Extreme Hero

Chapter 21, Battle 2

Battle (II)

The gunshot that cut through the sky was very harsh in this particularly quiet suburb, and the sound was extremely shocking, as if the air was trembling and the eardrums were shaking with pain. The migrant workers on the Sanhai Pier have already fled. As for where they went, they can naturally be seen in Lin Feng's eyes. The big brother with Shandong accent hid under the tower that Lin Feng had stood before, still showing half of his head. The man who climbed up the tower crane and talked to Lin Feng stood in the cab of the tower crane like a wooden chicken. He didn't know where the bullet was fired. He didn't even have a chance to hide.

The number 20 people are pale and highly nervous. Looking at the scene in front of them, it is like acting in 3D movies, but it is much more intense than in 3D movies. Is this a movie? I looked around but didn't see where the camera and the director were.

The security guard in the duty room picked up the phone on the table with trembling hands, put it on his ears, and looked at Lin Feng like death. His eyes were staring far away. It was so shocking and exciting. They have never been so crazy for more than ten years to kill people with guns? How many security guards have seen with guns? They are all invited from the security company and selected through training. They also know something about guns, but they have never really killed people with guns.

Looking at Lin Feng, who was covered with blood, it seemed that the person standing in the pool of blood was himself. They picked up the phone and didn't know where he went. They longed for it. Men should be vigorous no matter what they do, but their security guards guard this place every day and have never seen any trouble. Today, they let them open up. Eyesight.

"Brothers, what should we do?" The security captain looked at the blood-blooded eyes of everyone and asked quietly.

"Fighty him." One of them looked at Lin Feng admiringly and said loudly.

"Who do we help?" The captain asked again.

"Whoever is powerful to help." After saying that, the guy picked up a shotgun behind the door of the security room and ran out of the security room. The shotgun they used to shoot seabirds and now became their weapon.

At the moment of the gunshot, Lin Feng suddenly felt that his whole body was wrapped in a fierce momentum and didn't want to run out, as if he had the ability to predict. As soon as he left, a palm-sized hole appeared on the original standing ground.

Lin Feng has been in the battlefield for a long time, and he has never seen what kind of situation he has seen. Not to mention the killer's eyes, even ordinary people have disrespectful eyes on him.

took a step back, raised the AK-47 in his hand, glanced at the place where the gun was fired, and made a crisp empty sound. Damn, at the critical moment, there are no bullets." Lin Feng cursed and waved his arm. The gun weighing about 10 catties was thrown out and hit the edge of the ship with a roar.

The people on the ship seemed to be counting the bullets in the AK-47 in Lin Feng's hand. At the moment when Lin Feng threw away the AK, the dense bullets poured in, as if they were free.

Lin Feng felt the squeezed air and scolded, "If you buy two bombs for a dime, I will throw 100 yuan first." He ran away. In the empty space he ran, 10 soldiers in black camouflage slid down the ladder directly on the boat, holding the AK-47 of the same model in their hands. Looking at the magazine in their hands, they knew that it was 90 bullets.

Lin Feng found a hiding place near a purple container in the 11 o'clock direction of the ship, just blocking the view of the ship with the help of the container, holding an M4A1 carbine in his hand, which he picked up on the ground while hiding. In Vietnam, Myanmar and Thailand, soldiers basically use AK-47, M4A1, and copycat 95. The M4A1 carbine was produced in 1993 and is a derivative of the M4. The gun weighs 2.68 kg, 30 rounds of magazines, and has an effective range of 600 meters. The power is not small. Lin Feng skillfully took out the magazine and looked at the remaining 20 bullets. At the bottom of his heart, it was enough for the time being.

At this time, the unique dull sound of "bang" suddenly sounded, as if the sky suddenly hit a muffled thunder, which scared Lin Feng. Even the Vietnamese soldiers who were still sliding did not grab the rope of the ladder and fell down directly. Of course, one of them was shot in the chest, and a piece of burning blood red appeared on his chest. The wound, a large piece of clothes were burned, and the smell of burnt meat permeated the air. It's disgusting.

"It's not good!"

Lin Feng did not say anything. A Vietnamese soldier raised the AK-47 in his hand and shot at the coming person. Lin Feng ignored being found and raised the M4A1 in his hand to shoot the Vietnamese man with a "bang" and shot him in the head.

"@¥%¥#@¥..." I heard the Vietnamese chatter again, and Lin Feng stamped her feet angrily, "Your grandma, you have the ability to speak Chinese, some bird language that I don't understand. If you dare to attack behind your back, I'll hit you in Vietnam." He scolded and looked at the security guards rushing out of the duty room one by one. He was so moved that he was about to burst into tears. He told himself in his heart, "I'm not fighting alone. I have found the feeling of the army again, just following a group of people who can't fight." It's not that Lin Feng looks down on their security guards. They are like flowers living in greenhouses. They look bright, but their vitality is not tenacious. They die in front of these desperate people with heavy weapons.

He can't let the people who protect them die, even these ineffective flowers.

A bullet hit the soles of Lin Feng's feet somewhere. Lin Feng was so scared that he shrank his neck, "There is a master!" He always felt that a pair of eyes were staring at him, but he could not accurately determine where he was. Unexpectedly, the person came was a sniper.

As a sniper, calmness is their compulsory course. It seems that this person's quality is not so high. Lin Feng knows that the sniper will not expose his target without completely defeating the possibility of the other party, and this pig has such a problem.

"In that case, it's up to me." Lin Feng looked at the security guards who rushed out one by one and were knocked down by the 10 Vietnamese for a while, and the Vietnamese were also more than half lying down. Lin Feng became more and more calm. Seeing that the man who fell had nothing to do with him, there was also some faint anger, which was anger at the enemy looking down on China. The casualties here are heavy, but we don't have weapons and the ability to protect ourselves, while the other party is different. They have heavy fire weapons in their hands, or several people fall down.

Lin Feng became more and more calm. He took off his navy blue coat and rolled out his sleeves, like a hand on the container, and then attracted a dense gunfire. The latter showed a smile. He grabbed the M4A1 carbine and ran to the other end of the container, saying that he was running, but the speed was very fast. Quickly, in the blink of an eye, he rushed over the 12-meter-long container, like a civet cat in the night. He climbed up the tower crane next to it, and then climbed up the copper wall and iron wall of the tower crane.

The migrant worker who stayed on the top of the tower crane looked at the arrival of the black god and was so scared that he was soaked. He was really scared. So many people died. Not many of him died. He had old and young children. Making money is to support the family. What should I do? What should I do? I was worried about it. Finally, I summoned up the courage to walk out.

The sound of the "dang" bullet hitting the metal, the migrant worker brothers were so scared that they took a step back. Their feet slipped, and their bodies were tilted out. Their hands grasped randomly on both sides at a loss. Their hands kept hitting the iron shelf and jingling. The back of their hands were red, but they couldn't grasp one. Their bodies had become 45 degrees. Root He had gone to balance the coordination ability. Suddenly, he had the idea of giving up. He knew that if he couldn't catch any pillar, he would be crushed to pieces. Under him were all horizontal iron rods. At this time, his hand inadvertently touched a cold object, which was a pillar. A tilted pillar suffered from the desire for life. His whole body was full of excitement, and his waist was full of strength. His body suddenly turned over in mid-air, his hands tightly hugged the pillar, and his body hung in mid-air.

Lin Feng, standing in the distance, looked at him as if he was flying in the air and pinched a cold sweat for him. If the latter really fell down, he must have felt guilty for the rest of his life. Thinking of his simple smile and simple words, there was a burst of warmth in his heart. In addition, he fired the gun.

Lin Feng didn't open it to the migrant brothers. He was afraid that the latter would be finished the next second. He was saving him. If he couldn't save people, he would have no face to see his lovely brothers again.

Seeing that the latter was fine, he lowered his hanging heart and climbed up to the highest point again. Here, a man in black camouflage was lying on the deck, showing half of his head below. "Ky, you don't know Grandpa is here." Lin Feng smiled. A bullet hit the iron frame beside him and wiped out a series of sparks. Lin Feng was shocked. The guy lying on the deck was originally a migrant worker hanging in the air. He didn't see Lin Feng, so he didn't shoot. Then he looked along and stood at the top of the tower crane, like a sun god - Lin Feng, was so high. At this moment, all the enemies below are looking up at their opponents.

"Papa!" Two bullets came, and Lin Feng knew that this was not the sound of a rifle, but the sound of a pistol, and the sound came from the cabin.

Two shots were fired, and all the stunned guys reacted. Only then did they realize that it was their enemies standing at the highest point.

"Are we just beaten by this boy?" A man wearing a straight black suit, a pure white shirt, without a tie, two buttons under his neck, his eyes were slightly bent, the corners of his mouth were raised, about 30 years old, his hair was combed back, his white skin, pointed chin, and looked at Lin Feng standing at the highest place through the glass of the cabin and said lightly.

"Yes." The man in the same suit standing next to him said respectfully that his momentum was not a little weaker than his companions.

"Interesting, didn't Shen Kun say that there was no danger? This is our first time here. Why did we get attacked? Can't someone betray us?" Shao Mingfei looked at his companion with sharp eyes, and his voice was still flat, and it sounded like questioning.

"I'll call and ask right away."

"Forget it, let's solve this matter by ourselves. Don't bother him." After Shao Mingfei finished speaking, the corners of his mouth raised again, and there was a touch of fun in his eyes.