sword array

Chapter 139 Unexpected Results

Liu Yun felt that Yan Song's expression was very strange. He put down and twisted the other party's hand and looked at the other party's finger. At this time, he couldn't help but be shocked that she and Yan Song were opponents! What number did you catch? Liu Yun asked angrily. Yan Song showed pity: "125, you should be No. 126, right?" Liu Yun exhaled with his nose and pouted, "You don't have to do such a pitiful situation. You can't tell who will win or lose at that time!"

"Oh..." Yan Song sighed, still with that expression of pity. "In the past, I was not as good as you, but now," he shook his head and made a difficult choice. "Don't worry, I will let you fall from the stage very lady."

Liu Yunbai glanced at Yan Song and told him not to be so confident. He said that he had already broken through the Xuanshi, but he had not been exposed. In this comparison, it is not certain who will win! Yan Song nodded and said, "Anyway, I won't let you." Liu Yun looked at the other party boredly, as if he could say this, and it would be a grade lower than her to have such an idea. The comparison between the two this time is very forward, even better than that of Yan Song the day before yesterday. It is the third game.

In the first match, the battle was Song Daidai, Qin Shou's lover, and a tall student. What surprised Yan Song Dai, who usually wrapped around Qin Shou and acted coquettishly and pretended to be cute, was cold and ruthless on the comparison table, as if he had become a person. Because of her ranking 10th, most people in the audience knew her and kept shouting her name.

And Zhao Kai also squeezed into the crowd with a pen and paper at the first time, checking the admission list while thinking about how to bet. After all, he didn't forget to shout cheer on the stage: "Sister Shou, I am optimistic about you. This time, Brother Shou and I have bet all the money on you. You must be awesome!" With that, he bent his arms and clenched his fists to cheer up.

Although Song Daitai on the stage turned into a cold beauty without Yan Qin's presence, as if she would not show her gentleness to anyone other than Qin Shou, it was obvious that she was very enthusiastic about Qin Shou's brothers. Seeing Sun Kai cheering for herself below, she also said that Qin Shou bet on herself. She was in full bloom and stretched out her jade hand. , snapped his finger at Sun Kai: "Kaizi, don't worry, I won't let you down!" Let me send a message to your brother and let him test it with his heart!" When she talked to Sun Kai, she saw that Yan Song was also next to her, and then said, "And Yan Song, come on, you must beat your opponent down!"

It is already a supreme honor to be personally named by the top ten masters of the sword court. In the eyes of the people around him, Song Dai's voice fell. Everyone on the stage looked at Sun Kai and Yan Song. Many people even looked at the list again because Song Dai read Yan Song's name again and was temporarily changing the original Ben's bet on Liu Yun was transferred to Yan Song, and even those who didn't bet, because her words were also bet on Yan Song.

"This makes a lot of money!" Seeing this, Sun Kai smiled and came to Yan Song and said, "Brother Song, because of Shou's sister-in-law's words, you see, they have bet on you, but I'm sorry, this time the brother has the name of foresight and knows Sister Yun's means, which is a real person who does not show his face. Hey hey, I bet on Sister Yun! Hi! Sister Yun, don't let your brother down!" When Sun Kai spoke, he had taken a few steps back. Before Yan let go of the scolding, he turned around and squeezed out the crowd.

Looking at Yan Song's angry appearance, Liu Yun put his elbows in his hands and praised him dignifiedly: "Sun Kai is a child with eyesight and vision. He is a material to make money! Unlike the corrupt woman on the stage, she can't speak!" She still remembered Song's words when she asked Yan Song to hit her opponent to the ground just now.

As soon as Yan Song was about to speak, the middle-aged master on the stage announced the start of the comparison, so the two looked at the stage with many people around them. Although Song Daidai's opponent's cultivation is not low, and as soon as he takes action, he reveals the strength of the third-level Xuanshi, Song Daidai still beat him, and what makes the opponent more unable is that Song Daidai's swordsmanship is extremely tricky and vicious. As soon as he comes up, he attacks all the way, and does not give his opponent a chance to breathe. Everyone under the stage saw that the situation is so urgent, The oil shouted and forgot to shout, and all of them held their breath, as if they had finished their breath and the comparison was over.

However, what surprised everyone was that Song Daidai was far stronger than they expected. Their tone only sank in their chests for a moment, and the comparison above had come to an end: Song Daidai did not use the martial soul, relying on the long sword in his hand, attacking and cutting all the way, forcing the opponent to retreat repeatedly, and there was no chance to summon the martial soul. As a result, he only wanted to fight. His life dodged, but ignored the limited space. When he retreated, he stepped on the ground and fell directly to the ground. Then the man shook his sleeves in the long sigh of the crowd and walked out of the crowd angrily.

The middle-aged man announced the result of the comparison, recorded Song Dai's name, and then announced the next comparison. Song Daidai gently jumped off the stage and walked to Yan Song's side. His fat little face suddenly turned from cold to smiling and extremely cute. I don't know how many people around him envied Yan Song's treatment. She only heard her say to Yan Song, "I'll cheer for your brother first. You should also cheer up and trample your opponent under your feet!" As she spoke, she also clenched her jade fist to cheer up Yan Song. Then, regardless of the intertwined expression of someone next to her, she turned around and left gracefully.

Yan Song was also very happy to see Liu Yun's appearance. He said in the latter's tone, "Why didn't you find that your sister-in-law was so visionary and far-sighted?"

"People who can like beasts are all the same, except for gold and jade, and they are defeated!" Liu Yun turned his head, stopped talking to Yan Song, and began to concentrate on the comparison on the court.

The two people who participated in the second competition were of the same strength. They were both in the early stage of the third-order Xuanshi and played for an hour, which was also the most common phenomenon in the three major martial arts arenas. The comparison of 2,000 people, and most of people's abilities are concentrated in the second-order Xuanshi to the sixth-level Xuanshi. That is to say, there will be four or 500 people competing for each level. You can imagine how tragic this ability is!

Yan Song and Liu Yun, like the people around him, look at the sword on the stage from patience to impatiently and the majestic. At the same time, they should always consider their own safety, for fear that the other party will not be very good, or they will be red-eyed and spread their lethality to the stage. Everyone watched the two people on the stage from refreshed to exhausted, exhausted, and then fell to the ground at the same time... Finally, one of the middle-aged arbitration master surnamed Bi gritted his teeth, stood up with difficulty, and barely passed...

For the ordinary comparison of this kind of unknown people with considerable ability, the most pure praise and applause broke out under the stage. No one will focus on such people to bet on them. To a certain extent, Yan Song is also regarded as such people by Yan Shou, Yan Kai and others.

Finally, it was Yan Song's turn to compare with Liu Yun. In addition, the middle-aged people and the students around him were surprised that Yan Song and his opponent Liu Yun stood together and laughed, which was rarely seen before. The two looked at each other, nodded at the ground at the same time, jumped on the platform at the same time, and then looked at each other five steps apart. Yan Song smiled and whispered, "Don't look, I know I'm handsome, but it's not my fault--"

"Smooth mouth, look at the sword!" Before Yan Song finished speaking, Liu Yunjian waved the blue sword in his hand, split a sword spirit, and cut at Yan Song. Seeing this, Yan Song gently clicked under his feet, flew backwards, rotated, and then took the opportunity to hit Liu Yunzhan! One blue and one green sword spirit collided in an instant. With the sound of the sound of the sword, the powerful energy surged from the intersection of the sword spirit to the surrounding waterfalls, making the two people's clothes hunt, and the people under the stage lean back and their hair flew.

Liu Yun's face was calm, but a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes. In just a few months, he had to be impressed by the promotion from the fourth and fifth-level Xuanshi to the Xuanshi. Her arms were hanging high and her inner strength was about to summon her martial soul. She didn't want Yan Song opposite to stop her directly: "Don't use the martial soul. I can't control myself. In case you suck your martial soul away, I can't get through it!"

"You--" Liu Yun was so angry that she had no choice but to give up using the use of martial soul. She was also a genius who could control her spiritual power. At that moment, she pinched the sword and flew the blue sword, flying in the void, and cut Yan Song. Seeing this, Yan Song also used the "flying sword connecting the heart" in Tianxuan's seven-style, and confronted Liu Yun with the wind sword. Two Xuan soldiers flew high in a while, stabbed down on the high platform, and then flew into the crowd. The sound of table tennis continued, and the emerald sword spirit and blue sword spirit kept overflowing, only attracting the audience around the high platform. Everyone cheered the dazzling flying sword confrontation.

After playing more than 30 rounds, Liu Yun suddenly collected the sword formula, and the blue sword turned into a blue light from the sky and flew back behind him. Yan Song also put away the sword formula, and the love wind sword flew back in an instant. It kept rotating around him and drew an emerald curved screen. Everyone could see that the mysterious air in the surrounding air poured into Yan Song's body along the curved sword screen like a whirlpool.

Liu Yun was shocked and shouted "Ice Thorn!" Holding the sword in both hands, a sword stabbed out, and the blue sword flashed all over the body, and suddenly shot out a cold light. Where the cold light passed, the air turned into frost and pricked his chest. Seeing that Yan Song jumped up and was stepping on the cold thorns under his feet, Liu Yun turned around and shouted "Han Bing Zhan!" again. The long sword took the opportunity to split, and the huge sword spirit was waved out by her. Half of the high platform was covered by the blue sword spirit in an instant, and Yan Song was directly immersed in it.

"Uh... If you don't die this time, you will be injured!" Someone under the stage sighed.

"If I had known that I would not have listened to Song Dai's words, the top ten optimistic people in the Jianyuan may not be strong!" This is a bet student sighing.

"I have only a few children in total. I was bewitched by Song Dai and put them all on Yan Song. Now I don't have any money to eat!" A "good" student who never bet was declaring that his virgin bet had failed. When he was sighing, his eyes suddenly lit up and pointed to the other side of the table and said, "No, it's okay! Look, he's there!" When he spoke, others also noticed the strangeness on the high platform and couldn't help marveling.

They clearly saw that Yan Song was swallowed up by the huge sword spirit, but suddenly saw his figure appear from the other side of the stage. Their inner surprise could be imagined. Even Liu Yun on the stage suddenly turned around and looked at Yan Song on the opposite side incredulously. In fact, Yan Song had already used the teleportation sword array at the moment when the sword spirit came and teleported himself to the other side of the platform. The people under the stage saw him suddenly appear because of the sword spirit, so they didn't understand what was going on.

"Okay, how dare you be cruel to me!" Yan Song stood quietly with a slightly evil smile on his expression.

"I didn't! That sword is not lethal at all, it just traps you! Besides, I have a cold and poisonous antidote!" Liu Yun looked at Yan Song in surprise and suddenly said, "Also, although it's a comparison, I admit defeat."