sword array

Chapter 173 Battle

"Sword array!" Yan Song looked calmly at Long Ruoxi opposite him. At the end of his voice, the blue frost sword and golden pure sword suddenly flashed out of Na or, floating around him and slowly turning. At this time, the opposite dragon Ruoxi's body remained motionless, and the arm holding the sword shook. The moonlight Tianji sword was thrown in the air. With her jade finger in front of her, the Tianji sword that was about to fall to the ground made a sound of the sword, floating next to her jade finger, and the tip of the sword pointed straight to Yan Song.

Yan Song held the sword formula and said "Go". As soon as his arm led, the frost sword and the pure Jun sword turned into blue and gold sword lights and attacked Long Ruoxi at a very fast speed. At the same time, Long Ruoxi also stretched out his jade arms, and Tianji's sword turned into a moon, instantly facing the two swords from Yan Songyu. Everyone was surprised to see that three swords fought between the two. Every time Xuanbing received it frequently, the sound of the sword sound of the table tennis kept coming out. Waves of energy centered on the three swords and quickly swinged around. The three-color light swords on the high platform kept flashing. If you ignore the powerful energy, it is also charming! Most people around Gaotai have seen the means of Yan Song's imperial sword and know that this young man in white can fight with each other with two swords to reach the realm of left and right distractions. Although one person uses two swords, it is like two Yan Song using swords at the same time, and the power will naturally be doubled.

However, it was the powerful Jinmu two-yi sword array in the eyes of everyone, but it was easily blocked by Long Ruoxi's Tianji sword. It was difficult for Yan Song to enter at all. So the golden and blue swords dance more and more, and the moonlight long sword dances more and more impenetrably. With round after rounds of competition, the power of the three-color lightsaber increases. The energy flow that spread out because of the intersection of Xuanbing has also changed from the previous eye-catching to killing. From time to time, there will be sword light in the ten-meter open space around the high platform. Popped up and hit black holes on the ground one by one. If it hadn't been for the protection of the five middle-aged masters around, these swords would have flown into the crowd and penetrated several people.

Yan Song saw that the two swords were difficult to enter, and the love sword in his hand waved again, and his spiritual power was divided into three. At the same time as the two sword arrays of Jinmu, his body suddenly flew up, and a flowing cloud cut out in the air and cut towards Long Ruoxi. Long Ruoxi didn't seem to know how to be distracted, but her sword-fighting with Yan Song absolutely retained her strength. While seeing Yan Song's sword fighting, she did it herself. Her fingers suddenly swirled, and the moonlight sword suddenly accelerated. When it was in the air, she only heard two ping-pong sounds. The pure Jun sword and the frost sword were blown out and deeply pricked three meters. On the marble countertop outside. As soon as Yan Songliu Yunzhan hit it, he felt that the general trend was not good. At the same time, he had a wind in his mind, and his mental strength felt that Tianji Sword was flying from behind.

He hurriedly walked under his feet, and his body suddenly rose to a height of three feet, and then introduced the sword formula. The golden and wood swords deep into the high platform made a buzzing and suddenly flew out. A spin in the air flew to Yan Song's side. At this time, Tianji sword turned upward under the control of Long Ruoxi and flew to Yan Song again. Yan Song took up the sword formula, and the three swords turned together to transmit the sword array, and his body disappeared in the three-color flying sword light in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Long Ruoxi, but Long Ruoxi had eyes behind him. Without saying a word, he pushed it out with a backhand palm. The huge mysterious force was like a hurricane, directly flying the teenager out.

Although Yan Song did not feel pain, his body had already moved out of the high platform for several meters. He had to put away the mysterious skill that was about to attack Long Ruoxi, and then walked under his feet to resist the virtual. After walking out more than ten steps, his body got rid of the inertia of the palm just now and was controlled by himself. At this time, he was already high. The edge of the martial arts arena. The teenager didn't have time to consider whether the other party was deliberately letting him, so he didn't take the action seriously. He introduced the sword formula, and the three-color lightsaber then formed a teleportation sword array, spinning around his body, and instantly sent him back to the high platform. Long Ruoxi put away the sword formula, and Tianji's sword turned into a white light and flew back to her hand. She faced Yan Song sideways and slowly pointed her sword at the latter. Yan Song, on the opposite side, pulled back the love sword from the three-color light sword around him, leaving only two swords to fly around his body without moving, but silently looking at the opposite side.

Flying sword fighting is relatively fresh for the spectators around. Although they have seen Liu Yun and others use spiritual swords before, it is really a little far away from today. This is simply a visual feast! For a moment, when the two stood still against each other, people around the high platform cheered and applauded.

"Sister, I must win the first place this time. This is related to the fate of our family. I will never give up!" Yan Song looked calmly at Long Ruoxi opposite him, paused and said, "You have to be careful. If necessary, I will use the seven mysterious magic silk given to me by the elders."

Long Ruoxi, who was opposite, looked calm, but when she heard the second half of Yan Song's sentence, she couldn't help frowning slightly, and her expression slowly closed: "Thank you for reminding me, I won't let you."

After saying that, the two fought together again. For a moment, the two white shadows came and went freely like flying immortals. The long sword turned into various swords and horizontally, sometimes fist to palm, sometimes palm to foot. For a moment, the mysterious spirit was like a spring living underground for a long time, constantly stirring around, and the huge impact energy was like a volcano that kept erupting, strong. The great lethality continues to spread around, and even if it is blocked by five elders, it is still difficult to reach the front. After ten moves, Yan Song was hit out by Long Ruoxi's palm again. He overflowed the protective sword spirit in the air, then returned to the high platform by relying on the transmission sword array, and then took out the dead wood beads from the ring.

Long Ruoxi saw a cyan bead in Yan Song's hand. Her face was pale. The Tianji sword in her hand suddenly waved the sword, and a five-foot-long sword light instantly hit out and pressed towards Yan Song. The green light of dead wood beads in Yan Song's hand flashed, and in a blink, she put the huge sword spirit into it. Then the teenager held the dead wood beads in his left hand and waved the love sword in his hand, using Tianxuan seven styles to attack Long Ruoxi. Long Ruoxi's cultivation is unfathomable. Even if Yan Song's magic skills are unique and the sword is biased, she still can't hurt her at all. However, when she turns away Yan Song's attack and then uses the mysterious swordsmanship to attack Yan Song, she is also turned away by the dead wood beads in Yan Song's hand.

In this situation, in the eyes of the students around the high platform, they couldn't help but be a little surprised. They saw that Long Ruoxi was not so difficult when they fought against Taiyan, but one sharp attack after another was turned away by Yan Song. In the eyes of the nine elders, they are obviously excited. As the highest-level fairy weapon in the Panlong Sword Academy, the dead wood can deal with Long Ruoxi, which is naturally used on the blade! Looking at the stalemate between the two, these elders seemed to see Yan Song's seven mysterious and sleepy threads and hit Long Ruoxi to the ground.

But the ruffian dean between them has a sultry face and doesn't like anyone. In his opinion, Long Ruoxi won and hurt the interests of Jianyuan, and Yan Song would grab his martial soul again. He was not optimistic about anyone. He couldn't wait to slap the two little dolls, and then abolish the rules of the ranking of Panlong Sword Academy! Only in this way can he safely integrate the martial soul of the mythical beast.

In the stands, Long Ruoxi climbed to the sky again and hit the thunder style that dealt with Taiyan yesterday. Suddenly, the wind and clouds on the high platform changed color, and the wind rose, clouds surged, lightning, thunder, and a thunderbolt cut down and went straight into the Tianji sword. Then with the wave of Long Ruoxi's sword, a huge electric arc split out at the speed, cracking the high platform with a bang, and the huge flow of energy directly flew out the five middle-aged masters around the high platform. Seeing this, the nine elders flew away from their seats one after another, and then surrounded the periphery of the high platform to protect a place. At the same time, they took action to stop the trend of continuous overflowing energy. Otherwise, the students around the high platform may be injured again. But even so, many students still fled crazily, and the flow of people panicked for a moment.

Yan Song, who was on the high platform, learned from yesterday's Tan Taiyan, used the transmission sword array to teleport behind Long Ruoxi above the sky, and then took out the dead wood beads - just as he was about to start the seven mysterious trapped god silk, he suddenly heard Long Ruoxi shouting "Yan Song!" in front of him, and then rushed Tightly put away the sword light that has not been completely cut. At that moment, his heart suddenly softened. At the same moment, someone around the high platform asked Long Ruoxi to be careful behind him, and Long Ruoxi also felt the subtle sound of the sound of the sword behind him. She suddenly turned around and saw Yan Song holding dead wood beads in her hand. Without saying a word, Tianji's sword directly lifted it up and hit Yan Song's waist.

Yan Song lost his mind and felt bad. The transmission sword light that had not faded all over his body lit up again, and the figure flashed away. The crowd below only saw Long Ruoxi in the sky turn around and cut. The strong white sword flew directly annihilated Yan Song, and then dispersed towards the distance. The big white sword screen hit ten feet straight out, and gradually disappeared into the air, but Yan Song's figure was no longer seen. Just as the nine elders were shocked, they were surprised to find Yan Song behind Long Ruoxi again. They couldn't help but be shocked: This boy is bold, and Long Ruoxi has suffered.

Sure enough, Long Ruoxi never thought that Yan Song would appear behind her twice. In a sense, such a move is completely contrary to the usual mindset of ordinary people. Yan Song wanted to use the seven mysterious magic silk, but in the end, he still disappointed the nine elders. In the expectations of those old guys, he only brushed Long Ruoxi's back with the heavenly sword hand, but was counterattacked by Long Ruoxi's instinctive body protection. The strong internal strength was much higher than Yan Song's heavenly swordsman, and the teenager was coldly counterattacked by the mysterious spirit. Force through the internal organs and prick the back and bottom.

Long Ruoxi turned around and looked calmly at Yan Song, who was pricking at the crowd. Suddenly, she seemed to realize something and muttered, "Why didn't you use Qixuan to trap the divine silk?" Thinking of this, looking at Yan Song's painful expression, Long Ruoxi naturally knew that the teenager was seriously injured. At that moment, the human sword was united, turned into a white light and flew down.

In the process of flying backwards, Yan Song almost couldn't move because he was hit by Long Ruoxi's protective body. When he opened his eyes, his body had flown to the bottom of the high platform. At the same time, he felt that someone behind him pulled him, and the downward trend slowed down. Immediately, the teenager heard Elder Haiyue, not far below, using sound transmission to him, so that he seized the opportunity to put Qixuan's trapped divine silk into Long Ruoxi's body behind him. When Yan Song was about to move, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the familiar figure in the crowd. It was Liu Yun! He saw Liu Yun looking at himself anxiously! At that moment, he suddenly remembered Xiaowei and thought of a lot of things...

Xiaowei's fate is not good, and Long Ruoxi's fate is so good. Now she is dedicated to saving her mother, but she is plotted by the veteran of the Sword Academy... At that moment, Yan Song doesn't want to see Xiaowei's fate again...