sword array

Chapter 101 Death Rubs the Shoulder

Out of the virtual realm of Jade Bodhi, Yan Song couldn't help but become more lost. Not to mention the secret of the Taiji yin and yang fish at the bottom of the lake, he placed his hope of coming out of the abyss on the woman in white. In desperation, he had no choice but to devote himself to Xuanxiu by the lake, waiting for the sky eagle to recover from his injury and let it solve the problem of eating before thinking about other ways.

From walking out of Panlong Sword Courtyard to now, Yan Song has hardly practiced, but he has been running back and forth for hundreds of miles, constantly killing desperately in the enemy's siege, and the mysterious spirit in his body is not idle at all. In fact, compared with ordinary Xuanxiu in actual combat, it is better than it in terms of efficacy and speed. I remember that when Yan Song ran away from home and wandered in the Valley of Love, he spent a long period of practice dancing with beasts and fighting with blood and sweat.

His previous killings have helped him a lot. Now, the three liquefied black beads in his body are crystal clear and full of energy, and the cyan cyclone that has not been practiced much has also developed to a large scale like fog and smoke! At first glance, it seems that you have been practicing every day for half a month!

The pores around the teenager's body are opened, absorbing the Xuanqi between heaven and earth like hunger and thirst. The Xuanqi enters the body and sends it to the abdomen through the already opened veins, and constantly flows into the circling cyan cyclone. The whole process is like a sea and rivers.

In the process of cultivation, Yan Song hardly ate much. He took out all the only food in the ring to wait for the eagle to need it from time to time. In this process, Xintianying also seemed to be aware of the urgency of survival. As soon as he had time, he kept flapping his wings and flying back and forth, so that he could fly out of this place as soon as possible.

On the third day of Yan Song's practice, all their food had been eaten by the Xintianying. At this time, the Xintianying flew back and forth in the air. There was no problem. It could fly high, but every time it flew back with some strength.

On the fourth day, Yan Song's mysterious spirit was stronger, and the sky eagle was huge, because there was nothing to eat. Although it could fly higher and farther, it could not help but be hungry in his stomach, and even the sound of its sky was like begging for food.

On the fifth day, Yan Song slowly opened his eyes. Although he was energetic, because he had not eaten for several days, his face had begun to turn yellow, his lips were dry, and even his eyes were listless. After tossing for a few days, Xintianying also lay weakly on the ground and no longer wanted to move. It put its mouth to the lake, occasionally opened its eyes, took two mouthfuls of the lake water, and then closed its eyes... It seemed to look happy and leisurely, but in fact it was unable to be hungry.

In the past, Yan Song may feel funny, but now, he can't laugh at all. This blue eagle could not save him at the beginning, so that it would fly freely in the sky. However, the sky eagle still rushed to the edge of the earth with pain to save him. Even if he later felt hopeless and threw the blue eagle on the top of the mountain again, the latter still swooped down regardless of his life...

People often say that beasts are cold-blooded and beasts are ruthless, but in Yan Song's eyes at this moment, whether they are birds or beasts, they all have good and evil, and have inherent evil and blood. People are affectionate and righteous, and beasts and beasts are also affectionate and righteous, and one person and one bird live and die together because of a special relationship, which shows a special rhythm of life.

Xintianying seemed to feel Yan Song's mood. It slowly opened its eyes, drooled at the corners of its mouth, whined gently, and then closed its eyes again. For such a huge thing, the only reserve resources in the body could not support it without eating for a few days. Its powerful body.

At this time, Yan Song suddenly fell on and rode on Xin Tianying. His hands suddenly turned over its body and pressed its neck tightly! The sky eagle was shocked, but did not resist, as if from the contract of the blood sacrifice, its life was the owner's. Even in the most dangerous and helpless time, it was willing to use its body as the owner's food.

However, the next moment, Xintianying's sharp eyes suddenly overflowed with a few tears. It looked at its owner pressing its neck with one hand to prevent it from moving. The other hand reached into its mouth and bit two fingers with its teeth. Then, bright red blood flowed into its mouth like rain. Its wings fluttered a few times and finally calmed down. Perhaps, in the face of food, this is the instinctive reaction of all creatures.

A quarter of an hour later, Yan Song's body fainted uncontrollably, and Xin Tianying's body once again had plenty of energy because he drank enough blood. It is like a person, whining in a low voice, circled around Yan Song several times, and its sharp beak constantly rubbing against Yan Song's cheeks.

Seeing that Yan Song did not react at all, it suddenly looked up at the sky and made a shocking sound of the sky. Then he gently turned Yan Song's body with his head until his head was less than a foot away from the lake. Finally, it shook its wings, rolled up a nearly transparent shake, and went straight up!


When Yan Song opened his eyes, he felt dizzy. At this moment, he had no strength. In the past ten days since he fell off the cliff, he only ate a meal for a day or two, and the meal was also given a large part of Xintianying. During the period of fainting, his stomach was often ** because there was no food for a long time, and his abdomen was even more painful. Later, he became numb.

When he woke up, he didn't know how long he had slept, maybe an hour or two, maybe a day or two, maybe he slept for a day or 20 days like the previous war of the Wuya Sword School... He didn't know whether the awakening at this moment was a flashback before his death. Occasionally, he could feel a sense of energy in his body. He knew that it might be that the woman in white realized that there was something wrong with him, but the other party had just recovered from a serious injury and how to save him, and he did not have any energy to calm down and enter the Jade Bodhi.

In this way, he looked at the sky in a daze, and the sound of the lake fluctuated slightly due to the wind. He turned over hard, moved the corners of his mouth to the water, took a sip, and then took two more breaths... Because he had not eaten for a long time, his stomach reacted again for a moment, and he suddenly spit out the water he drank. Come on, there is only water, and then lie down weakly again.

I don't know how long it took, he turned over again, or imprinted his mouth into the water where he vomited, and he drank it very hard. After drinking, he had no strength to raise his body, so he directly moved his head and fell asleep on the ground. When he woke up and drank water, he went to bed after drinking, and then drank after waking up. Slowly, he was unable to drink water, and his mind became completely confused.

From time to time, there was a surge of energy from a woman in white in her body, as if calling him to enter the Jade Bodhi, and her stomach and intestines were constantly twisted, as if she was struggling to death. She didn't know whether it was cold or hot around, or her body temperature was cold and hot, and various pictures began to appear unconsciously in her mind: In the banquet hall of the Yan family, Tan Taiyue openly withdrew from marriage. All the Yan family scolded and beat him. Yan Yi wanted to kill him, and the woman in white saved him. In the dense forest of Love Valley, he kept cultivating and hunting fierce beasts, taking his own life and gambling with heaven. In the bamboo forest, he sat with his uncle and sister, drinking while drinking. Tea, while discussing the family's great cause; after four years of separation, he put on a brand-new white gown for the first time, broke through the thorns in the Yan family's martial arts arena, and regained the power of genius...

The teenager's expression seemed to be smiling, as if he was angry. Then, his eyebrows frowned again, and a series of pictures appeared in his mind again: in the Longmen Hotel, he fought with a group of young people of the Yan family and a group of juniors of the Di family; he and Yan Jia did not hesitate to go to the depths of the mountains to trade with the Endless Sword School. Xuanbing trading; Yenan Xuanwu list, teaching the Di family, burning the Di family's courtyard, in the valley of love, entangling with the Di family, cutting down the Di family in the bamboo forest; the Yan family's compound, bloody battle with the Sima family, love in the depths of the mountains, defeat of the endless sword school...

The frowned eyebrows relaxed, and hung on the teenager's face again with a sad expression. There was a girl in the Yan family who had grown up and were gorgeous, but what came to his mind was the most timid girl who served him in Jianzhai. The first picture in her mind was very vague, but a rare little figure dressed in coarse cloth and busy around. She cleaned Jianzhai and organized everything in an orderly manner, but he was not satisfied. He wanted to find Yan Jia's shadow on her body, so she began to speak loudly and eat with him...< /P>

The time to eat together and talk together is the best, but at that time, she didn't realize anything. The teenager's face was full of happiness, and then a trace of pain slipped: the poor back of the little girl who ran away with the package came to her mind. She could not choose her own fate, although the walk was only separated by A few streets, but the two worlds are almost at each other.

What lingered in her mind was still Xiaowei's figure, and she would never forget it. Through the window, she could never forget the reluctant eyes when she looked at him. When she looked back, she turned helplessly and sighed helplessly... He began to run in the rain and began to look around like crazy. He suddenly opened it. Eyes!

Because he still has concerns, he can't die. He must live. In this life, he wants to find her! When he opened his eyes, he found that his tears flowed all over the ground. This was the first time he cried in his memory!

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of an eagle in the sky, and the teenager's expression suddenly returned to reality, and then tried his best to face up to the sky. He saw a large group of dark things appeared above the sky, like dark clouds, covering the only skylight. Shaoqing, the "d Dark Cloud" is getting closer and closer. This time he saw clearly that it was a large group of eagles and falcons, with white and black, red and gray! The blue sculpture led by the color is the sky eagle!

The tears that had just stopped were drawn out again along his eyes. Yan Song lay very comfortably by the lake. His heart finally relaxed and slowly closed his eyes...

Forty-50 eagles flew to the abyss under the leadership of Xintian Eagle and stood quietly around Yan Song. Many of them are bigger than Xintianying, but they are the only one who is the first to go. Xintianying threw a snow wolf beside Yan Song, then tore his body with a sharp beak and put it on Yan Song's face. The faint teenager smelled blood, and his eyes were not yet open. He had already held the body of the snow wolf in his hands and sucked up its blood to his heart's content.

The more he sucked, the more energetic he became, and finally opened his mouth to bite the snow wolf's body. The white wolf kept spitting out of his mouth, and pieces of bloody wolf meat were swallowed by him. His eyes slowly opened, turned over, pressed the snow wolf under his body, drank blood and swallowed...