sword array

Chapter 251 Combination of Two Swords

The combination of purple and blue swords is that the purple and green sword masters have a deep affection and a strong heart. Since ancient times, there have been countless purple and green sword masters of the Tianxue Sword School, but there are only three or four pairs that can really practice the combination of two swords.

These three or four pairs appear almost every hundred or even hundreds of years, and each pair is deeply affectionate to the extent of life and death. Now, 300 years have passed since the recent merger of the Purple and Green Swords. In Tan Taiyue's view, she is the most likely to achieve this good story with her brother Ruan Junchi. As a result, Ruan Junchi used her as a stepping stone at the critical moment of life and death and finally died in the Black Sea. Now, the girl in purple wants to merge with Yan Song. She has feelings for the latter, although she doesn't know that he is Yan Song when she pours her feelings.

But for Yan Song, he would not have any emotional entanglement with this genius girl anyway, so when the girl in purple closed her bright eyes and leaned over her face, intending to awaken the energy in the purple swords by kissing, Yan Song's mind suddenly flashed like Long Ruoxi, and she took two steps and looked into the distance. The latter, who is still fighting with the Lord of the Golden Light Sword.

In broad daylight, the gentle fragrance of Shan Taiyue was ignored by Yan Song, and the girl's self-esteem suffered a can be imagined: "Yan Song, would you rather die than fall in love with me?" Yan Song was stunned when he heard the words. Although this is serious, it is not true. At this moment, the teenager's heart is really contradictory. After all, if he dies, not only himself, but also Long Ruoxi and Mou Ya will die.

Seeing that Yan Song's eyes softened a little, Dan Taiyue didn't say much. He came forward again and suddenly hugged Yan Song. His soft chest pressed Yan Song's chest. His bright eyes were full of affection, and his red lips came up to Yan Song again. After Yan Song reacted, he almost subconsciously wanted to push the other party away, but the interests of Taiyue's words were still hovering in his heart. At this moment, he wanted to focus on the overall situation.

The teenager was motionless and silently accepted the behavior of Taiyue, but at this time, his eyes saw Long Ruoxi, who was fighting in the distance behind Taiyue, and saw that the woman in white was standing quietly and looking at him. Although the other party was expressionless, Qiu Shui's eyes were obviously gloomy. She stood still, as if the whole world was going away from her, and the long sword in her hand slowly drooped down.

Suddenly, Yan Song found that the golden sword master behind Long Ruoxi was swinging the golden sword while he was unprepared. Here, the cherry lips of the moon were immediately printed on his mouth. Over there, Long Ruoxi didn't seem to feel any danger at all. At the critical moment, Yan Song pushed the Taiyue away. As he moved his feet, his body turned into a white dragon, like lightning, winding away, and instantly rushed to Long Ruoxi's side and rolled the Yi people to more than ten feet. High in the sky, below, the golden sword split out, with overwhelming momentum, but it split into the air.

Yan Song helped Long Ruoxi fall to the peak of Ruoshui Peak. The two stared at each other and did not pay attention to the people below, let alone notice that after seeing this picture, Xing Taiyue collapsed weakly to the ground, with a dark face, two rows of tears across their cheeks, and they didn't even have the strength to choke. Yan Song said with lingering lingering heart, "Sister, why are you so careless? You were almost attacked by the Lord of the Golden Light Sword just now!"

Obviously, Long Ruoxi is not grateful because Yan Song could come and save her in the crisis. At this moment, her face was as calm as water and said lightly, "I don't want to see that scene. If it really has to be staged in front of me, maybe death is a relief." Yan Song's heart suddenly trembled, and he couldn't help saying "uh" because he was flattered. He looked at the beautiful woman opposite him and couldn't help holding her into his arms: "You can't die. Didn't you promise me to accompany me when I complete the task! If you die, it's meaningless to live!"

Yan Song seemed to hold a piece of beautiful jade in his arms, so careful and cherished it.

Long Ruoxi slowly put his hands on Yan Song's back and snuggled his head on the latter's shoulder, but he saw Yan Song's body move slightly. His hands gently supported her shoulders, and then held her hands: "Dead and death, tell Zicheng. Hold the hand of your son and take the old man with him. Long Ruoxi's plain face suddenly appeared with a little surprise, and a line of hot tears gushed out of Yan Song's eyes without blinking. Yan Song gently held Long Ruoxi's jade shoulder again, kissed the latter at the top of Ruoshui Peak.

The owner of the golden sword on the sword test platform instantly saved Long Ruoxi. Since he looked at the two of them at the top of Ruoshui Peak, he was furious and felt that he had received the biggest insult in the world. At the moment, at his feet, his body quickly flew to the sky. When the pure Xuanli was transported by air, the golden sword soared and waved a ten-foot sword. Mang, split it at the two of them.

The two sensed, turned into a white dragon again, and flew down like electric light. Suddenly, if the top of the peak was like thunder, the sound of the rumble was deafening. Because there were no idle people at the peak, the sword was almost the strongest horizontal blow of the Lord of the Golden Light Sword. As a result, the whole peak was split from the middle, the gravel splashed, and the cracks were like straight lightning, 30 feet long from top to bottom, looking up like a line of sky.

The people of the whole sword test platform fled everywhere in surprise and shouted repeatedly. Many people fled directly to the distance. Yan Song alone saw the power of the sword master of the heavenly cave. It turned out that they still had some scruples on the sword test platform. They were afraid of hurting outsiders and did not dare to do their best.

The white dragon swam into the air, and suddenly a dragon claw hand hit out. The moon below collapsed on the ground with some soullessness. If the water sword master was taking the opportunity to end the life of the rebel, he was caught by Yan Song's dragon claw hand and saved the latter from the high platform.

Xingtaiyue woke up like a dream. At first sight of Yan Song, she was a little overwhelmed with excitement. In her eyes, the other party was willing to save her in a crisis. It was a pity that she didn't see the scene at the peak just now.

At this time, she was about to speak, but she found that there was a sudden empty in her hand. Zichen sword and the young man in white in front of her disappeared at the same time. Since the young man in white flew into the air and waved the purple sword to the figure in white flying to him. It was Long Ruoxi. When Tan Taiyue saw this scene, her heart was cold. At the same time, she also sighed helplessly and said that I, the master of Zichen Sword, could not do it. Do you two people who have never been in contact with the Tianxu Sword want to merge the Purple Sword? It seems that the sky will bury me here... The girl seemed to penetrate time and space and saw the upcoming fiasco. She was desperate.

Yan Song and Long Ruoxi, holding the Aomori Sword and Zichen Sword respectively, jumped to the Ruoshui Sword Master below.

One of them understands the meaning of the bodhi sword, and the other practices the heavenly martial arts. It can be said that to some extent, they are both immortal geniuses. At the same time, the two of them don't understand the sword moves and swordsmanship of the purple and blue swords, but they know that since the two swords can be combined, they have their own differences in material and sword soul.

And what they have to do is to taste it with their heart, use their own cultivation to urge it, and use each other's hearts to bridge the energy exchange of the two swords... On the ground below, if the water sword master, the golden light sword master and the unarmed Aomori sword owner stand in a row, with a pale face. Looking at that appearance, it seems that they don't want to be more talkative and fight. Calculate the winner by one move.

On this side, Yan Song and Long Ruoxi are like flying immortals, wearing dusty white gowns and falling side by side on the ground. They still have their own skills. They pinched the swords, and the purple and blue swords suddenly came out and drew a few circles of silk around them. Then as they pointed forward, they turned into electric light and flew to the opposite three people.

The two swords flew straight over, and the owner of the Ruoshui sword and the owner of the golden light sword directly greeted each other. They only heard the two huge swords of the table tennis. The purple and blue swords flew backwards, and the Ruoshui sword and the golden light sword also suddenly came out of their hands. Seeing this, the two sword masters were shocked and jumped up. At the same time, they pinched the sword formula and planned to attract back the two swords. Suddenly, the purple and blue swords that flew out turned into two strong lights and attacked, and the table tennis sounded two swords directly hit the golden light sword and Ruoshui swords on the sky.

If the water sword master saw this, hummed coldly twice, and then pinched the sword formula. Suddenly, the water sword suddenly stopped high in the sky, and the infinite cold air broke out all over its body again, and the golden light sword also stopped in the air in an instant. When the golden light was shining, the long sword was like a divine iron, indestructible.