Extreme Hero

Chapter 31, unhappy!

Tang Kejia put his arms around Lin Feng's arm and went out of the restaurant. He loved and hated the latter. How could this boy be such a scoundrel? Why didn't I see it?

"My face is dazzled?" Lin Feng suddenly asked.

"Yes, otherwise how could I look at you?" Tang Kejia blushed and was about to quibble when he pushed the boat along the water.

"Little sister, you should be honest and trustworthy. You have to tell the truth. Am I particularly handsome?" Lin Feng asked shamelessly with long bangs.

"You just stink."

"Why am I so beautiful? I'm telling the truth, otherwise how would you like me? Hey~~" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I don't like you. It's all you chasing me." Tang Kejia's beautiful face blushed and quibbled.

The five people behind them stared at each other with big bags on their backs and small eyes. The eldest brother is the eldest brother, who can flirt in public.

According to their own introduction, they are from Liaoning, Northeast China. The eldest is called Yishui, the second is called Yi, the third is called Yiqiang, the fourth is called a tiger, and the youngest is called success. After listening to these names, Lin Feng had a chill. This name was too good. Somehow, Lin Feng didn't hear the northeastern flavor in their mouths. According to their words, there must be a city when they enter the city. Since they can't get in, they should improve their language, which made Lin Feng admire them for a while.

While Lin Feng was flirting with Tang Kejia, a black Honda car came in front of Lin Feng. The car stopped and jumped down from the car. Lin Feng knew this person and only knew him today. Seeing this person, Lin Feng's heart skipped, but his expression remained unchanged.

"Mr. Lin, our boss, please come over." The person who came was Song Yuandong, Lin Feng's driver, wearing that brown dress, with no expression fluctuation on his face.

What makes Lin Feng unhappy is what kind of force they are, and how can they find them here? If so, half of Shanghai's world can be theirs... Did they also know about the Sanhai Pier last night? If so, the progress of things will be a little troublesome.

"Okay." Lin Feng nodded to Song Yuandong, turned around and said to Tang Kejia, "You take them to arrange a place to rest first, and I will come back to arrange it in the evening."

"You should be careful." Seeing that Lin Feng was about to leave, Tang Kejia's pretty face turned into worry and said with concern.

"It's okay, hehe~~" Lin Feng didn't say anything to Tang Kejiaduo, and didn't need to say anything more. He just turned around and said coldly to the five people behind him, "I left you five, but you can't make trouble for me. Now you can just follow her. I'll arrange it when I come back at night. Do you hear me?"

"Thank you, brother."

"I know."

"I heard."

"We must not make trouble."

The public had different mouths, but they all agreed obediently. Lin Feng smiled and said, "Okay, you go first." Lin Feng found a taxi and left after Tang Kejia's car. Lin Feng followed Song Yuandong.

On the way, Lin Feng thought about a lot of things. Originally, he thought that he could better contact Wu Jianhao when he entered the ocean. Now it doesn't seem to be so easy. He can find me without his own awareness. It seems that I have underestimated them and have to study the USB flash drive in his pocket later.

The USB flash drive should be sent by Jiang Wei, the deputy leader of the drug delivery team. For them, they are thieves. It is easy to get in and out of the community. This is the combat experience they have accumulated over the years. Lin Feng will not do this kind of work easily. For Lin Feng, he must be dignified. How can he sneak out? Even if he wants to be sneaky, he can't let people know.

Thinking that at an intersection of the traffic light in front of him, Lin Feng's road was a green light. Song Yuandong drove the car to the middle of the road and rushed out of an Audi next to him and came straight for Lin Feng's co-pilot. Lin Feng was shocked, but did not panic. Looking at the car getting closer and closer, the passers-by around him grew up and shouted. When he came out, Lin Feng's big hand stroked the steering wheel in Song Yuandong's hand and suddenly turned down. Honda suddenly rotated in the middle of the road. The "squeaky" tire made the ground make a harsh sound. "Bang" the car hit the rear of Honda.

The vehicles and pedestrians sweated for it, and they admire the drivers who drive. In this case, they can face danger.

Lin Feng also wiped a cold sweat on his forehead and got out of the car angrily. Regardless of the eyes of vehicles and pedestrians, he walked to the Audi car. With a "clink" sound, the door was pulled off. Lin Feng grabbed the car door and threw away the man who was scared to pale in the car, regardless of the hard smashing it. In the past.

With a muffled sound, the man spewed out a mouthful of blood, with two big teeth, "Damn it, is it that you are too long to come to bury with me? Say!" Lin Feng cursed angrily.

He is not really angry. He just wants to vent his unhappiness. No matter who walks on the street, someone suddenly runs to you and says, "The boss wants you to go back to the company." What do you think? Are you being monitored? Lin Feng is very depressed. Naturally, his sharpness has nothing to say, and he can still be found. However, Lin Feng was known by Wu Jianhao because the incident in the "Qiulanduo" restaurant was too eye-catching.

"Well, he didn't mean it." I don't know when Song Yuandong came to Lin Feng and grabbed the latter's raised fist and said calmly. He was not surprised by Lin Feng's extreme behavior at all, and his eyes were surprisingly calm, which made Lin Feng even more angry.

Throw away the chicken-like trembling man in his hand, "Don't let me see you again, and I'll blow your head next time." Lin Feng got into the car again after scolding. The more he thinks about it, the more wrong it is. He can't explain what's wrong.

On the top floor of a shopping mall, Shen Kun looked at the video uploaded from the table and computer and said to the old man in black Tang costume next to him, "Is Lin Feng just like this? Such a small thing can make such a big fire."

Wang Bo didn't say anything.

Shen Kun didn't care, and then said, "Are they coming soon?"

"Yes, young master." Wang Bo said lightly.

"Did you find out who did it?"

"According to the description of the construction worker on the dock, this person is very similar to Lin Feng."

"Take two photos and compare them. If it's really him, find someone to do him." Murder appeared in Shen Kun's eyes.

Ocean Transportation Company, Lin Feng went directly to the top floor.

"Boss." Song Yuandong nodded to Wu Jianhao, that is, he retreated and closed the door by the way. Only Lin Feng and Wu Jianhao were left in the huge office.

Wu Jianhao held a cigar in his mouth, looked at Lin Feng slightly, and took a breath and spit out circles from time to time.

Lin Feng didn't care either. His daughter saw what she would behave like. Anyone had to observe each other and want to find the answer on him.

But after being watched for a long time, Lin Feng was uncomfortable.

"Can you tell me?" Wu Jianhao suddenly said.

"What did you say?" Lin Feng went to the chair in front of Wu Jianhao and sat down, facing the former and said.

"Why did my daughter see you in that state? What on earth did you do to my daughter?" Wu Jianhao's voice was not happy.

"This is also the answer I want to know." Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders.

"You are challenging my patience."

"If you don't believe it, I can't help it."

"Can my daughter be cured?" Wu Jianhao's voice softened and looked at Lin Feng pressing the cigar in his mouth into the ashtray. The performance of the former stunned Lin Feng. It seemed that he really loved his daughter very much.

"Your daughter was frightened, which may have something to do with the kidnapping that day. If you believe me, go to the countryside to find a ghost to see and let them return their souls. This is how the children in the countryside are cured."

"Mr. Ghost?" Wu Jianhao also knew that there were such people in the countryside, but he had always thought that it was a superstition. Now Lin Feng mentioned it again, did he really want to find such a person to come and have a look?

Lin Feng saw the boss's hesitation and then said, "If you believe it, leave it to me."

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." Wu Jianhao nodded. He can save his daughter for the first time, and I also believe that he can wake up the second time. I really can't see that such an ordinary person can know so much. Kung fu, he can play the piano, he can, and he still face danger. What else can he do? Wu Jianhao looked at Lin Feng.

"I'll give you two days. You don't have to come over these two days, just go to the ghost." Wu Jianhao sighed, I don't know why he was so relieved to him.

"I'll leave if there's nothing wrong with me." After saying that, Lin Feng walked out.

"Oh, by the way," Lin Feng remembered something. "I have a mobile phone. You can call me if you need anything. That said your number. I still don't know what my number is." Lin Feng said shyly.

Lin Feng left the number, and there was an extra number in his mobile phone. Before leaving, Wu Jianhao sent Song Yuandong to Lin Feng as an exclusive driver, which made Lin Feng despise for a while. He could still run away and need to monitor it all the time.

"Where are you going?" Song Yuandong asked in the car.

Lin Feng was in the co-pilot's cab and looked at the pedestrians coming and going in front of the car, "Don't you need to repair the car?"

Song Yuandong was stunned for a moment and looked at the latter, "Om!"

Lin Feng went to the mall and bought five sets of clothes. The price was not very expensive. From then on, the five brothers followed him. He couldn't let them wear so shabby. According to their size, he put them on the car, went to the auto repair factory, and parked the car there. Lin Feng suggested that the two go for a walk and talk. Song Yuandong had no objection. .

"How long have you been following Wu Jianhao?" One year and one month.

"It's been so long," Lin Feng looked at the blue and a little dark sky. "Hey hey" smiled, "Did he take you to pick up girls?"

"Hm?" Song Yuandong was stunned, "No."

"Uh~~No." Lin Feng was very disappointed, "If there are girls, wine and meat to eat, it will be cool. Do you want to have a drink? I'll treat." After saying that, Lin Feng dragged him to a pub beside him regardless of the latter's promise.