sword array

Chapter 142 One move to defeat the enemy

After dinner, Yan Song returned to his room and had no intention of Xuanxiu. He fell on ** and couldn't sleep over and over, and his mind was full of confusion. He didn't understand why the top deans and elders came up with this terrible method to distribute some fairy weapons to capable students and let them all deal with one person. And this person is not someone else, but the daughter of the former dean, Long Ruoxi.

Why do they deal with Long Ruoxi? If Long Ruoxi comes back for revenge, revenge is impossible. If it is really revenge, why does she have to participate in the formal comparison? According to the previous news, she came back for an important purpose, which is to rescue her mother and don't want her mother to be imprisoned for many years, but what does this have to do with her participation in the comparison? Is it possible that behind this comparison, there are other unknown regulations related to the vital interests of the ruffian president and the nine elders?

Yan Song was so confused that he couldn't think of any reason. He didn't know when he would go to bed. When he woke up early the next day, he began to cheer up, not thinking about other things, and repaired his body and sword light at ease. Today, the top 250 students do not have to participate in the comparison. Out of the principle of fairness and justice, the Sword Academy asked those students who were previously defeated and disqualified to compare again to select the top 50 from them.

Because the people who failed before may not be weak, but have met stronger opponents, and some promoted people are just lucky to meet opponents who are weaker than them. There is no lack of this possibility, so they have taken various measures such as screening and challenges.

One day of peace of mind Xuanxiu, the teenager's body protection sword light progressed quickly, and he felt that it was not far from entering the state of suspension. At that time, just stand, without moving, opponents of the same level can't shake themselves at all. Thinking of this scene, the teenager can't stop the excitement in his heart, and then he is even more selfless.

It was another sunny morning. Yan Song and Qin Shou went to the Sword Academy together. This time, in addition to the 250 people who were promoted before, there were also 50 people who were just selected yesterday, a total of 300 people. According to their random draw last night, this time, the two still did not share the same place. After entering the sword courtyard, they separated. Qin Shou went to the low-level martial arts arena, and Yan Song went straight to the senior martial arts arena.

This time, because the number of people has shrunk from 2,000 to 300, the comparison tables on each martial arts arena has also been reduced from the previous ten to five. Ten sets of comparisons have been arranged on each stage, and the time and space have suddenly become very loose, but the audience around the high platform has increased, and there is a tendency to drain the three major martial arts arenas.

Yan Song squeezed into the crowd and came to the place where he wanted to compare. His eyes scanned the comparison list. Seeing that he was arranged in the tenth scene this time, he felt a little unhappy. He said what to do about the previous time. He went home to Xuanxiu, but he didn't know when to finish the comparison. It was really a waste of time to wait here. . At the time of the conflict, he was suddenly patted on the shoulder and turned around, but it was Liu Yun. He couldn't help but wonder, "Why are you here?" He looked around and saw that there was no one else, so he guessed, "Come and cheer me up?"

Liu Yun didn't say anything. He stepped forward and pointed "hardly" on the list. Yan Song jumped at first glance. He just looked for his name and didn't look carefully. It turned out that Liu Yun's name was also on it, and it was just above him. You are..." Yan Song's inexplicable Liu Yunming lost to himself. How could he be qualified to compete? Seeing Liu Yun's indifferent attitude, he understood, "You won yesterday's screening, right? Hey..." He suddenly smiled very strangely and startled Liu Yun. He only heard him continue to say, "Sister Yun, your ninth game, my tenth game, why don't I go to the shade to rest for a while, and you call me after the game?"

Liu Yun looked at Yan Song calmly. As soon as he nod, he suddenly remembered the matter of asking Yan Song, so he asked, " By the way, how about Xiao Wei? Did you check it?"

"Uh..." Yan Song patted his forehead, then bit his lips and complained to himself, "Look at my brain, I forgot it again!" I've only been thinking about the comparison these days. Why do I always forget it!"

"Forget it. I just asked casually. If the comparison is over, I'll go and have a look with you." Liu Yun looked boredly at the people who had begun to fight on the high platform.

Hearing this, Yan Song nodded and said, "That's good. Let's go together after the comparison. Sister Yun, shall I take a break first? Hey hey..." Seeing Liu Yunbai glanced at himself, Yan Song immediately punched the other party and then walked to the edge of the martial arts arena. As soon as he walked out of the crowd, he saw Liu Yun also following him, saying that he was still earlier than her. He came out to breathe first, and then walked to the shade next to the martial arts arena with Yan Song.

"Huh? Look, the farthest high platform over there seems to be Long Ruoxi. There are many people around. Let's go and have a look? Liu Yun pointed to the farthest platform on the other side of the martial arts arena 200 meters away and said.

Yan Song looked at afar and only saw the crowd under the stage. He couldn't see who was on the stage. Besides, he had to take advantage of this space to be a Xuanxiu, and he was not in the mood to see Long Ruoxi, so he held hands, kept walking, and continued to walk to the shade of the tree. Seeing this, Liu Yun walked alone to the crowd.

The teenager came to the shade of the tree on the edge of the martial arts arena, sat on the stone chair, and entered the blue scroll. He sat all morning. When Liu Yun woke him up, the sun was already west. Is it my turn?" He hurriedly jumped off the stone chair. Liu Yun did not panic or slow. While saying that the next game was her comparison, he told Yan Song that he would regret not going to see Long Ruoxi's comparison, saying that there was a double martial soul on the court, and that Long Ruoxi defeated his opponent in ten moves. Yan Song compared the "double martial soul" **, subconsciously turned his mind to the ruffian dean and several elders, and then squeezed into the crowd with Liu Yun, waiting for Liu Yun's next comparison.

Soon, the comparison on the high platform ended, and then Liu Yun came on the stage. Her opponent was also a girl and had extraordinary skills. According to a set of exquisite swordsmanship and the strength of the third-order Xuanshi once made Liu Yun avoid and retreat, but slowly, Liu Yun seemed to have insight into the other party's way and twisted the situation little by little. Turn around until he suppressed his opponent later... Finally, the middle-aged master announced Liu Yun's victory.

Because Liu Yun was promoted again after yesterday's screening, many people realized that she had lost before, but this time her opponent will be promoted directly. Compared with the two, most of them will bet on her opponents, but Liu Yun won, Gaotai In addition to the praise around, there are more sighs...

Liu Yun's expression was flat, he gently jumped off the platform, and then looked at Yan Song with a smile: "How's it going? Is it okay?"

"You are very calculating." When Yan Song said this sentence plainly, it made Liu Yun's body tremble slightly. Yan Song saw this and smiled, "The previous comparison between us was that you let me, so it's better to say that you want to keep a low profile. You are still retaining your strength. Am I right?" Liu Yun's face changed slightly and her eyes were awe-inspiring. She was about to speak, but she saw the teenager opposite smile at him and then gently jumped up to the high platform. Liu Yun looked at Yan Song thoughtfully under the stage and whispered, "It seems that I still underestimate him."

Yan Song doesn't know the strength of the opponent. He just took a look at the name and forgot it now. However, he can hear many people around the high platform shouting "Come on, Du Liang, come on, Du Liang". I guess Du Liang is his name, and most of the people who cheer him are betting on him. .

Come on, Du Liang! Come on, Du Liang!"

Yan Song suddenly heard this sound from under the stage. The voice was extremely familiar. A few black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead and turned his head to stare at the people under the stage. The teenager under the stage held paper in one hand and a pen in the other hand, while shouting what he had just said. At first glance, he saw Yan Song staring at him and immediately smiled at Yan Song. Holding his hand and saying, "Brother Song, come on, brother, I support you spiritually!" After saying that, he quickly squeezed out the crowd.

Sun Kai was excited again and again. Although there was no malice, he touched the corner of Yan Song's competitive words, which made people not angry. At this time, Yan Song directly transferred his emotions to the person opposite. Although he did not know what the strength of the person opposite was, and there was no intention of being arrogant and domineering, he just wanted to beat the other party and let Sun Kai and Qinshou know how powerful he was!

So as soon as the middle-aged man announced the start of the comparison, Yan Song shook his right arm, and nine purple dragons directly broke out of their sleeves, turned into nine lightnings, and rushed to Du Liang at a high speed. Du Liang subconsciously overflowed with the mysterious spirit of protecting his body, and at the same time waved his long sword to block Yan Song's hidden weapon. As a result, two purple dragons directly penetrated his sword, and then penetrated his shoulder. Another three purple lights penetrated his calf belly, and the other four floated in the air, two pointing to Du Liang's eyes, and two pointed to Du Liang's heart!

Du Liang couldn't help but feel amazed because of the pain, but when he saw the four floating purple artifacts also move. The eye was still in front of him, and the heart was still in front of his chest. The opposite teenager's face was cold, and his right palm poked out, as if his palm moved slightly, and these four purple electricity could end Du Liang's life in an instant.

Du Liang was shocked. His cultivation was not low, and he had never underestimated his opponent, but he didn't expect that the opponent's sudden first move, so he broke through his body and hurt his limbs in an instant, and he could feel that the other party had reservations and did not be cruel. Otherwise, the four arrows just now , it can completely kill him. The people under the stage were even more shocked. They opened their mouths and looked at the teenager in white with only one move, and they were about to end the comparison. They were so surprised that they couldn't speak, let alone bet and cheering!

Liu Yun also looked at Yan Song in a moment, and was a little afraid that she had never seen the purple dragon beard, but when she saw Yan Song's messenger before, the other party was still a fifth-order Xuanshi, and now with the power of the junior Xuanshi, it can simply blind everyone's eyes. Those nine purple artifacts seem to be able to penetrate everything! At this time, Sun Kai, who had just walked out of the crowd, suddenly felt that the noisy crowd behind him had no sound, so he also looked back. This look directly made him stupid there, and the pen in his hand fell to the ground with a crash.

Du Liang opened his mouth dullly and slowly raised his hands. The rest of his body did not dare to move. After a long time, he stammered a few words: "I, I admit defeat!"

The middle-aged man only cared about observing Yan Song. He was stunned when he heard the words and almost didn't react. He announced Wanyan Songsheng, but when he saw the teenager's right arm, nine purple electricity flew into his sleeves, and then jumped off the high platform, squeezed out the crowd, and walked far away. Liu Yun and Zhao Kai followed him closely. After a long time, they heard an uproar in the crowd...