Extreme Hero

Chapter 47, something exciting!

At the beginning of the lantern, it is glorious.

The mountainous and watery villa area of Napal Bay shows the color of emerald under the light, green, the branches and leaves of the mountains are green, and the river flows like the Milky Way at a high place and shines under the light.

There stood a man in brown clothes and a plate by the river, looking at the scenery in front of him. I don't know what he was thinking. From time to time, there was laughter in the most luxurious villa in Napal Bay, but this laughter did not belong to Song Yuandong.

In the villa, five people sit around a marble table, where there are colored and fragrant dishes. There are also two bottles of Maotai with five stars and a bottle of bull's head and horse noodles.

Wu Jianhao sat in the seat, wearing a white shirt, holding a wine glass with a red face, and half a glass of white wine in the glass. He looked at Lin Feng sitting opposite and said something.

Sitting on Wu Jianhao's left is his wife Luo Xiang, holding a goblet with a blood-red ** in the cup. With the shaking of Luo Xiang's wrist, the blood-red ** emitted a charming light under the light. On the right side of Wu Jianhao sat his beloved daughter Wu Xinyuan, wearing a pink sportswear and wearing a ponytail. Although there were countless beautiful clothes in her wardrobe, he still chose an ordinary dress. Women are born to dress up, and Wu Xinyuan is no exception, but she is not suitable for aristocratic life in order to supplement her nutrition. , put a glass of pure milk in front of her.

Lin Feng sat opposite Wu Jianhao, also holding a glass of white wine. He didn't know what to say and didn't drink. He buried himself in the rice and didn't even eat the dishes. Thanks to Lin Feng picking some vegetables for him, he made a joke.

Lin Feng knew that one was from the countryside, and two fried red chicken-tail shrimp and clams were sandwiched on the table. His old man even ate the shell. Later, Lin Feng taught him how to eat shrimp and river clams, which made one more embarrassing. He wished to put his head into his crotch.

I have to say that Wu Jianhao's cooking skills are really amazing, and the chef of a five-star hotel may not be able to reach his level. He is really unattainable and the sea is immeasurable. Wu Jianhao, the underground bully in Shanghai City, has such a skill. This is not to make many people hit the wall.

Lin Feng looked at Wu Jianhao's happy appearance and also loosened his belt, looking like a family chatting and eating happily. Wu Jianhao knew that his daughter's life was saved, but in the end it was Lin Feng's credit. Naturally, he knew how he got to Lin Feng's side. As Wu Jianhao, he knew that Lin Feng followed Feng to tie the bone door last night.

Wu Jianhao blushed and took out a check in his trousers pocket and handed it to Lin Feng and said, "Brother, this money is a little interesting. Please accept it. I know that without you, I think my baby daughter would not have woken up in her life. You saved the little girl's life twice, and Wu Jianhao owes you twice. In the future, as long as you have something to do, you will definitely do it!"

"All-in-one?" Suddenly, he raised his head, put down his chopsticks and counted his fingers, "Brother, isn't this two words?"

"Eat." Lin Feng gave a funny look. Yi answered, buried his head again, and then raised his head with a puzzled face, "Brother, what does it mean to be arranged?"

Lin Feng stared at him again and unwillingly buried his head to eat.

Wu Xinyuan, who was sitting aside, stared at Lin Feng and looked at the latter's handsome appearance. Unexpectedly, her heart rippled. "He saved me twice? He saved me twice.

"Boss, I absolutely can't take this money, not to mention..."

"Call me brother!" Wu Jianhao suddenly interrupted Lin Feng's words, his face was rigid, and he shouted coldly, "Am I Wu Jianhao not worthy to be your brother?" Ah? In those years, I, Wu Jianhao, was a famous figure in Shanghai, just because... later..."

"Jianhao, you are drunk. Go back and have a rest." Luo Xiang quickly put down the goblet, interrupted Wu Jianhao, and helped him say.

"Drunk? Joke, when did I, Wu Jianhao, get drunk? Don't help me. Wu Jianhao tilted down the hand on his shoulder and walked to Lin Feng. Lin Feng also hurriedly stood up to help the latter.

"Brother, you...er! I...uh! ...Don't look down on your brother...Uh! Back then, you... brother, I... are much better than now."

"I know, brother...brother...go and have a rest. You're really drunk." Suddenly, the word "brother" is a little unaccustomed to it.

"I'm not drunk. Where am I drunk?" Wu Jianhao said, sliding his hands, falling down and falling asleep.

"Help him into the house..." Luo Xiang was about to come forward when Lin Feng stopped his waist and picked him up. "Damn it, it's so heavy!" Lin Feng cursed in his heart. Under the leadership of Luo Xiang, he went up to the third floor and threw it at his luxurious and soft big **, which actually made Lin Feng sweat. It can be seen that Wu Jianhao is heavy.

All the time, Wu Xinyuan was looking at Lin Feng, and I don't know what she was thinking.

It was 11 o'clock in the middle of the night when Lin Feng left together. Lin Feng felt that at the moment when Wu Jianhao tilted, the check in the latter's hand was put into his pocket, that is to say... Wu Jianhao was not drunk?! Lin Feng suddenly judged, but why did he pretend to be drunk? Think carefully, before the two have finished drinking two bottles of Maotai, it is impossible for anyone who drinks to be poured down by two bottles of Maotai, not to mention the boss of the society who has been living for a long time. Since he has given it, then put it away.

Song Yuandong drove the car and asked indifferently, "Where are you going?"

Lin Feng looked out of the shining window and said, "Find a bar nearby."

Wu Jianhao was indeed not drunk. When Lin Feng and the others left, Wu Jianhao got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. Wu Xinyuan returned to her room. Luo Xiang looked at Wu Jianhao who was taking a shower and asked softly, "Why do you pretend to be drunk?"

"With static braking." Wu Jianhao answered indifferently. Luo Xiang did not say anything more. He took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Song Yuandong carried Lin Feng and two people to a bar called 1982. When he walked into the bar, the heat wave was mixed with the smell of alcohol and sweat, which was simply smelly.

He also hurriedly blocked his mouth and nose with his sleeves, "Brother, what is this place? It stinks." The most calm Song Yuandong also frowned.

Lin Feng walked in the direction of the bartender. At the bar counter, a handsome young man held a bartender in his hands and rotated with his ten fingers, constantly changing into various patterns, emitting colorful colors under the light.

"Brother, what is he holding? It looks fun."

"Would you like a cup? That's still very good."

"That...let's forget it." He whispered.

Lin Feng smiled. Somehow, he was in a good mood and said to his buddy, "Let's have a cup of Manhattan."

The man agreed, taking a cup of dark golden Manhattan in the bartender's hand, with fragrance and a cherry floating at the low end of the glass.

Lin Feng put this glass of wine in front of the clerk's hand, "Here you are, taste it slowly."

An excitedly took the cup of dark golden transparent wine in the latter's hand and couldn't bear to drink it. He took a careful sip, and suddenly the fragrance was strong, sweet and delicious, and the alcohol content was not high, but his face was instantly blood red. He had never touched this kind of thing, so naturally he didn't know it.

Lin Feng looked at a "haha" and smiled at Song Yuandong, "What do you want?"


Then Lin Feng called two bottles of vodka, took two cups, and watched his eldest brother drink. He couldn't bear to drink the wine in his hand. He also asked for a cup and drank ups and downs.

"You'd better drink that thing, or you won't be able to drink it later."

"Oh." A reluctantly picked up the wine glass and carefully poured the dark gold ** into the stomach, which was still not enough.

"I want to drink it again." Lin Feng said to one, and then pointed to the clerk, "Man, is there anything exciting?"

PS: This book has reached 140,000 words. Some officials have made suggestions to Thirteen that they have not understood what the book is going to talk about. The book rarely involves the main content. This complaint is 13 always thinking of ignoring small details in big places. So from today on, our story will start from small things.

During this period, Thirteen is very busy. He is about to graduate and is receiving devilish training from the company, so he basically has no time during the day, so the code time is at night, and there is only one chapter. Even so, Thirteen will try his best not to break the update. Let's support it, collect it and give two red tickets!

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