sword array

Chapter 119 Divine Art

With the love wind sword and pure Jun sword, Yan Song can practice the sword array of Jinmu. The sword array also needs spiritual control, but this is different from the spiritual Xuanbing. The spiritual Xuanbing, took Yan Song's purple dragon beard and said that he was made by Yan Song's blood pregnancy sacrifice, which took a lot of effort and finally turned it into a part of the body, and read it out at will. What is important for the spiritual Xuanbing is the particularity of Xuanbing, and unlike it, the sword array focuses on the spiritual control ability of Xuanxiu!

Before that, Yan Song could already use the swordsman's sword to drive objects within ten meters around him, but it was just a blow. For example, when he was in Baishan Town, he brushed up the broad knife on the ground and made him fly from behind to Qian He and kill him. The swordsman's sword-inducing style can be used to control things, which Yan Song gradually explored. Yan Song has not carefully tried how to use the most lethal power of swords. But now he seems that the swordsman he learned before is prepared for practicing the sword array.

Using a sword hand to control ordinary weapons is different from driving Xuan soldiers. Relatively speaking, it is easier to control ordinary weapons, because they will fly directly with the spirit, but because of the material limitations of ordinary weapons, the lethality will not be too great. For the Xuanbing with the blessing of the beast soul beast elixir, a special sword spirit energy has already been formed in the sword body, which will repel the external spiritual interference to protect the sword body from injury. However, once the Xuan practitioners connect their spiritual power with the sword spirit, they can use it for themselves.

To practice sword array, you must first have a good Xuanbing. In addition to its strong attack power, the most important thing is to add the sword spirit formed by the beast soul beast elixir on it. Once the Xuan practitioner establishes contact with it with his spiritual power, he can control the Xuanbing and cut vertically and horizontally, which is invincible.

The first thing Yan Song needs to do now is to let his spiritual power sense the pure sword in order to establish a connection with it. Just like from using the love sword with his hand to the unique skill that can finally use the flying sword to connect the heart, Yan Song needs to feel the pulse of the sword spirit with his heart. Sitting alone in the dormitory, the abundant spiritual power in his body slowly gushed out of his mud pill palace and gradually leaned against the cage of the pure sword lying in front of him. Slowly, he felt a strong shaking energy in the golden sword body began to block.

Seeing this, the teenager continued to urge his spiritual power and constantly wrapped the pure Jun sword. The strong shaking energy in the pure Jun sword was stronger. The two different natures of energy resisted each other, and the golden sword body kept trembling in front of Yan Song. Yan Song did not relax, and his spiritual power surged out more and more, constantly rushing to the strong force that resisted it. After practicing for five days, the strong shaking force in the body of the golden sword slowly became submissive. Finally, the power of the sword spirit reached a unified pulse with Yan Song's spiritual power, and the pure sword was raised by Yan Song for the first time.

The golden sword flew back and forth in the narrow dormitory with Yan Song's thoughts. Five days passed in a blink of an eye. Yan Song persistently tried to control the pure Jun sword with his spiritual power, and finally reached the level of flying sword centrifugation and wantonly flying like driving the wind sword. In ten days, Yan Song completed the pure knowledge of the master, and the next thing he had to do was to do the most important point, and at the same time, he had two swords.

Difference from the eight swords learned from Uncle Yan Feng before, Yan Feng's eight swords fly together, just use his spiritual power to control the eight Xuan soldiers to move in the same direction at the same time. This process is as long as the spirit is strong enough, and then it can reach Xuanbing to know the master. The requirements of the Jinmu two-yi sword array that Yan Song is practicing now are much higher than this. It requires the Xuan practitioners to use them one mind and finally reach the realm of double sword protection. That is to say, Yan Song wants to control two swords at the same time, and the speed and direction of these swords can be completely different!

One person uses a sword to use the effect of two people using swords, which is the basic realm required by the sword array!

In ordinary times, Yan Song can't even rack his brains to complete this. He can't even imagine that his hands are controlled by his own brain at the same time. How divided the spirit is! Anyway, he can't say anything by himself. Either his left hand draws a round right hand and forgets to move, or his right hand draws a square left hand to draw an unformed shape... But in the cultivation formula of the Jinmu two-yi sword array, there is the practice of divineism. The basis of separation is to be distracted from one mind, two hearts to three hearts, and three hearts to distract one mind, until heaven and earth are one with me.

distracting is a kind of spiritual practice. It requires the Xuan practitioners to walk the pulse one by one with the help of the function of internal vision, and finally integrate the sixteen mouths of Xuanqi that rush through the twelve meridians, belt veins, punching veins, yin dimension, Yang dimension and other veins, and then reverse the second veins of Rendu, walk for 16 weeks, and finally be crushed by the Baihui and the Xuan Air penetrates into the brain. Then cooperate with the control of spiritual power to open one of the 28 heavenly acupuncture points inside the brain. In this way, the mysterious practitioners can understand the heavenly orifices, and even the mud pills can be used with two swords.

Yan Song still concentrates on practicing in the way shown by the divine art. If he runs one of the twelve meridians alone, or with yin and yang, he can now complete it smoothly. But if after rushing one pulse, save the mysterious breath, then rush the other one, then save it, and then rush the other one, keep the sixteen pulses all the time, which is not easy. Not to mention that he has never done anything, he just hasn't thought about it!

On the first day, he tried hundreds of times, from morning to afternoon, and it ended in failure. He gradually felt that it was almost impossible. In a sense, it is more troublesome to use another mouth without using a breath in the body. However, in the failure again and again, he also summed up a little experience and tried to save every mysterious breath in different ways. Later, he noticed that although there are many meridians in the human body, it seems that it is not appropriate to put the spare Xuanqi anywhere, but there are always some places. After using it, the next pulse path will no longer be used, and these places.

When he figured this out, he was full of confidence and continued to try, but after a night of hard work, he tried to put it on his fingertips or toes, knees or elbows, but failed to achieve effective results. In the end, the teenager seemed to be enchanted. He actually drilled into the tip of the horn to find which acupuncture points were empty and useless, and then put those mysterious spirits on one vein. His behavior was angry and a little impulsive, but what he didn't expect was that he really listed some useless acupuncture points in his body, and these acupuncture points were just connected into a vein that hovered the whole body.

Yan Song looked back and forth dozens of times, and finally found that the circulation of the whole body was indeed connected from beginning to end. At the lowest place and the highest place, it was connected with important inner acupuncture points in the internal organs. It always went down and became a Sunday!!!


He exhaled, and this discovery shocked Yan Song. He sat at the head of the bed and thought about it for a long time. In case and for fear of hallucinations, he peeked again and finally confirmed that this was indeed a vein that had never been recorded! Taking a deep breath, Yan Song gritted his teeth and decided to try.

On this sitting, he sat straight from dusk to midnight. He didn't even know that Sun Kai and Lin Feng returned to the dormitory. When they saw him working hard, they couldn't bear to disturb him. When he suddenly opened his eyes in the dark night, a cold sentence came out of his mouth: "It worked! Finally succeeded!" This woke up Lin Feng, who was alert from sleeping. He suddenly sat up and asked Yan Song, "Are you all right? What's wrong with you?"

When asked by Lin Feng, Yan Song realized that there was a dark night around him, and Sun Kai, who kept snoring on the other side, hurriedly said that he had a beautiful dream, and then quickly fell down and slept comfortably. Lin Feng was not used to this kind of situation and didn't care, so he tilted his head and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, when Sun Kai and Lin Feng just left the dormitory, Yan Song also washed up and sat on his ** again to prepare for the next practice. He has achieved the first step, which is to concentrate every mouthful of Xuanqi in the major meridians. The next second step is to reverse the collected Xuanqi along the second vein of Rendu for 16 weeks, and then press it into the Baihui point. This step is much simpler than the previous step, but it is also much more dangerous than the previous step. Reversing the Zhoutian, if it is light, it will go crazy, and if it is serious, the meridians will be broken. This is the forbidden law that Xuan practitioners have been warned by their family masters since childhood.

Yan Song swallowed his saliva. It's not that he hasn't considered the consequences, but he believes in his own set of Xuanwu skills. Since it can elevate an ordinary real martial arts to Tianwu skills, it can make his ordinary body open up the second vein of Rendu in the later period of the nine-fold harden body, so that he can get a second attribute after being promoted to Xuanshi, these are enough. He firmly believed that this set of unusual skills has its own unusual excellence.

Closing his eyes calmly, Yan Song took a breath of mysterious qi and pulsed the pulse, smoothly condensing the Xuanqi in the twelve meridians, belt veins, punching veins, yin and yang dimensions into the hovering meridians he found, and then concentrated these mysterious qi in Dantian, and began to follow the second veins of Rendu and run retrograde. To Yan Song's surprise, this Xuanqi, which finally gathered from a group of important veins, could be reversed in the second veins of Rendu very smoothly. His body did not have the legendary acupuncture points at all, and the meridians were blocked!

But to his disappointment, this mysterious gas disappeared quickly, and it disappeared before it was finished running on a Sunday! Yan Song opened his eyes helplessly and looked at the void. He said in his heart that there was really a road and a road. He thought that after the first step, the next road would be logical.

So, he continued to start the Xuanxiu route, which had been repeated thousands of times. He kept trying to speed up the speed of Zhou Tian's reversal. Slowly, the gathered Xuanqi finally bypassed the Zhou Tiantian and disappeared. He saw hope again, so he kept going back to the week and constantly accelerated the speed of the Xuanqi pulse. Two weeks, three weeks, five weeks, ten weeks... Three days later, the collected Xuanqi could finally run 16 weeks at one time, and then disappeared.

Yan Song did not give up and continued to try. In the end, he controlled the mysterious gas that no longer disappeared and began to press his Baihui acupoint. When he came to this point, he seemed to be much more relaxed. The first time, he accidentally let the mysterious gas disappear again, and the second time, he put the mysterious air into his brain. Among them.

At this time, Yan Song not only needs to explore internally, but also needs luck, but also needs to use mental assistance. It can be said that he pays full attention to one point! According to the divineism, he quickly found the 28 heavenly acupuncture points around his brain. Then, rush to the nearest acupuncture point. Xuanqi reaches the brain, and it doesn't feel as far away as it was in the body before, but just like thinking. The distance is so close, as if you don't have to move, but it can be completed with just thinking about it.

But after all, it's the brain here. If you hurt other places, you will get hurt. The treatment is good. After the injury here, if you say you are stupid, you will be stupid. If you say you are crazy, you will be crazy. If you don't get it, you will die. Although it seemed that the next rush was very hand-to-hand, Yan Song was 10,000 times more careful than before for fear of maiming himself. In this way, two days later, one of the acupuncture points in the 28 heavenly acupuncture points in the brain was smoothly washed away and directly connected to the mud pill palace between the eyebrows.