian dean exchanged from the Nihun tripod. He originally wanted to give the martial soul to the woman in white to heal his wounds, but the old man's martial soul coincided with the skill attributes he was practicing now, so the Nirion tripod unexpectedly sent him this Qingmu fingerprint.

Aoki fingerprint is a method of healing, which is divided into fingering and printing. The fingering method is used to heal others, while the printing method is used to heal oneself. All the information of Aoki's fingerprints is in Yan Song's mind. At this moment, he is not in the mood to practice his fingering. Now the most important thing is to heal himself.

According to the information between his brains, the teenager sits on **, presses the ring finger with his right thumb, pinches the green wood formula, presses the middle finger with the thumb of his left hand, pinches the moonlight formula, puts his right arm flat, and the left arm is vertically, and connects it into the Qingmu seal.

Suddenly, the running speed of the wooden cyan cyclone in his body accelerated. At the same time, the three liquefied black beads moved up from the abdomen to warm the injured area to the greatest extent under the urging of the Qingmu printing method. Outside the teenager's body, a perfect cyan arc can be faintly seen flashing, winding from his hands to the main veins of the body. Every few seconds, a layer of cyan halo will be emitted from his body, which accumulates thicker and thicker on the body surface, and then disperses towards the surrounding space.

An hour later, his injury completely recovered.

When he opened his eyes, it was already night. The teenager felt hungry and planned to go out for something to eat. He walked out of the door and saw the candlelight in Liu Yun's room next door sway, but there was no movement, so he knocked on the door and asked him if he wanted to go to dinner together, but there was no response in the room. He was a little strange. After thinking about it, he pushed the door open and saw that everything in the room was neat and the food was there, but there was no one.

"Is it prepared for me?" Yan Song smiled, closed the door, came to the table, casually pulled the chair and sat down, then picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fried Yuhuang mushroom and put it into his mouth. "It tastes good, but it's a little cold. What about her? Liu Yun, Liu Yun?" He shouted twice more, and saw that there was still no movement. As soon as the other party went to the toilet, he wolfed down and ate it.

When Yan Song was half full, he heard footsteps coming from downstairs and knew that Liu Yun was coming. He hurriedly opened the door for the other party, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly heard more than one person outside. While he hesitated, the door was pushed open. Liu Yun suddenly couldn't help but be shocked when she saw Yan Song appear in front of him. She turned her head and looked at the table inside and immediately pouted her little mouth: "Well, you Yan Song, how dare you come to my room to steal food!"

"Didn't you prepare it for me?" Yan Song swallowed the food in his mouth and turned his head to look at the sound coming. It didn't matter. He was so excited that the food blocked the trachea and almost choked out.

"Who said it was prepared for you? You can really be sentimental!" Seeing this, Liu Yun hurriedly led the people next to him over and invited them into the room. At the same time, he stared, "I'm giving--"

"Ling Han!" Yan Song coughed twice and pointed to the young man in front of Liu Yun. Yan Song, I didn't expect to meet you so soon!" Ling Han arched his hand to Yan Song and walked into the room.

This confused Liu Yun. She looked at Ling Han and then at Yan Song, "Do you... know each other?" Ling Han smiled and said nothing. Yan Song looked at Liu Yun and asked Ling Han, "You are not... the Ling family in Baishan Town, are you?"

When Ling Han heard the words, the smile on his face suddenly faded. At the same time, he only heard the sound of a sword, and the long sword in his hand had come out of its sheath. Seeing this, Liu Yun hurriedly stopped Ling Han and asked him to take back his sword and said, "Don't be impulsive. This is the descendant of my benefactor I just mentioned to you."

"Ah? Really?" Hearing this, Ling Han quickly withdrew the long sword into the sheath, and then knelt down to Yan Song. "Your benefactor, please be worshipped by the villain!"

Yan Song was confused by the appearance in front of him. He thought that Ling Han was the Ling family and the eyeliner of the previous royal family in Ye Nan. He must know the details of his Yan family, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't know anything and would kill himself in turn! He really couldn't figure out why the other party wanted to worship him, so he had to help Ling Han up first and look at Liu Yun with some resentful eyes.

"Uh," Liu Yun smiled and said, "You two listen to me slowly." He said and introduced Ling Han's situation to Yan Song.

It turns out that Ling Han's family of three is indeed the eyes of the Liu family of the former royal family, but the three of them have different divisions of labor. Only Ling Han's father really knew the secret of Yan Hong. As early as eight years ago, after the Liu family saw that Yan Hong would no longer come to the imperial capital to convey the princess's news, they sent Ling Han's father to Ye Nancheng. As a result, it was found that Yan Hong was killed.

It's just that this fact is very important. Even if it is from the Liu family, few people know it, so Liu Yun didn't know it before. It was not until Ling Han came to the imperial capital this time to give his father's letter to the Liu family and the words he wanted to convey to Liu Yun, the receptionist of the Liu family, that the two sides knew each other. Liu Yun was very moved by Ling Han's father's behavior that he didn't even tell his son before.

According to Ling Han, the reason why he joined the Wuya Sword School was his father's intention. He only knew that his father asked him to spy on any strange activities of the Wuya Sword School. As for doing so, he did not know anything about it. It was not until he came to the imperial capital that his father told him that his family shouldered the heavy responsibility of reviving the previous dynasty. Only here, his father didn't mention a word about the Yan family.

"Your uncle must have found out that there was an endless sword faction in the murderer who killed my grandfather, so he sent you to find out the secret." Yan Song speculated.

Ling Han nodded and said, "Now that I think it should be like this, my father also asked my mother to monitor the Di family, and sometimes to monitor the Sima family, but not to mention the Yan family. Once the owner of Ye Nancheng suddenly came to my house as a guest. I don't know what his father told him, but after that conversation, the Yan family destroyed the Di family and the Sima family, and destroyed the Wuya Sword School, which caused a sensation in Ye Nancheng, suddenly stopped, and no one mentioned it again, as if it had never happened.

"Ye Nanchengzhu," Yan Song was shocked when he heard the words. He couldn't imagine that the Liu family, which was imprisoned by the Rosefinch Empire, was so powerful that even the city owner thousands of miles away could handle it. He couldn't help sighing, "No wonder Ye Nanchengzhu has always taken special care of my Yan family. So it is..." He remembered again. So Ling Han asked, "I killed the head of the Wuya Sword School. The reason why you are his apprentice doesn't avenge me to the death must also have something to do with this, right?"

"I really wanted to kill you at that time," Ling Han said with a very calm expression. "But when I mentioned this to my father, he didn't allow me to do anything. I knew that there might be an inside story, so I compromised and only looked for you and didn't want to seek revenge on you."

When Liu Yun saw that the relationship had cleared up, he clapped his hands and said, "Well, my task has also been completed. I'm ready to go back tomorrow. As you know, my identity is special. I can stay outside for one day less. As for the disabled Han Tianli, please help Yan Song solve it, so that he can go back to work.

Yan Song shook his head and said, "No, that man is of little use to me. It has been less than three days to achieve my will. I plan to go back and find other tasks."

"How does this work? Han Tianli is still alive. What if he calls people back to harm Baishan Town and kill civilians here? Besides, the Ling family--" She wants to say that the Ling family plays a very important role as the eyeliner of the Liu family and can't make any mistakes, but he feels that he has no right to order Yan Song to do this. After all, the other party She is the benefactor of his family, and so far, Yan Song has only promised not to tell her secret. She doesn't know the specific attitude.

Thinking of this, she had to sigh, "Well, wait for me to kill Han Tianli and then return to the imperial capital."