sword array

Chapter 214 masochism

However, it was said that a slender sword spirit of You Zhanshi hit Yan Song's eyebrows. People around him saw that this move could completely defeat the enemy and were ready to cheer, and the pink woman didn't want to see the blood. She threw a gold coin and walked out of the door.

But at this time, everyone thought that Yan Song, who was unable to resist, suddenly overflowed with a thick blue protective sword light, and the slender blue sword spirit of You Zhanshi split on the protective sword light, making a sound of a sword, and then it was melted away.

The people around can't help but "Ah?" With a sound, the woman in pink also stopped suddenly. Although the situation was a little unexpected, it did not allow her to turn around.

You Zhanshi was shocked. He didn't know the light of the body protection sword. He only thought that the other party's body surface overflowed with body protection mystery, and he had never encountered such a strong body protection mystery - just looking at this body protection mystery, the other party's cultivation will not be under him!

With one move, You Zhanshi's body immediately rolled back and retreated gracefully. When everyone saw his unrestrained and elegant movements, they were about to clap their hands and cheer, but suddenly saw a white-clad loose long sleeves, and nine purple lights broke out. In a blink of an eye, they passed through the body of You Zhanshi, which was still in the air, and then pulled it. Out of nine blood arcs, when it was about to hit the wall, a rapid turn, and the photoelectric generally flew back to the loose sleeve.

You Zhan's poem "Ah!" With a scream, the body that was pierced by the purple dragon's beard hole in the body could not complete the chic action just now. Directly relying on inertia, he turned his head and feet up and plunged to the floor at once. How his neck hit, but in the eyes of the people around him, they couldn't help trembling all over. They just wanted to I think it's cruel.

The woman in pink heard You Zhanshi's scream and quickly looked back, but saw her brother fall to the ground with several blood holes all over his body, which not only broke his veins and hurt his organs. At this moment, the blood was murmur, but she couldn't even move, but her chest twitched from time to time, and every time she pulled, a mouthful of blood rippled out of her mouth.

"Brother!" The woman in pink's face turned white in an instant. She looked at Yan Song for the first time and said angrily, "Who is sacred? Report it!" But to her surprise, Yan Song, who was opposite, didn't seem to hear her words at all. He was turning around and walking in the direction of the innkeeper and Xiao Er.

The woman in pink wanted to save her brother, but when she saw that the man in white on the opposite side ignored her existence, she ignited an anger when she was neutral. With her appearance, it was enough to make others line up to talk to her. There is no reason to ignore it!

She felt that her self-esteem had been hit and humiliated in an all-round way. At present, she didn't care about the serious travel poem. She pulled out the long sword behind her back and drew a few orange sword lights in front of her chest to form a flower that bloomed. Then she pinched the sword formula with her jade finger and pushed it, and the blooming orange flower was murderous. The ground flew to Yan Song.

Without saying a word, Yan Song turned his hand and sacrificed the dead wood beads. In an instant, he suddenly wrapped the flower composed of sword spirit, and then suddenly closed it and disappeared.

The woman in pink opposite her was shocked. She finally understood that her brother was not injured for no reason, but the enemy in front of her was really powerful. Although she underestimated her opponent by the blow just now, just like You Zhanshi underestimated her opponent, she could still vaguely feel the invisible murderous atmosphere all over Yan Song. .

The woman in pink is no longer careless, and she also hates her brother for being careless. At present, she waved the sword in her hand and plays a high-level mysterious skill, as if she wants to let her face go to death.

Until now, Yan Song realized how important Liu Yun's words were and how important it was to hide his strength. Although he did not hide his strength this time, it was because his own strength was higher than his opponent. In addition, after the Xuanxiu reached a high-level Xuanshi, he would form a force field, and this force field can hide his strength from opponents with comparable strength to a certain extent. If the opponent's strength is too strong, then this force field is useless. .

Based on this alone, Yan Song, as a seventh-order Xuanshi, saw the strength of his opponent when he saw You Zhanshi for the first time, and he deliberately behaved plainly and pretended to fall, which naturally blinded his opponent.

However, if you meet someone who is much stronger than yourself, the other party can also pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger by hiding his strength. In that case, it is himself who will suffer losses in the end. Therefore, Liu Yun is still very insightful, and the turtle is getting higher and higher in Yan Song's heart.

Seeing the other party make a powerful blow, Yan Song was already ready. He made a mistake under his feet and unfolded horizontally, leaving a shadow in place, and his body had already moved out of two. The huge sword spirit of the woman in pink could no longer stop, and suddenly broke the stairs from the first floor to the second floor in the inn!

The people around were in an uproar. When the inn owner and Xiao Er saw this, they cried for their father and mother. However, as soon as they saw the indifferent and angry eyes of the woman in pink, they instantly became dumb and dared not breathe. The innkeeper and Xiao Er couldn't help putting their hands together on their chest. They didn't know whether they were praying not to destroy other things in the inn or that the woman in pink would throw them a few round gold coins before she left.

The pink woman's eyes swept over the crowd and stared at Yan Song. Just as she was about to attack again, suddenly heard You Zhanshi, who fell behind him in a pool of blood, shout weakly: "Master, sister, save me--" After all, his head, which he raised with all his strength, hit the floor again because of weakness, and he was already gasping for breath. The sound became more rapid, and a wave of blood surged out of his mouth like a fountain. Seeing this, the woman in pink blurted out, "Brother!" and wanted to turn around to save You Zhanshi.

She turned around and just rushed forward. Suddenly, she heard a low and vast sound behind her, like thunder, but there seemed to be life. At the same time, he heard the crowd around him shouting: "Dragon's claws!"

She suddenly turned around and was about to make an action. Suddenly, she found that a blue mysterious spirit flashed in front of her. Before she could see what shape it was, she suddenly felt that her waist was wrapped by a huge force, and then checked the source, just like a huge blue dragon claw, and at the other end, it was connected to the arms of the enemy in white! She was shocked and couldn't help but "Ah!" With a sound, I wanted to struggle, but I couldn't struggle at all. The seemingly transparent light blue mysterious spirit around me was much stronger than I thought, and bursts of cold air penetrated straight into the bone marrow. She suddenly realized what might happen next, and at the same time thought of her brother's current situation, she finally put down her airs and couldn't help shouting, "Hero, stop, save my brother!"

Although You Zhanshi was unable to move, his mind was still relatively clear. Although he couldn't look back and didn't see anything just now, he heard his sister's screams. Now he saw Yan Song coming towards him. He wanted to beg for mercy, but he didn't have the ability. He could only use his eyes. God expressed that he would save Yan Song with those fearful eyes.

Yan Song squatted down and didn't look at his expression at all. He directly put his hand on him and suddenly pulled out a blue mysterious atmosphere. You Zhanshi's body was in pain, but there was nothing he could do. His eyes almost stared out, his eyes were white, and the blood in his mouth stayed for some reason, and his whole body was in a state of extreme contraction and convulsions.

Not long, Yan Song pulled a blue water lion out of the inner body of the exhibition poem. When the water lion left the body, the exhibition poem was as if it had been struck by lightning, from extremely quiet to extreme, and then moved again. The blood in his mouth began to flow out normally again.