sword array

Chapter 115 Encirclement

The Xintian eagle carried Yan Song and flew high into the sky in a blink of an eye and flew to the west at a very fast speed. It was dark, and I couldn't see the movement below, but the night pedestrians moved forward in the dark and always had to light the lights. Yan Song was worried that it was difficult to catch the movement below. Inadvertently, he saw the lights at the west exit of Plum Blossom Valley, which were very clear. He hurriedly urged Tianying to fly nearby, and then he saw that the firelight was not someone else, but the group that surrounded him before!

Yan Song didn't let Xin Tianying make a sound, so he let him hover quietly in the sky to see where these people were going out of Meihua Valley in order to contact the soldiers and horses of the Qin family to attack effectively. Xintianying hovered in the night sky for a long time. Yan Song slowly found that the fluorescent lights below came out of the west of the Plum Blossom Valley, directly turned around along the hill, and finally walked to a vague official road.

The teenager urged Xin Tianying to fly along the official road for a while and found that the road turned a corner and finally led to the south gate of the imperial capital! At that moment, he understood the movement of this group of people, so he controlled the Skyhawk and flew back to Plum Blossom Valley. He told Qin Shou what he saw and wanted. Qin Shou thought about it and said, "Brother, let this brother take me on a ride, and I'll pick up the attraction?" With that, he walked towards the blue eagle. Unexpectedly, the blue eagle stood quietly among several people at the beginning, but as soon as he saw Qin Shou coming towards it, he suddenly roared, and his wings rolled up a gust of wind. Qin Shou was careless, and his body was blown back repeatedly and almost overturned to the ground.

If it hadn't been for the serious injury, Yan Song would have laughed. He looked at standing up awkwardly and looked at this side inexplicably. When he looked down, he was ashamed and said, "Brother Shou, it's not that I don't want to lend it to you, but this sky eagle has floated out of my blood since childhood, and now it has grown up with my blood. In a certain sense, we It belongs to the blood contract, so it is loyal to me and still shows the wildness of the king of birds to others.

Qin Shou nodded reluctantly, or did he not give up and said, "Then you let it take care of me, and it won't do it?"

Yan Song spread out his hands helplessly, walked to Xin Tianying and whispered a few words to him. The Xin Tianying always shook his body and seemed to be very reluctant. Yan Song continued to insist on "taching". Xin Tianying still did not give up. Yan Shou saw this and hurriedly stopped Yan Song and said, "Okay, don't beg for it. I I guess this guy just agreed and had to throw me down in mid-air!"

Looking at the people next to him who wanted to laugh and looked at himself with a shy smile, Qin Shou smiled with him, then took off a piece of jade pendant from his waist and handed it to Yan Song, and said, "Brother, give this jade pendant to the leaders of those people and tell them the movements of the Shangguan family, and make sure that they can rush to the southwest of the imperial city to wait for the moon within a column of incense. Pavilion. We are going to go there!"

Yan Song took the jade pendant, nodded, then flew to the sky eagle and flew to the night sky in the envied eyes of Qin Shou and others. Xin Tianying's wings have flown out of Meilin. All the way, relying on the virtual wind, he saw a few lonely cup below in a moment. Yan Song concluded that it was the Qin family horse in progress, and now urged Xin Tianying to bend down.

But at this time, someone found them below. Without saying a word, they directly fired arrows. The two eagles directly fanned the arrows to one side. Yan Song lay on the back of the eagle and hovered above for a while. Confirmed that it was the Qin family. There was no doubt that they threw the jade pendant to the leader, which was only in the surprised eyes of everyone. Come down.

The leader caught the jade pendant and looked at the ruffian dean walking side by side with him. The two whispered a few words. The man hurriedly got off the horse and walked to Yan Song, with many surprises in his eyes: "Little brother, this is my son's jade pendant. Just now, I only think that the raptor offends me, so I hurriedly released an arrow. Little brother, forgive me."

Yan Song shook his head and said that it didn't matter, and then told the movement of the Shangguan family and Qin Shou's instructions to the leader. As soon as the leader arched his hand, he rode on the horse and led the people to turn to Juechen. In a blink of an eye, there was no trace.

Yan Song rode the letter eagle and flew to the night sky again. In a short time, he caught up with the Qin family, and then flew over his head and went straight to the moon pavilion in the southwest corner of the imperial city. When he came to the top of the Yue Pavilion and saw that there was no movement below, he rode the sky eagle and circled for a while. He saw the Shangguan people who were rushing this way, and then he came down at ease.

In a short time, Qin Shou, Lin Feng and Sun Kai have rushed over. They briefly discussed it. After a moment, they saw the people of the Shangguan family appear in sight.

The 100 people of the Shangguan family are quite fast, but they are just a big detour, so they are not as fast as Qin Shou and others. Their brigade took the lead and protected the injured girl and Lei Yingzhi. Shangguan Di and Shangguan Liang were in the crowd. These people didn't say anything and just hurried on their way. When they came to the Yueting, they suddenly saw Yan Song leaning alone. They couldn't help but be shocked and hurriedly looked around for fear of any ambush.

Seeing that there was nothing strange around, Shangguan Di and Shangguan Liang also came to the front of the crowd and carefully approached Yan Song. When they found that the teenager was seriously injured and slept here, they couldn't help but be excited: "Uncle Bo, this boy is dizzy here!" The middle-aged man, who was called Uncle Bo, greeted him with several people around him. He looked at the teenager in the pavilion five or six meters apart and snorted coldly, "It seems that he can't run anymore. God will help me!"

This was heard by the seriously injured Chinese girl. She asked someone to take her horse out of the crowd and shouted, "So you escaped here. Well, let me kill him with my own hands!" Yan Song slowly opened his eyes at this time. He didn't have to pretend, because he was seriously injured. He staggered up, looked at several people around him, took a careful step back, and asked, "Do you really want to kill me?"

"I'm not only going to kill you, but I'm going to smash you to pieces!" The girl in Huafu endured the pain and said, "If I and Mr. Lei can't stand up from now on, I will find out all the people of your nine clans and kill them all!" Shangguan Di and Shangguan Liang, because they are collateral branches of the Shangguan family, are not as good as the gorgeous girls and some people around them. They only waited for them to finish scolding before they opened their mouths and shouted, "Take away my innate martial soul, you won't die!"

Seeing this, Yan Song smiled coldly: "I am a brother to the son of the Qin family. If you kill me, aren't you afraid that he will avenge you and destroy your Shangguan family?"

"We killed you so secretly, don't say he can't find out, just know that we did it, so what can we do!" The middle-aged man called Uncle Bo by Shangguan Di should have a certain status in the family and spoke very prestigiously, "How can this imperial city allow the Qin family to cover the sky with one hand? I was the first to disagree! I, Shangguan Bo, will destroy you today, and destroy his Qin family tomorrow!" His words greatly enhanced the fighting spirit of the people around him. Many hesitant people also made up their minds in an instant. To a certain extent, they fought against a strong family, and his Shangguan family also needed such a strong figure.

"Okay, okay!" Suddenly, there was a very rhythmic applause not far from outside the pavilion. Although there were only two slaps of applause, it was like thunder. The hand was like a hand that covered the sky with one hand. Shangguan Bo and others looked over, but saw a thumping sound in the forest. In a blink of an eye, three figures flew out of the forest and fell to their faces. In the past, the leader stunned them. This man was handsome and elegant. He was none other than Qin Shou!

I only heard Qin Shou say, "I can't find a good reason to deal with you. Well, I'm famous!" He said, holding his elbows and looking calmly at the person opposite him. The confident momentum emitted by him alone made the people of the Shangguan family panic for a moment.

Shangguan Bo was furious by his words. He waved his hand, and the people behind him pulled out their swords one after another. They only heard him say, "Don't be arrogant, or I will let you dig three feet of the ground and you can't dig a hair!" Give it to me!"

"You asked for it!" Qin Shou calmly folded his hands. At this time, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes around. The sound was just a momentary, as if it had broken through the air. In a blink of an eye, a row of silver armor soldiers suddenly appeared in the forest around the moon pavilion. Under the starlight, silver armor was like frost, which made people feel scared. Seeing this, Shangguan Bo's face suddenly changed color. Looking at Shangguan Di and Shangguan Liang, they also looked around. There were two battles, and the gorgeous girl who kept shouting to break Yan Song's body, had no more sound. I don't know whether she fainted or fell asleep.

The middle-aged man led quickly disared, came behind Qin Shou, dragged Qin Shou's paper fan and jade pendant with both hands, and said respectfully, "Young master, 200 people have arrived, and completely surrounded the enemy." Qin Shou took the jade pendant, held a folding fan in his hand, opened it with a sound, and said calmly, "Kill."

The middle-aged man straightened up, pulled out his sword around his waist, and shouted, "Kill!" Two hundred Qin family horses in all directions killed the Shangguan family in the middle. Suddenly, the sword collided and people shouted horse hiss. All kinds of Xuanqi with different attributes flew horizontally, and all kinds of colorful martial souls also kept bursting out... The night battle was filled with the cold light of the sword and the blood of Xuanqi. For a moment, some people turned upside down, and some were separated from their heads...

Qin Shou quietly looked at the scene in front of him and said to the same motionless ruffian dean, "It's all like this. Don't mind me--"

"Kill others, if you dare to kill my apprentice, I will kill you!" The ruffian president suddenly said.

Qin Shou exhaled and shook his head helplessly. Suddenly, the folding fan in his hand suddenly turned, and a sword spirit flew out of the fan. The two members of the Shangguan family were cut into four in an instant! Yan Song was shocked and didn't react. Qin Shou's figure had penetrated into the crowd. Wherever he passed, the corpses were everywhere and blood flowed into rivers!

Yan Song's hands also began to itch. Just as he was about to step forward, Sun Kailinfeng next to him had waved his sword and rushed up. Seeing this, he also shouted loudly and rushed to those people with martial souls. But after only a few steps, his body lay on the ground because of a serious injury. He spit out a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth and retreated back, took a look at the ruffian dean with a raised beard because of ridicule, babbled, and then retreated to the moon pavilion, with his hands claved the Qingmu seal and began to heal the wound.

A quarter of an hour later, the victory or defeat on the court was almost a forsatain. The ruffian president had been protecting Yan Song. At this time, he stretched out and was about to pack up and prepare to go back to the house, but suddenly he saw Shangguan Bo, who was defeated by the leader of the Qin family, raised his sword and rushed to Yan Song in the moon pavilion. He turned around and was about to go up to help, but Yan Song, who was sitting quietly on the ground, suddenly jumped up. When the mysterious spirit of his body protection overflowed, nine purple dragons suddenly flew out of his sleeves and divided into two ways, like electric light around behind Shangguan Bo. Here he picked up the love sword and hit a flowing cloud chop. Shangguan Bo pushed out with one palm, and Jin Guang directly resisted it. Liu Yunzhan, but the nine purple lights behind him pierced his body in an instant...