sword array

Chapter 220 The Slaughter

Half a month later, Yan Song was basically familiar with the skills on the two dragon claws, and then left Feilaifeng with Long Ruoxi and flew to the fishing village where Wang Shui's family was located. Along the way, they carefully inspected the landform of the moon sea and found that the dehydrated ground seemed to be some huge man-eating seaweed, which was more eye-catching than the green lawn, but from a high altitude, it was obvious that they were some large and simple sea algae, squirming slowly in an obvious way, but if If you look below, it will move with the wind like ordinary grass...

This moon sea is very strange. In addition to the large seaweed, there are also giant sea ape monsters that have appeared before. Yan Song always feels that although this is a deep inland lake, in some ways, it is really more mysterious than the sea! Although what he saw is far from comparable to the abbot mountains and sea pythons he saw in the East China Sea, they are really giant sea monsters!

However, these strange things are not to worry about. The important thing is that they successfully found the broken dragon souls and successfully integrated them. The harvest alone in this regard is enough to dispel Yan Song's doubts and make him happy and excited for a while. The two did not land and walked directly in the air, facing the roaring wind. Soon, they flew to the small village of the fisherman.

Yan Song lived in Wang Shui's house for more than half a month. Naturally, he was very familiar with the location of his family. He took a look at the position high in the sky, and then fell into the courtyard of Wang Shui's house with Long Ruoxi. Brother Wang!" Yan Song shouted excitedly. Now it's almost noon, and he has to go to the next place to look for the dragon soul, but considering the kindness of Wang Shui's family, he can't help saying hello to them. Brother Wang!" Yan Song shouted again. Seeing that the other party still didn't open the door, he turned his head and said to Long Ruoxi, "The Lantern Festival has just passed, shouldn't you visit relatives?"

Long Ruoxi looked around and frowned slightly: "I feel so strange here. No one appeared at noon." As she spoke, she subconsciously gushed out her spiritual strength. The next moment, her face changed slightly, her bright eyes contracted, and looked at Yan Song and said, "I've got it!" Yan Song was shocked, and his face turned white directly. He didn't use his mental strength and rushed to the room with an arrow. There was a dry blood color in his eyes and a rotten smell in his nose. Wang Shui and his wife's bodies were folded on the ground, with their eyes open, and their necks were full of blood, and they could not close their eyes.

Yan Song rushed forward and set up the blood of the two. Long Ruoxi said lightly, "The blood is dry and has been dead for a long time." Yan Song took a deep breath and closed their eyes. He suddenly remembered something and rushed into the inner room. After a while, he rushed out and ran to the yard. Long Ruoxi didn't know why. After following Yan Song, she saw that Yan Song ran to the hut beside her again. She planned to follow up, but saw Yan Song come out again, holding a child's body in her arms.

"How could this happen?" Yan Song's eyes were a little moist, and his mind was constantly reflecting the happy scene of his previous life in the fisherman's house. This family of three was happy, simple and kind. How did they suddenly die by the family by this mountain lake!? Seal your throat with a sword, and don't even let go of such a small child. Who will do this?

Yan Song said this, and his eyes suddenly tightened. He quickly put down the body of the child in his arms. With a little under his feet, he jumped to the neighbor's house next to him, kicked the door open with a bang, and saw the rotten body again... Yan Song felt that his heart was not beating, and he rushed out of the door. I looked at several companies in a row, and the result was all like this!

He and Long Ruoxi searched the fishing village, and more than 200 families in the village saw blood! The two of them ran straight out of the village and planned to go to another village to have a look. As a result, they saw piles of about 20 or 30 people piled up in a grass. If Yan Song hadn't stepped on one of the bodies, they would not have seen it at all. An evil fire appeared in Yan Song's heart. He kept recalling the peaceful life and simple atmosphere of the whole fishing village. Why would such a group of people die?

He vowed that if he found out who killed them, he would avenge them! They came to another village and saw the same scene. They didn't give up and continued to walk forward. They didn't believe that thousands of fishermen around the huge moon sea could be killed by them!?

He walked through five or six villages in a row, and the result was this terrible scene. Yan Song couldn't help shouting in anger. He was a little crazy. If he found out who the murderer was, whether it was a gang or a sect, whether it was a local official or a powerful official, he would definitely destroy them!

Just when he lost his mind, Long Ruoxi, with a calm face, said lightly, "Don't worry, these people have just died. Judging from the wound, it's less than a day!" The death time of fishermen in several fishing villages we passed along the road is decreasing rapidly! I guess the murderer is likely to kill in a fishing village in front of him!"

When Yan Song heard this, he seemed to have taken a strange reassurance. Although he could not save these people, he was able to avenge these people! Without saying a word, he rose into the air and chased after him. As a result, as Long Ruoxi expected, he passed two or three villages in front of him. The time for the fishermen in the village to die rapidly decreased. By the third time, he only died for two hours!

So the two of them did not stop and continued to rush forward. On the way to the third village, they found four men and two women wearing long swords and various clothes. Yan Song gritted his teeth and was about to rush up, but he was pulled by Long Ruoxi: "Don't move first. Let's see who they are."

The impatient expression was slowly replaced by reason. Yan Song nodded and was determined to follow each other with Long Ruoxi. At this time, the sun was far to the west, but it was not very late, and the sky was still very bright. The two of them followed four or five miles and did not hear a word said by these people. Yan Song couldn't help it. Just as he was about to come forward, he saw one of them pointing forward, and the other three suddenly fell into the grass.

At this time, I heard one of the men in black say, "After killing this village, everyone will rest for a while and kill it tomorrow." A woman in green next to him said, "We are not here to kill, but to find someone. What we do these days is really too much. Moreover, if we do this, no one will tell the whereabouts of the boy!"

Another woman in pink said, "We have to use special methods to treat special people. We can't force him to do this. It shows how horrible this person is. If it really doesn't work, we have to go to the flying peak in the moon sea to find him! This demon is so vicious that I must kill him with my own hands!"

Yan Song's voice is familiar, but I can't say where I have seen her. At this time, a man in blue next to her spoke again. Long Ruoxi and Yan Song were most impressed by this person, because they expected that these people had a few samples, so they did not dare to act rashly. Even if they were tracking, they did not dare to get too close. Far away, everyone else walked normally, and only this person was limping and disabled. , only heard him say, "Even if I kill these cheap lives around the moon sea, I will also force him out. This revenge will not be revenged, and I will not wear the sky!"

Yan Song heard that this person is a tour exhibition poem. A few days ago, he met a tour exhibition poem in an inn! In this way, Yan Song, the familiar female voice just now, also heard that it was the arrogant sister You Zhanshi. From their conversation, Yan Song heard that the reason why they killed these people must be that they had beaten the two of them and injured them, which made them lose the face of the Tianxan Sword School.

Listening carefully to the tone of several people's words, Yan Song concluded that the other man and one woman must be the brother and sister of You Zhanshi. They are all from the Tianxue Sword Sect! Those who killed these fishermen in the village were all from the Tianxue Sword School! At that moment, a blazing flame suddenly ignited in Yan Song's eyes, which shocked Long Ruoxi next to him. Long Ruoxi did not recognize these people. Seeing Yan Song's expression, he was about to ask, but he saw that the teenager next to him rushed forward like an extremely crazy arrow away from the string.