sword array

Chapter 112 Secrets of Sword Academy

This time, Yan Song is extremely sure that the person who emits sword spirit in the snow bamboo forest must be the person he met in the lonely stone building before! He was very curious and wanted to know who the man was, because in his impression, he had seen the shaking chain and the shadow of the woman through the small hole in the stone wall, both of which were very strange and made people think that Panlongjianyuan imprisoned a peerless female master?!

The dean of the ruffian did not wait for Yan Song to ask, let alone give Yan Song a chance to think. His palms had already overflowed with cyan mystery. Looking at his expression, as long as Yan Song did not leave, he had to kill the other party! In desperation, Yan Song had to escape from here quickly and almost greeted all the female ancestors of the 18 generations of the ruffian dean along the way.

Holding the letter in his hand, Yan Song did not go directly to Elder Haiyue's place, but ran to the lonely building he saw when he got lost in the sword courtyard with his memory. All the way, by the time he got there, the night had slowly fallen. He didn't dare to approach it. He stood behind a big tree more than 100 meters away from the small building. First, he poked out his spirit and searched for a long time. After feeling fine, he slowly walked forward.

Step by step, Yan Song was more careful every time he moved. Last time his leg and stomach were pierced by a sword by the person inside, which made him painful to death. If he hadn't had the Qingmu seal method to heal his wounds, I'm afraid he would still be lame now!

At a distance of 100 meters, the teenager moved about half a column of incense. At this moment, he stood three meters in front of the stone tower. A little further forward, he could see the situation inside through the small hole in the wall. After breathing deeply, Yan Song couldn't help thinking of the scene of being pierced by the other party's calf here last time. He couldn't help but worry. Last time he was lucky that if he was not wearing a calf, but a head or heart, or this time...

He subconsciously took a deep breath twice, and the cold sweat on his forehead flowed down. Yan Song had a plan to retreat, but his inner curiosity constantly encouraged him. Finally, he could only pray that the person inside was the man in the snow bamboo forest to prove his guess. Thinking of this, he finally summoned up his courage, moved his footsteps again, slowly moved to the wall, and looked inside through a thumb-sized sword hole.

There is still a glimmer and chains, but the shadow of the woman cast on the wall has disappeared. The teenager breathed a sigh of relief, relieved, and then moved to another sword hole to look in, which was still a glimmer and chain. He was patient and almost looked around the stone building, and even lay on the roof. Although he didn't find the door, he probably had an overall understanding of the layout inside.

Inside is a square stone room, three feet square. Judging from the appearance of the stone building and the size of the space inside, this stone wall alone is five or six feet thick, that is to say, it takes two ordinary swords to pierce it through! The four corners of the roof of the stone room and the four corners of the ground have iron chains with the thickness of arms. The material of the iron chain is Yan Song, which has been seen in the space of the lake bottom boundary in front of the Wuya Sword School. It is the hardest tungsten gold in the Xuanqi continent!

Other than that, there is nothing, but the ground in the center has collapsed, which should be caused by the man's struggle. The strangest thing for Yan Song is that he didn't find any light source here, but it was real and he could understand the appearance inside. He searched for a long time and didn't even find a light attribute beast elixir, let alone any candles and so on. In this shady stone room, it seemed that there were some light attribute mysteries filled with it!

"It seems that the person inside must be the person in the snow bamboo forest," Yan Song lowered his head and guessed, "Looking at the man's sword spirit, his ability should not be under the old ruffian. Why did the old ruffian move her to the snow bamboo forest? What is his purpose? There doesn't seem to be a confrontation between the two, but if not, why was she imprisoned here before?

Yan Song turned around and left silently. His mind was full of questions but there was no way to answer them. He only asked that these things had nothing to do with him.

Looking up at the starlight, he saw that the moon had just hung on the treetops, and the sky was not very late. It was the time for the fish and geese to pass the book, so the teenager temporarily put down his doubts, stepped on the empty steps, and ran along the corridor to the residence of Elder Haiyue. There was an experience of getting lost. This time, Yan Song was familiar with the road. Before long, he took the nearest road and came to Elder Haiyue's residence.

He carefully walked to the pavilion. Across the small bridge and Meitai, he could see that the light was still on the window of Elder Haiyue's pavilion. I haven't seen him for a long time. The last meeting was still suspected and interrogated by the other party. Yan Song was a little guilty and scared at this moment. He was a little afraid of seeing Elder Haiyue. First, he didn't know what to say, and second, after having estrangement, he would inevitably be embarrassed when talking.

Taking a step forward, Yan Song raised his spirit, held the letter in his hand, and then slowly took it to the door of Elder Haiyue and gently stuffed it into the crack of the door. After doing this, Yan Song was finally relieved and turned around and left. Unexpectedly, at this time, Elder Haiyue's voice suddenly came from the pavilion: "Since you are here, why don't you come in?"

Yan Song was stunned. He was not worried about the other party's questioning, but felt a little ashamed. After all, these elders are good to themselves, but they rely on the relationship of the ruffian dean to make the relationship between them a little delicate and complicated. Although he has no intention of taking the ruffian dean to fight against the nine elders, he has no choice but to do so in order to hide his identity. God knows what the image of this little guy who relies on the ruffian dean to attack them is in the hearts of the nine elders!

"I haven't eaten yet. Come in and eat together." The door of the pavilion opened gently, and Elder Haiyue was dressed in a moonlight white robe with a gentle smile on his beautiful face. Yan Song inexplicably thought of his mother. With a nod, he bravely walked over.

Elder Haiyue led him into the house, asked him to sit at the table, and then prepared bowls and chopsticks for him. Yan Song sat down and inadvertently glanced at it. He put down the letter he had put in the crack of the door and disappeared. Then he watched Elder Haiyue come to him and serve him with food. He could not see any information from her calm face. He wanted to ask where the letter went, but he finally swallowed it.

"Are you here just to help the dean deliver letters?" Elder Haiyue asked calmly as he was eating.

Yan Song also ate a very delicious meal and did not dare to look into each other's eyes. He just nodded and hummed gently.

Elder Haiyue didn't care about Yan Song's behavior. She still ate and ate vegetables calmly and said to Yan Song calmly, "The past is over. I hope you don't pay too much attention to it. With Yun Zhongxian's guarantee, our nine elders believe that you are not malicious. As for your identity and your real name, we will not inquire about it again.

She saw Yan Song's body tremble slightly, so she smiled and continued to say, "About the mythical beast--"

"Ev Elder!" Yan Song suddenly stood up. After listening to Elder Haiyue's words, he only felt full of shame and felt very sorry for the people who cultivated him. After all, these elders worked hard on the days when he first came, especially Haiyue, who spread his luminous movement and cared about his cultivation. At this moment, his conscience prevailed. His rational purpose was to say to Elder Haiyue, "Students are too selfish and fail to live up to the good intentions of the elders. They are not worthy of this mythical beast."

When Elder Haiyue heard the words, he smiled gently, picked up some vegetables for Yan Song, and then meditated for a while and said, "To be honest, more than ten days ago, our elders planned to pass on the martial soul of the mythical beast to you. Everything was almost ready. Just as we talked to the dean, the dean did not agree. Originally, our nine elders had the power to refute his decision, but he made a card that we had to agree to.

Seeing that Yan Song looked at himself in a frown to show the following appearance, Elder Haiyue continued: "The dean's own martial soul has unexpectedly disappeared. In this way, the martial soul of the mythical beast can only be prepared for him."

Yan Song nodded in a daze, finished his meal, chatted with Elder Haiyue, and then prepared to go back to the dormitory. Before leaving, Elder Haiyue asked him to come often. Yan Song was very puzzled by this sentence. He didn't know whether Elder Haiyue asked him to come here to talk about Xuanxiu or martial soul, or whether he often sent letters to the ruffian president.

Sure enough, a few days later, the ruffian president sent Shangguan Di to call him again. Shangguan Di still smiled. Outside the snow bamboo forest, the old man was nothing more than "begged" Yan Song to send him a message. In this way, Yan Song sent letters to Elder Hai Yue for the ruffian dean several times in a row. During this period, almost every time Shangguan Di came to call him, and every time it was the ruffian dean to "reite repeatedly". Several times, Yan Song saw the lightsaber issued in the snow bamboo forest again!

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye. With the help of Taiji's Xuanjianyuan, Yan Song's Xuanxiu speed can be said to have risen rapidly. In just half a month, the sixth cyclone in his body has changed from the initial weak transparency to a thick cyan tornado, and there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time.

When Yan Song put away his love sword that evening, Zhao Kai ran again. His words were still the words at that time, but his expression was no longer the expression at that time: "Shangguan Di is here again! Go ahead. Lin Feng and I are going to have a drink with Brother Shou tonight. If you have time, you can also go there!"

The two came to the door of the dormitory. Shangguan Di greeted each other with a smile and was much more amiable than before. Zhao Kai had also been used to the posture of the former. At present, he laughed. The three walked forward together and walked to an intersection. Shangguan Di said, "Go, Zhao Kai, we have to turn around here." Zhao Kai didn't say much, arched his hand and continued to walk forward.

"Why does the old man always change places these two times? He will go to the martial arts arena in the rockery for a while. Where will he go this time!" Yan Song followed Shangguan Di and said a lot about the ruffian dean's wrong all the way. Sometimes he cursed. Shangguan Di had already been used to his attitude towards the dean and didn't care about it at present: "This time, in a Xuanbing shop at the west gate of the college, the master said that it was his property."

"That's good. Go to his Xuanbing envoy!" Yan Song said and rubbed his hands together. Shangguan Di's smiling expression remained unchanged, but in her eyes inadvertently drew a cold light that Yan Song could not detect.

After walking for a while, the two came to the west gate of the college and said hello to the gatekeeper. The two of them left the college, walked north along the north and south street, and walked out about 100 meters. Shangguan Di stopped and pointed to the mighty and glorious building in front of him and said that it was here. Yan Song looked up and could see what grade it was from just by looking at the plaque with five domineering words "killing demon Xuanbing Shop" hanging above. At this moment, he excitedly followed Shangguan Di in.

At this moment, several voices came from outside the street, "Yan Song! Yan Song!" Yan Song was stunned when he heard the words. He was about to leave the shop to see who it was, but he was suddenly slapped behind him. When he turned around, the iron door and iron window of the shop slammed to close, and the black hands inside couldn't see his fingers!

PS: In the previous chapter, Shangguan Di's name was written as Shangguan Yan. Sorry.